RECORD: Anon. [Report of a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society]. 1840. The Times (26 May): 5.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data, prepared by John van Wyhe 8.2008. RN1

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[page] 667

ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY.—The anniversary meeting was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. G. B. Greenhough, F.R.S., president, in the chair. The report of the council, which was read by the president, exhibited every department of the society in successful operation. During the past year 65 new members had been elected, and the present number was 697, exclusive of 60 foreign and corresponding members. The presents to the library consisted of 540 volumes and 680 maps and charts, amongst the donors being the Depôts de Guerre et de la Marine of Paris, and the King of Bavaris, from whom valuable contributions had been received. During the past year there had been paid on account of the Curdistan expedition 685l; to the expenses of the expedition to Guiana, 100l; and to the expedition by the native of Dongola to the White Hill, 50l. Atthesuggestion of Major Jarvis, it was resolved by the council that a fall copy of the society's transactions should be forwarded to every military station in India. The funded property of the society was 4,800l. in the 3 per Cent. Consols, and amongst the receipts were 62l.10s., being the Royal premium; 30l. from the Church Missionary Society, and a donation of 300l. to the Curdistan expedition. Lord Colchester proposed a vote of thanks to the council of the Horticultural Society for the gratuitous use of their rooms for the purposes of the society, which was seconded by Mr. Nettleship. Sir Joseph Laffan next proposed a vate of thanks to Lord Prudhoe, Sir J. C. Hobhouse, and the other retiring members' of the council, which was seconded by the Rev. Hugh Hodgson, and unanimously carried. Serutineers having been appointed, the meeting proceeded to the election of council and officers, when Mr. Greenhough was re-appointed President, Mr. G. Long elected Vice-President, and the Earl of Enniskillen, Sir J. Ronnie, Sir J. M'Neill, Rear-Admiral Sir C. Malcolm, Major Charteris, R. A., Mr. C. Darwin, and Mr. J. Berers, were elected new members of the council. The members dined afterwards at the Thatched-house Tavern.

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