RECORD: Waterhouse, G. R. 1841. [A drawing, and the tail and jaws of a new species of Delphinus]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 23-24.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 6.2008. RN1
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here.
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February 28, 1838.
Richard Owen, Esq., in the Chair.
Some observations were made by M. Bibron upon two European species of Triton indigenous to this country, Triton cristatus and Trit. marmoratus, which many naturalists consider to have been erroneously separated. M. Bibron, however, entertains no doubt whatever of their being really distinct, and pointed out a character by which he states they may readily be distinguished, and which he believed to have been hitherto unnoticed. This distinction consists in the form of the upper lip, which in Triton cristatus is so largely developed as to overlap the under lip posteriorly when the jaws are closed, a condition never present in Trit. marmoratus.
Mr. Ogilby exhibited and characterized, under the name of Macropus rufiventer, a new species of Kangaroo which Mr. Gould had received from Tasmania, where it is known by the name of Wallabee. The external incisor tooth of the upper jaw was marked by a duplication or fold: the general colour of the animal above was grayish brown, considerably darker than the wild rabbit, and copiously intermixed on the back with pure black hairs, which in certain lights gives this part a perfectly black appearance; the paws and outer surface of the fore-legs are of the same colour; the tarsus and hind paws brown; the thin, throat, belly, and abdomen, sandy red, more or less intense; ears yellowish red within, brownish black without; tail rather short, dark brown above, dirty yellowish on the sides, naked, and granulated two-thirds of its length on the under surface; claws Long and pointed; nose naked; length of body 2 feet; of tail 1 foot 2 inches.
Mr. Waterhouse exhibited a drawing, and the tail and jaws of a new species of Delphinus, which he characterized as
DELPHINUS FITZROYI. Delph. suprà niger; capitis corporisque lateribus, corporeque subtus, niveis; caudâ, pedibus, labioque inferiore, nigris; fasciis latis duabus per latus utrumque obliquè excurrentibus, hujusque coloris fasciâ utrinque angulo oris ad pedem tendente.
ft. | in. | lin. | |
Total length (measuring along curve of back) …… | 5 | 4 | 0 |
Length from tip of muzzle to vent ……… | 3 | 10 | 9 |
Length from tip of muzzle to dorsal fin …… | 2 | 6 | 5 |
Length from tip of muzzle to pectural ……… | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Length from tip of muzzle to eye ……… | 0 | 9 | 9 |
Length from tip of muzzle to breathing aperture (following curve of head) | 0 | 10 | 7 |
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ft. | in. | lin. | |
Length from tip of muzzle to angle of mouth ……. | 0 | 7 | 9 |
Length of dorsal fin (along the anterior margin) …. | 1 | 0 | 5 |
Height of ditto …………… | 0 | 6 | 4 |
Length of pectoral, (along anterior margin) ……. | 1 | 2 | 8 |
Width of tail ……………… | 1 | 4 | 5 |
Girth of body before dorsal fin ……… | 2 | 0 | 6 |
Girth of body before pectoral fin ……… | 2 | 8 | 2 |
Girth of body before tail fin ………… | 0 | 7 | 8 |
Girth of head over the eyes ……… | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Habitat, Coast of Patagonia, lat. 42° 30′. (April). |
"This species, which I have taken the liberty of naming after Captain Fitzroy, the Commander of the Beagle, approaches, in some respects, to the Delphinus superciliosus of the 'Voyage de la Coquille,' but that animal does not possess the oblique dark-gray bands on the sides of the body; it likewise wants the gray mark which extends from the angle of the mouth to the pectoral fins. In the figure, the under lip of the Delph. superciliosus is represented as almost white, whereas in the present species it is black: judging from the figures, there is likewise considerable difference in the form. The figure which illustrates this description agrees with the dimensions, which were carefully taken by Mr. Darwin immediately after the animal was captured, and hence is correct."
Mr. Gould exhibited two species of the genus Ptilotis, which he characterized as Ptil. ornata, and Ptil. flavigula.
PTILOTIS ORNATA. Ptil. vertice, alarum marginibus externis, nec non caudæ olivaceis; dorso uropygioque brunneis; gulâ, genisque olivaceo-fuscis; pectore corporeque subtus cinerescentibus, singulis plumis notâ latâ brunneâ in medio ornatis; crisso pallidè badio plumis fusco, striatis, penicillâ nitidè flavâ utrumque colli latus ornante; notâ longitudinali sub oculos olivaceâ; primariis rectricibusque caudæ fuscis, his ad apicem externum albis; rostro nigrescente; pedibus brunneis.
Long. tot. 6½ unc.; rostri, ¾; alæ, 3 5/8; caudæ, 3 1/8; tarsi, ¾.
Hab. Swan River, Australia.
PTILOTIS FLAVIGULA. Ptil. capite, nuchâ, genis, corporeque inferiore nigro-griseis, hoc colore apud abdomen crissumque olivaceo tincto; plumis auricularibus argenteo-cinereis et post has guttâ flavâ; gulâ flavâ; alis, dorso, caudâque, flavescenti-olivaceis; femoribus olivaceis; rostro pedibusque nigrescentibus.
Long. tot. 8 unc.; rostri, 1; alæ, 4¼ caudæ, 4¼ tarsi, 1.
Hab. Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 4 December, 2022