RECORD: Gray, John Edward. 1845. [Specimens presented by Darwin in] Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. London: Newman.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 6.2008. RN1
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here.
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* Front of the upper arm with rhombic scales. Ventral shields in 10 series. Cnemidophorus.
The MURINE TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus murinus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 126. Seps murinus, Laur. Syn. 63. Seba, Thes. ii. t. 105, f. 2. Lacerta Ameiva, Daud. Rept. iii. 98.
Nostrils in the suture between 2 plates; front edge of the upper arm with small rhombic scales only, the second shield on the under side of the hind leg largest, nearly as broad as long; purplish (in spirits), with a series of large bluish spots on each side of the back.
a. Half-grown, in spirits, discoloured?
The LONG-TAILED TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus longicauda. Ameiva longicauda, Bell, Zool. Beagle, 28, t. 15, f. 1.
Nostril in the middle of the nasal; scales of the front of the fore arm large, rhombic, smooth, in 2 series; front upper labial trigonal, angle rather truncated; shields under the legs 6-sided, third largest; tail elongate, scales rhombic, strongly keeled; white, upper part and sides with numerous black streaks.
a. In spirits. Tail imperfect. Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
** Front of the upper arm shielded. Ventral shields in 8 series. Taraguira.
The TAGAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus lemniscatus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 128. Lacerta lemniscatus, Daud. Rept. iii. 175, t. 36, f. 1, young. Petiv. Gaz. t. 150, f. 11. Seba, i. 144, t. 91, f. 3. Ameiva lineata, Gray, Ann. N. H. i.
Blue, back black-lined, sides white-spotted; nostrils on the suture of the nasal shield; front of the fore arm with 2 complete series of dilated shields; male with a sharp spur on each side the vent; second, third and fourth shields on the outer side on the under part of the hind leg largest, transverse and subequal; preanal plates 4, in 2 series.
a, b. Male, adult and half-grown, in spirits. Tropical America.
The SHIELDED TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus scutata.
Blue, with black dorsal streaks, sides paler spotted; nostrils in the suture of the nasal shields; front of the upper fore arm with 2 series of dilated shields; the second and third shields on the outer side of the under part of the hind legs very large, third largest, nearly as long as broad; preanal plates 3, large; males with a spur on each side of the vent.
a, b. Male, adult, and female, half-grown, in spirits.
The SIX-LINED TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 131? Lacerta saxlineata, Linn. S. N. i. 364.
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Head pyramidical; internasal large; frontonasal none (or united to the former); frontoparietal and parietal separate (or united?) Nostrils lateral. Eyelids distinct. Ear with a long narrow scale in front. Body elongate, subcylindrial. Toes 5-5, unequal. Tail elongate.
The PLEUROSTRICHUS. Pleurostrichus sepiformis. Scincus sepiformis, Schn. Amph. 291. Merrem, Tent. 70. Dum. et Bib E. G. v. 385. Bell. Zool. Voy. Beagle, 29, t. 15 ,f. 2. A. Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr. t. 42, f. 13—16.
Yellowish brown, with 12 brown streaks; scales of the back and sides large, equal, strongly striated, in 13 series; of the tail slightly keeled; ventral shields 8-rowed.
a. Half-grown, in spirits. S. Africa.
b. Half-grown, in spirits. S. Africa. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
The SMOOTH-TAILED PLEUROSTRICHUS. Pleurostrichus subtessellatus. Gerrhosaurus subtessellatus, A. Smith, Illust. Zool. S. Afr. Rept. t. 41, f. 1. G. tessellatus, A. Smith, l. c. t. 42, f. 17, 20.
Back yellow brown, edged on each side with a brown and white tessellated streak, beneath greenish; body elongate, depressed; scales of body and tail smooth, not keeled; "fronto-parietal and parietal united on each side."
Inhab. S. Africa. Great Namaqua Land. Mus. Dr. A. Smith.
9. SAUROPHIS, Fitzinger, Weigm. Tetradactylus, Merrem, (not Peron). Chalcides, Daud.
Head pyramidical, shielded. Temple shielded. Palate toothless. Nostrils lateral, in the upper labial, an anterior and a posterior nasal plate. Eyelids distinct. Ear with a lobe in front. Body very long, narrow. Sides with a groove. Scales of back rhombic, smooth. Legs very short. Toes 4-4, short, compressed, smooth below; claws elongate. Femoral pores distinct.
The SAUROPHIS. Saurophis tetradactylus. Tetradactylus Chalcididus, Merr. Tent. 75. Lacerta tetradactyla, Lacep. Ann. Mus. ii. 351, t. 59, f. 1. Schinz, Rept. t. 42, f. 1. Daud. Rept. iv. 362. Guerin, Icon, t. 16, f. 2. Saurophis Seps, Fitz. Rept. 50. S. Lacepedii, Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 389.
Fulvous, scales brown-edged; lips and lower edge of the temple white, black-spotted; scales of the back striated, with a small central keel, in 14 series; ventral shields 6-rowed; femoral pores 5 or 6.
Inhab. S. Africa? Australia??? Mus. Paris.
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Brown, with a white horse-shoe shaped band on the nape from the upper lip; back, rump and tail with a broad transverse white band; beneath whitish; tail with an oblique series of 3 conical spines on each side of its base; tubercles of the crown and scales of the threat and chest smaller.
a. In spirits. Penang, Chittagong. Presented by Gen. Thomas Hardwicke.
32. HOMONOTA. Gymnodactylus, part, Dum. et Bib.
Toes subcylindrical, rather tapering, with simple cross bands beneath, base very slightly swollen below. Palms and soles granular. Thumb like the toe, but rather shorter. Tail elongate, round, tapering, covered with rather elongate scales, with a rather larger central series beneath, when reproduced fusiform. Scales of the back hexaugular, smooth, scarcely imbricate, of the under side 6-sided. Lower labial shields large, few. Chin-scales granular, with a few rather larger 6-sided plates in front. Femoral and preanal pores none.
GUIDICHAUD'S SCALED GECKO. Homonota Guidichaudi. Gymnodactylus Guidichaudi, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 413. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 26, t. 16, f. 1.
Pale brown, darker varied; scales minutely black-dotted; the lower labial shields 5-1-5, the front larger, the two hinder on each side smaller; scales of the throat many-sided; chin with a moderately dilated shield.
a—c. In spirits. Chili. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
d. In spirits. America. Presented by Thomas Bell, Esq., 1837.
33. PRISTURUS, Ruppell. Gymnodactylus, part, Dum. et Bib.
Toes slender, rather rounded, slightly swollen below at the base, with distinct cross plates. Back and tail with a small denticulated crest. Scales small, granular. Femoral and preanal pores none. Tail compressed, denticulated above. Pupil circular?
RUPPELL'S PRISTURUS. Pristurus flavipunctatus, Rupp. N. W. Fauna Abys. t. 6, f. 3. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iii. 417.
Green, yellow-dotted.
Inhab. Abyssinia.. Mus. Frankfort.
b. Toes elongated, slender, compressed, versatile, the joints bent at right angles to one another.
34. GONIODACTYLUS, part, Kuhl.
Toes very slender, compressed, elongate, versatile, under side of the base rather thickened, with distinct cross plates. Scales of the back granular, uniform. Sides rounded. Femoral and pre-
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Bluish brown, with paler blue cross bands.
a, b. In spirits. South America.
c. In spirits. S. America. Presented by the College of Surgeons.
Lacerta longicaudata, Cat. Mus. Coll. Surg. 194.
MM. Quoy and Gaimard are said to have brought this species from New Guinea.
9. METAPOCEROS, Wagler. Iguana, Cuvier.
Head short, convex in front, covered with shields. Muzzle with some tubercular plates. Throat lax, without any distinct pouch, with a cross fold behind. Palate toothed. Teeth 3-lobed. Nape, back and tail crested. Tail long, compressed, covered with equal imbricate shielded spineless scales. Femoral pores in two series, each surrounded by a ring of minute scales.
The HORNED IGUANA. Metopoceros cornutus, Wagler, Syst. 148. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 211. Iguana cornuta, Latr. Rept. ii. 267. Daud. Rept. iii. 282. Lacep. Q. O. ii. 493. I. tuberculata, var. Gray, Griffith, A. K. ix. 36.
Forehead with a large horn-like tubercle, and between the nostrils 2 pair of large convex or keeled plates; dorsal crest very low between the shoulders and interrupted at the loins.
Inhab. "St. Domingo," Larepède. Mus. Paris, 1 specimen.
10. TRACHYCEPHALUS. Amblyrhynchus, part, Gray, Dum. et Bib., Bell.
Head covered with numerous convex subangular rather small many-sided shields, highest and largest over the sides of the crown and granular over the eyebrows. Lower jaw with regular shields. Body covered with small squarish scales, placed in cross series. Back and tail with a low crest, formed of conical scales, which is interrupted over the loins and longest on the nape. Tail round, tapering, rather compressed at the end, covered with small square keeled scales, in cross series. Femoral pores distinct, each surrounded with a series of minute scales. Toes elongate, unequal, with a series of 3-keeled shields beneath, 2 or 3 series of small scales on each side and a row of small shields above. The two middle hinder toes with a series of triangular horny appendages on the inner side, the first hinder toe much the longest, the outer hinder toes short.
The ROUGH HEAD. Trachycephalus suberistatus. Amblyrhynchus subcristatus, Gray, Zool. Misc. 6. Zool. Beechey's Voy. Rept. 93. Darwin, Journal, 469. Amblyrhynchus Demartii, Dum. et Bib. K. G. iv. 197. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 22, t. 12.
Scales of the back small, of the outer side of the fore arm and the front of the thigh much larger, conical; crest of round conical tubercles, those of the back low, of the nape longer, of the tail more compressed.
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a. Young, in spirits. Head-shields convex. Charles Island, Galapagos. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
b. Adult, stuffed, Head-shields subangular. Galapagos. Presented by Capt. Fitzroy, R.N.
11. OREOCEPHALUS. Amblyrhynchus, Bell, Gray, not Wagler.
Head of young covered with moderate subsymmetrical rather convex shields; of adult, with unequal, conical, high, tubercular shields, those of the muzzle larger, angular, highly conical and rugose, as if formed of agglutinated hairs. Throat dilatable, crumpled, but without any distinct pouch. Body covered with conical tubercular scales, of the adult pointed, rough. Palate toothed? Teeth 3-lobed. Nape and back with a high paleaceous crest. Tail compressed, covered with whorls of small square keeled scales, and with a crest formed of rhombie compressed scales. Thigh with with 1 or 2 series of pores, each in the centre of a scale. Toes strong, rounded and simple on the sides, with smooth band-like shields beneath, the middle ones united by a web at the base, the middle hind toes with a series of triangular horny processes on the inner side, the outer hinder elongate, nearly as long as the others, and with a large compressed claw. Claws large.
The MARINE OREOCEPHALE. Oreocephalus cristatus. Amblyrhynchus cristatus, Bell, Zool. Journ. 204, t. 12. Zool. Beagle. Rept. 23. Gray, Z. M. 6. Darwin, Jour. 466. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 195. A. ater, Gray, Griffith, A. K. ix. 37. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 196. Iguana, Scouler, Brewster's Jour. Sci. v. 213.
Dorsal crest formed of elongate compressed scales; scales of the back moderate, conical, acute, of the outer side of the fore legs scarcely larger, acute.
a. Adult, stuffed. Scales of the dorsal crest round, conical, cross waved. Galapagos. Presented by Capt. Fitzroy, R.N.
b. Half grown, stuffed. Scales of the dorsal crest compressed. Galapagos. Presented by Capt. Fitzroy, R.N.
A. ater, Gray, Griffith, A. K. ix. 37. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 196.
c. Adult, stuffed. Lost the scales of the head. Galapagos.
d. Young, in spirits. Head-shields few, moderate, unequal, symmetrical, convex, the central ones of the forehead keeled, those over the eyebrows small, convex, crest of the nape formed of blunt subcylinthical scales, of the back of small low compressed triangular scales, of the tail like those of the back but larger, squarer, and forming a nearly even line; scales of the body small, conical, blunt, smooth, equal. Charles Island, Galapagos. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
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Dark olive, with pale edges to the scales, and a black keel; head blackish-dotted; beneath yellowish olive or dark green bronzed; scales of the back large, rhombic, elongate, acutely keeled, dagger-pointed; scales of the sides of the neck large, and similar to those of the back, of the tail smaller, of the lower side of the base narrow, smooth; ears with 2 conical scales below, and a broad concave one above, in front; tail round, or slightly polyhedral at the end, tapering.
a. Stuffed. N. Chili, Guasco. From M. Bibron's collection.
b—d. In spirits. Tail broken or reproduced. N. Chili, Guasco.
e, f. In spirits. e. Tail reproduced and forked. N. Chili. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
g. Young? or var., in spirits. Pale brown, with scattered black spots on the back. Chili. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
GRAVENHORST'S LEIODERA. Leiodera Gravenhorstii.
Pale olive with bluish reflections; back black-varied, generally with a broad central and narrow lateral black streaks; beneath, greenish bronzed; head dark olive, black varied; scales of the back very large, rhomboid, strongly keeled, dagger-pointed, of the sides of neck and nape rather smaller, of the sides larger, nearly smooth, of the tail very large, of the under side of the base of the tail rhombic, and a little way further on, distinctly keeled; tail 6 or 10 angular at the end, from the ridges of the keels of the scales; ears with several small scales in front.
a, b. Adult, in spirits. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
c, d. Young. Pale olive, with 7 broad dark streaks. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
e, f. Young, in spirits. Pale brown, with interrupted black bands, tail with 3 brown streaks. Chili. Presented by Charles Darwin Esq.
Proct.Chilensis, var. Bell, MSS.
The SLENDER LEIODERA. Leiodera gracilis. Proctotretus gracilis, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 4, t. 1, f. 2.
Olive, with 2 pale streaks on each side; slender; front edge of the ears minutely 2 or 3 toothed; scales imbricate; of the back small, rhomboidal, flat, with a low keel, not pointed at the tip; of the sides of the throat uniform and similar but rather smaller; of tail more pointed.
a. In spirits. Patagonia, Port Desire. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
b. In spirits. Valparaiso. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
See also Proctotrepe mosaique, H. et J. Voy. à Pot Sud, t. 2, f. 1, not described.
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32. LEIOLÆMUS, Weigmann. Proctotretus, Dum. et Bib.
Head pyramidical, quadrangular, more or less depressed, with moderate, smooth, not imbricate, many-sided shields, with a rather distinct interparietal shield. Sides of neck with small, thick or granular scales, a longitudinal ridge and a cross fold in front of the shoulder. Nostril lateral, just on the face-ridge. Palate toothed. Cheek with 1 (rarely 2) rows of scales. Infraorbital shield elongate. Ear sunk. Eyebrows scaly, with 3 or 4 larger shields. Body roundish. Scales imbricate, of the upper part keeled, of the belly smooth. Back and tail not crested. Tail long, roundish. Toes simple. Femoral and preanal pores none. Males with pores on the front edge of the cloaca.
* Body without folds on the sides. Scales of the hinder part of the thigh small, subequal, the lower ones rather larger.
† Scales of the back elongate, rhombic, with a strong rather produced keel.
The BLUE-BELLIED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus cyanogaster. Proctotretus cyanogaster, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 273. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 12, t. 5, f. 2, (tail reproduced).
Green, with a yellow streak on each side of the back, beneath blue; ears large, simple in front; scales of the sides of the neck small, rhomboidal, imbricate, keeled, of the back and sides large, lozenge-shaped, with a dagger-pointed keel; of the throat and belly entire; the back of the thighs completely granular.
a. Adult, in spirits. Bronzed, black-spotted, tail with a central dark streak above. Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
b. In spirits. Olive, with a broad pale streak on each side. Valdivia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
BELL'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Bellii.
Dark olive, yellow varied; head black, yellow-dotted; beneath greyish; head-shields rather convex; ears with small blunt scales in front; scales rather large, yellow-edged, with a central, strong, rather produced keel, concave on the sides; of the sides of the neck rather large, thick, narrow, keeled; of the temples convex, bluntly keeled; of the tail rhombic, truncated.
a. Adult, in spirits. Tail reproduced. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
BIBRON'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Bibronii. Proctotretus Bibronii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 6, t. 3, f. 1.
Olive, with series of black spots; the tail with a central black streak above; scales of the head smooth, rather convex; of temple and neck rounded, smooth, imbricate; of the neck very small; of the back rhomboidal, keeled, acuminated behind; of abdomen entire; ears oval, front one toothed; cheek-scales in 1 series; the hinder face of the thigh entirely granular.
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a. In spirits. Port Desire. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
b. In spirits. Darker, throat dark marbled, belly black-spotted. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
The LINEATED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus lineatus.
Olive, with 3 or 5 narrow interrupted black streaks; the head black-varied; back with small yellow spots, forming short transverse spots on the sides; tail with pale rings; scales of the back and sides rhombic, flat, with a distinct central keel ending in an acute tip; of the sides of the neck moderate, rhomboidal, keeled; of the throat and belly entire; back of the thighs uniformly granular; ears oblong, granular in front.
a, b. In spirits. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
The BLACK-SPOTTED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus nigromaculatus, Weigm. Act. Nat. Cur. xvii. 229. Proctotretus nigromaculatus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 281. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 10, t. 4, f. 2.
Grey fulvous, with 2 series of angular black spots on each side of the back; a large black spot on each scapular; hinder part of the thighs black-dotted; scales of the sides of the neck very thick, rhomboidal; of the back and sides rather larger, rhomboidal, with a dagger-pointed keel; of the throat and belly often nicked; ears large, broad, toothed in front; cheek-scales 1-rowed.
a. In spirits. Chili, Coquimbo. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
The INCONSPICUOUS LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus inconspicuus, Gray, B. M. 1836.
Pale brown, slightly black-varied, (perhaps bleached); scales of the sides of the neck triangular, smooth, of the middle longitudinal fold larger, thicker, prominent, of the upper part smaller, convex, of the lower part thinner, broader; of the front of the shoulder granular; of the back rhombic, keeled, rather dagger-pointed; of the hinder side of the thigh minute, uniform, granular; of the belly thin, often bifid.
a. In spirits. Chili. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
‡ Scales with a slight or indistinct (not produced) keel.
The PAINTED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus pictus. Proctotretus pictus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 276. Voy. à Pol Sud. t. 2, f. 1. Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 5, t. 2, f. 1, 2. L. bistriatus, Gray, B. M. 1836.
Olive, black-varied and white-dotted, with a broad pale streak on each side of the back; beneath yellow, blue on the chin and sides, and black-dotted; the ears large, granular in front; cheek-scales in one row; eyebrow-shields 4 or 5; sides of the neck and hinder part of the thigh with small flat scales, the lower scales
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rather the largest; scales of back moderate, rhomboidal, strongly keeled; of the sides nearly smooth; of the throat and belly entire.
a. In spirits. Green. Chili, Valparaiso. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
b, c. In spirits. Chili. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
The DOTTED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus tenuis. Proctotretus tenuis, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 279. Voy. à Pol. Sud. t. 2,* f. 2. Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 7, t. 3, f. 2. L. punctatus, Gray, B. M. 1836.
Olive, black and green dotted, back with 2 series of short arched black cross bands; head pyramidical; ears large, with a prominence on the front edge; the eyebrows scaly, with 4 squarish shields; cheek-scales in one series; sides of neck and the hinder part of the thighs granular; scales of the back small, rhomboidal, blunt, feebly keeled; of the sides smaller, smooth, entire.
a, b. In spirits. Olive, with interrupted brown arched cross bands, partly bleached. Valparaiso. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
L. tenuis, Bell.
c. In spirits. Olive, green and black dotted. Chili, Valparaiso. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
L. pictus, Bell, MS. B. M.? part, Bibron.
d—f. In spirits. Olive, green and black dotted, forehead-shields small. Chili. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
g, h. Like d and e, but forehead-shield larger. Chili. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
i, j. Adult, in spirits. Very large, discoloured, blackish. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
The HEBREW-MARKED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus signifer. Proctotretus signifer, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 288, t. 39, f. 2. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 8, t. 4, f. 1.
Fulvous grey, with 4 series of letter-like black marks; head short; ears rather small, with 2 small tubercles on the lower part of the front; cheek-scales in 1 (or 2?) rows; scales of the back small, numerous, rhomboidal, rounded behind, flatly keeled and not pointed; of the sides smooth, rather convex; of the throat and belly not nicked; of the hinder part of the thighs uniformly granular.
Inhab. Peru. Mus. Paris, 1 specimen.
The SMALL-SCALED LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus maculatus. Tropidurus maculatus, Gray, B. M. 1836.
Olive, with cross series of black-edged white spots; head rather depressed, shields smooth, flat; superciliary, shields 5-5, many-sided; interparietal plate roundish, distinct, with 2 pair of rather larger occipital plates behind it; cheek-scales 1-rowed; ear with a prominence on the front edge; scales of the back small, rhombic,
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keeled, placed nearly in longitudinal series; of the side smaller, granular; of the belly small, smooth; of the hinder part of the thighs uniform, granular; preanal pores 4.
a. In spirits, young. Peru. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
** Body not folded on the side. Hinder side of the thighs granular, with a roundish group of larger keeled scales.
FITZINGER'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Fitzingerii. Proctotretus Fitzingerii, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 286. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 11, t. 5, f. 1.
Grey brown, with 4 series of white-edged black spots; head short, muzzle narrow, rounded; ears large, with 2 or 3 large and other small tubercular granules on the front edge; cheek-scales 1-rowed; sides of the neck and part of the back of the thigh granular; scales of back moderate, rhomboidal, blunt, very slightly keeled; of the sides smooth; of the throat and belly entire.
a. In spirits. Tail reproduced. Patagonia. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
DARWIN'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Darwinii. Proctotretus Darwinii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. t. 7.
Body rather depressed; scales of the head numerous, small, slightly elevated, smooth, not imbricate; of the temple and neck granular; cheek-scales 1-rowed; hinder side of the thigh granular (hinder) part covered with imbricate scales; ears entire in front.
a, b. In spirits. N. Patagonia, Bahia Blanca. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
*** The Body with a distinct longitudinal fold on each side.
CAPT. KING'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Kingii. Proctotretus Kingii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 13, t. 6, f. 12. Pr. Magellanique, H. & J. Voy. à Pol Sud, t. 2, f. 2, (young).
Grey, with 4 series of square blackish spots, separated by 4 or rarely 5 streaks, the spots sometimes confluent; throat blacklined; scales of the back moderate, ovate, rhombic, with a distinct straight scarcely produced keel; of the sides of the neck rather thick, round; of the front edge of the ears small, with sometimes one larger one below; of the tail ovate-rhombic, keeled, with the hinder edge rounded; the sides with an obscure lateral longitudinal fold; cloacal pores 6, in pairs; thighs uniformly granular behind.
a, b. Adult, in spirits. Brown, with irregular cross bands and a central pale streak. Patagonia, Port Desire. Presented by Thomas Bell, Esq. From Capt. King's collection.
c—g. Young, in spirits. Back with 3 or 5 pale streaks and 4 series of square brown spots; the ears with a larger tubercle in front. Patagonia. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
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WEIGMANN'S LEIOLÆMUS. Leiolæmus Weigmannii. Proctotretus Weigmannii, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 284. Bell, Zool. Beagle, t. 8, f. 12.
Greyish, with a fulvous streak between 2 series of angular black spots; a white-edged black streak on each thigh; the head rounded; muzzle rounded, blunt; the ears moderate, granular in front; nostrils rather superior; cheek-scales 2-rowed; back of the thighs granular, with scales near the base of the tail like those of the under part; scales of the back moderate, rhomboidal, dagger-pointed, keeled; of the throat and belly entire, not nicked ; thigh granular, with a group of large scales behind.
a, b. In spirits. Bahia Blanca. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
c. In spirits. Peru. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq.
d. In spirits. Monte Video. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
e. In spirits. Maldonado. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
33. PTYGODERUS. Proctotretus, part, Dum. et Bib.
Head rather depressed, covered with equal, rhomboidal, keeled plates. Throat with a fold on each side. Palate toothed. Nostrils lateral on the face-ridge. Ears sunk, toothed in front. Cheek-scales 1-rowed. Body with a crest of compressed scales on each side. Scales of the upper parts keeled, of the belly smooth. Back and tail not crested. Tail roundish, tapering. Toes simple. Femoral pores none. Males with pores on front of cloaca.
The PTYGODERE. Ptygoderus pectinatus. Proctotretus pectinatus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 192. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 18, t. 9, f. 2.
Fulvous grey, with 3 series of large white-edged black oval spots, head with 3 white cross lines; ears moderate, toothed in front; labial plates very narrow; scales of the sides of the throat, back and sides rhomboidal, keeled, imbricate.
a—c. In spirits. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
34. PROCTOTRETUS, part, Dum. et Bib.
Head depressed, broad, covered with numerous, very small, smooth, many-sided head-shields. Interparietal plate very small, surrounded with very small plates. Nostrils superior, subapical, on each side, just above the face-ridge. Throat granular, and with a fold on the sides. Ears sunk. Cheeks with 3 or 5 series of small scales between the lip-shields and the elongated infra-orbital shield. Body depressed, simple, scales rhombic, imbricate, of the belly smooth. Back and tail not crested. Toes simple. Tail elongate. Femoral and preanal pores none. Males with small pores on the front edge of the cloaca.
[page] 217
The PROCTOTRETE. Proctotretus multimaculatus, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 290. Bell, Zool. Beagle, 17, t. 9, f. 1.
Grey, with crowded black dots; ears very small, simple; sides of the neck and hinder part of the thighs completely granular; scales of the back small, numerous, lozenge-shaped, distinctly keeled, not dagger-pointed; of the sides smooth; of the throat and belly entire.
a—c. Adult and young, in spirits. Bahia Blanca, Patagonia. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
c. Femoral and anal pores none.
† Interparietal plate small, linear. Head-shields regular.
35. LEIOCEPHALUS, Gray. Holotrophis, Dum. et Bib. Tropidurus, part, Fitz. Pristinotus, Gravenh.
Head pyramidical, quadrangular. Nostrils lateral, upon the face-ridge. Head-shields moderate, angular, oblong, nearly equal, with a small interparietal and transverse supraocular shields, and 4 frontal shields between the eyes. Palate toothed. Ears toothed in front. Neck smooth below, irregularly plaited on the sides, and with an oblique plait in front of each shoulder.* Body and tail 3-sided, covered with imbricate, keeled, sharp-pointed scales, placed in oblique lines, converging towards and forming the dorsal crest. The outer edge of the 2 or 3 first hinder toes toothed. Femoral and preanal pores none.
Does not change colour nor dilate its throat; twists its tail spirally.
* Ventral scales keeled.
HERMINIER'S ROQUET. Leiocephalus Herminieri. Holotrophis Herminieri, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 261, t. 44.
The dorsal crest high, compressed; scales of the belly keeled; tail strongly compressed.
Inhab. Martinique. Mus. Paris.
** Ventral scales smooth, torn on the edge.
† Eyebrow-disk covered with broad shields. Leiocephalus.
The KEELED ROQUET. Leiocephalus carinatus, Gray, Phil. May. 1837, ii. 208.
Dorsal-crest moderate, low in front, higher on the loins and base of the tail; tail much compressed, distinctly crested; olive, sides blackish-varied; tail dark-ringed; muzzle with 2 pair of small equal, and some smaller central scales in front of the larger oblong longitudinal frontonasal pair; scales of the nape smaller than those of the back, in 15 series; of the belly smooth, torn on the edge; head-shields smooth, the interparietal elongate, linear.
a. In spirits. West Indies. U
[page] 218
The CUBAN ROQUET. Leiocephalus MacLeayii. L. carinatus, Gray, Ann. N. H. Roquet, MacL. Trans. Zool. Soc. i. 183.
Dorsal crest moderate, low, equal, on the back, loins and tail; tail compressed, brown-ringed; olive, with indistinct, pale, cross bands; muzzle with 2 pair of moderate transverse scales in front of the pair of large broad squarish frontonasal plates, the interparietal plate triangular; scales of the back large, rhombic, keeled; of the nape nearly equally large, in 11 series; of the belly smooth, torn on the edge.
a. Adult, in spirits. Head-shields with longitudinal ridges. Cuba. Presented by W. S. MacLeay, Esq.
b. Half-grown, in spirits. Head-shields smooth. Cuba. Presented by W. S. MacLeay, Esq.
SCHREIBER'S ROQUET. Leiocephalus Schreibersii. Tropidurus Schreibersii, Fitz. Verz. 49. Gravenh. Act. Nat. Cur. xviii. 739, t. 54, f. 15, 16, (head). Holotrophis microlophus, Cocteau, Sagra, Cuba, Rept. t. 5. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 264. Lion Lizard, Catesby, Carol. ii. t. 68. Tropidurus Leiolæmus Cubensis, Gray, Ann. N. H. v. 110.
The dorsal and caudal crest very small, equal; head-shields longitudinally rugose; tail roundish, slightly compressed; scales thin, keeled, moderate; ventral scales scarcely larger, not keeled; fulvous brown, with 2 pale streaks on each side.
a. In spirits. Cuba. Presented by W. S. MacLeay, Esq.
‡ Eyebrow-disk with scales in front and larger shields behind.
GRAY'S ROQUET. Leiocephalus Grayii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 21, t. 13, f. 1.
Dorsal crest compressed, of the back and tail equally high; tail rather compressed; the ears 4-toothed in front; eyebrow-disk with imbricate scales in front and 4 band-like shields behind; head-shields convex, smooth; interparietal plate sunken, united to the surrounding plates; olive, black-spotted; scales of the back broad, short, rhombic, dagger-pointed; of the nape smaller; of the belly rhomboidal, smooth, torn on the edge.
a. In spirits. Charles Island, Galapagos. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
b. Adult, in spirits. With a pale streak on each side. Galapagos. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
c—e. Half-grown, in spirits. Scales of neck less dagger-pointed. Galapagos. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
f. Very young, in spirits. Pale olive, with a paler streak on each side and a dark one above. Galapagos. Presented by Chas. Darwin, Esq.
[page] 220
and moderate supraorbital shields. Nostrils anterior, just above the face-ridge, directed backwards. Neck with a cross fold below and 2 stronger ones on each side. Palate toothed. Cheek with 1 row of unequal scales. Body rather elongate, depressed, with small imbricate scales, not folded on the sides. Scales of the back keeled, converging to the dorsal line; of the belly smooth. Back not crested. The tail long, strong, conical, with imbricate keeled scales and a slight compressed crest. Limbs moderate. Femoral pores none.
* Tail roundish, with a slight crest above.
The TARAGUIRA. Taraguira torquata. Stellio torquatus, Weid. Abbild. t. Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. 41. Schinz, Rept. 89, t. 39, f. 1. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 344. Gravenh. Act. Nat. Cur. xviii. 754, t. 56, f. 13—18, (head). Agama tuberculata, Spix, Braz. 12, t. 15, f. 1. Guerin, Icon. Rept. t. 12, f. 2. A. hispida, Spix, Braz. 12, t. 15, f. 2. A. nigricollaris, Spix, Braz. 13, t. 16, f. 2. A. Cyclurus, Spix, Braz. 14, t. 17, f. 1. A. taraguira, Licht. Doubl. 101.
Olive, black-spotted and varied with a pale streak on each side of the back, and a broad white-edged black band on each side of the neck; scales of the back of the neck and back rather small, keeled; of the base of the tail larger; of front of ear-hole narrow rather elongated, subequal; tail very slightly compressed, with a central series of rather more keeled scales above.
a, b. In spirits. Ears with 6 triangular scales in front. Brazils. Presented by Lord Stuart.
c, d. In spirits. Ears with 6 or 7 triangular scales. Brazils. From Dr. Gardner's collection.
e—g. In spirits.
h. In spirits. Rio Janiero. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
i. Stuffed. Brazils. Presented by Mrs. Parker.
Agama semitæniata, Spix, Lac. Braz. t. 16, f. 2, on which Wagler established his genus Platynotus, appears to be allied to this species, but I have not seen the specimen, nor is it referred to by Dumeril and Bibron, nor seen by Weigmann.
** Tail rather compressed, distinctly crested.
DARWIN'S TARAGUIRA. Taraguira Darwinii.
Olive, pale-spotted, with irregular black cross bands on the sides; the bands in front of the shoulders most distinct (but not white-edged); scales of the nape and back moderate, rather small, keeled, especially at the tip, which is rather produced; of the tail larger; on front of the ear-hole broad, short, irregular, unequal; tail rather compressed, with a central series of very compressed keeled scales above, forming a low crest; head rather elongated.
a, b. In spirits. Brazils, Abrolhos Inlet. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
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SMITH'S TARAGUIRA. Taraguira Smithii.
Olive-green, with black cross-bands on each side, the 1 in front of the shoulders rather the broadest, (not white-edged); scales of the neck and back larger keeled, the keels forming distinct ridges, of the tail larger; of the front of the ear-hole broad, short, unequal; tail compressed, higher than broad, with a distinct central ridge of rather more keeled scales.
a—c. In spirits. Tail thick (males?), under side of thighs and preanal space blackish. Brazil.
d—f. In spirits. Tail more slender, under side of thighs and the space before the vent blackish. Pernambuco. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq.
g. In spirits. Tail wanting, under side of thighs and space in front of vent yellow. Brazils. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
39. MICROLOPHUS, Dum. et Bib. Tropidurus, part, Weigm.
Head subpyramidical, quadrangular, depressed, covered with unequal flat subsymmetrical plates a dilated interparietal and band-like supraorbital shields. Nostrils lateral, rather tubular, just above the face-ridge. Palate toothed. Ear toothed in front. Neck with many cross folds, and an arched fold on each shoulder meeting on the chest. Body elongate, rather rounded, with 2 obscure folds on each side. Scales subimbricate, of the back moderate, feebly keeled or smooth, of the belly smooth. Nape, back and tail with a very low toothed or tubercular crest. Tail long, subconical, rather larger, covered with rhombic keeled pointed rather whorled scales. Femoral pores none. Toes 5-5, unequal, denticulated, clawed.
The MICROLOPHE. Microlophus Peruvianus. Stellio Peruvianus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. Rept. t. 2, f. 1, (var. C. Dum.) Lophyrus Araucanus, Lesson, Voy. Coq. Rept. t. 2, f. 1, (var. B. Dum.) Tropidurus microlophus, Weigm. Bonn Trans. xvii. 223, t. 16, (var. A. Dum.) T. heterolepis, Weigm. l. c. 225, t. 17, f. 1, (var. D. Dum.) Mi. Lessonii, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 336.
Olive, black speckled and varied, or with a black or white side streak; dorsal crest toothed, or tubercular and rudimentary.
a, b. Young, in spirits. Peru, Copiapo and Iquique. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
40. OPLURUS, Cuvier. Uromastyx, Pr. Max.
Head triangular, rather elongate, covered with moderate-sized plates; a moderate interparietal plate, and many small supraocular, placed in several series. Nostrils rather lateral, tubular. Palate toothed. Ears sunk, toothed in front. Neck with a cross fold on the chest, going over the shoulder, and sometimes preceded by U 3
[page] 225
DARWIN'S DIPLOLÆMUS. Diplolæmus Darwinii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 20, t. 10.
Scales of the head convex; tail rather longer than the body and head.
a, b. Young and adult, in spirits. Patagonia, Port Desire. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
BIBRON'S DIPLOLÆMUS. Diplolæmus Bibronii, Bell, Zool. Beagle, 21, t. 21.
Scales of the head flat; tail shorter than the body and head.
a, b. S. America. Chili. Presented by Thomas Bell, Esq. (from the collection of Capt. P. P. King, R.N.)
c, d. Adult. Chili. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
e. Young. Chili. With no large but equal small scales under the orbit. Presented by Charles Darwin Esq.
b. Scales of back small, of tail larger, whorled.
46. TROPIDURUS, part, Schinz. Oplurus, part, Dum. et Bib. Uromastyx, Nieuwied.
Head triangular, short, thick, covered with moderate-sized plates; interparietal plate moderate, oblong. Eyebrow-scales small, many-rowed. Nostrils lateral, tubular. Nape-crest formed of conical tubercles. Throat lax, with 2 folds behind, and a plait in front of the shoulders. The ear small, rather tubercular in front. Body depressed. Back not crested. Scales of the back smooth, convex, transverse, rhomboidal, not imbricate, of the sides rather smaller. Tail conical, tapering, with rings of large spinose scales. Cheek-scales 2-rowed.
The FALSE QUETZ PALEA. Tropidurus cyclurus. Uromastix cyclurus, Wied. N. Act. Nat. Cur. xiv. 127, t. 15. Tropidurus torquatus, Schinz, Rept. 90, t. 29, f. 1. O. Maximiliana, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 365.
Scales of the back convex, smooth; the front edge of the ear not toothed; olive, with a black angular band across the shoulders.
Inhab. Brazils. Mus. Paris.
47. URANOCENTRON, Kaup., Wagler, Weigm. Uromastyx, part, Merrem. Doryphorus, Cuvier.
Head short, triangular, flat in front, with many, nearly square, small, polygonal scales, and a large interparietal plate. Palate toothless. Nasal plates nearly lateral, swollen. Throat with a double plait. Ears not toothed. Body short, depressed, longitudinally folded on the sides, with small, imbricate, smooth scales, and no dorsal crest. Tail rather elongate, broad, flat, surrounded with whorls of large spinous scales. Femoral pores none.
[page] 22
Daud. R. iii. 183. Holbrook, N. A. Herp. i. 63, t. 6. Ameiva lineata, var. 3, Gray, Ann. N. H. i. 287.
Nostrils within the edge of the nasal plate; first upper labial plate 4-sided, narrower above; olive, with 3 or 4 yellow streaks on each side; the front of the fore arm with 2 or 3 series of shields.
Var. 1. Fore arm with 2 series of shields; preanal plates 3; occipital plate variable.
a—c. Half-grown, in spirits, partly bleached. N.? America.
d. Young, in spirits. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
g. Young. Preanal shields rather irregular. N. America. From Mr. Drummond's collection.
Var. 2. Front of the fore arms with 3 series of shields; preanal plates 2, one before the other, (hinder 2 soldered ?).
e. Half-grown, in spirits, partly bleached.
f. Young, in spirits. N. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.
The LIZARD-LIKE TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus lacertinoides, Dum. et Bib. E. G. v. 134.
Nostrils within the edge of the nasal plate; front upper labial plate quadrilateral; the upper part of the fore arm with 2 series of shields; olive or blue, with 2 yellow streaks with a series of black spots between them on each side.
a. Chili, Monte Video. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
*** Fore arm —? Ventral shields 8-rowed.
DEPPE'S TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus Deppii, Weigm. H. Mex. 29.
"Ashy with 8 pale greenish streaks, sides spotless; scales of the chin small, of the middle of the throat larger, of the middle of the fold moderate, imbricate, rhombic; the front upper labial shield denticulated; male not spurred."
Inhab. Mexico. Mus. Berlin.
SACK'S TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus Sackii, Weigm. H. Mex. 29.
"Greenish, with black brown cross bands and 2 pale streaks; scales of the throat subequal, small, oblong, of the middle of the fold moderate, imbricate."
Inhab. Mexico. Mus. Berlin.
The SPOTTED TARAGUIRA. Cnemidophorus guttatus, Weigm. H. Mex. 29.
"Ashy, throat with white longitudinal spots, sides olive, blackish, spotless, edged with 2 streaks; scales of the middle of the throat larger, of the middle of the fold large, nearly rhombic, imbricate."
[page] 226
The DORYPHORE. Uranocentron azureum. Lacerta azurea, Linn. S. N. 362. Seba, ii. t 62, f. 6. Daud. R. iv. 36. Cuv. R. A. ii. 34. Guérin, Icon. Rept. t. 6, f. 3. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 371, t. 42, f. 2. Stellio brevicauda, Latr. Rept. ii. 29, t. f. 1. Daud. R. iv. 40, t. 47.
Azure, with black cross bands, and with black netted lines on the limbs.
Inhab. Brazils. Mus. Col. Surg., Mus. Paris.
48. PHRYMATURUS, Gravenh. Centrura, Bell.
Head short, triangular, covered with small, round, not imbricate scales. Ears large, with a fold in front, scarcely toothed, partly hidden. Nostrils large, rounded. Eyebrows covered with small granular scales. Throat with a slight cross fold. Neck and body scarcely crested. Body depressed, broad, covered with very small, round, rather convex, smooth scales. Sides with a longitudinal fold of skin. Tail round, rather depressed at the base, with whorls of spinose scales. Femoral pores none, but the males with a series of pores a little distance in front of the vent, and one or two on the edge of the cloaca itself. Palate toothed.
The preanal pores are not mentioned by either Gravenborst or Bell.
The PALLUMA. Phrymaturus Palluma, Gravenh. Act. Nat. Cur. 1837, xviii. 750, t. 55, f. 2. Lacerta Palluma, Molina Saggio. Daud. Rept. iv. 46. Centrura flagellifer, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 25, t. 13, f. 2.
Greyish green, black spotted, beneath greenish white; scales of the tail moderate.
a. In spirits. Discoloured. Body swollen, sides simple, vent with a series of pores in front. Chili. From Mr. Cuming's collection.
b. In spirits. Body depressed, with a large fold formed of the loose skin upon each side, femoral and preanal pores none. Chili. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq.
Centrura flagellifer, Bell, Zool. Beagle, Rept. 25, t. 13, f. 2.
49. CALLISAURUS, Blainv. Hypsibates, Weigm.!
Head short, depressed, rounded in front, covered with unequal plates, a very dilated interparietal plate, and broad square supraocular shields. Nostrils on the muzzle. Palate toothless. Teeth simple, conical. Throat with a longitudinal and hinder transverse fold. Neck with cross folds on the side. Ear-hole simple. Body depressed, with a slight fold of skin upon the lower part of each side. Scales of the body small, numerous, close, imbricate,
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24, 25. GRAMMATOPHORA, Kaup. Amphibolurus, Wagl., Weigm.
Head triangular, flattened, muzzle subacute, with small unequal angular keeled scales. Nostrils lateral, anterior. Tympanum external. Cutting teeth 5-5, canines 2-2. Throat not pouched, with a plait across the chest. Back not crested. Scales of the hack imbricate, unequal, with cross bands of larger scales. Femoral pores distinct. Tail long, conical, depressed at the base, with keeled imbricate scales.
In the Synopsis of the Genera at p. 232, I have regarded the first section as a genus; but on consideration, I have thought it better to reduce it again.
† Back and sides with a central and longitudinal series of larger, keeled, compressed scales. Amphibolurus.
The CRESTED GRAMMATOPHORE. Grammatophora cristata, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, t.
Olive; head black varied, beneath pale, throat, chest and under side of the thighs black; tail black-ringed; scales rather irregular, with a central and two lateral series of compressed keeled scales; nape with a crest of compressed elevated distant scales; sides of the neck with scattered single elongated conical spines; tail tapering, with uniform keeled scales, keeled above, rather dilated at the base, with indistinct cross series of rather larger scales.
a. In spirits. Western Australia. From Mr. Gilbert's collection.
The GRAMMATOPHORE. Grammatophora muricata, Kaup, Isis, 1827, 621. Gray, Griff. A. K. ix. 60. Zool. Erebus & Terror, t. Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 475. Lacerta muricata, Shaw, Zool. iii. 211, t. 65, f. 2. White, Jour. 144, t. 31, f. 1. Daud. Rept. iii. 391. Weigm. H. M. 17. Agama Jacksoniensis, Kuhl, Beytr. 113. Schinz, Rept. t. 30. Guerin, Icon. t. 3, f. A. grandoculis, Lacep.
Nape and back with an equal crest of triangular compressed scales, and with 2 or 3 similar series on each side of it; sides with scattered larger keeled scales, and with a series of small compressed ones above; sides of the nape and paratoids with series of triangular keeled scales; tail elongate, tapering, with uniform equal keeled scales; pale, a series of angular spots down the back, and brown varied and streaked on the sides; head large.
a. In spirits. Australia. Capt. White's specimen.
b. Dry. Australia.
c. Half grown, in spirits. N. Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq.
d. In spirits. Australia. Presented by the Earl of Derby.
e. In spirits. W. Australia. From Mr. Gilbert's collection.
f. In spirits. Van Diemen's Land. Presented by Charles Darwin Esq.
g—i. Stuffed. Australia.
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Var. 1. The dorsal spots in one series.
a—c. Adult and young, in spirits. Van Diemen's Land.
d, e. In spirits. V. D. Land. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
f. In spirits. V. D. Land. Presented by the Earl of Derby.
g—i. Stuffed. V. D. Land.
Var. 2. or young, with the dorsal spots in 2 series, separated by a broad central streak.
G. muricata Adeladensis, Gray, Grey's Trav. ii.
j—l. Young, in spirits. Throat and chest black varied. Swan River.
m—o. Young, in spirits. Throat sometimes black-lined. W. Australia.
Var. 3. or young, pale olive.
p. In spirits. Throat black-varied, with a black abdominal streak. W. Australia.
q, r. In spirits. Throat paler. W. Australia.
**** Nape slightly crested. Scales subequal uniform.
The BLACK-SPOTTED GRAMMATOPHORE. Grammatophora maculata. Uromastyx maculata, Gray, Griffith, A. K. ix. 62. Grammatophora Gaimardi, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 470.
Back black-spotted, with 2 black streaks along the tail, a rhomboidal black spot across the chest, and an angular black band under the throat; scales rhomboidal, oblong, strongly keeled, imbricate; nape with a rudimentary scaly crest; ears large, without any tubercles near them; hinder toes and claws very slender, tapering; nostril near the orbit.
Inhab. New Holland, at the Bay of Sea Dogs. Mus. Paris.
The SWAN RIVER GRAMMATOPHORE. Grammatophora Decresii, Dum. et Bib. E. G. iv. 472.
Back olive brown; throat yellowish, veined with black; chest brownish; scales of the body rhomboidal, high, tented, as long as broad, of the belly similar, but flat; hinder toes and claws moderate; nostril in the middle of the side of the face; plait on the sides of the neck and round the ears rough with small tubercles, and with 2 groups of tubercles on the side of the neck.
Inhab. Australia, Swan River. Mus. Paris.
The YELLOW-SPOTTED GRAMMATOPHORE. Grammatophora ornata, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, t.
Black; the back with a series of large yellow spots, smaller on the sides; the tail and limbs yellow-banded, beneath yellow; the throat black-dotted; chest blackish; nape with a slight scaly crest; ears with a few tubercular scales in front; neck with 3 or 4 groups of short tubercular scales on each side; the scales small, ovate, imbricate, keeled, of the middle of the back rather larger,
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Page 170, before Eublepharis Hardwickii, insert: —
* Tail annulate, with small square scales above and below. And after E. Hardwickii, insert: —
** Tail ringed, tubercular, with small scales above and larger shields beneath.
LORD DERBY'S EUBLEPHARIS. Eublepharis Derbianus.
Brown, black spotted and varied; scales granular; back and limbs with keeled, larger, convex, half oblong, transverse tubercles; scales of the head granular, equal; tail with 3 tubercles on each side of the base, slightly ringed, with a series of broad shields beneath.
a. In spirits. Not in good state. N. Australia, Port Essington. Presented by the Earl of Derby.
Part 175, after Cubinia fasciata, insert : —
DARWIN'S CUBINIA. Cubinia Darwinii.
Brown, darker marbled and minutely white dotted; scales minute, granular, with 18 longitudinal series of small triangular tubercles; lower rostral plate large, 3-sided behind, with a small chin-shield on each side; lower labial shields 5-1-5.
a. In spirits. Bahia. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
b. In spirits. Rio Janeiro. Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.
Page 203, after DOTTED ANOLIS, insert Anolius Grahami; and after synonym add, not of Daudin.
Page 218, after Leiocephalus Schrebersii, insert:—
The SMALL-SCALED ROQUET. Leiucephalus microlepis.
Olive, darker varied; scales of back small, rhombic, strongly keeled, of the tail larger, of the belly rather larger, of the middle smooth, of the sides keeled; crest of the back and tail compressed, of the tail higher; head-shields smooth; eyelid-disk with 7 or 8 broad plates, the hinder ones obscurely 3 or 4 keeled; interparietal plate large, oblong.
a. Stuffed. Tropical America.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 4 December, 2022