RECORD: Anon. 1860. British Association for the Advancement of Science. The Times (11 June): 9.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data, prepared by John van Wyhe 8.2008. RN1

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[page] 9

BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE.—The 30th annual meeting of this association is fixed to take place at Oxford on Wednesday, the 27th inst., and following days, under the presidency of Lord Wrottesley, and the Earl of Derby, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford (Dr. Jeune), he Duke of Marlborough, the Earl of Rosse, the Bishop of Oxford, the Dean of Christ Church (Dr. Liddell), Dr. Daubeny, Dr. Acland, and Professor Donkin, as vice-presidents. The time for holding this great scientific gathering has been fixed three or four months earlier than usual, and it is anticipated, from the forward state of the new Museum, and following so closely upon the Commemoration, which generally attracts crowds of visitors from all parts of the kingdom, that the meeting will be one of an unusually brilliant and successful character. The proceedings will commence on the afternoon of the 27th inst. in the Sheldonian Theatre, when it is expected that his Royal Highness Prince Albert (who presided over the meetings of the association at Aberdeen last year), wil lattend and resign the presidency, after which Lord Wrottesley will deliver the inaugural address. The subsequent days will be occupied with the meetings of the several sections, and on the afternoons of Friday and Monday, June 29 and July 2, there will be general discourses in the theatre, one of which will be delivered by Professor Walker, on "The present State of our Knowledge of the Physical Condition of the Sun." One great feature of the meeting will be the evening soirées in the Museum, which is rapidly approaching completion, and, from its capacious size and the interest which attaches to it, is admirably adapted for the purpose. The last of these meetings will be especially devoted to the exhibition of microscopes, and Dr. Acland and Mr. Gray, of Exeter College, who have undertaken the care of the exhibition, have received numerous promises of assistance from several of the most eminent microscopists and opticians throughout the country. Another evening will be occupied with electrical experiments. Letters of invitation have been issued to all the members of the association, to the number of upwards of 2,000, and there is reason to believe that the meeting will be well attended by the representatives of science in England as well as abroad. Among those who have already accepted invitations are—M. de la Rive, of Geneva; M. Otto Struvé, of the Palkowa Observatory; Mr. B. Pierce and Professor Draper, New York; M. Hermann de Schlagintweit and M. R. de Schlagintweit, Berlin; M. Gustave Plarr, Strasburg; Dr. Ebertz and M. Verdet, Paris; M. Geimitz, Dresden; M. Favre, Geneva; Professor Baumer, Bonn; Lord Wrottesley (president), Earl of Ducie, Earl Rosse, Lord Enniskillen, Professor Adams, of Cambridge; Dr. Andrews, of Belfast; the Right Hon. C. B. Adderley, M.P.; Sir David Brewster, Professor Boole, Dr. Booth, Dr. Beale, of King's College, London; Professor Busk, Dr. Chambers, of London; Mr. Dawes, Mr. Darwin, Rev. S. Earnshaw, Admiral Fitzroy, Dr. Faraday, Sir P. Fairbairn, of Manchester; Mr. P. Le Neve Foster, Professor Greene, of Queen's College, Cork; Mr. Horner, President of the Geological Society, London; Professor Harkness, Queen's College, Cork; Professor Huxley, Professor Henslow, Dr. Hooker, Sir W. Snow Harris, Sir W. Jardine, Professor Beete Jukes, Dublin; Dr. Lee, of Hartwell; Sir Charles Lyell, Dr. Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin; Sir Roderick I. Murchison, Captain M'Leod, Mr. Nasmyth, Captain Sherard Osborn, Mr. Pengelly, Professor Quekett, Dr. Roget, Professor Rankine, of Glasgow; Mr. Nassau, senior; Professor Stokes, of Cambridge; Professor Sedgwick, the Dean of Westminster, Dr. Whowell, Professor Way, and Professor Willis, of Cambridge.

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