RECORD: 'Eques (Argyllshire)'. 1861. Dun horses. The Field 17 (8 June): 494-5.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned and edited by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 8.2008. RN1
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here.
See: Darwin, C. R. 1861. Dun horses. The Field 17 (27 April): 358 (F1960).
[page] 493
DUN HORSES.—I fear Mr Darwin must have been thinking me forgetful of my promise. But, before going further, I must revert to an unaccountable mistake which I appear to have made in my former letter, by describing my young entire horses as mouse-dun; they are more what I have heard called golden-dun, nearly what Hofacker (as quoted by Mr Darwin) calls gold-falb; but more nearly what I believe is called in Italy a bronze-coloured horse, of which a breed used to be maintained by. I think, the Borghese family, in Rome. Their coats have, in fact, a metallic lustre, like the plumage of a turkey cock or a pigeon's neck. I have a mare bred by myself from the same horse and a brown bay mare, pedigree unknown, which is of the same colour, but a little redder, or a shade of cinnamon. This mare has (like a roan) a very different colour in winter from what she has in summer, and has the outer hairs of the mane light-coloured, as spoken of by Mr Bennett. I have another dun mare, which has not only the eelback and the stripes on hocks and forearms, but the quaggs mark on the shoulder. She was not bred by myself, but the breeder's friends tell me that one of her parents was Norwegian. I have a third dun mare, with list and bars and wither marks, bred in this country (Argyllshire), where such are not uncommon; and it would not be difficult to trace the colours of the parents. In speaking of a wither mark, or quagga mark. I do not mean a sharply-defined stripe like the cross of a donkey, but a cloudy patch, something more
[page] 494
like the mark of a dirty hand, sometimes double. The stripes on arms and hocks are generally well defined. The same cream-coloured horse got a number of foals on Hebridean ponies of all shades, from black to light dun; and of these only one had his own colour, and that mixed with white on legs and face. I once bought a small pony mare out of a drove from the Highlands, with three of her offspring, and they were all different shades of what is so loosely called dun—one quite a yellow, with snow-white mane and tail; another that would pass muster as a mealy-gray. About twenty years ago I saw the King of Hanover's horses; he then had sets, twelve each, of various colours, cream (the same as our Queen's state horses), white, (weiss geborne), with white skins as well as hair; black, bay, &c.; mouse-dun, with black heads, manes, tails, and legs; and I was told he had recently sold to the present King of Prussia, then Prince William, a set of golden duns, with black manes and tails. It was of the mouse-duns particularly that I heard that they were sent in the season to cover in the country, so that probably there something might be learned (as also in Saxony) as to the colour of their produce. Mr Darwin is of course familiar with the history of Lord Morton's mare and her half-quagga foal, and the foals which she afterwards had to horses, but which had also quagga markings. One of those was said to be got by a black Arab—black Arabs are, I believe, few and far between. At one time Lord Morton certainly had a Dongola horse—black I suppose, or the very darkest brown, with white legs to the knees and hocks, as are all the horses of that breed which I have seen, for I bought a colt of that colour that was got by him as I was told, I once saw quagga markings on the young foal (apparently grey) of a grey Arab mare, in the King of Wurtemburg's stud. In many cases in this country the light duns appear to merge into mealy grey, so that it is difficult to say which they are rightly—black, grey, and dun seem to be the only colours of the unmixed Highland race here. In reference to change of colour in horses I may say that I once had a colt got by a white Arab out of a skewbald English mare; he had the colour of his dam (chesnut, roan, and white) till the summer after he was two years old, when he became (as to hair) white all over; but as the skin of the patches remained dark, he always showed as it were two shades of white—more particularly when the least warm. I still have a pony mare, whose dam was yellow dun, with white mane and tail, sire an Aberdeen pony, skewbald grey and white; the pony was skewbald also, of grey and white, but with a strong glaze, as it were, of yellow over the grey—like what is called a nutmeg grey, only stronger. She became all white as to hair also, early, but I forget at what age, and I think gradually—not at one moult, as the carriage colt I have spoken of did. Would Mr Bennett be kind enough to say what the exact colour of his "cream-coloured" ponies is? I wish much to have a race of the mouse-coloured, with black heads, legs, manes, tails, eelbacks and stripes and wither marks; and if such are to be had from Norway should like to know their size and average prices. If I can assist Mr Darwin by any inquiries in this country I shall be happy to do so; but above all, it will be necessary to define exactly what he means by dun. The Irishmen who used to bring the pony droves through this country called everything of light dun or cream colour "Rabbian colour," from an idea they had that it was the common colour of the Arabian (Arab) horse.—EQUES (Argyllshire).
NEW THEATRE ROYAL ADELPHI.—Sole Proprietor and Manager Mr B. WEBSTER.—Re-appearance of Mr and Mrs Dion Boucicault, in the great sensation drama of THE COLLEEN BAWN. The ADELPHI CENSUS taken every evening.—On Monday, and during the week, A TURKISH BATH; Messrs J. L. Toole and Mr P. Bedford; THE COLLEEN BAWN, Messrs Dion Boucicault. D. Fisher, Billington, Stephenson, Mrs Dion Boucicault, Miss Woolgar, Mrs Billington, Mrs Chatterley; and THE CENSUS, Messrs J. L. Toole, Eburne, Miss K. Kelly, and E. Thorne. Commence at 7.
FOR SALE, the property of an Officer, a remarkably neat COB, with a fine action; quiet to ride or drive.—To be seen at the Dorset Stables. Dorset-place, Pall-mall, from eleven to six.
FOR the best FLOWER, VEGETABLE, GARDEN, and FARM SEEDS, PLANTS, BULBS, DAHLIAS, &c. &c., apply to FREDERICK BOSHEL, (late Clarke and Co.'s old-established Seed Shop). 86, High-street, Borough, London, S.E. Catalogues forwarded gratis upon application. Scarlet Ruaner Beans of best quality.
SLATE SLABS for DOG-KENNELS, COACH-HOUSES, &c — The Llangollen Slab and Slate Company (Limited) beg to call attention to their extensive and superior stock of SLATE SLABS. They have several on hand, containing 90 superficial feet, which are admirably adapted for dog-kennels, coaca-house flooring, landings, balconies, cisterns, &c., and may be seen at the Company's Depôt, 4, South Wharf-road. Paddington, W.
FOR SALE, several first-Class GAME FOWLS, of the Black-breasted Red and Duckwing Grey breeds. The above are from the yards of Tate. Adams, and other noted prize-takers, and will be offered at very moderate prizes to ensure a sale.—Apply to Mr WALTER EASTON, Post-office, Jedburgh, N.B.
THE PATENT AMERICAN YACHT STOVE is the cheapest and best ever invented; it is strong, portable, clean in use, elegant, convenient and economical; is fully equipped with cooking utensils; will roast, bake, boil, fry, and steam better than any other stove; yields a plentiful supply of boiling water, and may be seen in operation daily at the American Stove Warehouse. 155, Cheapside, London.—JOSEPH H. RIDDELL, Sole Agent. Prospectuses, testimonials, &c. free on application.
SHOOTING WANTED. — WANTED to RENT the SHOOTING over 500 or 1000 acres of land in the Midland Counties; must be well stocked with game and near to a railway station.—Address, stating price and particulars, in "R. A." 30, Pecklington's Walk, Leicester.
FURNISHED COUNTRY RESIDENCE and SHOOTING to LET.—In Norfolk, ten miles south of Norwich, near a railway-station, and in a good neighbourhood. A well-furnished COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with shooting over about 15·0 acres of partridge, and 70 acres of wood and covert preserves. The residence comprises large and lofty halls, dining, drawing, and gentlemen's rooms, fourteen bedrooms, and attics, excellent kitchen and servants' departments, vaulted cellarage, ample stabling, coach, harness, and outhouses, ice-house, vinery, orchards and fruit-gardens, lawn and shrubberies. Pasture land, and a small home farm, can be obtained if desired.—For particulars apply to Messrs FOSTER SON, BURROUGHES, and ROBBERDS, Solicitors, Norwich.
FOR SALE, a bargain, a SCHOONER-YACHT, 34 tons, used only two seasons thoroughly found and fitted in every particular, including two suits of sails, by Lapthorne; winner of two prices, and possessing first-rate accommodation: will be sold with or without her lead ballast. Lowest price, without lead. 450l—Apply "W. W.," 10, Belvidere, Weymouth, Dorset.
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.—CHEAP EXCURSION to the SEASIDE—On Saturday, June 22, an Excursion Train will leave Paddington at 2.15 p.m. and Reading at 3.20 p.m. for Melksham, Tronbridge, Westbury, and Frome (10s. and 6s.); Bruton, Castle Carey, and Yeovil (11s. and 7s.); Malden Newton, Bridport, Dorchester, and Weymouth (12s. and 8s.), returning on Tuesday, June 23, as per bills.
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.—On Sunday, June 23, a Cheap Excursion Train will leave Paddington at 8.45 a.m. for Reading, (5s. 6d., 4s. and 3s.); Theale and Aldermaston (6s., 4s. 6d., and 3s. 3d.); Wolverhampton, Thetcham, Newbury, Kingbury, and Hungerford (6s. 6d., 5s., and 3s. 6d.); Pangbourne, Goring, and Wallingford Road (6s. and 3s. 6d.); Culham, Abingdon, and Oxford (6s. 6d. and 4s.), returning the same day.
FIRST-CLASS HORSES.—The WARRINGTON STABLES, Stranraer-Olace, Maida-vale. W.—A. Stable: No. 1. BAY MARE, 153 high, 6 years old; a superior high goer, would make a beautiful charger: has been hunted. No. 2. BAY GELDING 15.3 high, 5 years old; a brilliant fence, a good match for No. 1: full of quality. No. 3. CHESNUT GELDING, 15 8¼ high, 5 years old; a splendid weight-carrying charger, hunter, lady's horse, or brougham horse. These animals are nearly thorough-bred, with substance, bone, and action; direct from the breeders.
THE WARRINGTON STABLES, Stranraer-place Maida-vale, W.—B. Stable: No. 4. BAY MARE, 6 years old 16.2 hands high, a nice clarence or brougham mare. No. 5. 15.3 high, a celebrated huntress., aged. No. 6. BAY GELDING. 15 2½ high, 6 years old; no better hunter, No 7. BAY GELDING, 15·2 high (well known with V. W. H.); a perfect animal for a nervous rider: up to weight.
THE WARRINGTON STABLES, Stranraer-place, Maida-vale, W.—C. Stable: No. 8. GREY GELDING, 6 years old, 15.2½ high; rides well and is steady in harness. No. 9. CHESNUT GELDING, 4 years old; rides well and is steady in harness. No. 10. A BAY MARE, 14.3 high, 6 years old, of great blood and beauty, full of action, and fit for lady's or gentleman's park back; a beautiful goer in harness. No. 11. BAY GELDING, 5 years old, 14.3 high, a perfect match for No. 10: they go beautifully together, and as a pair are not to be excelled.
THE WARRINGTON STABLES, Stranraer-place, Maida-vale, W.—D. Stable: No. 13. BLACK COB GELDING, about 15 hands, 6 years old, with superior action; up to any weight, and quiet to ride and drive. No. 14. BROWN MARE, 6 years old, about 15 hands high, grand action; a neat park back. No. 16. BROWN MARE, with silver hairs, 15.1 high; no more beautiful or highly trained lady's mare, 5 years old.
THE WARRINGTON STABLES, Stranraer-place, Maida-Vale, W.—The Boxes: No. 1. An ARAB HORSE of surpassing beauty; bay without white; as a woman's horse or park back is perfection; he is full of courage and doctle as a dog. No. 2. An extraordinary beautiful and clever PONY GELDING, up to weight, carries a child or lady, goes in harness. No. 3. The race mare MUSIC, in work, fit to run in three weeks. No. 4. GREY DAWN (own sister to Moor Cock), covered by Kinaldo; he is by Kingston, out of Curtle, own sister to Green Mantle. No. 5, PROFESSOR SIREY, by Mathematician out of the Bee, by Gladiator; a very handsome short-legged race-horse, a good hunter, well suited (for the foreign market as a sire.
BREEDERS and OWNERS of first-class HORSES will study their interests by forwarding Names and Addresses to the Secretary, BRITISH and FOREIGN HORSE REGISTER, Warrington Stables, Maida-vale, W., for the JUNE NUMBER of that publication. Sent gratis on receipt of postage—one penny stamp.
LONDON and NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY.—NATIONAL RIFLE CONTEST, WIMBLEDON, commencing July 4, and ending July 13.—All RIFLE VOLUNTEERS in UNIFORM, attending the above contest, will be allowed to travel from any station on the London and North-Western Railway to Euston Station, London, and back, at a Single First, Second, or Third Class Fare for the Double Journey, according to the class of train and carriage used.
The Tickets will be available for One Journey each way, from Wednesday, the 3rd of July, to Monday, the 15th of July, and may be obtained at the Booking Offices, in the usual way, and day between these dates, inclusive.
By order, W. CAWKWELL, General Manager.
Euston Station, London, June, 1861.
SIR,—There is every appearance of a very good grouse season. The birds in this neighbourhood have bred well; and I am happy to say there is not, at present, the least sign of tapeworm. The present and past weather has been and is very favourable here for all sorts of game.
Peeblesshire, June 6. SINGLE-BARREL.
SIR,—I inclose the following communications on the Don grouse prospects. I have seen four or five broods of young birds all strong and healthy on my moors, and I am happy to say there has been no disease here whatever. Up the Don and on Strathdon the reports are very bad, especially in the neighbourhood of Forbes Lodge; also on the Duke of Buckingham's ground, report says the birds are dying in great numbers. Partridges are in plenty, and the game this season bids fair to be plenty. LIGHT-CAST.
Alford, Aberdeenshire, June 3.
SIR,—For the information of brother sportsmen, I beg to forward a verbatim copy of a letter received this morning (May 30) from the intelligent and experienced head keeper on a moor of about 14,000 acres, in the North of England. His account is anything but cheering for grouse-shooters next season. The moor alluded to is Bowes moor. What a wide difference between the head keeper's report, and that of Mr Rudd, in your last number. Which of the two is likely to be right—the gamekeeper, or the landlord of an inn used by sportsmen shooting on Bowes moor? OUNDLE.
Sir,—I take the earlist opportunity of answering your letter, and am sorrey to have to informe you that the prospect I think is onley likely to be verrey poor for sport upon our moor this season, for the fullowing reason. We had plenty of old birds left last season for breeding, but we have lost a great quantity of birds all winter by this wofull disease, which I have now doubt but that you will have seen the bad accounts in the papers, which is a general complent all over the moors with us.
We have brouds of young birds now comming out, but my candid opinion is that the brouds appear to be much less in number then of former years. I shal have a much better idear in the course of another months time, when the young birds begin to fly, as you never see them at this time of the year without you come close upon them.
THE estimation in which pigeon-shooting is held by the members of the fashionable clubs of London may be gathered from the names given below of the competitors who showed their skill on Thursday last at Hornsey Wood House. The gathering was even more numerous than the last, and Mr Stones was almost puzzled to find accommodation for the horses which were taken off the various four-in-hands and other sporting turn-outs. Practice had been diligently going on since the conclusion of the Epsom events; but the old hands were this time not to be put down, and Lord Huntingfield was only beaten after five ties with Mr A. Walsh, who, moreover, was handicapped at 30 yards, and was fifth in the list of acceptances. In the first rounds the winner barely escaped being put out, bringing down his bird with his second barrel at a very long distance, estimated at 80 yards. Mr F. Milbank, who was "well in," and had been backed to win for a good deal of money, was again absent, owing to a severe injury to the leg, which has prevented him from standing on it for some time past. Mr E. Batson also paid forfeit, as also did Mr F. Craven and the Earl of Stamford among those who were not content with the long distances assigned them. Lord Huntingfield was in great force, and shot better than we have seen him do for the last two seasons—indeed, considering that he was placed at thirty-one yards from the trap, and that he killed ten birds out of twelve, his performance on this occasion may be considered as a grand one. Every yard tells severely against the gun, and when Lord Huntingfield's score is compared with those made by such good shots as Colonel Annesley and Sir Thomas Moncreiffe (handicapped with him), it shows to still greater advantage. Mr T. Chamberlayne, the winner of the third prize, was seven yards behind Lord Huntingfield and six behind leads one to expect great things from him hereafter, his partial success on this occasion is not so much to be wondered at. The Hon. G. Heathcote got through the first rounds well, but failed to bring down his first bird in the first ties, and was at once hors de combat. The excitement during the repeated ties between Lord Huntingfield and Mr A. Walsh was unprecedented, his lordship being at first the favourite; but the coolness of his antagonist was so marked, after the first two or three birds were killed, that the odds veered round slightly in his favour, and a round of cheers hailed him as the final winner. The next meeting is fixed for the first Monday in July.
THE GREAT DERBY HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES of 5 sovs each, 1 ft, for members of White's, Brooks's, Boodle's, Arthur's, Guards', Carlton, Travellers', Arlington, and Pratt's Clubs, and officers in the army on full pay, Guns of 11-bore or less, 1½oz. of shot, No. 5, 6 or 7; gentlemen to be at liberty to put in any quantity of shot, half a yard being added to their distance for every ½th of shot. Six birds each. 92 entries (2 post at 6 sovs), 42 of whom paid forfeit.
Name. | Yards. | Shot. | Result. | |||||
Lord Huntingfield | 31 | 1¼ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Col. Annesley | 31 | 1¼ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Sir T. Moncreiffe, Bart. | 30 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Capt. Wyndham, M.P. | 30½ | 1¼ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Mr A. Walsh | 30 | 1¼ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
Mr S. Lucy | 29½ | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Mr J. Lamont | 29 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Viscount Stormont | 29 | 1½ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Col. S. Jenyns | 29½ | 1¼ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Col. Tower | 29 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Mr C. Hambro | 29 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Hon. G. Craven | 28 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
Hon. G. Heathcote, M.P. | 28½ | 1¼ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Capt. Berkeley | 28½ | 1¼ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
Mr E. Tredcroft | 28 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Mr H. Trelawney | 28 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
Col. Carleton | 28 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Earl of Bective | 28 | 1¼ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Sir C. Slingsby, Bart. | 28 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||
Capt. Egerton | 28½ | 1¼ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
Mr C. Thornhill | 28 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Mr E. H. K. Hugessen | 27½ | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Capt. Beresford | 27½ | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Sir Hugh Campbell, Bart. | 27½ | 1¼ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Lord Skelmersdale | 27 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
Col. Astley | 27 | 1¼ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
Hon. E. Russell | 27 | 1½ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
Mr D. Damer | 27 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Hon. W. Harbord | 26½ | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Mr H. Vivian, M.P. | 26½ | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
Capt. Elphinstone | 26½ | 1¼ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Mr E. Heneage | 26 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
Marquis of Bowmont | 26 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Capt. Biddulph | 26 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mr H. Hebert | 26 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
Mr R. Arabin | 26½ | 1¼ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Capt. K. Fraser | 25½ | 1¼ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
Hon R. Capel | 25 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Sir C. Mordaunt | 25 | 1¼ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Viscount Uffington | 25 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ||
Sir H. Cotterell | 25 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Capt. Paynter | 25 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ||
Major Anson | 25 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ||
Mr G. Bruce | 24½ | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||
Mr T. Chamberlayne | 24 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Mr A. P. Vivian | 24 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ||
Viscount Holmesdale | 24 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
Earl Annesley | 22 | 1 1/8 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
Earl of Sefton | 22 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Viscount Somerton | 21 | 1 1/8 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Mr W. Standish (post ent.) | 26½ | 1 1/8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Mr D. Hambro (post ent.) | 28½ | 1 1/8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
From the above it will be seen that there were seven ties, and the following gentlemen had to shoot them off, bird for bird, to decide the winners:
Mr. A. Walsh | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1—First prize, 140l. and gold cup. |
Lord Huntingfield | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0—Second prize, 80l. |
Mr. T. Chamberlayne | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | —Thrid prize, 40l. | |
Col. Jenyns | 1 | 0 | —Fourth prize, fts. 40l. | |||
Hon. G. Heathcote | 0 | |||||
Mr D. Damer | 0 | |||||
Viscount Somerton | 0 |
The following paid forfeit:—Earl of Stamford, Mr E. Batson, Hon. S. Lyttelton, Hon. F. Craven, Earl Dudley, Mr F. Milbanke, Lord Wharncliffe, Capt. D. Baillie, Sir L. Newman, Bart.; Earl of Uxbridge, Mr T. Thornhill, Capt. Molyneux, Capt. O. Williams, Hon. G. Noel, M.P.; Earl of Pomfret, Col. Farquharson, Earl Jermyn, M.P., Capt. Peyton, Mr W. Craven, Mr M. Adderley, Major Talbot, Mr A. Baillie, Lord Londesborough, Mr G. Bateson, Mr C. B. Boothby, Mr H. Coventry, Capt. Edwardes, Mr H. Milbanke, Col. the Hon. A. Fraser, Mr H. Hughes, M.P.; Mr F. Greville, Mr W. Carew, Capt. the Hon. R. Grosvenor, Col. Armytage, Viscount Royston, Hon. A. Willoughby, Lord Rendlesham, Mr A. Baring, M.P.; Marquis of Hartington, and Col. Baring.
SIR,—I feel quite sure that my brother sportsmen, and all those desirous for the suppression of theft, assault, and murder, will join me in the prevention of any pecuniary loss to Mr George Hilton, the head constable of the borough police of Derby, whose meritorious exertions in cutting off the midnight gangs of ruffians, out for the night for crime, on their return to the town with their illicit booty, ought to be known to all.
Mr Hilton, at his own risk, has shown what it is justly in the power of an efficient police to do when acting, as constables ought, in support of statute law; and, the marauders and thieves, aware of this, and grown bold on the imbecility of some In-justices of the Peace as to "police and poachers," have brought to bear on head constable Hilton the funds of every rogue-association at their command, with a view to crush him.
I am quite sure noble lords and gentlemen will not permit the head constable thus to be a loser by his exertions, through vexatious proceedings brought against him, but that they will, through Sir Henry Wilmot, who has kindly consented to receive subscriptions, place the finances of that active officer in their wonted position.
Miss ROSE FORBES, Tenant of the Lands of Ardchyline, on the Estate of Ardkinglas, Argyllshire, pursuer, v. ROBERT PATERSON, Esq., Tenant of the Ardchyline Shootings, and residing at No. 4, Carnarvon-street, Glasgow, and JAMES M'VEAN, gamekeeper in his employment, residing at Pole, Argyllshire, defenders.
THIS is a petition for interdict, presented to the sheriff of Argyllshire, at the instance of the pursuer, against the defenders, for the purpose of interdicting, prohibiting, and discharging them from laying down or setting traps on the ground of the lands of Ardchyline, Halftown, or Arinagowan, possessed by the pursuer, as tenant; because, as the petition sets forth, these traps are a source of injury, alarm, and annoyance to the pursuer, "and such as no tenant of shooting has a right to practice to the prejudice and in defiance of the tenant of the lands, and also from shooting or destroying the pursuer's cats or other domestic animals," or those of her maid servants or cottars, male or female.
To this serious charge the defenders stated in defence, that Mr Paterson was tenant of the shootings under the Duke of Argyll, as tutor to Mr Callender, of Ardkinglas, at a rent of 70l. a year, and that they had done nothing in the way of trapping except what was the usual practice in the case of shootings let to a tenant, more especially as Mr Paterson was expressly bound by his lease to keep down the vermin upon the shootings.
The Sheriff-Substitute (Mr Grahame) allowed a proof, when Patrick Forbes, Esq., of St. Catherine's, nephew of the pursuer, was examined as a witness. He had visited the shootings yearly since he was a child, and had been tenant of the shootings for seven or eight years himself, but had never set vermin traps, except for flying vermin, "such as crows, &c." Mr Murray, of Henderland, succeeded Mr Forbes as tenant of the shootings, and Mr Forbes never saw or heard of vermin traps during Mr Murray's tenancy, with whom he (Mr Forbes) was intimately acquainted, as "he was one of the keenest sportsmen I ever knew." Mr Forbes has been a sportsman from his infancy. The pursuer herself was then examined, who spoke to her horror and alarm of the traps, and to the loss of her favourite cat, called "Jacobina," which was caught in a trap; but unfortunately "Jacobina," like other unwary maidens, had been trespassing in forbidden places, and was thereby caught in the trap; and poor "Jacobina" having broken her leg, it was found necessary to drown her. This—viz., the loss of "Jacobina"—seemed to be the head and front of the offending on the part of the defenders, who had no affection for cats, and cared nothing for "Jacobina." Various cottars, &c., upon Ardchyline were also examined as witnesses.
On the part of the defenders, M'Vean himself was examined. He had been in the service of Lord Breadalbane, Lord Glasgow, and Lord Ailsa as gamekeeper; and he deponed that he had killed about 170 head of vermin upon Ardchyline in a twelvemonth, including about thirty or forty cats. The Duke of Argyll's gamekeepers, Mr M'Vicar, and Peter Henderson, the under-keeper; Mr Barr, gamekeeper at Minard; Mr Allan, gamekeeper to Sir Archibald Islay Campbell; Mr Robertson, gamekeeper on the Lochnell estate; and Mr Urquhart, gamekeeper on Ardkinglas—all these men of experience—depone that the traps were those usually used for trapping vermin, and that they are all in the practice of trapping cats trespassing in the woods and enclosures.
The case came on for debate before Mr Sheriff Cleghorn, at his late sittings at Inverary; and upon hearing parties he made avizandum with the case, and issued the following interlocutor and note:
"Edinburgh, 23rd Mary, 1861.
"The sheriff having heard parties' procurators, and considered the proof, productions, and whole process, finds that the defender, Robert Paterson, the tenant of the shootings of Ardchyline, is entitled to set traps to catch vermin in the woods; and that the pursuer has failed to prove that he, or the other defender, his gamekeeper, had set the traps in such positions as to be dangerous or injurious to the pursuer as agricultural tenant of the lands, or to her cottars or the public: therefore, refuses the prayer of the petition, assoilzies the defenders from the conclusion thereof: finds them entitled to their expenses, of which appoints an account to be given in, and remits the same, when lodged, to the auditor to tax and report, and decerns.
GAME PRESERVING.—Will Mr J. Watkins, of Wherwell, who writes to me on this subject, be kind enough to intimate in what county or near what town his residence is situated, as I am unable to direct a reply to him?—HIGH ELMS.
RIFLE-SHOOTING AT KISSINGEN.—I purpose visiting a German watering-place, called Kissingen, next month. Could any of your correspondents kindly inform me if there is any rifle-shooting ground near there? if there is, whether I ought to take my own rifle and ammunition from England?—BARONET.
COAST SHOOTING IN NORTH WALES.—Will any of the readers of THE FIELD kindly inform me if there is any shooting to be obtained on the coast near Dolgelly, North Wales, in the autumn, and what I am likely to find in the shape of duck, divers, seafowl, &c.? Any information will be thankfully received by—MOORHEN.
GUN-SHY POINTER.—Can any of your readers kindly help me out of a difficulty? I possess an extremely fine young pointer dog, who is most perfect in every way so long as he has not a gun taken out with him, but as soon as he sees a gun he turns tail at once. He is also very shy in the kennel, refusing to come out or to be petted in anyway. With these two exceptions he is the most perfect animal on grouse or partridge I ever saw, and hunts in company; he backs beautifully. I should be extremely obliged if any one would give me a hint as to what is best to be done to cure him. He is sixteen months old, and the man I bought him from shot three brace of birds over him; this is all he ever saw shot.—LIGHT-CAST.
CURIOUS FREAK OF A POINTER.—During my absence from home, about six weeks ago, the dog who for some time past had had no exercise, was let out for a run about the town, no doubt being entertained that in the course of the day he would return home. Nothing more, however, was seen or heard of him until a week after, when I learnt that he was continually running about my glebe farm (about three miles distant), where, during the past season I had often been in the habit of shooting with him. I made many unsuccessful searches for him, but have been unable from that day to this to find him, though I hear of his being continually seen in the neighbourhood; but he has grown so wild that he will not allow any one to approach him. The farmers are in great alarm lest he should destroy their lambs; but, as yet, I have not heard of his touching one. According to a statement of yours, last week, I should not be responsible if he did, as I never knew him addicted to such practises. Can such really be the law? I am more afraid of his injuring the game (which is preserved all round) now that the partridges are beginning to sit. How he lives is a mystery, as no traces of his having destroyed anything have been found. There was a dead horse which had only been partially covered with earth in one of the fields, on which he fed for some time; but I think he has long since finished as much of it as he could get at. Can you or any of your readers suggest any means of catching him; and, if caught, is there any chance of his ever being useful again as sporting dog? Naturally he was as quite, as good-tempered, and steady a dog as you could wish to have.—A. B.—[We have known several similar cases, one of which happened this year. We believe that the brain is affected, and this may be temporary or become permanent according to its exact nature. A large box-trap, baited with flesh, would be the most likely means of taking him alive, and, by careful treatment, he might be as useful as ever in the field. There is no doubt of the correctness of the position we laid down as to the law.—ED.]
VERMIN TRAP.—If J. H. will nail a strip of wood on the fall of the trap, on each side of the lever, he will not find that the stones slip down.—HIGH ELMS.
SNIPE-SHOOTING.—In answer to W. C., I beg to inform him the best snipe-shooting I know of is at Crowland, in Lincolnshire. Wild ducks and geese are also very plentiful in season. He must take a guide from Crowland otherwise he may trespass on the decoy. I shall be glad to give him any information he may ask.—GLADIATOR.
THE MOORS IN PERTHSHIRE.—We understand that in the district of Rannoch there is every prospect of a good grouse-shooting season. The young conveys are vigorous and healthy, and generally contain from eight to ten birds each. Notwithstanding the unusually severe winter few dead birds have been found. The disease does not seem to be prevalent—at least noue of the old birds appear to be affected. Partridges and hares promise to be plentiful in the approaching season. We learn that in Strathearn the hatching season has progressed favourably on the various shooting grounds, and the prospect of a good shooting season on the 12th is very encouraging to sportsmen. The young birds are numerous, and the conveys very large. Partridges are not so numerous, owing to the deaths that occurred among them last year.—Perth Courier.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 June, 2024