RECORD: Masters, M.T. 1866. Botanical and Horticultural Congress. The Times (11 April): 5.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data, prepared by John van Wyhe 10.2008. RN1

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[page] 5

BOTANICAL and HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS to be held in London in connexion with the International Horticultural Exhibition, May 22 to May 25, 1866.

President—Professor A. de CANDOLLE, Professor of Botany, Geneva.

Professor Babington, F.R.S., Cambridge Mr. Alderman Masters, F.R.H.S. Giles Munby
James Bateman, F.R.S. James McNab, Edinburgh
W. H. Baxter, F.R.H.S., Oxford John Miera, F.R.S.
J. J. Bennett, F.R.S., British Museum A. G. More, F.L.S., Glasnevin
Dr. D. Moore, F.L.S. Glasnevin
Professor Bentley, F.L.S., King's College Thomas Moore, F.L.S., Chelsea
W. Mudd, F.L.S., Cambridge
Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.S. Colonel Munro, F.L.S.
W. Carruthers, F.L.S., British Museum Andrew Murray, F.L.S.
W. Paul, F.R.H.S.
B. Clarke, F.L.S. R. Pince, Exeter
Dr. A. Dickson, Edinburgh Dr. R. C. A. Prior, F.L.S.
Charles Darwin, F.R.S. Thomas Rivers, F.R.H.S.
Professor Daubeny, F.R.S., Oxford J. G. Veitch, F.L.S.
Dr. Welwitsch, F.L.S.
Dr. J.E. Gray, F.R.S. Dr. Wight, F.R.S.
Dr. Robert Hogg, F.L.S. James Yates, M.A., F.R.S.

The object sought to be obtained in the establishment of a Congress in connection with the International Horticultural Exhibiton, is, to reciprocate as far as possible the courtesy and hospitality shown to British Botanists and Horticulturists by their continental brethren on the occasion of the two preceding Congresses at Brussels and Amsterdam respectively. In this manner the Committee hope not only to promote mutual feelings of cordiality, but also to render service to Botany and Horticulture, by bringing into more intimate communication than has hitherto been done in this country, the students of the one and the practitioners of the other, to the advantage of both. With these views the Committee have arranged that there shall be held two meetings of the Congress. The first to take place on Wednesday, May 23, when Professor de Candolle will read an inaugural address. The second will be held on May 24.

Papers have already been promised by the following gentlemen:—Mr. J. E. Howard, Dr. F. Mueller. Professor E. Morren, Professor Lecoq, Dr. Seemann, Dr. Masters, M. Van Hulle, Dr. Moore, Mr. A. G. More, Dr. Schultz Bipontinus, Dr. Schultz Schultzenstein, Mr. B. Clarke, Mr. James Anderson, M. Krelage, Mr. W. Bull, Mr. S. Hibberd, Dr. H. Wendland, Mr. E. Carroll, M. Bossin, M. Bernardin, M. Kickx, Prof. Karl Koch, Prof. Caspary.

In addition to the morning meetings there will be a grand banquet at the Guildhall on May 22, to which a number of eminent botanists and horticulturists and delegates from foreign societies have been invited as guests. Arrangements are also being made for holding two conversazioni, one on May 23, the other on May 25.

Gentleman wishing to take part in the Congress are requested to communicate with the Honorary Secretary, and it is requested that those who wish to read papers will send the titles of such papers (together with short abstracts of them), before April 28.

Particulars as to future arrangements, and notice of any modification of the present scheme, will be published when requisite. In the meantime, intending visitors desirous of fuller information on matters relating to the Congress are requested to apply to the Congress Secretary; and on matters connected with other departments of the Exhibition, to either of the other Secretaries, Mr. Thomas Moore, F.L.S., or Dr. Hogg, F.L.S., at the office, 1, William-street, Lowndes-square, London, S.W.

MAXWELL T. MASTERS, M.D., F.L.S., Hon. Secretary, Botanical Congress.

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