RECORD: 1867. East-End Central Relief Committee. The Times (25 December): 2.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 10.2008. RN1

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[page] 2


Chairman—HENRY GREEN, Esq., Blackwall.

Treasurer—J. R. Ravenhill, Esq., Blackwall.

This Committee, which acted last winter in administering funds subscribed by the public for the relief of the districts of Poplar, Isle of Dogs, Bromley, Bow, and Limehouse, having carefully considered:—

1st. The returns obtained by means of a house to house visitation:

2d. The question of the ability of the Guardians of the Poor to deal with the claims made upon them; and

3d. The experience derived from the operations of the Committee last winter, as to the power of a voluntary agency to deal with the distress now existing.

Has determined to bring to the notice of the public that a large amount of exceptionable distress does exist, and calls for prompt sympathy.

Contributions will be thankfully received by Mr. James Selfe, 81, East India Dock-road, London, E., or by the Committee's bankers. Messrs. Glyn, Mills and Co., 67. Lombard-street, E.C.

Gifts of clothing and blankets will be gladly received by Mr. Selfe.


Dec. 23d. 1867.
Ebbw Vale. £0 5 0
R. J. Longhnan, Esq. 4 0 0
A Friend, per. T. Scrutton 5 0 0
J. L. 0 10 0
An Officer in Royal Artillery 2 0 0
G. Barr, Esq. 2 2 0
Thomas 0 5 0
W. D. A. 5 0 0
L. E. R. 5 0 0
C. H. Sesger 3 3 0
Lady Pitty 5 0 0
Miss Mary Ann Jones 5 0 0
The Hon. Mrs. Annsaley Gore 15 0 0
R. M. Aldans 0 5 0
Sympathy 0 5 0
Miss Mary Henderson, per Mr. Allbrook 5 0 0
A. C., a working man 0 3 0
D. C. 0 10 0
E. H. Howell, Esq. 2 0 0
Sadlers' Company 5 5 0
C. H. 0 5 0
Misses W. E. and C. Ward 10 0 0
John Wagg. Esq. 2 2 0
Messrs. C. Cock and Tattergall 10 0 0
R. Blundell and workmen 0 14 3
Lieut.-Col. F. J. T. Hutchinson 10 0 0
Thos. W. Tursaley, Esq. 2 2 0
J. W. 5 0 0
E. W. 0 2 6
Capt. W. M. Erskine £0 10 0
S. B. 0 12 0
Hon. Baron Martin 10 0 0
J. T. 1 1 0
Lieut.-Col. Briggs 2 0 0
G. A. F. 5 0 0
Flora 0 5 0
Employés at Messrs. Vyse, Sons, and Co.'s 3 5 0
J. U. 0 2 6
Workmen at Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and, Field's, 1st Subscription 10 0 0
Miss Fleming 0 10 0
D. R. Carr, Esq. 2 0 0
S. Chisholm 0 10 0
A. Z. 0 5 0
C. Darwin, Esq. 5 0 0
R. Worsley, Esq. 0 10 0
Lord Stratford de Redcliffe 10 0 0
E. P. 0 10 0
K. 0 10 0
J. Tucker, Esq. 5 0 0
A. Spinster Lady, late O. V. 5 0 0
Highbury Grove 0 5 0
Marion and M. B. 0 7 0
F. G. 0 5 0
Mrs. And Miss West 5 0 0
Mr. Loat and family Balham 2 10 0
Messrs. Swan and Edgar 10 10 0
H. J. Shepherd 0 10 0


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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 30 November, 2022