RECORD: Venn, J. A. ed. 1944. Alumni Cantabrigienses... [Darwin & Wedgwood family entries]
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, transcribed (single key) by AEL Data 8.2009. RN1
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J. A. VENN, LITT. D., F.S.A.
FROM 1752 TO 1900
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DARVALL, JOHN BAYLEY. Adm. pens. (age 18) at TRINITY, Feb. 20, 1828. S. of Edward [Capt., 9th Dragoons]. B. at York. School, Eton. Matric. Michs. 1828; B.A. 1833; M.A. 1837. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Jan. 15, 1833. Called to the Bar, 1838. Adm. to the Bar of New South Wales, 1839; practised at Sydney, 1839-67; Q.C. 1853; Solicitor-General, New South Wales, 1857-67; C.M.G. 1869; Member of the Legislature of New South Wales, 1850-67; K.C.M.G. 1877. Of Sydney, Australia. Died Dec. 28, 1883, at Upper Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, London. (Eton Sch. Lists; Boase, I.)
D'ARVILLE, FREDERICK LUKE. Adm. sizar at CHRIST'S, Nov. 2, 1821. [Probably s. of Rev. George, Assistant Master at Bristol Grammar School.] Matric. Michs. 1822; Scholar, 1823; B.A. 1826. Ord. priest (Gloucester) Dec. 16, 1827. C. of Thornbury, Bristol, 1829-42. R. of Littleton-on-Severn, near Thornbury, 1830-42. Died Aug. 23, 1842, at Thornbury. (Peile, II. 406.)
DARWALL, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Adm. pens. (age 17) at TRINITY, Feb. 4, 1823. S. of John. B. at Aston, Warws. School, Birmingham (Mr Cooke). Matric. Lent, 1823; B.A. 1826; M.A. 1830. P.C. of Shouldham, Kent, 1852. Died in 1856, aged 50. Father of the next. (G. Mag., 1856, I. 432.)
DARWALL, HENRY POUNTNEY. Adm. pens. at CLARE, May 4, 1852. S. and h. of Frederick William (above), P.C. of Shouldham, Kent. B. Nov. 15, 1833. School, Marlborough. Matric. Michs. 1852; Scholar, 1853; B.A. 1856. In the Army; R.A. 1856. Colonel, retired, 1883. Died Mar. 5, 1901, aged 67, at I, Hubert Terrace, Dover. (The Times, Mar. 7, 1901; Marlborough Sch. Reg.)
DARWALL, LEICESTER. Adm. pens. (age 18) at TRINITY July 5, 1831. S. of Charles Henry. B. at Walsall, Staffs. School, private tuition. Matric. Michs. 1831; B.A. 1835; M.A. 1838. Ord. deacon (Rochester) 1836; priest (Norwich) Sept. 24, 1837; C. of Blakeney, Norfolk, 1836-7. V. of Criggon, Montgom., 1838-90. Lived latterly at Tenby. Died there July 22, 1897, aged 84. (Crockford)
DARWIN, BERNARD RICHARD MEIRION. Adm. pens. at TRINITY, June 25, 1894. S. of Francis (1866), of Wychfield, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. B. Sept. 7, 1876, at Down, Bromley, Kent. School, Eton. Matric Michs. 1894; B.A. 1897; LL.B. 1897; M.A. 1901. Called to the Bar, 1904. Articled to Messrs Baker and Macrae, Solicitors. Played golf for the University, 1895-7 (Capt. 1897); for England v. Scotland eight times, for Great Britain v. America, 1922. Twice in semi-final of Amateur Championship. Golf correspondent to The Times and Country Life for many years. Served in the Great War (Major, R.A.O.C.; D.A.D.O.S. Spent 2½ years in Macedonia. Mentioned in despatches.) C.B.E., 1937. Author: chiefly on golf and Charles Dickens; Wind on the Heath (1940). Married and had issue. Resident at Downe, Kent, 1941. (Who's Who, 1940; Law List, 1940; Eton Sch. Lists.)
DARWIN, CHARLES ROBERT. Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S, Oct. 15, 1827. Youngest s. of Robert Waring, M.D. of Shrewsbury, and Susannah, his wife, dau. of his father's friend, Josiah Wedgwood. [Grandson of Erasmus Darwin.] B. there Feb. 12, 1809. School, Shrewsbury (Dr Butler). Joined his brother, Erasmus, at Edinburgh University, 1826-8. Matric. Lent, 1828; B.A. 1832; M.A. 1837; Hon. L.L.D. 1878, on which occasion a monkey was let down in the Senate House. F.R.S., 1834. Medal of the Royal Society, 1853; Wollaston Medal of R.G.S., 1859; Knight of the Prussian Order Pour le Mérite; C.M., Academy of Vienna; M.D. University of Leyden, 1875; C.M., French Academy of Science, 1878. J.P. for Kent. The famous naturalist. It had been intended that he should be trained to follow his father's profession of medicine, but it failed to attract him. 'Anatomy disgusted him, the operating theatre ("before the blessed days of chloroform") horrified him, and "Materia Medica" left on his mind nothing but the memory of cold, breakfastless hours on the properties of rhubarb.' Neither did pure science attract him: the teaching of geology made him determine that whatever else might be his fate, he would not be a geologist. Later on he became friendly with Dr Grant, who was afterwards Professor of Zoology at University College, and eventually became attracted by the subject of the seashore fauna. After two years at Edinburgh, the idea of the medical profession having been abandoned, Darwin decided that the church should be his goal, and it thus becoming necessary that he should obtain an English university degree he came to Cambridge. His friendship with Henslow, Professor of Botany, had a very great influence on his after life; and the reading of Humboldt's Personal Narrative, fired his enthusiasm for natural history and travel. In 1831 he took up the study of geology, and after attending Prof. Sedgwick's lectures he accompanied him on a geological tour in North Wales. A few months later, thanks to Henslow's interest, he joined the 'Beagle' expedition to South America, where he collected many important geological specimens. This voyage had the greatest influence on his subsequent career. 'He left England untried and almost uneducated for science, he returned in 1836 a successful collector, a practised and brilliant geologist, and with a wide knowledge of zoology gained at first hand in many parts of the world.' Coming back to Cambridge he lived for some months at 22, Fitzwilliam Street, a fact which is commemorated by a plaque affixed there. 'And thus it was that within a year of his return he could begin his first note-book on evolution—the first stone, in fact, of the Origin of Species.' Secretary to the Geological Society, 1838-41: temporary retirement owing to ill-health. Gave definite written shape to his theory of evolution by natural selection, 1844. 'Induced by Lyell, the geologist, to write out results of his experiments, 1856.' Received a MS. from the naturalist, Wallace, containing a theory of the origin of species identical with his own, 1858. From this many developments occurred which resulted in his writing several of his most important works, 1859-81. In the domain of botany he resuscitated Sprengel's theory of the fertilisation of plants, and published various botanical books, particularly during 1875-80: amongst the chief of which are Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M.S Adventure and Beagle…; Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, which he edited; The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs; On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, of which the first edition (250 copies) was sold on the day of publication. Married his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, granddaughter of the founder of the Etruria works. He 'always retained a love for Cambridge and happy memory of his life here.' (Emma Darwin, II. 171.) Died Apr. 19, 1882, aged 73, at Down House, Bromley, Kent. Buried in Westminster Abbey. Portrait in the Hall, Christ's College. Father of Francis (1866), George H. (1863), Horace (1868) and William E. (1858); brother of the next. (D.N.B.; Shrewsbury Sch. Reg.; Biography by his son, Francis.)
DARWIN, ERASMUS ALVEY. Adm. pens at CHRIST'S Feb. 9, 1822. S. of Robert Waring, M.D., of Shrewsbury. B. there Dec. 29, 1804. School, Shrewsbury and at Edinburgh University, 1825. (Not in list, but given thus is Shrewsbury Reg.) Matric. Michs. 1822; M.B. 1828. Suffered from weak health, but distinguished by a great charm of manner and a strong sense of humour. Friend of Thomas Carlyle and Hensleigh Wedgwood. Of Queen Anne Street, London. Died Aug. 26, 1881, in London. Buried at Down, Kent. Brother of the above (Peile II. 408; Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., III. 19; Shrewsbury Sch. Reg.)
DARWIN (formerly. RHODES), FRANCIS Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S Mar. 4, 1844. 4th s. of William [Rhodes], of Creskeld Hall, Otley, Yorks. B. there June 12, 1825. Schools, Richmond and Eton. Matric. Mich., 1844; B.A. 1848; M.A. 1851, as F.Darwin. [Eton Sch. List gives 'M.A. of Christchurch, Oxford,' but not found in Al. Oxon.] Assumed the surname of Darwin in lieu of Rhodes, Feb, 21, 1850. Of Creskeld, and of Elston Hall, Newark. J.P. for Notts. and W. Riding, Yorks. D.L. Notts. Married (I) Charlotte Maria Cooper, dau. of Will. B. Darwin, of Elston Hall, Notts., July 25, 1849; (2) Georgina Huntly Duff, of Muriton, Inverness, 1889. Died Apr. 18, 1920, at Creskeld Hall. Father of Francis A.R. (1870). (Peile II. 487; Christ's Coll. Notes.)
DARWIN, FRANCIS. Adm. pens. at TRINITY, Sept. 29, 1866. 3rd s. of Charles Robert (1827). B. Aug. 16, 1848, at Down, Kent, School, Clapham, London (Mr Wrigley). Matric. Michs. 1866; B.A. (Nat. Sci. Trip., Ist Class) 1870; M.B. and M.A. 1875; Hon. Sc.D.June 24, 1909. Migrated to Christ's Dec. 8, 1888; Fellow of Christ's; Hon. Fellow, 1906. University Lecturer in Botany, 1884-8; Reader in Botany, 1888-1904. F.R.S., 1882. Proceeded to St George's Hospital, 1870. Did not practise medicine, but became assistant to his father at Down. President of the British Association, 1908. Hon. L.L.D. St Andrews; Hon. D.Sc. Dublin, Liverpool and Sheffield Universities. Knighted, 1913. After his father's death, settled at Cambridge, and devoted himself chiefly to two subjects. One was to give to the world a greater knowledge of his father's life work in the Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, published in 1887; Charles Darwin (1892), and in collaboration with Professor Sir A.C. Seward, More Letters of Charles Darwin(1903); the other to continue his botanical studies, as a result of which he published, with E.H. Acton, Practical Physiology of Plants (1894) and The Elements of Botany (1895). Married (I) Amy Ruck, dau. of Lawrence Ruck of Pantlludw; (2)Ellen Wordsworth, dau. of John Crofts of Leeds; (3) the widow (née Fisher) of Professor Maitland. Died Sept. 19, 1925, at 10, Madingley Road, Cambridge. Brother of George H. (1863), etc; father of Bernard R.M.(1894). (Peile,II. 746.)
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DARWIN, FRANCIS ALVEY RHODES. Adm. pens. at TRINITY, July 9, 1870. S. and h. of Francis (1844) [Rhodes, post Darwin], of Elston Hall, Newark; and Creskeld Hall, Otley, Yorks. B. there Aug. 19, 1851. School, Harrow. Matric. Michs. 1870; B.A. 1875; M.A. 1878. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Mar. 9, 1872. Called to the Bar, N.E. Circuit, 1877. Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding of Yorkshire. Of Bolton Lodge, Bolton Percy, Yorks. Later of Stainley House, South Stainley, Yorks. Died May 31, 1937, at Aldborough Hall, Boroughbridge, York.; buried at Aberford. (Foster, Men at the Bar; The Times, June 1, 1937; Harrow Sch. Reg.; Law List, 1930.)
DARWIN, FRANCIS SACHEVERELL. Adm. pens. at EMMANUEL, Apr. 8, 1807. [6th] s. of Erasmus, M.D., of Derby [by his 2nd wife Elizabeth, widow of Col. Edward Sacheverel Chandos-Pole of Radborne]. B. June 17, 1786. Matric. Easter, 1807. Of Breadsall Priory, Derbs. J.P. and D.L. Knighted. Married Jane Harriet, dau. of John Ryle, Esq., of Macclesfield, Dec. 16, 1815, at St George's, Hanover Square, London. Died Nov. 6, 1859. Buried at Breadsall. Brother of John (1806). (Burke, L.G.; Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., VII. 63.)
DARWIN, GEORGE HOWARD. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Jan. 22, 1863. 2nd s. of Charles Robert (1827). B. Oct. 22, 1845, at Down, Kent. [Educated under the Rev. Charles Pritchard (subsequently F.R.S. and Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford).] Migrated to Trinity, June 12, 1863; matric. Michs. 1864; Scholar, 1866; B.A. (2nd Wrangler) 1868; Second Smith's Prize; M.A. 1871. Fellow, 1868-78; re-elected, 1884. F.R.S. 1879. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 21, 1868. Called to the Bar, 1872, but returned to Cambridge. Plumian Professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy, 1883-1912. President of the Philosophical Society, 1890, 1910 and 1911; President of the British Association, 1905. Member of the Council of the Meteorological Office, 1885-1905, and of the Meteorological Committee, 1905. Received from the Royal Society a Royal Medal, 1884, and the Copley Medal, the greatest distinction it is in their power to bestow, 1911. K.C.B., 1905. Hon. LL.D., or D.Sc. of Oxford, Dublin, Glasgow, Pennsylvania, Moscow, Cape of Good Hope, etc. Author of numerous scientific papers and reports on the results of scientific research, including The Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System. Married Maud Haskins De Puy of Philadelphia, U.S.A. Died Dec. 7, 1912, at Newnham Grange, Cambridge, aged 67. Brother of Francis (1866), etc. (Who was Who, 1897-1916; The Times, Dec. 9, 1912; Univ. Hist. Reg.; Cambridge Review, Jan. 16, 1913.)
DARWIN, HORACE. Adm. pens. at TRINITY, Oct. 30, 1868. [5th] s. of Charles Robert (1827), of Down, Bromley, Kent. B. there May 13, 1851. School, Woodbridge, Suffolk (private). Matric. Michs. 1870; B.A. 1874; M.A. 1877. Took up an apprenticeship at the works of Messrs Easton and Anderson, engineering firm; designed and made a klinostat for recording the rate of growth of small plants. Returned to Cambridge and co-operated with A. G. Dew Smith in the making of scientific instruments; [this business became the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd., in 1895]. Designed a number of anthropometric instruments. Took a keen interest in Local Government. Mayor of Cambridge, 1896-7. For several years a director of the Cambridge Gas Co. Chairman of the Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., where the most delicate and intricate of scientific instruments were made. F.R.S., 1903. A member of the Advisory Committe on Aeronautics. Chairman of the Air Invention Committe, 1917. K.B.E., 1918. Married Hon. Emma (née Farrer) and had issue. Interested in the training of mentally deficient children; assisted in establishing a home for them at Girton. Contributed towards the endowment of a studentship in the University for the study of mental diseases. A distinguished inventor whose genius and stimulating influence served to raise the standard of instrument-making in Great Britain to a high level. 'By his passing Cambridge has lost yet another distinguished son, a man whose inventitive and scientific genius has increased the debt which the world of science owes to this famous family.…' Died at the Orchard, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, Sept. 22, 1928. Buried in Huntingdon Road cemetery, Cambridge. Brother of George H. (1863), etc. (The Times, Sept. 22, 1928.)
DARWIN, JOHN. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN's, Dec. 18, 1806. [7th] s. of Erasmus, M.D., F.R.S., of Derby. B. Sept. 5, 1787. School, Repton. Matric. Lent, 1807; B.A. 1812. Ord. priest (York) Dec. 18, 1814. R. of Elston, Notts., 1815-18. Died unmarried, Nov. 13, 1818, aged 31. Buried at Elston. Brother of Francis S. (1807). (Repton Sch. Reg.; Burke, L.G.)
DARWIN, WILLIAM BROWN. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN's, May 26, 1791. S. and h. of William Alvey, gent., of New Sleaford, Lincs. B. Feb. 12, 1774, at 47, Hatton Street, Holborn London. Matric. Michs. 1791. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 17, 1791. Called to the Bar, 1797. Of Elston, Notts Married Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas de St Croix, of Homerton, May 22, 1817, at St John's Hackney. Died June 10, 1841. Buried at Elston. (Burke, L.G.; Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd S., III. 33.)
DARWIN, WILLIAM ERASMUS. Adm pens. at CHRIST'S, Mar. 13, 1858. S. and h. of Charles Robert (1827). School Rugby. Matric. Michs 1858; B.A. 1862; M.A. 1889. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Apr. 20, 1861. Member of the Geological and Anthropological Societies. Director of Grant and Maddison's Union Banking Co. (afterward amalgamated with Lloyds Bank), Southampton, 1888-1903. J.P. and C.C. Chairman of the southampton Water Co. Took an active interest in Hartley College, Southampton. Married 1877. After his wife's death in 1902 he settled next door to his brother Leonard, at II, Egerton Place, London, S.W., where he had many interests and a wide circle of friends. A keen amateur geologist; some of his observations are recorded by his father in Fertilization of Orchids, ed. II. 1877, p. 99. At a banquet given at Cambridge, on June 24, 1909, on the occasion of the Darwin Centenary, he 'gave some charming reminiscences of his father's home life.' Died Sept. 8, 1914, aged 74, at Sedbergh, Yorks., where he was spending the summer with the family of his brother George. Buried at N. Stoneham, near Southampton. Brother of Francis (1866), etc. (Peile, II. 555; The Times, June 25, 1909, and Sept. 10, 1914; Christ's Coll. Reg. Obit., 1914.)
DÁS, AYODHYA. Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S, Jan. 13, 1896. S. of Brij Pal Dás, sub-judge, Allahabad, B. Jan. 13, 1875, at Benares, India. School, Allahabad University (B.A.). Matric. Lent, 1896. Resided two terms. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn. Called to the Bar, 1898. (Peile, II. 805.)
DÁS, DEVENDRA NATH. Matric. Non-Coll. Michs. 1878. Migrated to CLARE, Jan. 24, 1879. B.A. 1882.
DÁS, SATYA RANJAN. Adm. pens. at EMMANUEL, June 17, 1882. S. of Doorga Mohan, Esq., of 7, Old Post Office Street, Calcutta. Matric. Michs. 1882; B.A. 1885; M.A. 1889. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Jan. 12, 1883. Law Member of the Viceroy of India's Council. Wrote in favour of obtaining Swaraj by steady and peaceful, not by hasty or violent, methods. Married and had issue. Died Oct. 26, 1928. (Daily News.)
DÁS [or DASS], SUNDAR. Adm. pens. at CHRIST'S, Apr. 16, 1894. S. of Lalla Shib Bari, pleader in the Chief Court, Lahore. B. there Nov. 4, 1873. School, C.M.S., Lahore. Matric. Easter, 1894, as Dass; B.A. 1896. Had previously kept two terms at Oxford as a Non-Collegiate student. Adm. at the Inner Temple, Called to the Bar, 1896. Advocate of the Chief Court, Punjab, 1896. Practised in the District Court, Kurnal, Lahore, 1896-1905; Chief Court, Lahore, 1905. Member of the Corporation of Lahore, 1908-II-. Director of the Lahore Bank, 1909. (Peile, II. 790.)
DÁS, UPENDRA NATH. Matric. Non-Coll. Lent, 1877. [A Woopendra Mahan Das. adm. at the Inner Temple, 1879. Practised in Calculatta.] (Law List, 1990.)
DASENT, CHARLES UNDERWOOD. Adm pens. (age 19) at TRINITY, June 19, 1844. S. of John Roche [and 'of Caroline M.D., widow, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street.'] B. in the Isle of St Vincent, W. Indies. School, St Paul's, London. Matric. Michs. 1844; B.A. 1848; M.A. 1851. Ord. deacon, 1851; priest (Armagh) 1851. Assistant Master, King's College (London) School, 1852. Head Master, Alford Grammar School, 1863. R. of S. Thoresby, Lincs., 1870-5. Chaplain, Draper's Almshouses, Tottenham, 1876-9. C. of Gainsborough, Lincs., 1879-81. R. of Ludford, 1881-95. Married and had issue. Died Feb. 2, 1895. Brother of John B. (1823); father of the next, and probably of Maurice C. (1882). (St Paul's Sch. Reg.; Crockford.)
DASENT, EDWARD HASTINGS. Adm. pens. (age 18) at JESUS, Oct 1, 1878. S. of Charles Underwood (above), clerk. School, City of London (Dr Abbott). Matric. Michs. 1878; B.A. 1882. Appointed to the staff of Bedford School, Jan. 1883, where later on and until his retirement in 1923 he was closely concerned with preparing candidates for the Army and Indian Police. For many years took a leading part in the Athletics of the School, particularly rugby football. 'A man who compelled admiration by his untiring energy, virile qualities, and forceful personality.' Married. Died Feb. 18, 1940, aged 80. Buried at Bedford. (The Ousel; The Times, Feb. 22, 1940.)
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WEDGE, JOHN JAQUES. Adm. pens, at ST JOHN's, Nov. 3, 1840. Of Surrey. S. of John Jaques (above) (and Jane Wason). B. Mar. 29, 1821. Matric. Lent, 1841; B.A. 1845; M.A. 1857. Ord. deacon (Worcester) 1848; priest, 1850; C. of Seamer, Yorks., 1848. C. of Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Warws., 1849-63. Married, Mar. 25, 1848, Anna Latty, dau. of Francis Rogers, of Yarlington. Of Willenhall, Coventry, in 1873. Disappears from Clergy List, 1874. (Manchester Gr. Sch. Reg.: Clergy List; Crockford; F.P. White.)
WEDGEWOOD (or WEDGWOOD), ERNEST HENSLEIGH. Adm. pens. (age 19) at TRINITY, July 1, 1856. S. of Hensleigh (next), of 17, Cumberland Terrace, Hyde Park, London. B. June 17, 1837, in London. School, Rugby. Matric. Michs. 1856; B.A. 1860. 1st Class Clerk in the Colonial Office. Died Aug. 1898. (Rugby Sch. Reg.; Josiah C. Wedgwood.)
WEDGEWOOD (or WEDGWOOD), HENSLEIGH. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Jan. 18, 1820. [4th and youngest] s. of Josiah, potter, of Etruria, and of Maer, Staffs. (and Elizabeth Allen, of Cresselly). [B. Jan. 22, 1803, at Gunville, Dorset.] School, Rugby. Matric. Michs. 1820. Migrated to Christ's, Feb. 3, 1821; Scholar; B.A. (8th Wrangler) 1824; M.A. 1828. Fellow of Christ's, 1829-30. He was last in the Classical Tripos, 1824, his name giving rise to the title 'the wooden wedge,' 'by which the classical equivalent of the "wooden spoon" continued to be known.' At Cambridge Charles Darwin was 'much struck with the sight of Hensleigh walking up the street with a bandbox in one hand and a child in the other.' Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Jan. 31, 1825. Called to the Bar, Feb. 8, 1828. Metropolitan Police Magistrate at Lambeth, 1832-7; resigned because he was convinced that the administration of oaths was inconsistent with the teaching of the New Testament. Registrar of Metropolitan carriages, 1837-49. One of the original members of the Philological Society, 1842. Became a confirmed spiritualist in later life. Married, Jan. 10, 1832, Frances Emma, dau. of Sir James Mackintosh. Author, Dictionary of English Etymology (in which he criticised the theories of Max Müller), etc. Died June 2, 1891, in London. Brother of Henry A. (1817) and of Francis (1819); father of Ernest H. (above). (Rugby Sch. Reg.; Boase, III. 1254; Peile, II. 403; Eagle, XVII. 65; Law Lists; Inns of Court; D.N.B.; Emma Darwin, I. 285.)
WEDGEWOOD (or WEDGWOOD), The Rev. JOHN ALLEN. Adm. at DOWNING, Mar. 27, 1824; a 'Ten-year man.' [Eldest s. of John, master-potter, of Etruria, Staffs., and of Cote House, Bristol (and Louisa Jane, dan. of John Bartlett Allen, of Cresselly, Pembs.). B. June 20, 1796. School, West-minster.] Ord. deacon (Chester) 1821; priest, 1822. P.C. of Maer, Staffs., 1825-63. Disappears from Clergy List, 1864. Died, unmarried, July 19, 1882. Brother of Robert (1823). (Record of old Westminsters; Crockford; Clergy List; Emma Darwin, I. XXVii)
WEDGWOOD, ARTHUR FELIX. Adm, pens. at TRINITY, June 29, 1895. [5th] s. of Clement Francis [master-potter, of Etruria], of Barlaston Lea, Staffs. [and Emily Catherine, Dau. of J. M. Rendel, F.R.S.). B. July 18, 1877, at Barlaston. Schools, Newcastle High and Clifton College. Matric. Michs. 1895. An engineer. Of Barlaston Lea, Stoke-on-Trent. Married, Apr. 20, 1911; Katherine, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Llewellyn Wood Longstaff, of Wimbledon and had issue. Author, The Shadow of a Titan, etc. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Capt., 6th N. Staffs. Regt. (T.F.); killed in action, Mar. 14, 1917). Brother of Francis H. (1886) and Ralph L. (1892). (Clifton Coll. Reg.; Newcastle High Sch. Reg.; Burke, P. and B.; Josiah C. Wedgwood.)
WEDGWOOD, FRANCIS. Adm. pens. (age 19) at PETERHOUSE, Oct. 26, 1819. [3rd] s. of Josiah [master-potter, of Etruria and of Barlaston, Staffs.] (and Elizabeth). [School, Rugby.] Matric. Michs. 1819. A master-potter. A partner in the works at Etruria until 1876. Of the Upper House, Barlaston. J.P. for Staffs. Married, Apr. 26, 1832, Frances, dau. of the Rev. John Peploe Mosley (1783), V. of Rolleston, Staffs. Died Oct. 3, 1888. Brother of Henry A. (1817) and Hensleigh (1820). (Rugby Sch. Reg.; T. A. Walker, 408; Burke, p. and B.; Emma Darwin I. XVii; Josiah C.Wedgwood.)
WEDGWOOD, FRANCIS HAMILTON Adm. pens. at TRINITY. June 14, 1886. [Eldest] s. of Clement Francis, Master-potter, of Etruria, and Barlaston Lea, Stoke-on-Trent (and Emily Catherine, dau. of J. M Rendel, F.R.S.). B. Oct. 9, 1867 [at Weston-on-Trent]. School, Clifton College. Matric. Michs. 1886. Entered the family business of Josiah Wedgewood and Sons, Etruria, 1889; latterly Chairman of the Company. Served in the South African War (Capt., 4th Batt., N. Staffs. Regt.). Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Capt., Special List (Recruiting Staff); mentioned in Secretary of State's List for 'valuable services'). J.P. and D.L. for Staffs.; High Sheriff, 1929. A director of the L.M.S. Railway Co. Married, Sept. 11, 1902, Catherine Gwendoline, dau. of the Rev. Edmund Vincent Pigott, of Doddershall Park, and had issue. Died Oct. 30, 1930, in London; buried at Barlaston. Brother of Arthur F. (1895) and Ralph L. (1892). (Clifton Coll. Reg.; Burke, P. and B.; Josiah C. Wedgwood.)
WEDGWOOD, HENRY ALLEN. Adm. pens. (age 18) at JESUS, June 19, 1817. [2nd] s. of Josiah, Esq. [master-potter, of Etruria] (and Elizabeth, dau. of John Bartlett Allen, of Cresselly, Pembs.). B. Apr. 4, 1799, at Cobham, Surrey. Schools, Rugby and Geneva. Matric. Michs. 1817; Scholar, 1819; B.A. 1821. Adm. at the Inner Temple, June 12, 1819. Called to the Bar, Feb. 10, 1826. Of Seabridge, Newcastle-under-Lyme, and later of Working, Surrey. Married, Oct. 26, 1830, Jessie, dau. of John Wedgwood, and had issue. Died Oct. 7, 1885. Brother of Francis (1819) and Hensleigh (1820). (Rugby Sch. Reg.; Burke, P. and B.; Law Lists; Emma Darwin, I. XXVii; Josiah C. Wedgwood.)
WEDGWOOD, RALPH LEWIS. Adm. pens, at TRINITY, June 18, 1892. [4th] s. of Clement Francis [master-potter], of Barlaston Lea, Stoke-on-Trent (and Emily Catherine, dau. of James Meadows Rendel, F.R.S). B. Mar. 2, 1874, at Barlaston Lea. School, Clifton College. Matric. Michs. 1892; B.A. (Moral Sci. Trip., Pt I, 1st Class) 1895; (Moral Sci. Trip., Pt II, 1st Class, 1896); M.A. 1939. Secretary of the L.N.E.R., 1905-12; Goods Manager, 1912. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Lieut.-Col., R.E.; Brig.-Gen., Director of Docks; C.B., 1918; C.M.G., 1917; mentioned five times in despatches; Officer, Legion of Honour; French Croix de Guerre; Commander, Ordre de la Couronne; Officer, Order of St Maurice and St Lazarus). General Manager of the L.N.E.R., 1922-3; Chief General Manager, 1923-39. Knighted, 1924. Retired, 1939. Created a Bart., 1942. Member of the Central Electricity Board, 1931-46. Chairman of the Railway Executive Committee, 1939-41. Of Leith Hill Place, Dorking, Surrey. Married, 1906, Iris Veronica (author of The Iron Age, The Livelong Day), dau. of Albert H. Pawson, of Farnley, Leeds, and had issue. Brother of Francis H. (1886) and Arthur F. (1895). (Clifton Coll. Reg.; Burke, P. and B.; Who's Who.)
WEDGWOOD, ROBERT. Adm. pens at EMMANUEL, May 6, 1823. Of Staffs. [4th] s. of John [master-potter] (and Louisa Jane, dau. of John Bartlett Allen, of Cresselly, Pembs.). B. [Jan. 19], 1806, at Etruria, Staffs. School, Charterhouse. Matric. Michs. 1824. Migrated to Trinity, Mar. 25, 1825; B.A. 1828; M.A. 1831. Ord. deacon (Lichfield) 1827; priest, 1828. C. of Preston Candover with Nutley, Hants.,-1841-5. C. of Woking, Surrey, 1847-50. R. of Dumbleton, Gloucs., 1850-81. Married twice and had issue. Died Feb. 20, 1881. Brother of John A. (1824). (List of Carthusians; Clergy List; Crockford; Emma Darwin, I. XXVii; Miss Eliza Wedgwood; R. L. Arrowsmith.)
WEDMORE, CHARLES ERNEST. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN's, Feb. 6, 1874. [3rd] s. of Thomas, merchant [of Druid Stoke, Bristol]. B. Dec. 2, 1850, at Bristol. [School, Clifton College.] Matric. Michs. 1874; B.A. 1878; M.A. 1882; M.B. 1884. At St Bartholomew's Hospital and Vienna. M.R.C.S., 1882. Practised at Bristol. Physician, Bristol Royal Infirmary, 1887-91. Resigned owing to ill-health. Married, Dec. 6, 1899, Caroline, eldest dau. of Frderick Kersey, of Romsey, Hants. Resided latterly at Westbury, Wilts., where he died, Mar. 13, 1901. (Clifton Coll. Reg.; Scott, MSS.; Eagle, XXIII, 237; Medical Directories; The Times, Mar. 19, 1901.)
WEE, THIAM TEW. Adm. at TRINITY HALL, Oct. 1895. S. of Kay Cheang, of Singapore. School, Raffles Institution, Singapore. Martic. Michs. 1895.
WEEDEN, THOMAS SAXBY. Adm. pens. at ST CATHARINE'S, Aug. 18, 1843. S. of Thomas, of Southgate, Middlesex. B. at Wendover, Bucks. Matric. Michs. 1843.
WEEDING, BENJAMIN [WILLIAM]. Adm. pens. (age 19) at CAIUS, July 6, 1818. S, of James, steward of Furnival's Inn. B. at Epsom, Surrey, School, St Paul's. Matric. Easter 1819; B.A. 1824. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 8, 1817. Writer in the Civil Service, Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca, in 1825. Died in 1829. (St Paul's Sch. Reg.; Venn, II. 172; Inns of Court; V. Hodson).
WEEDON, AUBREY LOVELL PRYCE. Adm. pens. at TRINITY, June 29, 1895. S. of Pryce, of Parkhurst, Harrow, Middlesex. B. Oct. 25, 1878, in Bombay. School, Harrow. Martic. Michs. 1895; B.A. 1898. Joined the Egyptian Civil Service, 1901; in the Customs Administration and in the Ministry of Finance at Cairo in 1909. Order of the Nile, 4th Class, 1916; 3rd Class, 1920. Married, July 12, 1909, Mabel Emily, only child of Walford Weedon. Latterly of Minshulls, Aston Clinton, Bucks. (Harrow Sch. Reg.; Scott, MSS).
WEEDON, FRANCIS CHARLES. Adm. pens. at CHRIST's, Oct. 10, 1850. S. of Francis. B. Aug. 6, 1829, in London. School, King's College, London. Matric. Michs. 1850. Resided one term. Went into business. (Peile, II. 517.)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022