RECORD: Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe 1.2004, transcribed by AEL Data 10.2006. RN2
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
[front cover]
[Note this handlist is superceded by the Darwin Online Manuscript Catalogue: Introduction ; Search ; Browse.]
Price Ten Shillings
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Published for the University Library
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Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge
(Brooke Crutchley, University Printer)
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PREFACE | page 4 |
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IN 1942 the Pilgrim Trust and the Darwin family presented to the University Library and to Down House the original papers of Charles Darwin. Those intended for Cambridge arrived at the Library after the war. They were in parcels each containing small packets of manuscript wrapped in tissue paper on which the subjects had been noted in Darwin's hand. They were presumably just as Darwin left them, and accordingly this arrangement was preserved when they were bound, the volumes now representing as closely as possible Charles Darwin's papers in the order in which he left them. Beside the original papers there were copies of a large number of letters to Darwin, collections of press-cuttings, etc.
A brief list of the papers was made in 1932 when they were still in the possession of the Darwin family. After they arrived here, they were checked and identified by R. V. Kerr and A. Tillotson. A more detailed Handlist was made in 1955 by Miss R. V. C. Bailey and Miss J. S. Gosse for the use of scholars working on the papers in the University Library. There was at that time no thought of publication, but it has been suggested that the Handlist would be of great general interest and should be made more widely available. Indexes were compiled by Miss G. M. B. Tyrer.
H. R. C.
7 July 1960
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'Northern Chile' [last ch. of Geological Observations on South America (1846)].
MS. of chs. 1–10 of The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom.
Lecture notes on medicine etc. Edinburgh [1825–7]; zoological walk to Portobello [c. 1826]; early geological notes, near Shrewsbury; geological notes made with Sedgwick; notes on alluvium, 1837 (and 1846); geological notes on Salisbury Craigs, 1838; original notes for glacier papers, 1839–42.
First 'pencil' sketch of species theory, 1842; first sketch of species theory, 1842; sketch of species theory sent to Asa Gray, 1857.
Sketch of species theory, 1844, original MS. [see 113, 'fair copy'].
Ch. 3 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859: 'On the Possibility of all Organic Beings Occasionally Crossing and on the Remarkable Susceptibility of the Reproductive System to External Agencies', 1856. Preceded by summary of original version of the Origin of Species, in blue cover.
Ch. 4 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 2 in 1859: 'Variations under Nature']. 1857. [Pp. 1–87; 91 folios, etc.]
(i) Ch. 5 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 3 in 1859: 'The Struggle for Existence as Bearing on Natural Selection']. 1857.
(ii) Ch. 6 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before
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abstraction for publication in 1859 (i.e. ch. 4 in 1859: 'On Natural Selection']. 1857.
(i) Ch. 7 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 5 in 1859: 'Laws of Variation. Varieties and Species Compared']. 1857.
(ii) Ch. 8 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 6 in 1859: 'Difficulties in the Theory of Natural Selection in Relation to Passages from Form to Form']. 1857.
Ch. 9 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 8 in 1859: 'Hybridism']. 1857.
Ch. 10 of the Origin of Species as originally planned, before abstraction for publication in 1859 [i.e. ch. 7 in 1859: 'Mental Powers and Instincts in Animals']. 1858.
Original and copy of chapter in Origin of Species on 'Geographical Distribution' [i.e. chs. 11 and 12 in 1859].
(i) MS. of part of ch. 4 of the Origin of Species as originally planned on 'Common and Large Genera Presenting Most Varieties'. Fair copy of the above MS., which was sent to J. D. Hooker on 6 May 1858 [see Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 107] and bears his notes. [42 folios, etc.]
(ii) Miscellaneous tables of species, etc. First part. Items numbered 1–105.
(i), (ii) Miscellaneous tables of species, etc. Second part. Items numbered 106–203; 204–308.
(i) Rough MS. folios of part of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), written on the backs of old MS. folios of The Descent of Man (1871).
MS. of On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. This is the MS. from which the article in vol. IX of the J. Linnean Soc. (1865) was printed. Part I, pp. 1–62.
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(ii) MS. of On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Part II, pp. 63–93.
Fair copy corrected by C.D. of MS. of ch. 8 [1876 ed. p. 288, 1. 22 onwards] and ch. 9 [beginning of chapter to p. 321, 1. 23] of The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom [in ch. 9 folio 559 is missing. This is apparently the copy from which type was set up.]
(i), (ii) MS. of On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Part II, pp. 94–160, 160a–235.
(i), (ii) MS. of The Power of Movement in Plants (1880), chs. 1 and 2, pp. 1–103 and pp. 104–84. Pp. 1–12 Introduction.
(i), (ii) MS. of The Power of Movement in Plants (1880), chs. 3 and 4, pp. 185–297 and 298–396, +illustrations. Some of the illustrations have been mounted by C.D. on fragments of proof sheets of The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species (1877) and The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (1876).
MS. of The Power of Movement in Plants (1880), chs. 5 and 6, pp. 397–425 and 426–91 [p. 412 is missing].
(i–iii) MS. of The Power of Movement in Plants (1880), chs. 7 and 8. Ch. 7 comprises:
Fair copy corrected by C.D.
52 folios of the original MS. in C.D.'s and Francis Darwin's hand, from which fair copy (above) was made. Includes as far as folio 48 of fair copy and p. 348 of printed book [pp. 435–75].
Ch. 8 has some leaves in Francis Darwin's hand [pp. 1–46, +illustrations],
(i–iii) MS. of The Power of Movement in Plants (1880): ch. 9, folios 1–79; ch. 10, folios 1–45 [folio 9, i.e. p. 497, 1. 34 to p. 498, 1. 5, is missing]; ch. 11, folios 1–52; ch. 12, folios 19–48 [missing are folios 1–20, 30, 31, 37, 38, 47 and 49–]. Most folios are in Francis Darwin's hand, with corrections by C.D.
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(i), (ii) MS. of The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms. . . (1881), chs. 1–3 [certain folios missing, see below, no. 25].
(i), (ii) Fair copy of The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms... (1881), chs. 4–7. Folios 1–311. [Missing from nos. 24 and 25 are the following folios: 31, 32, 44–66, 68, 69 and 312.]
MS. of Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character, by Charles Darwin.
(i) Paper on 'Bees Boring Holes in Flowers', 16 August 1841; 8 folios. [This was probably written for publication in the Gardeners' Chron., in which during 1841 notes had appeared on the subject (G.C. 1841, pp. 485, 517, 533, 548, 550 and 596).] Notes for paper: 'Notes on the Effects Produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Caernarvonshire. . .'; includes a small table of heights.
Letters: J. Provis, 14 July 1842 and 20 July 1842.
MS. of paper: 'Notes on the Effects Produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Caernarvonshire. . . etc.' (printed in The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Mag. and J. Science, vol. XXI (1842), pp. 180–8); fifteen folios. [The last sheet, containing the end of the paper, is missing.]
One folio of MS. of 'Observations on the Structure and Propagation of the Genus Sagitta' (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, vol. XIII (1844)). The folio contains from the beginning of the paper to line 1 of p. 2.
MS. of 'On the Action of Seawater on the Germination of Seeds' (printed in J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. I (1857), pp. 130–5. Read to the Society on 6 May 1856).
Notes for the above paper. Also included are cuttings on the subject from the Gardeners' Chron. of 26 May 1855.
MS. of paper: 'On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilization of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the Crossing of Kidney Beans' (published in the Gardeners' Chron. of 14 November 1858). Two sheets of galley proof of this paper; and specimens of kidney beans (which are now in box 142).
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(ii) MS. of paper 'On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of Lythrum salicaria' (printed in the J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. VIII (1865), pp.169–96. Read 16 June 1864). Also notes (for the above paper).
(i) Copy of 'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the Roots of Certain Plants' (printed in J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. XIX (1882), pp. 239–61. Read 16 March 1882), in Francis Darwin's hand, corrected by C.D.
Fair Copy of the above. 50 folios.
(ii) Copy in Francis Darwin's hand (corrected by C.D.) of paper 'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies' (printed in J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. XIX (1882), pp. 262–84. Read 6 March 1882).
Fair copy of the above, with corrections by C.D.
MS. of 'preliminary notice by C.D.' to Dr Van Dyck's 'On the Modifications of a Race of Syrian Street-Dogs by Means of Sexual Selection' [cf. the Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London for 1882, pp. 367–9].
MS. notes made on board H.M.S. Beagle, 1832–6, on:
(i) Animals, pp. 1–50. Descriptions, notes, etc.
Fish in spirits of wine: 20 pages with a brown paper wrapper.
Insects: 2 pages, and a letter: C. C. Babington, 1 July 1837.
Shells in spirits of wine [8 pages].
(ii) Birds.
(iii) Shells.
Lists of Beagle specimens.
Catalogue of boxes of corallines [10 small pieces of paper].
Insects in spirits of wine [one sheet only].
Zoological plates and references.
'Table for Lind's wind gage for Captain Fitzroy of H.M.S. Beagle'.
Mammalia in spirits of wine.
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Birds, etc. in spirits of wine. [This and the above bear the stamp 'Coll. Sherborn. Ex. Litt. Ricardi. Owen. Don. R. S. Owen'. They were removed from boxes of copies of letters.]
Notes on the preservation of specimens.
(i), (ii) Zoology. Diary of observations on zoology of the places visited during the voyage [of H.M.S. Beagle].
(i), (ii) Zoology. Diary of observations on zoology of the places visited during the voyage. . . .
(i), (ii) Diary of observations on the geology of the places visited during the voyage. Part I.
Diary of observations on the geology of the places visited during the voyage. Part II.
(i), (ii) Notes on the geology of the places visited during the voyage: maps, etc. Part I.
(i), (ii) Notes on the geology of the places visited. . . . Part II.
Letter: C. D. Douglas, 24 February 1835.
(i), (ii) Notes on the geology of the places visited. . . . Part III.
(i), (ii) Notes on the geology of the places visited. . . . Part IV.
(i), (ii) Notes on the geology of the places visited. . . . Part V.
(i) A collection of letters:
H. S. Fox, 31 October 1833; C. D. Douglas, 5 January 1836; J. G. Malcolmson, 24 July 1839, 31 August 1839, 7 October 1839, 10 November, 1839; B. J. Sulivan, 20 October 1838, n.d.; E. A. Darwin, n.d.; W. B. Carpenter, 2 January 1844, 21 December 1844, 5 May 1845; W. H. Miller, 8 March ?; T. Reeks, 8 February 1845, 25 February 1845, 14 March 1845; W. Hopkins, 3 March 1845, 27 April 1846, 5 May 1846; C. G. Ehrenberg, n.d., 8 April 1845, 11 March 1846; G. R. Waterhouse, 30 March 1846.
MS. on the Geology of the Falkland Islands, by B. J. Sulivan. Lists of geological specimens.
(ii) Maps and diagrams: special notes on cleavage, fossils, shells, etc.
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Scraps [unspecified].
Paper headed 'Coral Islands'; fair copy of the foregoing; 'Recapitulations and Concluding Remarks' [on geology of South America]; 36 folios of notes.
Notes for Geological Observations on South America (1846) [includes copies of letters from various persons who experienced the earthquake at Concepción, 20 February 1835. These had been sent by Capt. Beaufort to C. Lyell for possible communication to the Geological Society].
(i) Letters: G. B. Sowerby, 17 January 1846, 7 February 1846. Notes by Orbigny, Sowerby and Forbes on shells collected by C.D.
MS. [in Sowerby's hand] of original version of Sowerby's Appendix to Geological Observations on South America, Being the 3rd part of. . .the Voyage of the Beagle. . . (London, 1846).
Letters: E. Forbes, n.d.[2]; incomplete and n.d. [2]; A. d'Orbigny, 14 February 1845, 31 January 1846.
(ii) Fair copy of the above; MS. of final version.
Printed maps of South America, and plans and diagrams (geological sections, etc.) made by C.D.
Notes for chapter on 'Variation under Nature' of Origin of Species [ch. 4 of original book; ch. 2 of the 1859 publication]. This volume contains, besides C.D.'s and others' MS. notes, printed extracts from periodicals, newspaper-cuttings, etc.
(i) Notes for chapter on 'Struggle for Existence' [ch. 5 of original Origin of Species; ch. 3 of the 1859 publication]. Newspaper-cuttings, etc.
Letters: J. B. Sulivan, 10 May 1843 (imperfect), 13 January 1844, 4 July 1845; R. Patterson, 18 October 1860; Hardy to Hindmarsh, 8 May 1861; J. B. Bacon to Lady Drysdale, n.d.; J. P. M. Weale, n.d.; T. Rivers, 3 February 1863; J. Peel, 4 March 1868; J. J. Weir, 31 March 1868; F. T. Köppen, 25 April 1871.
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(ii) Notes on the seeds of flowers (including hollyhock and stock) and vegetables, 'Comparison of seeds, flowers, legumes, etc. to see effect of selection and of non-correlation'.
Notes on the origin of cultivated plants, abstracts and a list of alpine plants not found in arctic Europe.
Notes for 2nd edition of Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle which 'may be useful in species theory'.
Notes on the habits of bees.
Notes for 'Laws of Variation' [originally ch. 7 of the Origin of Species; ch. 5 of the 1859 publication], includes also notes by G. R. Waterhouse, H. C. Watson and G. J. Romanes.
Letters: A. R. Wallace, ? September 1857, 26 September 1863; H. Holland, 10 December 1859; J. Lamont, [1860?]; G. R. Waterhouse, ? February 1860; A. Murray, 5 May 1860, 3 March 1861: H. C. Watson to J. D. Hooker (copy by C.D.), 10 May 1860, n.d. [2]; C. T. Gandin, 15 August 1860; J. M. Rodwell, 31 October 1860, 6 December 1860; F. Jamieson, 13 June 1861; W. D. Crotch, 25 January 1861; H. W. Bates, ? May 1862; R. Swinhoe, 29 July 1863; G. Clendon, 10 November 1863; D. B. Walsh, 29 May 1865; T. Belt, 12 January 1867; E. Blyth, ? February 1867; J. D. Hooker, 19 November 1867, n.d., 15 January 1868, n.d.; J. Ball, 31 January 1872; H. W. Jackson, 20 June 1874; T. Dyer, 20 October 1875; J. Scott, 12 April 1877; J. Walton, n.d.; W. C. L. Martin, n.d. [2]; W. D. Fox, n.d.; H. Falconer, 25 October ?, 12 November ?; W. H. Harvey, 23 November ?; 'Unidentified writer', ? November 1860.
Scraps and notes for 'Transitions of Organs', i.e. for ch. 8 of the Origin of Species before it was abstracted for publication in 1859 [ch. 6 in 1859].
Letters: J. Lubbock, 8 February 1859, [1860?]; J. D. Glennie [+encl.], 6 April 1861; G. H. K. Thwaites, 24 April 1863; E. Blyth, 22 February 1867, 30 March 1868; J. D. Hooker, 14 December 1867; G. R. Waterhouse, n.d.; H. Wedgwood, n.d. [2].
Notes on bees' cells for origin of species theory.
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Notes on dichogamy in plants, 1841. Also other notes an plants, dated 1841–72. ('Scraps about plants, all fully used.')
Rough draft made for W. Kemp of Galashiels of 'An account of some seeds buried at a great depth. . .which germinated.' Together with correspondence on the subject.
Letters: W. Kemp, 2 October 1843, 17 October 1843, 4 November 1843, 10 November 1843, 24 November 1843, 4 December 1843; J. Pringle, 4 December 1843; J. Lindley, n.d. [2]; J. S. Henslow, 9 October 1843, 17 October 1843; C. C. Babington, 26 October 1843.
Glen Roy notes and scraps. Including C.D.'s rough drafts of letters to the editor of the Scotsman, R. W. Chambers, and a letter to C. Lyell [cf. More Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, pp. 181–7].
Draft of a letter to C. Lyell, another letter, a copy of which was actually sent to C. Lyell [Life and Letters, vol. II, p. 74], both on the subject of Forbes's Atlantis (1856). A few notes, etc.
'Abstract of Views on Glacial Periods', by J. Croll.
Letter: J. D. Hooker [c. November 1858] [cf. More Letters, vol. I, p. 446 n.].
Notes and other material on alpine, polar and glacial distribution including draft of letter to J. D. Hooker (18 March 1861).
Notes and diagrams on phyllotaxy [1863].
Notes on peloria and on fertility of Antirrhinum, 1862–5.
Material for pangenesis theory [1868]. Includes notes, etc., C.D. on Ranyard on Pangenesis [1871], original draft of chapter ultimately altered and published in Variation of Animals and Plants as 'Provisional Hypothesis of Pangenesis' [vol. II, ch. 27].
Draft of a discussion on organs not being formed by direct action of medium in distinct organisms. Sent to G. H. Lewes, 1868.
Ideas for experimenting some Galtonian measurements, 1873.
Rough notes on Southampton gravel, 1874.
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Romanes's paper on abortion, with draft of C.D.'s reply, and letters printed in Nature on the subject, etc., 1874.
Notes and letters concerning Torbitt's experiments on the potato disease, 1876–.
Perfected notes and other material on Aggregation of chlorophyll in plants [1880–1].
(i), (ii) Additional photographs for The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, other material, and letters to C.D. Also drawings, notes and references of chs. 2, 3, 6, 7, introduction, memoranda, some dated; cuttings from Nature and other scientific publications. [See box 142 for photographic plates.]
Notes for The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (1876).
Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Daily observations, notes, undated scraps for 1860, 1861, 1862, 1871 and some from early 1872.
Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Daily observations, notes, undated scraps, etc. for the later months of 1872 and June and July of 1873.
Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Daily observations, notes, etc., for the remaining months of 1873.
Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Daily observations, notes, etc., for the first part of 1874.
(i), (ii) Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Press-cuttings, articles from scientific journals, letters to C.D.
Letters: D. Oliver, 25 September 1860; A. W. Hofmann to E. Crecy, 13 October 1860, 2 October 1860, 30 October 1860, 10 November 1860; T. Reeks, 15 November 1860; D. Oliver, 19 September 1860; E. Crecy,10 December 1860; W. M. Canby, 6 July 1867; W. C. Tait, 2 March 1869; W. W. Baxter, 4 December 1872; M. Treat, 13 December 1872; W. M. Canby, 1 February 1873, 22 April 1873; J. B. Sanderson, 28 July 1873;
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M. Treat, 28 July ?, n.d.; J. B. Sanderson, 13 August 1873; E. Frankland, 22 September 1873; J. W. Moore, n.d., 3 October 1873, 7 October 1873; E. Frankland, 10 October 1873; T. L. Brunton, 28 February 1874; E. Frankland, 9 October 1874; J. B. Sanderson, 12 May ?; E. Klein, 14 May 1874; J. B. Sanderson, 26 May ?; W. T. Dyer, 5 June 1874; M. Treat, 8 June 1874; J. B. Sanderson, 19 June 1874; T. C. Copland, 23 July 1874; ? 25 June 1874, 26 June 1874; Sir J. Fayrer, 30 June 1874; J. Ralfs, 9 July 1874; D. Moore, 9 July 1874; E. Klein, 10 July 1874; F. C. Donders, 12 July 1874; L. Wedgwood, 22 August 1874; H. M. Wilkinson, 5 August 1874; T. L. Brunton, 4 September 1874; H. C. Sorby, 9 September 1874; J. Price, 10 September 1874; H. M. Wilkinson, 15 September 1874; J. D. Hooker, 29 September 1874; F. Cohn, 4 October 1874; D. Oliver, 12 October 1874; J. B. Sanderson, 12 October 1874; E. Frankland, 9 October 1874; J.B. Sanderson, 16 October 1874; D. Oliver, 20 October 1874; 22 October 1874; M. Treat, 2 December 1874; G. King, 18 December 1874; D. Oliver, 19 December 1874, 24 December 1874, 2 January 1875; J. B. Sanderson, 25 June 1873; T. L. Brunton, 23 May 1876; T. Marshall, 16 July 1874; W. C. Marshall, 30 August ?, 5 September 1874; Edward Darwin, n.d.; F. Darwin, n.d. [2]; L. Wedgwood ?, p.c., n.d.; F. and A. Darwin, 8 August ?; M. Foster, n.d.; J. Price, n.d.; J. B. Sanderson, 26 June ?, 3 September ?; L. Darwin to Abney, n.d.; F. M. Balfour, n.d.; T. Aitken, n.d.; J. B. Sanderson, n.d.
(i), (ii) Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Daily observations, notes, etc., for the second part of 1874, and for 1875.
(i), (ii) Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875).
Collections of related notes, undated notes and records of observations.
Records of experiments with vapours, acids and salts, collections of related notes, many undated, references to work of other authors, etc.
Material for Insectivorous Plants (1875). Rough draft of MS. for the book, incomplete and in no ascertainable order.
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Notes for 'On the Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the Roots of Certain Plants' [J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. XIX, pp. 239–84].
Letter: S. H. Vines, 24 November 1881.
Material on earthworms for The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms (1881).
Notes on (1) castings (dated, followed by undated scarps); (2) furrows and ploughed land (dated, followed by undated scraps.); (3) experiments done at St Catherine's Hill, Teg Down, and Stonehenge. [See box 142 for chalk powder.]
Also includes cuttings from scientific journals.
(i), (ii) Material on earthworms for The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms (1881).
Notes of experiments on the habits of worms, many in the hand of Francis Darwin; notes on experiments carried out at Silchester, Chedworth, Abinger, Leith Hill and Stonehenge, with diagrams, plans, calculations, and photographs.
Cuttings from various journals.
Notes on the Roman Villa at Chedworth by Prof. Buckman and R. W. Hall, 2nd ed. (1873).
Memorandum on Chedworth (15 November 1877).
Letters: C. B. Plowright, n.d.; B. A. Irving, 30 November 1881; G. F. Crawte, 11 March 1882; J. Niven, 12 March 1882; J. F. Simpson, 18 March 1882.
Articles on worms by E. R. Lankester and E:-L. Trouessart.
Material on earthworms for The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms (1881). Notes and observations made between June 1880 and March 1881; drawings, proofs, calculations, and a few undated scraps.
Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit, which remained unfinished at C.D.'s death [see Life and Letters, vol. III, p. 339].
Notes for the years 1863, 1873–5 and January to August of 1877.
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Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit.
Notes for September 1877 to December 1882.
Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit.
Undated notes and scraps.
Collected scraps on bloom.
Collected late notes on leaf secretion and ants.
Collections of notes on: sleep in plants; salt water; the effects of shaking stems of plants.
Notes, with no indication of year, in sequences from 11 June to 21 November, and 1 August to 25 September.
Letter: H. Müller to F. Darwin, 16 February 1876.
Material for new editions or corrections of works:
Notes, etc., and proofs for the supplemental note for The Descent of Man (1871).
Letter: 'An Irishman', 13 June 1877.
Notes about the translation of the 5th edition of the Origin of Species into French, including certain notes which are possibly by Asa Gray.
Notes used in correcting the 6th edition of the Origin of Species (1872).
Material for the 2nd edition of Coral Reefs (1874), including 3 maps, Commander W. J. S. Wharton's note on Rodriguez and Zanzibar, Lieut. Charles Smith's notes on S.W. Pacific, proofs of plates, and cuttings from journals, etc.
Letters: J. W. Dana, 21 July 1874; H. Piggott, 20 March 1875; J. V. Carus, 16 April 1876; W. J. S. Wharton, 14 August 1878, 12 March 1888, 13 March 1888, 19 September 1888; T. G. Bonney, 19 September 1888; Smith, Elder and Co. to F. Darwin, 29 February 1888, 6 April 1888; F. Darwin to T. G. Bonney, n.d.
Notes by C.D. and others for the 3rd edition of Coral Reefs (1889), including a map of the Great Barrier Reef, an extract from Capt. Blackwood's letter to Capt Beaufort (20 April 1843), cuttings, etc.
Material for the 2nd edition of Climbing Plants (1875), including
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cuttings, proofs of plates, and notes by G. H. Darwin on Climbing Plants.
Material for the 2nd edition of The Effects of Cross- and Self-Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (1878), including an article: 'Ueber Honigthau' by Dr H. Hoffmann, a review of the book by Asa Gray, and cuttings from journals.
Material for the 2nd edition of On the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects (1877). Paintings for plates I–IV [originally included also seeds and pressed flowers: these are now in box 142].
Letters: F. Walker, 24 June [1876]; C. J. Anderson, 18 June 1863.
Abstracts made by C.D. of scientific books. Includes 'Catalogue of books'.
Abstracts made by C.D. Pp. 1–82: Miscellaneous abstracts of scientific books, not recorded in the 'catalogue' of vol. 71; pp. 83–169: Miscellaneous abstracts of scientific journals, chiefly on botany (Annales des Sciences, series II, vol. I–).
Abstracts made by C.D. of scientific journals. Includes the following: Mém. Soc. Phy. Sci. de Genève; Mém. des Muséums, vols. III, X; Mém. du Mus. d'histoire Nat. vol. X, 1823; The London J. Botany; Phytologist, vol. II, 1845–7; The Botanical Gazette; Zoologists, vols. I and II, 1843–56; J. Indian Archipelago.
Abstracts made by C.D. of scientific journals, etc. Includes the following: Westminster Rev.; Annales des Scient. Nat. 1st series; Horticulture Trans. vols. I–VII; Silliman's American J. Science; American J. Science; Horticultural J. vol. I; J. Agricultural Soc. of England, vol. I; Boston J. Natural History, vol. I; Linnaean Soc. Trans. vol. XVI; J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal; Madras J. Literature and Science; British Association: Report of the 3rd Meeting for 1840.
Abstracts made by C.D. of scientific pamphlets and journals. Includes an index of abstracts of '4° and 8° pamphlets' and the following: Gardeners' Chron.; Bull. Geological Soc.; Geological J.; Annals of the Soc. of Natural History; Trans. New Zealand Institute; Kosmos; Proc. and Trans. Zoological Soc.;
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Linnean J.; Trans. Linnean Soc.; The American Naturalist; Philosophical Trans,; J. Anatomy and Physiology; Proc. American Philosophical Soc,; Annales, Soc. Entomolog. de France; Mind; J. Anthropological Institute; Proc. or Mem. of the Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. (sic); Proc. American Academy of Sciences; Proc. Royal Soc. for the Advancement of Science.
Lists of articles and pamphlets on: intercrossing and sterility; dichogamy in plants and animals; variations under Nature, and laws of variation.
Old observations on Diptera.
Notes, scraps and calculations used in The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom.
Letters: W. Masters, 8 May 1860; M. Bird (?), 18 June 1860, 26 June 1860; C. Hardy, 23 July 1860; R. Colgate, 25 June 1861; R. Caspary, 18 February 1868; J. Smith, 8 April 1868; A. W. Bennett, 3 May 1869; F. Müller, 18 October 1869; F. Hildebrand, 23 May 1873; H. Müller, 19 May 1873, 1 July 1873; M. T. Masters, 26 January 1876; T. Moore to W. T. Dyer,15 February 1876; W. E. Darwin, 8 May ?
Material used in The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom, which includes scraps, memoranda, notes of observations (many undated), tables of calculations, references to articles in journals.
Account of 25 years of observations of sweet peas, signed by W. Masters.
Letters: F. Darwin, n.d. [2]; G. H. Darwin, n.d.; S. Wells, 25 November 1858, 17 November 1858; W. L. Childs, 23 November 1858; W. A. Leighton, 19 November 1858; F. Delpino, 18 June 1873; H. Müller, 10 June 1873; E. Norman, 18 May 1876; T. Laxton, 2 May 1876; W. Ogle, 23 July 1876; A. Fitch, 18 November 1862; W. Masters, 3 April 1850; W. D. Fox, 19 December ?; J. Cattell, 12 May 1860; J. D. Hooker, 30 August 1873.
Original MS. notes for The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (1876) [see also no. 79].
Original MS. notes for The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom (1876), continued from no. 78.
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Material for the 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871).
References to books and articles by other writers.
Index to a work by C. L. Brehm.
Index of books used.
Cuttings from scientific journals, etc.
Letters: H. Denny, 23 January 1865; C. L. Brace, 14 November 1867; J. Murie, 1 March 1868; H. Turner, 3 January 1870; F. Galton, 28 January 1870; J. L. Gray, 14 February 1870; H. Wedgwood, n.d.; J. Lubbock, 27 February ?; D. Forbes, imperfect; E. Blyth, imperfect.
Material for the 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871). Includes dated scraps, illustrations and miscellaneous undated scraps.
Material for the 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871).
Letters: T. Smith, 26 August 1869, 8 October 1869, 5 November 1869, 14 September 1869, n.d.; H. Doubleday, 3 April 1868, 22 April 1868, 28 March 1868; A. R. Wallace, 18 September ?, n.d., 24 February ?, 15 March ?, n.d.; R. Trimen, 18 November 1869, 31 December 1867; H. W. Bates, 21 February 1868, 26 February 1868, 11 March 1867, 12 March 1868, 20 April 1868, 17 January 1870, n.d.; F. Walker, 9 December 1867; W. Baird, 7 February 1868; A. Hancock, 8 February 1868; G. B. Sowerby, 17 February 1868; C. S. Bate, 11 July 1868, 17 February ?, 3 March 1868, 2 April 1868, 24 May 1868, 24 May 1868, 1 February 1869, 31 July 1869; C. D. Waterhouse, 12 February 1868, 19 February 1868; J. Blackwall, 12 February 1868, 8 September 1869, 10 August 1869; J. Lubbock, 5 August ?; R. McLachlan, 24 July 1868, n.d.; D. B. Walsh, 25 March 1868; F. Müller, 9 September 1868; ? Langton to S. A. Wedgwood, 9 November ?; F. Darwin to Emma Darwin, n.d.; G. R. Crotch, 2 October ?; E. W. Janson, 25 May 1868, 4 June 1868; O. Staudinger, 15 May 1868; J. J. Weir, n.d., ? March 1868; D. B. Walsh, 1 May 1868; C.D. to R. Trimen, 27 March 1868; C.D. to ?, n.d.
Queries and observations of Dr A. Günther; undated scraps; press-cuttings; illustrations.
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Letters: A. Günther, 19 December 1867, n.d.; R. Buist, 26 February 1868; L. Agassiz, 22 July 1868; Asa Gray, 27 February 1871.
Material for 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871). Includes dated notes and observations, made at the Zoological Gardens and elsewhere; undated scraps and memoranda; cuttings from scientific journals; illustrations; observations by other people.
Letters: G. Cupples, 11 May 1868, 13 May 1868, 26 May 1868, 11 March 1869, 20 June 1870; E. Blyth, 18 May 1868, 20 November 1868, n.d.; Lord Tankerville; 9 February 1862; J. G. Gray, 2 March 1868; J. Bush, 30 March 1868; J. Wright, 11 June 1868; W. Reade, 17 January 1869; J. D. Caton, 2 December 1868, 5 May 1869, 17 November 1870; A. W. Neill, 24 January 1869, 20 February 1869; P. de M. G. Egerton, 18? February 1869; E. Jones to M. L. Ruck, 28 April 1869; W. Blenkiron, n.d.; E. Layard, n.d.; W. D. Fox, n.d.; B. J. Sulivan, 13 February ?; M. L. Ruck to F. Darwin, n.d.; A. R. Wallace, 1 May ?.
(i), (ii) Material for the 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871). Notes, calculations, references to books and articles by other writers, mainly on sex selection in birds, miscellaneous memoranda, cuttings from journals, drawings, and proofs of illustrations. [See box 142 for feathers.]
Letters: B. P. Brent, 29 May 1861; J. Shaw, 19 April 1866; R. Swinhoe, 14 April 1863; J. Gould, 10 May 1866; A. Newton, 21 January 1867; E. Blyth, 4 October 1868; A. Newton,1 March 1867; W. B. Tegetmeier, 29 March 1867; A. R. Wallace, 26 April 1867, 1 May 1867; A. D. Bartlett, 9 December 1867; R. Trimen, 13 January 1868; G. G. Stokes, 27 February 1868; J. J. Weir, ? March 1868, 23 March 1868, 24 March 1868, 31 March 1868, 16 April 1868, ? May 1868, ? 1868, 18 May 1868; E. Hewitt, 28 March 1868; H. Weir, 28 March 1868; J. J. Weir, n.d.; G. R. Gray, 2 April 1868, 8 April 1868; H. B. Tristram, 1 July 1868, 5 September 1868; R. B. Sharpe, 5 August 1868; E. Blyth, 4 October 1868, imperfect letters, 8 leaves; A. R. Wallace, 24 March 1869; L. Jenyns, n.d.; H. Weir, n.d.; A. R. Wallace, 28 April ?, n.d.; W. D. Fox, 9 December ?; R. Trimen, n.d.; J. J. Weir, imperfect letters, 4 leaves; W. B. Tegetmeier, 28 August 1861; E. S. Dixon, n.d.; G. G. Stokes, 27 February 1868 (copy).
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Material for 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871). Includes notes and relevant letters on specific subjects (e.g. music, colour of hair in man, etc.); dated scraps; undated miscellaneous scraps and memoranda; cuttings from journals.
Letters; J. Beddoe, n.d., 13 September 1869, 22 August 1869; A. R. Wallace, 2 March ?; W. Mantell, n.d.; H. Spencer to ?, n.d.; C. J. Anderson, 6 April 1856; A. Smith, 26 March 1867; J. Scott, 21 December 1868; E. Blyth, 26 April 1869; W. Reade, 9 November 1870; J. Peel, 17 March 1868; R. Russell, 27 July 1868; S. Sanday, 29 October 1868; G. Cupples to J. R. S. Barr, n.d.; W. B. Tegetmeier, n.d.; W. D. Fox, 9 December 1868; Alex Wallace, 28 July 1868; R. Trimen, n.d.; H. Doubleday, 8 March 1868; R. Trimen, 13 April-1868; A. R. Wallace, n.d.; M. Paycan, 16 July 1869; R. Thomson to G. Cupples, n.d.; R. Trimen, 20 February 1868, 26 March 1868, J. L. A. Quatrefages, 4 March 1868; Alex Wallace, 26 July 1868; J. Hellins, 20 April 1868, 16 December 1868.
Letters and notes relating to the 1st edition of The Descent of Man (1871), and of errata for Insectivorous Plants (1875).
Letters: H. Lee, 21 January 1868; J. Blackwall, 18 February 1868; H. W. Bates, 18 February 1868; H. J. Stainton, 20 February 1868; R. McLachlan, 21 July 1868; A. R. Wallace, 24 February 1868; H. J. Stainton to H. Doubleday, 25 February 1868; L. Jenyns, 27 February 1868; H. J. Stainton, 29 February 1868; R. Buist, 5 March 1868; H. J. Stainton, 7 March 1868; J. J. Weir, 7 March 1868; J. Canestrini, 13 March 1868; Alex Wallace, 14 March 1868; J. Canestrini, 8 April 1868; W. Reade, 28 June 1868; E. Blyth, 24 August 1868; J. J. Weir, ? October 1868; J. N. Hegt, 11 December 1868, 23 April 1869; L. Nillson, 31 December 1868; J. V. Carus, 22 January 1869; F. Buckland, 27 February 1868, n.d.; T. Eyton, 4 March 1869, 26 January 1869; J. J. Weir, 26 May 1869; W. Aitchison to G. Cupples, 16 June 1869; J. Russell, 18 June 1869; G. Cupples, 20 June 1869; R. Elliot to G. Cupples, 21 June 1869; W. Aitchison, 25 June 1869; R. Elliot to G. Cupples, 25 June 1869; W. Aitchison, 30 June 1869; J. A. Oliver to G. Cupples, 3 July 1869; J. Graham to G. Cupples, 6 July 1869; J. Rait to G. Cupples, 20 July 1869; W. Elliot, 7 August 1869, 7 September 1869; G. Cupples, 13 September 1869; A. Jones, 17 November 1869;
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Sir H. Holland to E. A. Darwin, 24 February ?; P. Robertson to G. Cupples, 16 January 1869; W. D. Fox, n.d. [2]; R. Russell, 28 July 1868; R. Trimen, 20 March 1868; H. Doubleday, n.d.; J. Wright, n.d.; Alex Wallace, 15 July ?; W. C. Marshall, 25 September ?; F. Cohn, n.d.; W. M. Canby, 1 October 1875; J. V. Carus, 21 December 1875; M. Schiff, 8 May 1876; H. N. Ridley, 15 April 1877; C. H. Blackley, 18 June 1877; W. C. Williamson, 23 October 1877; W. T. Dyer, 18 January 1878, n.d.; A. S. Wilson, 6 August 1878; G. H. Darwin to Messrs Clowes, 17 July 1875.
Notes of errata for Insectivorous Plants (1875).
Letter: G. H. Darwin to Messrs Clowes, 11 July 1875.
Notes of errata for Insectivorous Plants (1875).
Letters: J. J. Weir, ? 1868, 26 March 1868; H. Weir, 23 March 1869; W. B. Tegetmeier, 9 March 1868, 25 February 1868.
Material for 2nd edition of The Descent of Man (1874). Includes material for chapters 1–6, and relevant cuttings from journals, memoranda and photographs.
Chapter 1: G. Rolleston, 22 February 1871; A. Nicols, 7 March 1871; G. W. Busk, 10 March 1871, 16 March 1871; M. B. Bathoe, 25 March 1871; H. Airy, 3 April 1871; E. R. Lankester, 17 April 1871; H. Nitzsche, 18 April 1871; H. Lonsdale, 3 May 1871; W. Preyer, 8 May 1871, n.d.; J. R. Clephan, 19 February 1873; S. J. Housley, 20 December 1872; J. Paget, 17 January 1873; J. L. Down, 20 December 1873, 28 December 1873, n.d.
Chapters 2 and 3: J. C. Houzeau, 24 February 1873; B. J. Sulivan, 11 March 1871; J. Jeremiah, 11 March 1871; C.D. to ?, 24 March 1871; G. F. Ansell, 8 April 1871; A. Smith, 17 April 1871; G. Cupples, 22 April 1871; R. B. Thompson, 27 April 1871.
Chapter 4: W. Reade, 10 January 1871; R. H. Tiddeman, 23 March 1871; J. Wood, 6 April 1871; J. N. Hoare, 10 April 1871; W. R. Greg, 2 March ?.
Chapter 5: T. N. Farrer, 3 March 1871, n.d.; L. Rudd, 12 April 1874; J. Morley, n.d.
Chapter 6: W. R. Grove, n.d.; M. Lessona, 9 August 1871
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Material for 2nd edition of The Descent of Man (1874). Notes and memoranda on moral sense, mammals and birds.
Moral sense: W. E. Darwin, n.d.; H. Wedgwood, n.d.; C.D. to H. Wedgwood, 3 March 1871; H. Wedgwood, n.d. [2]; C.D. to H. Wedgwood, 9 March 1871; H. E. Wedgwood to H. E. Darwin, 1 April 1871; J. Morley, 17 April 1871; H. Gillman, 29 May 1871; W. Reade, 18 February 1872; W. E. Darwin, n.d.
Mammals: J. E. Gray, 2 April 1871, 3 April 1871, 7 April 1871; W. H. van Zouteveen, 7 April 1871; H. Reeks, 25 May 1871, n.d.; J. V. Carus, 28 May 1871; H. Reeks, 30 May 1871; J. Lamont, 23 August 1871; J. L. A. Hope, 4 October 1871; W. D. Crotch, 24 October 1871, 17 November 1872; J. V. Carus, 20 November 1871; R. O. Jones to W. E. Darwin, 20 November 1871, 8 November 1871+ W. E. Darwin, 11 November 1871; C. J. F. Major, 18 October 1872; R. B. Langton?, p.c., 26 February 1873; W. D. Crotch, 14 November 1873; J. Peel, 4 December 1873; ?, n.d.
Birds: J. Coghland, n.d.; J. Morley, 30 March 1871; D. Wedderburn, 6 April 1871; A. Newton, 29 May 1871; H. Reeks, 12 June 1871; W. B. Tegetmeier, 17 June 1871, 13 May 1872; J. J. Weir, 14 August 1872, n.d.; D. Tyler, 15 August 1872; F. B. Johnston, 9 March 1873.
Material for the 2nd edition of The Descent of Man (1874). Includes notes on fish, insects, sexual selection, man—voice, music. [See box 142 for horse and human hair.]
Fish: J. Wyman, 8 January 1860; T. W. Wood, 24 April 1871; W. Keen, 26 September 1873; A. Günther, 26 February 1874; Hollman, n.d.; A. Agassiz, n.d.
Insects: A. Humbert, ? January 1873; H. Marval, 15 September 1871; R. McLachlan, 20 February 1871; A. G. Butler, 29 June 1871; R. Meldola, 24 March 1873; A. R. Wallace, 7 August 1871; R. Meldola, 26 March 1872; F. Müller, 14 June 1871; A. G. Butler, 10 July 1871, 27 March 1873; J. V. Carus, 22 April 1871; G. Fraser, 12 April 1871, 13 April 1871; A. G. Butler, 26 May 1871; 2 June 1871.
Sexual selection, man—voice, music: W. Reade, 6 January 1870,
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21 February 1871; J. Lubbock, 18 March ?; C. W. Peach, 1 May 1871; A. Smith, 16 May 1871; T. Bradfield, 1 June 1871; G. Rohlfi, 6 June 1871; F. Simmons, 10 December 1871; G. H. Darwin, 2 May 1872; T. N. Staley, 12 February 1874, 20 February 1874, 25 February [1874]; W. B. Tegetmeier, n.d.; F. Chance, n.d.
Material for the 2nd edition of The Descent of Man (1874), including races, sexual selection, general principles, notes and proofs for errata, etc.
Races: L. Darwin, n.d.; C. L. Bernays, 25 February 1871; W. H. van Zouteveen, 2 March 1871; H. H. Howarth, 3 January 1873; W. Dealtry, 16 January 1874; G. H. Nobbs to Sir H. Robinson (copy), 1 January 1873; H. M. Westropp, 20 April ?; T. M. Coan, 14 February 1874; W. Waring, 13 April 1874.
Sexual selection, general principles: G. B. Murdoch, 10 March 1871; P. B. Mason, 29 March 1871; C. A. Brett, 1 May 1871; W. E. Darwin, 5 June 1871; W. Waring, 9 January 1874; J. G. Grove, 19 January 1874; J. Downing, 29 January 1874; G. Cupples, 3 February 1874; E. L. Williams to G. Cupples, 3 February 1874; E. L. Williams to G. Cupples, 10 February 1874; T. Morse to G. Cupples, 17 February 1874; W. B. Tegetmeier, 17 February 1874, n.d.; W. F. Rayner to G. Cupples, ? 1874; J. Wright to G. Cupples, 18 February 1874; G. W. Hickman to G. Cupples, 19 February 1874; J. W. Robertson to G. Cupples, 4 March 1874; W. N. Massey to G. Cupples, 9 March 1874; G. A. Graham to G. Cupples, 26 February 1874?; W. Forbes to J. W. Robertson, 4 March 1874; W. R. Greg, 14 March ?
Early notes on guns and shooting.
'Old and useless notes about the moral sense and some metaphysical points written about 1837 and earlier' (1838, 1839 and 1840).
Fragment of an autobiography, 'written August 1838'.
Miscellaneous material which was originally found with the notebook for 'Books to be read'. 1838, vol. 119, and includes:
Letters: Williams and Norgate, 17 November 1857, 29 March 1860; D. Olivers, 8 November 1861; F. T. Köppen, 13 November 1874.
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One loose sheet originally with 'Catalogue of the Scientific books read by C.D. in 1846'.
Letter: C. Lyell, 1 March 1866.
Rough draft of a sketch of A. R. Wallace's career, 1881.
Fair copy of C.D.'s life by himself, and list of his works.
Notes on Paley's A View of the Evidences of Christianity (1794); not dated but probably between 1836 and 1839, or earlier.
Copy of C. Darwin's account of J. S. Henslow contributed to L. Jenyns's Memoir of the Rev. J. Henslow, 1862.
Letters from C.D.: to Catherine Darwin, n.d.; to S. Darwin, 29 January 1826, 26 April 1838, n.d. [2], 27 April ?, n.d. [2]; to W. E. Darwin, 6 October 1858, (copy) 15 October 1858, n.d. [2]; to F. Müller, 8 December 1858, 28 February 1867; to Burleigh, 12 October 1864; to R. Caspary, 4 March 1866; to Bradshaw, 12 April 1876; to ?, 21 April 1876; to W. E. Darwin, 3 October 1877; to A. Rich, 4 February 1882; to T. H. Huxley, 27 January ? (+ 'Instructions to Naturalist').
Papers dealing with Samuel Butler's attack on C.D. Including general papers, fair copies of C.D.'s first and second letters to The Athenæum—which he ultimately rejected, cuttings from various journals—being reviews of Butler's Evolution New and Old, and Butler's letter to The Athenæum.
Letters: E. A. Darwin, 13 March 1879, 8 March 1879; R. Cooke, 25 October 1879, 6 September 1879; L. Darwin, 15 November 1879; J. Murray, 3 June ?, 3 September ?; E. Krause, 35 dated letters; S. Butler, 2 January 1880, 21 January 1880, L. Stephen, 12 January 1880; R. B. Litchfield, 1 February 1880 [2], 3 February 1880; T. H. Huxley, 3 February 1880; H. E. Litchfield to L. Stephen (copy), ? January 1881; R. B. and H. E. Litchfield, 5 January [1881]; H. E. Litchfield, n.d.; T. H. Huxley (copy), n.d.; C.D. to E. Krause (copy), 30 June 1877; C.D. to The Athenæum, 24 January 1880, 1 February 1880; C.D. to E. Krause?, 26 December 1880.
Letters by C.D.:
To J. S. Henslow, 56 letters arranged chronologically 1838–60.
To John Scott, 35 letters arranged chronologically [numbered 1–36, no. 33 is missing].
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Letters from C.D. to Sir J. D. Hooker, 1848–73.
Letters from C.D. to Sir J. D. Hooker, 1873–81. Including letters from ? to C.D. (23 December 1874), from Emma Darwin to Sir J. D. Hooker (22 November 1874), and from Francis Darwin to Sir J. D. Hooker (17 March 1879), and one sheet signed by C.D., but bearing neither address nor date.
Drafts of letters by C.D., 1862–73. Also includes a few letters to C.D. from others, listed below.
H. Albertof, 13 February 1862; Soc. Imp. Zool. d'Acclimatatn., 10 January 1862; M. T. Masters, 28 March 1867; Schweizerbart?, n.d.; Williams and Norgate, 2 June 1868; Schultze, 4 August 1868; M. Wilckens, 25 March 1869; G. R. Gray, 9 July 1869; Soc. Anthr. de Paris, 9 December 1871; J. S. Craig, 4 November 1872; ?, 11 June 1872.
Letters to C.D., 1831–6, also some letters about him. These deal largely with the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle.
Letters: G. Peacock to J. S. Henslow, ? September 1831; J. S. Henslow, 24 August 1831; J. Wedgwood to R. Darwin (+ R. Darwin's objections to C.D. joining the H.M.S. Beagle expedition), 31 August 1831; G. Peacock, n.d.; J. S. Henslow, 31 August 1833; Catherine D., 28 January 1835; Susan D., 16 February 1835; Caroline D., 30 March 1835; Catherline, 30 October 1835; Susan D., 22 November 1835; Caroline D., 29 December 1835; Catherine D., 29 January 1836; Susan D., 12 February 1836; Caroline D., 28 March 1836.
Drafts of letters written by C.D., 1874, 1875. Includes also the following letters from others:
Kaiserliche Akad. der Wissenschaften (Vienna), 20 July 1875; R.S.P.C.A., 30 April 1875; E. T. W. Pfiüger, 14 April 1875; T. Burgess, 13 May 1875; A. Günther, 14 February 1874; Northern Assurance Co., 14 March 1874; D. T. Gardner, 13 August 1874.
Letters to C.D., 1841–58.
C. Lyell, July 1841?; W. Owen, 26 March 1843; H. C. Watson, 8 letters, 1855–8; E. Blyth, 15 letters (numbered by C.D.) containing sets of notes made for C.D. by Blyth in Calcutta; C. C. Babington, 3 March 1858.
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Letters to C.D. about the Origin of Species, 1859, 1860.
C. Lyell, 3 October 1859; C. Kingsley, 18 November 1859; H. C. Watson, 21 November 1859; T. H. Huxley, 23 November 1859; E. A. Darwin, 23 November 1859; F. Galton, 9 December 1859; A. Sedgwick, 24 December 1859; W. Whewell, 2 January 1860; A Gray to J. D. Hooker, 5 January 1860; A. Gray, 23 January 1860; C. J. F. Bunbury, 30 January 1860; F. Booth, 29 February 1860; H. Fawcett, 16 July 1860; T. H. Huxley, 6 August 1860.
The correspondence on the Origin of Species between C.D. and W. H. Harvey, August to October 1860.
Letters to C.D., 1861–81.
T. Davidson, 3 May 1861; H. Falconer, 23 June 1861; G. Maw, 30 June 1862, 27 August 1862; R. Trimen, 16 June 1863; Edward Darwin, 7 September 1863; F. Ransome, 6 March 1865, 10 July 1866, 9 March 1865, 7 November 1864, 6 July 1866; T. H. Huxley, 3 March 1867; G. H. Lewes, 8 August 1868; Charlotte Darwin, 3 April 1871, 25 January ?; H. Ramu, 9 September 1871, 24 September 1871; T. H. Huxley. 20 September 1871, 20 September 1871; A Hyatt, ? November 1872.
Correspondence and scraps about a holiday for T. H. Huxley: C.D. to T. H. Huxley, (rough draft) 25 April 1873; T. H. Huxley, 24 April 1873; C.D. T. H. Huxley, (copy) 23 April 1873; T. H. Huxley, (copy of the above).
Letters about the Copley Medal: G. G. Stokes to T. H. Huxley, 5 December 1864 [2]; T. H. Huxley to G. G. Stokes, n.d.; G. G. Stokes to T. H. Huxley, 7 December 1864; T. H. Huxley to G. G. Stokes, n.d.; G. G. Stokes to T. H. Huxley, 8 December 1864; A. G. Butler, 24 August 1875; G. G. Stokes, 14 April 1876.
Congratulatory addresses from masters of colleges at Greiz and from editors of Kosmos on C.D.'s seventieth birthday, February 1879. Draft of C.D.'s reply.
Correspondence on Erasmus Darwin, by E. Krause: many letters from relatives, 1879–80. A few notes by C.D. included.
Letters from people who had known C.D. when young: A. H. Goodwin, 27 May 1881; E. J. Edwards, 28 June 1881; C. M. Owen, 29 May 1881, n.d.; J. B. B. Dykes. 1 September 1881.
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Letter from C.D.'s children, sent with gift of fur coat, dated 17 January 1880.
Other letters: S. A. Haliburton, 12 December ?, 21 November ?; L. Tait, 18 January ?, 15 July [1880]; F. Müller, 9 January 1881.
Letters to C.D. from J. D. Hooker, 1843–62. [58 letters: where adequately dated, these are arranged chronologically, but many of them are fragmentary. Certain relevant notes by Darwin and Hooker are also included.]
Letters to C.D. from J. D. Hooker, 1862–4. Chronologically arranged.
Letters to C.D. from J. D. Hooker, 1865–8. Chronologically arranged.
Letters to C.D. from J. D. Hooker, 1869–74. Chronologically arranged.
Letters to C.D. from J. D. Hooker, 1875–82. Chronologically arranged. Also included are undated letters and fragments of letters: T. H. Huxley, 24 April 1873; notes from D. Oliver to J. D. Hooker, sent to C.D.; E. Lubbock, n.d.; H. Hooker, 9 letters; 3 scraps in C.D.'s hand.
Letters to C.D. from Francis Galton, 1869–82. Chronlogically arranged.
Letters to C.D. from E. A. Darwin, 1862–80. Also a letter from C.D. to E.A. Darwin, dated 20 September 1873; and 7 letters from E. A. Darwin to Emma Darwin, dated 1863–75.
Letters to C.D. from Samuel Butler, 1865–73. Includes one undated (April or May 1867?) to one of C.D.'s sons. Chronologically arranged.
Letter to C.D. from A. R. Wallace, April 1862–October 1881. Chronologically arranged.
Letters to C.D. from John Tyndall, 1868–78. Chronologically arranged.
Miscellaneous letters to C.D.: A. Gray, 22 May 1858; G. H. Lewes, n.d., 2 March 1868, 26 July 1868, 30 July 1868, 12 November 1868; A. Gray, 11 June 1873; T. Burgess, 25 March 1875,
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13 April 1875; F. Müller, 1 January 1882; M. F[oster], 18 January 1882; F. Galton, (notes) 9 December 1859.
Material collected by F. Darwin about his father (i.e. C.D.); corrections of Life and letters of Charles Darwin (1887); account of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, by P. G. King (copy).
Letters: W. H. Fremantle to F. Darwin, 21 July 1888, 28 July 1888; F. Galton to F. Darwin, 28 June 1887; T. H. Huxley to F. Darwin, 9 April 1888, 20 April 1888; J. Lubbock to F. Darwin, 2 January 1896; J. M. Mackair to F. Darwin, 25 November 1887; G. Prestwich to F. Darwin, 16 June 1887; W. Sherb—(?) to F. Darwin, 20 September 1902; G. J. Stoney to F. Darwin, 17 May 1895, 18 May 1895; B. J. Sulivan to J. D. Hooker, n.d.; F. Darwin to T. H. Huxley (copy), 12 December 1882, ? 1882; W. E. and G. H. Darwin to T. H. Huxley, (copy) 28 April 1882.
Newspaper cuttings, mostly dealing with the fall of a church steeple, arbitrarily connected with the burial of C.D. in Westminster Abbey, 11 February 1894; notes on plants in spirits, Shrewsbury 1841, Maer 1841–2, Down 1843, September 1846; catalogue of plants in spirits, June 1842. [See Box 142 for dried specimens.]
Material used in C.D.'s work on the illegitimate progeny of dimorphic and trimorphic plants, including notes, tables, memoranda and press-cuttings, mainly on Primulae. Includes also letters, which are listed below: [See box 142 for specimens from vols. 108–11.]
Letters: L. Wedgwood, n.d.; W. E. Darwin n.d., 22 March ?; D. Oliver, 27 February 1863; W. A. Leighton (?), n.d.; J. Scott, n.d., 6 December ?, ? April 1863.
Material on the illegitimate progeny of dimorphic and trimorphic plants: notes, memoranda and extracts from journals. Mainly on Oxalis, Thyme and Marjoram.
Letters: W. E. Darwin, 4 undated letters, 20 June ?, 29 June ?, 21 June ?; R. Caspary, n.d.; A. Gray, 11 October 1861, 10 February 1877, n.d.; J. S. Henslow, 21 November 1860?; W. H Leggett to A. Gray. 14 October 1864; W. C. Marshall, 12 June 1864; J. T. Moggridge, 6 March 1867?; G. H. A. Thwaites,
[page] 31
17 February 1863; Catherine D., 6 July 1841; R. Spence (note); J. Scott, n.d.; G. Bentham, 29 November 1861; R. Trimen, 10 October 1863; F. Müller, 18 December 1869; W. H. Leggett, 15 January 1877.
Material on the illegitimate progeny of dimorphic and trimorphic plants; notes, memoranda, cuttings, etc., mainly on Rubiaceae and Primulaceae; groups of notes on Pulmonaria and Mitchella, etc.
Letters: J. A. Henry, 16 May 1863; J. T. Moggridge, 19 July ?; H. Müller, 25 January 1877; J. T. Moggridge, 15 July ?; L. Wedgwood, 7 June 1869; W. E. Darwin, 12 May ?, 14 April 1864, 18 April 1864, 18 May ?, n.d., 14 July 1862, 19 May 1864, 24 May 1864; C. E. Bessey to A. Gray, 19 May 1877; C. C. Babington, 17 January 1862; H. D. Weddell, 13 May 1863; W. D. Fox, 3 April ?; A. Gray, 9 ? 1861, 31 December 1862, 4 August 1862, 21 November 1870, 22 December 1876, n.d.; J. D. Hooker, 18 December 1876; G. H. A. Thwaites, 15 May 1862; G. Bentham, 10 July 1864; F. Müller, 1 April 1867, 2 June 1867, 15 June 1869.
Material on the illegitimate progeny of dimorphic and trimorphic plants; notes, observations, memoranda, reprinted articles by C.D., general conclusions and remarks and groups of notes on Primulae.
Letters: G. Bentham, 26 November 1861, 2 December ?; F. Delpino, 7 June 1871; T. N. Farrer, 5 May 1869; A. Gray, 5 September 1862, n.d.; F. Hildebrand, 19 March 1877; J. D. Hooker, 8 December 1876; J. T. Moggridge, 3 August ?; H. Müller, 2 April 1877; F. Müller, 25 March 1877; J. Scott, n.d.; J. Torrey, 6 June 1871; J. D. Hooker, n.d.; C. C. Babington, 16 March 1877; W. Breitenbach, (+copy) 26 July 1876; W.T. Dyer, n.d.; F. Müller, n.d.; D. Oliver, 13 September 1862, 25 November 1862.
Letters to Francis Darwin about C.D., collected for his Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887). Also includes various recollections of C.D.
Letters: F. E. Abbot to W. E. Darwin, 3 September 1882; L. Z. Belinfante to A. C. Seward, 26 July 1901; G. Bentham, (copy) 30 May 1882; T. L. Brunton, 30 May 1883; T. Butler,
[page] 32
13 September 1882; W. J. Calman, 25 April 1912; J. H. L. Cameron, 15 September ?; C. F. Cox, 3 March 1889; E. H. Cradock, 10 July 1882; G. H. Darwin, n.d.; L. Darwin to W. E. Darwin, 26 January 1885, to F. Darwin, 7 July 1916; W. E. Darwin, 30 January ?; J. G. Evans, 20 June 1882; Földes-Weisz, 12 November 1887; L. M. Forster, ? January 1883, 16 November 1885, 30 November 1885; G. Fraser, 21 March 1888; F. Galton to W. E. Darwin, n.d.; W. H. Hamond, 19 September 1882; J. W. Heaviside, 15 September 1882; J. M. Herbert, 26 May 1882, 12 June 1882; J. D. Hooker, 19 June 1882; J. B. Innes, 20 June 1882, 26 June 1882; L. Blomefield to J. D. Hooker, (copy) 1 May 1882; G. King, 15 January 1900; P. G. King, 8 September 1882; J. D. La Touche, 7 January 1897; J. Leidy, 30 October 1902; 31 October 1902; H. E. Litchfield, 18 March 1887; A. Mellersh, 10 June 1882; W. M. Moorsom, 7 December 1882; F. Müller, 17 July 1882; ? 9 January 1883; G. E. Paget, 13 September 1882, 17 September 1882; J. M. Rodwell, 8 July 1882; Lord Sherbrooke, 27 November ?; L. Stokes, 16 September 1882; B. J. Sulivan, 12 December 1884, 11 June 1885; F. Watkins, 18 July ?; K. C. S. Wedgwood, 14 July 1889; H. E. Wedgwood, (copy) 15 December 1885.
W. C. Marshall (2 anecdotes); reminiscences by F. Darwin (note on religion); G. H. Darwin; A. Gaudrey, 'Le Rôle de Darwin considéré au point de vue de la paléontologie'; J. M. Herbert; T. H. Huxley (MS. of part of his chapter on the reception of Origin of Species, printed in Life and Letters, vol. II, p. 179–); J. B. Innes; letter: E. Lane to B. W. Richardson, n.d. (pamphlet); W. A. Leighton (reminiscences and copies of 2 letters from C.D.); Judd, n.d.; J. Price; J. M. Rodwell.
Sketch of species theory, 1844, Fair copy of vol. 7, annotated by C.D.
Letters of C.D. to J. D. Hooker, 1843–58.
Letters of C.D. to J. D. Hooker, 1859–66.
Notebook containing abstracts of, and notes on, the following books and papers:
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C. F. von Gärtner: Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich (Stuttgart, 1849) (also notes on re-reading book, June 1855).
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Lychni-cucubalus: novum plantae hybridae genus', Novi comment. Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. XX (pro anno 1775), pp. 431–48.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Lycia hybrida', Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. (1778), pp. 219–24.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Verbasca nova hybrida', Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. (1781), pp. 249–70.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Daturae novae hybridae', Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. (pars post., 1781), pp. 303–13.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Malvacei ordinis plantae novae hybridae', Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. (pars post., 1786), pp. 251–88.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Lina hybrida', Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. I (1783), pp. 339–46.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Dianthi novi hybridi', Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. III (1785), pp. 277–84.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Mirab. Ialapae hybridae', Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. XI (1793), pp. 389–99.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Mirabil. Ialaparum hybridarum continuata descriptionis', Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. XII (1794), pp. 378–98.
J. T. Koelreuter: (the above continued], Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. XIII (1795), pp. 305–35.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Spicilegium ultimum & additamenta', Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. vol. XIV (1797), pp. 373–408.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Digitales hybrides', J. Physique, vol. XXI (1782), pp. 285–306.
J. T. Koelreuter: 'Lobélies hybrides', J. Physique, vol. XXIII (1783) pp. 100–5.
J. B. van Mous: Les arbes fruitiers et leur culture, vol. I (Louvain, 1835).
E. Claparède: 'Histologische Untersuchungen über den Regenwurm: Lumbricus terrestris', Zeitschr. wissensch. Zoologie, vol. XIX (1869), pp. 563–624.
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Notes on the Fortsetzungen in J. T. Koelreuter's Vorläufige Nachrichten, von einigen das Geschelecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen und Beobachtungen, nebst Fortsetzungen 1, 2 and 3 (1761–6).
Early notebook, containing notes and diagrams of flowers, which belonged to W. E. Darwin.
Early notebook, containing observations made by C.D. when he was at Edinburgh, March 1827.
Notebook of 'Books to be read', 1838. [The miscellaneous material which was originally loose between its pages is now to be found in no. 91.]
Catalogue of the scientific books read by C.D. in 1846. [The single loose sheet which was discovered between its pages is in no. 91.]
'B' notebook dealing with evolution theory 'commenced. . . July 1837'.
'C' notebook dealing with evolution theory. February–July 1838.
'D' notebook dealing with evolution theory, 'July 15th 1838. Finished October 2nd'.
'E' notebook dealing with evolution theory, 'Finished July 10th 1839'.
'M' notebook dealing with 'expression. This book full of metaphysics on morals and speculations on expression. July 15th 1838.'
'N' notebook dealing with 'expression. Metaphysics and expression. Begun 2 October 1838.'
'A' notebook 'As far as p. 33 distributed to several subjects. As far as p. 140 abstracted as far as concerns Geolog. observations on Volcanic Islands and Coral Formation. 24 February 1839.'
Notebook 'Books read and to be read', 1852–60.
Diary for 1826, with entries about birds, beasts and flowers seen on walks.
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Glen Roy notebook, 1838.
G. W. Featherstonhaugh: Report of a Geological Reconnoissance. . . (Washington, 1836).
(1) British Association for the Advancement of Science: Historical and descriptive catalogue of the Darwin Memorial at Down House, Downe, Kent (35 pp.).
(2) Dr A. Burgerstein: Charles Robert Darwin: eine Skizze seines Leben und Schaffens (Wien, 1889. 80 pp.).
(3) Carlyle's supposed attack on C.D., and refutation. Two newspaper cuttings, from The Times (? January 1877) and the Record (14 February 1877).
(4) Charles O'Shaughnessy: Darwin Confounded (Cork, 1876. 23 pp.).
(5) F. Delpino: Rivista Botanica (Milan, 1876).
(6) C. Darwin: letter on holly berries. A cutting from the Gardeners' Chron. (6 January 1877).
(7) Charles Darwin: Manual of Geology [extracted from the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry, 3rd edition, 1859]. (London. 34 pp.)
(1) Copy of a notice [which appears to have been only rarely used] expressing thanks for a letter sent to C.D. which he is unable to answer personally.
(2) T. H. Huxley: Obituary notice of C.D. [reprinted from the Proc. Royal Society, vol. XLIV].
(3) F. W. Hutton: Darwinism. A lecture given at the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury College, University of N.Z. 12 September 1887. (Christchurch, 1887. 30 pp.)
(4) Deutsche Rundschau. 17 Jahrgang, Heft 9: 'Briefe von Darwin. Mit Erinnerungen. . . von Prof. W. Prener' (Berlin, 1891. Pp. 356–90).
(5) Pamphlets and reviews concerning Erasmus Darwin. Various dates about 1880.
(6) C. Wright: Darwinism: An Examination of Mr St George Mivart's Genesis of Species [reprinted from the North American Rev., July 1871, with additions]. (London, 1871. 46 pp.)
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(7) Asa Gray: A Free Examination of Darwin's Treatise On the Origin of Species and of its American Reviewers [reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly for July, August and October 1860]. (London, 1861. 55 pp.)
(8) Descriptions of Beagle specimens. Mostly extracts from the Annals and Mag. Natural History, includes G. R. Waterhouse on C.D.'s collection of carabideous insects, Adam White on descriptions of little known Arachnidae, F. Walker on Chalcidites from Lima, Valparaiso, Valdivia, Concepción, Chonos and Coquimbo.
(9) A. R. Wallace on 'The Geographical Distribution of Birds' (from the Ibis, October 1859. 6 pp.).
(10) A. R. Wallace: 'On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago' (Royal Geographical Soc., 8 June 1863. 18 pp.).
(11) A. R. Wallace: 'On Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago' (from the Ibis, October 1865, Pp. 366–400).
(12) A. R. Wallace: 'The Philosophy of Birds' Nests' (the Intellectual Observer, July 1867. Pp. 413–20).
(13) A. R. Wallace: 'Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances among Animals' (Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Rev., July 1867. Pp. 1–43).
(14) A. R. Wallace: criticism of Sir C. Lyell on Geological Climates and the Origin of Species (Quarterly Rev., April 1869. Pp. 359–94).
(15) A. R. Wallace: Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Entomological Society of London (January 1871. 28 pp.).
(16) A. R. Wallace: Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Entomological Society of London (January 1872. 28 pp.).
(17) Quarterly J. Science (January 1873). Notice [by A. R. Wallace] of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. (Pp. 113–18.)
(18) A. R. Wallace: 'The Colour of Animals and Plants—i. Animals' (Macmillan's Mag., September 1877. Pp. 384–408).
(19) Printed cuttings, etc. on heterostyled plants, polygamous plants and cleistogamic flowers. Various dates to 1881.
Short reviews, articles, and addresses on C.D.'s life and work (dated mostly 1887–8). Including:
(1) The Edinburgh Rev. (April 1888. Pp. 407–48).
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(2) Chambers J. (February 1888. Pp. 49–52).
(3) J. T. Cunningham: Charles Darwin (The Round Table Series, no. 5. 32 pp.).
(4) Murray's Magazine: 'The Life of Darwin' (pp. 145–60).
(5) Address to the biological section of the British Association, by Alfred Newton (Manchester, 1887. 8 pp.).
(6) Bulletin Critique (15 April 1888. Pp. 152–6).
(7) 'Darwin's Life and Letters', extracted from the Dublin Rev. (April 1888. Pp. 336–53).
(8) The Reflector (15 January 1888. Pp. 35–8).
(9) Address delivered at. . .the Geological Soc. of London, by Prof. J. W. Judd (London, 1887, 57 pp.).
(10) The Institute Mag. (October 1888, Pp. 17–23).
(11) A. de Candolle: 'Darwin, considéré au point de vue des causes de son succés et de l'importance de ses travaux', extract from Les Archives des Sciences de la Bibliothèque Universelle (May 1882. 16 pp.).
(12) The Contemporary Rev. (June 1888. Pp. 836–54). G. J. Romanes: 'Recent Critics of Darwinism.'
(13) Unsere Zeit (Heft 9, 1888. Pp. 275–81).
(14) Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag. (January 1888. Pp.104–15).
(15) Das Ausland. . . (26 March 1892. Pp. 193–8).
(16) Das Ausland. . . (2 April 1892. Pp. 215–18).
(1) Henry D. Rogers: Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey, being a final report (Philadelphia, 1840. 301 pp.). [Wants map.]
(2) S. G. Morton: Description of Some New Species of Organic Remains (Philadelphia, 1842), [reprint from the J. Academy of Natural Sciences, 8, 1842]. (21 pp.)
(3) Asa Gray: 'Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States', annotated by C.D. [extracts from the American J. Science and Arts, vols. XXII and XXIII, series 2, pp. 1–59, 62–84, 369–404]; scrap in C.D.'s hand.
(4) Cuttings from Chronicles of Science (January 1869); 'The Alleged Failure of Natural Selection in the Case of Man' (pp. 152–3).
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(5) Popular Science Review (January 1868), M. T. Masters: 'Sensitive Plants' (pp. 22-34); ibid. (October 1872), A. W. Bennett: 'Spontaneous Movement in Plants' (pp. 368-80).
(6) Letters from C.D. to J. S. Henslow, printed for distribution among members of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1835.
(7) 'Notes on the Effects Produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Caernarvonshire and on the Boulders Transported by Floating Ice' [extract from the London Philosophical Mag. vol. XXI (1842), pp. 180-8].
(8) 'Brief Descriptions of Several Terrestrial Planariae and of Some Remarkable Marine Species, with an Account of their Habits' (reprint from Annals and Mag. Natural History, vol. XIV (1844), pp. 241-51).
(9) 'An Account of the Fine Dust which Often Falls on Vessels in the Atlantic Ocean' (Geological Soc. J. vol. II (1846), pp. 26-30).
(10) 'On the Geology of the Falkland Islands' (Geological Soc. J. vol. II (1846), pp. 267-74).
(11) 'On the Power of Icebergs to Make Rectilinear, Uniformly-directed Grooves Across a Submarine Undulatory Surface' [in C.D.'s hand, on the cover, are the words 'On Icebergs scratching rocks'] (printed from the Philosophical Mag. (August 1855). 4 pp.).
(12) 'On the Action of Seawater on the Germination of Seeds' (J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. I, no. 3 (1856), pp. 130-40).
(13) 'On the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection', by C.D. and Alfred Wallace (J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. III, no. 9 (1858), pp. 45-62).
(14) 'Notes on the Habits of the Pampas Woodpecker (Colaptes campestris)', (Proc. Zoological Soc., 1 November 1870, pp. 705-6).
(15) Proof sheets for the 2nd (revised) edition of The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs (London, 1874).
(16) 'A Biographical Sketch of an Infant' (extract from Mind of July 1877, pp. 285-94). [For a Greek translation of this, see no. 139(6).]
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(17) 'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the Roots of Certain Plants' (extract from J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. XIX (1882), pp. 239–61).
(18) Unpublished Letters of C.D. in the Collection of C. F. Fox (New York. xl pp.).
(1) Letters from C.D. Esq. to A. Hancock Esq. (from the Natural History Transactions of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle upon Tyne, vol. VIII, 29 pp.).
(2) H. D. Rogers: Second Annual Report on the Geological Exploration of the State of Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, 1838. 91 pp.).
(3) Dr H. Crüger: 'A Few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids. . .' (from the J. Linnean Soc. (Botany), vol. VIII, pp. 127–35).
(4) The Bot. Gaz. (February 1879. Pp. 123–4).
(5) G. Jaeger: Die Darwinische Theorie. . . (Stuttgart, 1869. Pp. 65–150).
(6) The American Naturalist (March 1878. Pp. 161 ff.). J. M. Anders: 'The Transpiration of Plants.'
(7) Separatabzug aus den Sitzungsberichten des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, XIX (29 June 1877).
(8) O. Kuntze: Die Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thiere und Wetterungunst. . . (Leipzig, 1877. 149 pp.).
(9) C. H. Blackley: New Observations on Hay Fever. . . (London, 1877. 17 pp.).
(10) W. Thompson: Descriptive Catalogue of Flower Seeds (Ipswich, 1877. 46 pp.).
(11) H. Hoffmann: Culturversuche (Separatabdruck aus der Botanischen Zeitung, 1877. 19 pp.).
(12) Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France, vol. XXIII (1876. Pp. 243 ff.). M. E. Mer: 'Des effets de l'immersion sur les feuilles aériennes.'
(13) Revue Horticole (16 November 1875).
(14) A. Kerner: Die Schutzmittel des Pollens (Separatabdruck aus den Berichten des Naturw.-med. Vereines zu Innsbruck. II. und III. Jahrgang 1872).
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(15) H. Baillon and J.-L. de Lanessan: 'L'absorption de l'eau par les feuilles' (the Bulletin de la Société Linéenne de Paris for July 1874 and January 1875).
(16) State of New York. Assembly no. 50: Communication from the Governor concerning the Geological Survey of the State (24 January 1840).
State of New York. Senate, no. 64 (2 March 1840); Assembly, communications from the Governor concerning the Geological Survey of the State. 4 numbers, dated thus: no. 150 (17 February 1841), no. 161 (11 February 1873), no. 200 (20 February 1838), no. 275 (27 February 1839).
(1) Press-cuttings on C.D.'s death and funeral. Mostly from French newspapers. All mounted.
(2) The Medical Times and Gazette. 7 numbers, dated: 17 May 1856, 21 June 1856, 26 July 1856, 9 August 1856, 27 December 1856, 11 April 1857, 22 August 1857.
(3) The Field. 6 numbers, dated: 19 November 1864, 3 December 1864, 31 December 1864, 18 February 1865, 4 March 1865, 1 April 1865.
(4) J. Künckel: Les Lépidoptères à trompe perforante, destructeurs des oranges (Paris, 1875. 3 pp.).
(5) Letter: 'To the Members of the Down Friendly Club' by 'Your Faithful Treasurer, Charles Darwin' (19 February 1877).
(1) C.D.'s accounts with John Murray for 1881, recording sales of books.
(2) Speech made by the Public Orator on C.D.'s honorary degree at Cambridge (17 November 1877).
(3) The Athenœum. Index for the year 1847.
(4) Isaac Hays: 'Descriptions of the Inferior Maxillary Bones of Mastodons in the Cabinet of the American Philosophical Society…' (from Trans. American Phil. Soc. vol. IV, N.S.(1833)).
(5) David Milne: On the Parallel Roads of Lochaber… (Edinburgh, 1847).
(6) [A Greek translation of C.D.'s 'Biographical Sketch of an Infant'.] (, 1877.)
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(7) 'On the Formation of Mould' (Geological Soc. Trans. vol. V (1840), pp. 505-10).
(8) 'On the Connexion of Certain Volcanic Phenomena in South America; and on the Formation of Mountain Chains and Volcanos as the Effect of the Same Power by Which Continents are Elevated' (Geological Soc. Trans. vol. V (1840), pp. 601-32).
(9) 'Observations on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy…' (Philosophical Trans. (1839), pp. 39-82).
(10) 'On the Distribution of the Erratic Boulders and on the Contemporaneous Unstratified Deposits of South America' (Geological Soc. Trans. vol. VI (1842), pp. 415-32).
(11) A collection of material concerning H. Festing Jones's Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: A Step Towards Reconciliation. Reviews of the book, 1910-11, and correspondence, including: H. Festing Jones to F. Darwin, 24 September 1910; H. E. Lichfield to F. Darwin, 14 October 1910; W. E. Darwin to F. Darwin, 17 October 1910; L. Darwin to F. Darwin, 21 October 1910.
Rough draft of a letter to H. Festing Jones from F. Darwin, 3 November 1910.
Typescript of pamphlet by H. Festing Jones.
(12) A collection of material concerning C.D.'s religion:
F. O. Morris: All the Articles of the Darwin Faith (50 pp.).
E. B. Aveling: The Religious Views of Charles Darwin (8 pp.).
The Index for 23 December 1871 and 12 March 1874.
His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, a speech at the annual meeting of the South American Missionary Soc., 21 April 1885.
Letters: C.D. to J. D. Hooker, 10 October? (copy); J. F. Heyes to F. Darwin, 3 December 1885; Edw. Cantuar to J. F. Heyes, 15 May 1885 (copy); F. J. Wedgwood to F. Darwin, 3 October 1884.
Various other copies of letters, by C.D. and others, relating to the same subject.
(13) Nature: A collection of articles on cross-fertilization, 1869-76. Other miscellaneous articles, collected between 1873-77, with certain relevant notes in C.D.'s hand.
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(14) The Revue Scientifique for 27 September 1873 and 18 August 1877.
(15) A. Kerner: Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste (Wien, 1876. 75 pp.).
(16) The Spectator: Cuttings on natural and supernatural selection, 3 October 1868 and 17 October 1868.
(17) A collection of material on vivisection, of various dates, 1881.
Rough draft of petition.
Draft of Act restricting vivisection of dumb animals.
Sketch of Bill no. 1: Experiments on Animals.
Sketch of Bill, 24 April 1875.
Bill, 1875: Experiments on Animals.
A few remarks in reply to a lecture on vivisection delivered before the…Hull Literary and Philosophical Society by Dr Pye Smith on 28 December 1880. (London.)
'The Woman'.…, by…members…of the International Association for the Total Suppression of Vivisection (1881).
Cutting from The Lancet, 26 March 1881.
Correspondence with C.D.…on experimenting upon living animals (1881).
C.D.'s letter to Professor Holmgren, 14 April 1881 (newspaper-cutting); draft of a letter from C.D. to Professor Holmgren.
Nature: cutting, 21 April 1881.
The Spectator: cutting, 23 April 1881.
The Times: cuttings, 25 April 1881 and 30 April 1881, two of 9 May 1881.
The Zoophilist, supplement to, 2 May 1881.
Correspondence in The Times on vivisection, April 1881.
(18) Reviews, press-cuttings, etc., about Insectivorous Plants (1875).
Includes also an abstract of Francis Darwin's paper on Drosera, read before the Linnaean Society, 17 January 1878.
(19) Nature: cutting (7 September 1876). British Association, Section D, Biology. Opening address by the President, A. R. Wallace.
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(20) The Gardeners' Chronicle (29 December 1877), cutting on 'Growth Under Difficulties'.
(1) Miscellaneous material about C.D., including:
Photographs, engravings and written sketches.
Congratulatory verses by C. Hoare.
Address by the Public Orator of Cambridge University for C.D.'s honorary degree, 17 November 1877, and a translation of it.
Cuttings from newspapers, dealing with the (above) ceremony, etc.
Cuttings dealing with C.D. and religion, etc. from The Index and many other journals.
(2) C.D.'s personal journal (1809-81). [Copy.]
(3) Recollections of C.D. by Francis Darwin. [Some parts of this are incorporated in his edition of The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, but most of it does not appear to be published. It consists of 159 sheets of fragile paper; the hand seems to be that of F. Darwin; the ink has faded.]
(4) A collection of caricatures, cartoons and sketches of C.D,; including many cuttings from journals. Two cuttings on Darwin and Carlyle.
(5) Material concerning C.D.'s death and funeral, including: M. J. Savage: Darwin—The Significance of His Life and Work (Boston, 1882. 15 pp.); report of the committee of the Darwin Memorial Fund (1888); the words of the anthem, lists of mourners, written list of family procession, tickets, etc. for C.D.'s funeral in Westminster Abbey.
Also a large collection of cuttings from journals—leading articles, reports of the funeral, accounts of C.D.'s life and work, and reviews of Francis Darwin's Life and Letters of Charles Darwin.
(6) Proof sheets of On the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects (2nd edition, published 1877). [Corrected by C.D.]
[Flat folder.]
This contains large-size portraits and engravings of C.D., some caricatures, and one engraving of his study at Down.
[page] 44
Also included is the Declaration by the British Association for the Advancement of Science to the University of Cambridge at C.D.'s centenary.
[Box containing specimens of seeds, dried flowers, photograph plates.]
[From the material with no. 27i: Beans:]
1857—12 numbered packets.
1858—12 numbered packets.
1 packet ('Dwarfs—marked with scarlet runners').
1 packet ('Haricot pod').
[From the material with no. 53:]
Photographs—2 glass plates and one proof, direct and reversed.
[From the material with no. 63:]
Chalk powder.
[From the material with nos. 69 and 70:]
Pressed specimens.
Envelope dated by C.D. 24 September 1862, containing dried parts of plants sent by A. G. More.
Envelope (from A. Gray) containing dried plants, and a botanical drawing signed J.M., with specimen attached (dated 5 June 1866). Also a scrap of letter from F. Müller (2 August 1866).
Envelope marked Birds Nest Orchids, Leith Hill Place, 10 August 1862, containing two packets of specimens.
J. P. M. Weale: 'Notes on Structure and Fertilization of the Genus Bonatea', folded round specimens of orchids.
[From the material with no. 84:]
Feathers of Java peacock and Argos pheasant.
[From the material with no. 85:]
Letter to C.D. from W. B. Tegetmeier (25 May 1868), enclosing hen's feathers.
Draft of C.D.'s reply.
Envelope postmarked, Paris 29 September 1869, containing 3 feathers.
[page] 45
Envelope postmarked, London 29 September 1869, containing 3 feathers.
Small piece of paper with feathers attached—notes by W. B. Tegetmeier (30 June 1869).
[From the material with no. 89:]
Letter from F. Müller (16 January 1872), enclosing small packet of seeds.
Envelope from F. Müller containing butterflies' wings gummed to paper.
Envelope with notes on it containing horsehair; hair from beard and whiskers.
[From the material with no. 106/7:]
Dried specimens in envelopes. (Taken Shrewsbury & Maer, 1841.)
[From the material with nos. 108-11 (dimorphic and trimorphic plants):]
Pressed flowers.
Letters from F. Müller, dated 1 October 1866, 2 November 1866, and 31 October 1868, 4 March 1867, with pressed flowers gummed to them.
Small packet of plants in envelope postmarked, Cambridge 21 May 1864.
Unwrapped plants in envelopes postmarked, London 16 May 1864 and 20 May 1864.
Envelope dated by C.D. 2 August 1866, containing botanical drawings and specimen of orchids from F. Müller.
Envelope postmarked, London 16 September 1862, containing many small packets of Lythrum Graefferi.
Envelope dated by C.D. 26 August 1868, containing pressed specimens and a botanical drawing of Oxalis.
[Boxes 143-54 containing copies of letters and notes by C.D. to various correspondents, including copies of the Darwin-Hooker correspondence.]
DuBois-Haliburton. [For Asa Gray, see no. 153.]
[page] 46
Murray-Tait. [For John Scott, see no. 154.]
C.D.'s Recollections of the Development of my Mind and Character (copy).
Copy for press of vol. I of More Letters of Charles Darwin, edited by F. Darwin and A. C. Seward (2 vols., London, 1903).
C.D.-J. D. Hooker correspondence (1843-July 1874).
C.D.-J. D. Hooker correspondence (July 1874-October 1881).
The letters of J. D. Hooker to C.D.
C.D. to Asa Gray.
Family letters, part I.
Family letters, part II.
C.D. to John Scott.
3 letters: G. H. Darwin and W. E. Darwin to T. H. Huxley (report of séance, 1874).
C.D.'s notes on Zoonomia, by Erasmus Darwin (1837-8).
A collection of newspaper-cuttings about C.D.—all post-humous.
Correspondence between certain members of the Darwin family, the British Association, etc., and the University Library, Cambridge, on the gift of the Darwin MSS. (1942-49).
Leaves of MS. of the Origin of Species as printed in 1859; leaves of first draft of The Descent of Man.
[page] 47
References are to volume or box numbers. Asterisks denote printed material.
Abortion. Papers and letters | 52 |
Abstracts | |
Index of abstracts of '4° and 8° pamphlets' | 75 |
Of scientific books | 71, 72 |
Of scientific journals, chiefly botanical | 72-5 |
Papers on hybrids | 116 |
Admiralty (The) Manual of Scientific Enquiry, extract from* | 132(7) |
Aggregation. Note on aggregation of chlorophyll in plants | 52 |
Alluvium. Notes on Shropshire alluvium | 5 |
America, North, see Geology, United States of America | |
America, South. Maps | 44 |
See also Geology, Zoology | |
Ammonia | |
'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies' | |
Copy | 28 (ii) |
Fair copy corrected by C.D. | 28 (ii) |
'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the Roots of Certain Plants' | |
Notes for | 62 |
Copy | 28 (i) |
Fair copy | 28 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(17) |
Anders, J. M. 'The Transpiration of Plants'* | 136(6) |
Animals | |
Diary for 1826, with entries of animals seen | 129 |
Notes made on Beagle voyage | 29 (i) |
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, draft of ch. 27 | 51 |
A. R. Wallace; 'Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances among Animals'* | 133(13) |
A. R. Wallace: 'The Colour of Animals and Plants—i. Animals'* | 133(18) |
See also names of classes or species | |
Antirrhinum. Notes on its fertility | 51 |
Ants. Notes | 68 |
Arachnidae. Descriptions of Beagle specimens by Adam White* | 133(8) |
Athenœum, The. Index for 1847* | 139(3) |
Atlantic Ocean, The. 'An Account of the Fine Dust which Often Falls on Vessels in the Atlantic Ocean'* | 135(9) |
[page] 48
Baillon, H. 'L'absorption de l'eau par les feuilles', by H. Baillon and J.-L. de Lanessan* | 136(15) |
Barrier Reef, Great. Map | 69 |
Beagle, H.M.S. | |
Account of her voyage by P. G. King (copy) | 106/7 |
Descriptions of specimens* | 133(8) |
Diary of observations on zoology of places visited during the voyage | 30-1 |
Diary of observations on geology of places visited during the voyage | 32-3 |
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited During the Voyage, notes for the 2nd ed. | 46 (ii) |
Lists of specimens | 29 (iii) |
Notes made during voyage | 29 (i-iii) |
Notes on animals made during voyage | 29 (i) |
Notes on geology of places visited during voyage | 34-8 |
The objections of C.D.'s father to him joining the expedition | 97 |
Beans. 'On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilization of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the Crossing of Kidney Beans' | 27(1) |
Bees. | |
'Bees Boring Holes in flowers' | 27(1) |
Notes on their habits | 46 (ii) |
Notes on bees' cells for species theory | 48 |
'On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilization of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the Crossing of Kidney Beans' | 27 (i) |
Beetles. Description of Beagle specimens by G. R. Waterhouse* | 133(8) |
Bennett, A. W. 'Spontaneous Movement in Plants'* | 135(5) |
Berries. Newspaper cutting on holly berries* | 132(8) |
Birds | |
Diary for 1826, with entries of birds seen | 129 |
List of Beagle specimens in alcohol | 29 (iii) |
Notes, made on Beagle voyage | 29 (ii) |
A. R. Wallace: 'The Geographical Distribution of Birds'* | 133(9) |
A. R. Wallace: 'The Philosophy of Birds' Nests'* | 133(12) |
See also Pigeons, Woodpeckers | |
Blackley, C. H. New Observations on Hay Fever* | 136(9) |
Bloom, see Fruit | |
Blossom. A. Kerner: Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste | 139(15) |
Blyth, E. Notes made in Calcutta | 98 |
Bonatea. J. P. M. Weale: 'Notes on Structure and Fertilization of the Genus Bonatea'* | 142 |
Bones. Isaac Hays: 'Description of the Inferior Maxillary Bones of Mastodons…'* | 139(4) |
Books | |
Abstracts of scientific books | 71, 72 |
[page] 49
Accounts with John Murray, 1881, recording sales of books | 139(1) |
'Books read and to be read', 1852-60 | 128 |
'Books to be read', 1838 | 91, 119 |
'Catalogue of books' | 71 |
Catalogue of scientific books read in 1846 | 91, 120 |
Botanical (The) Gazette, February 1879* | 136(4) |
Botany | |
Abstracts of journals, chiefly botanical | 72-5 |
F. Delpino: Rivista Botanica* | 132(5) |
Separatabzug aus den Sitzungsberichten des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, XIX* | 136(7) |
Boulders, see Rocks | |
Brandenburg. Separatabzug aus den Sitzungsberichten des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, XIX* | 136(7) |
Brehm, C. L. Index to a work by him | 80 |
British Association for the Advancement of Science, see Science | |
Buckman, Professor. Notes on the Raman Villa at Chedworth, Gloucestershire* | 64 |
Burgerstein, Dr A. Charles Robert Darwin: eine Skizze…* | 132(8) |
Butler, Samuel | |
H. F. Jones: Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler; A Step Towards Reconciliation, material for | 139(11) |
Material on his controversy with C.D. | 92 |
Butterflies, see Lepidoptera | |
Caernarvonshire, see Geology, British Isles | |
Calcutta. Notes made there by E. Blyth | 98 |
Canis. 'Preliminary notice' to 'On the Modifications of a Race of Syrian Street-Dogs by Means of Sexual Selection' by Dr W. Van Dyck | 28 (ii) |
Carabidae, see Beetles | |
Carbonate of Ammonia, see Ammonia | |
Carlyle, T. Newspaper cuttings on his supposed attack on C.D. and the refutation* | 132(3) |
Chalcidoideae. Descriptions of Beagle specimens by F. Walker* | 133(8) |
Chambers, R. W. Draft of a letter to him | 50 |
Chedworth. Notes on the Roman Villa at Chedworth, Gloucestershire* | 64 |
Children | |
'A Biographical Sketch of an Infant'* | 135(16) |
Greek translation of the above* | 139(8) |
Chlorophyll | |
'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies' | |
Copy | 28 (ii) |
Fair copy corrected by C.D. | 28 (ii) |
Christianity, see Religion | |
Cleavage. Notes, maps, diagrams | 39 (ii) |
[page] 50
Climbing plants | |
On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants | |
Notes by G. H. Darwin | 69 |
Copy | 17 (i)-18 (ii) |
Material for 2nd ed. | 69 |
Colaptes campestris, see Woodpeckers | |
Coleoptera, see Beetles | |
Colour. A. R. Wallace: 'The Colour of Animals and Plants—i. Animals' | 133(18) |
See also Mimicry | |
Columbae. A. R. Wallace: 'On the Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago' | 133(11) |
Coral | |
'Coral Islands' | 41 |
Fair copy of the above | 41 |
Notebook A on coral formation | 127 |
Maps of the Great Barrier Reef | 69 |
The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs | 69 |
Material for the 2nd ed. | 69 |
Proof sheets of 2nd ed.* | 69 |
Notes for 3rd ed. | 69 |
Corallines. Catalogue of boxes of Beagle specimens | 29 (iii) |
Croll, J. 'Abstract of Views on Glacial Periods' | 50 |
Crüger, H. 'A Few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids…'* | 136(3) |
Cultivation. H. Hoffmann: Culturversuche* | 136(11) |
Darwin, Charles Robert | |
Autobiographical material | |
Fragment of an autobiography | 91 |
Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character | 26 |
Copy of the above | 149 |
Journal (copy) | 140(2) |
His life (fair copy), and a list of his works | 91 |
The Life and Letters, ed. by F. Darwin | |
Material for, and on | 104(3, 5) |
Part of ch. 5, vol. II | 112 |
Corrections | 106/7 |
More letters, ed. by F. Darwin and A. C. Seward, copy for press of vol. I | 149 |
Biographical material | |
His father's objections to him joining the Beagle expedition | 97 |
His honorary degree, 1877, material on | 140(1) |
Speech of Public Orator at Cambridge on his receiving the above* | 139(2) |
Congratulations on his 70th birthday | 99 |
The controversy with Samuel Butler, material relating to | 92 |
H. F. Jones: Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: A Step Towards Reconciliation, material for | 139(11) |
[page] 51
Accounts with John Murray, 1881 | 139(1) |
Newspaper cuttings and material on his death and funeral* | 138(1), 140(5) |
Obituary notice by T. H. Huxley* | 133(2) |
Material on his life collected by F. Darwin | 106/7, 112 |
Photographs, engravings | 140(1), 141 |
Material on his religion | 139(12), 140(1) |
Reminiscences of him | 112 |
Critical and miscellaneous material | |
A. Burgerstein: Charles Robert Darwin: eine Skizze…* | 132(2) |
Cartoons | 140(4), 141 |
Newspaper cuttings on Carlyle's supposed attack and the refutation | 132(3) |
Newspaper cuttings on the church steeple which fell when he was buried | 106/7 |
Declaration by the British Association at his centenary* | 141 |
F. W. Hutton: Darwinism* | 133(3) |
G. Jaegar: Die Darwinische Theorie… * | 136(5) |
C. O'Shaughnessy: Darwin Confounded* | 132(4) |
Posthumous newspaper cuttings | 155 |
Reviews, articles and addresses | 134 |
Sketches | 140(1) |
C. Wright: Darwinism… * | 135(6) |
Darwin, Erasmus | |
Notes on Zoonomia | 154 |
Erasmus Darwin, by E. Krause | |
Correspondence and notes on | 99 |
Pamphlets and reviews about* | 133(5) |
Darwin, Francis | |
Abstract of paper on Drosera | 139(18) |
Material about his father, C.D. | 106/7 |
Note on C.D.'s religion | 112 |
Life and letters of Charles Darwin | |
Material on and for | 140(3, 5) |
Part of ch. 5, vol. II | 112 |
Corrections | 106/7 |
More letters of Charles Darwin, ed. by F. Darwin and A. C. Seward, copy for press of vol. I | 149 |
Darwin, G. H. | |
Notes on On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants | 69 |
Reminiscence of his father, C.D. | 112 |
Darwin, Robert Waring. His objections to C.D. joining the Beagle expedition | 97 |
Darwin, W. E. Notebook, containing notes and diagrams of flowers | 117 |
Delpino, F. Rivista Botanica* | 132(5) |
Dichogamy | |
List of articles and pamphlets | 75 |
Notes, 1841 | 75 |
[page] 52
Dimorphism. Material on the illegitimate progeny of dimorphic and trimorphic plants | 108-11 |
Diptera. Observations on Diptera | 76 |
Distribution | |
A. R. Wallace: 'The Geographical Distribution of Birds'* | 133(9) |
Notes on alpine, polar and glacial distribution | 50 |
Dogs. 'Preliminary notice' to 'On the Modifications of a Race of Syrian Street-Dogs by Means of Sexual Selection' by W. Van Dyck | 28 (ii) |
Domestication. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, draft of ch. 27 | 51 |
Down. Catalogue of Darwin Memorial, Down, Kent* | 132(1) |
Drosera. Abstract of F. Darwin's paper | 139(18) |
Dust. 'An Account of the Fine Dust which Often Falls on Vessels in the Atlantic Ocean'* | 135(9) |
Earthworms, see Worms | |
East Indies | |
A. R. Wallace: 'On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago' | 133(10) |
A. R. Wallace: 'On the Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago' | 133(11) |
Edinburgh | |
Geological notes on Salisbury Craigs | 5 |
Notebook of observations, 1827 | 118 |
University lecture notes | 5 |
Zoological walk to Portobello | 5 |
Emotion | |
The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals | |
Photographs and notes | 53 |
Part of | 17 (i) |
Notice of by A. R. Wallace* | 133(17) |
Entomology, see Insects | |
Europe. List of alpine plants not found in Europe | 46 (ii) |
Evolution. Notebooks B-E, dealing with evolution theory | 121-4 |
Expression. Notebooks M and N, dealing with expression | 125, 126 |
See also Emotion | |
Falkland Islands, see Geology, South America | |
Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance* | 131 |
Fertilization | |
Collection of articles from Nature on cross-fertilization* | 139(13) |
H. Crüger: 'A Few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids'* | 136(3) |
The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom | |
Notes for | 53 |
Notes and calculations for | 76-9 |
Chs. 1-10 | 2-4 |
Chs. 8 and 9, fair copy corrected by C.D. | 17 (ii) |
Material for the 2nd ed. | 69 |
[page] 53
Notes on the fertility of Antirrhinum | 51 |
'On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilization of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the Crossing of Kidney Beans' | 27 (i) |
On the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects | |
Material for 2nd ed. | 70 |
Proof sheets of 2nd ed.* | 140(6) |
Field, The, 1864-5* | 138(3) |
Fish. List of Beagle specimens in alcohol | 29 (i) |
Fitzroy, Captain Robert. Table for Lind's wind gage for him | 29 (iii) |
Flies, see Diptera | |
Flowers | |
'Bees Boring Holes in Flowers' | 27 (i) |
Newspaper cuttings* | 133(19) |
Diary for 1826, with entries of flowers seen | 129 |
Asa Gray: 'Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States' * | 135(8) |
Notebook of W. E. Darwin's of notes and diagrams | 117 |
See also Blossom, Hybrids, and names of families or species | |
Forbes, Edward. Notes on shells collected by C.D. | 43 |
Fossils, see Palaeontology | |
Fruit | |
J. Künckel: Les Lépidoptères à trompe perforante, destructeurs des oranges* | 138(4) |
Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit | 66-8 |
See also Berries | |
Galton, Sir Francis. Ideas for experimenting some Galtonian measurements | 52 |
Gaudrey, A. 'Le rôle de Darwin considéré au point de vue de la paléontologie' | 112 |
Geography. A. R. Wallace: 'On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago'* | 133(16) |
Geology | |
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, notes for 2nd ed. | 46 (ii) |
Notebook A of geological observations on volcanic islands and coral formation | 127 |
A. R. Wallace's criticism of Sir C. Lyell on geological climates* | 133(14) |
Manual of Geology, from the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry* | 132(7) |
British Isles | |
'Notes on the Effects Produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Caernarvonshire…' | |
Original version | 27 (i) |
Notes for | 27 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(7) |
[page] 54
Geology British Isles [continued] | |
'Observations on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy…' | |
Notebook on Glen Roy, 1838 | 130 |
Notes and scraps | 50 |
Printed copy* | 139(9) |
D. Milne: On the Parallel Roads of Lochaber…[Attack on Glen Roy paper]* | 139(5) |
Notes on Salisbury Craigs, near Edinburgh | 5 |
Early notes, near Shrewsbury | 5 |
Notes on Shropshire alluvium | 5 |
Notes on Southampton gravel | 52 |
Notes made with Sedgwick in N. Wales | 5 |
South America | |
Diary of observations of places visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle | 32-3 |
Geological Observations on South America… | |
Notes for | 42 |
Last ch.: 'Northern Chile' | 1 |
Appendix by G. B. Sowerby | |
Original version | 43 |
Fair copy | 43 |
Final version | 43 |
Lists of specimens | |
Notes on places visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle | 34-8 |
'On the Distribution of the Erratic Boulders and on the Contemporaneous Unstratified Deposits of South America'* | 139(10) |
'On the Connexion of Certain Volcanic Phenomena in South America; and on the Formation of Mountain Chains and Volcanos…'* | 139(8) |
Plans and geological sections | 44 |
'Recapitulations and Concluding Remarks' | 41 |
'On the Geology of the Falkland Islands'* | 135(10) |
On the geology of the Falkland Islands, by B. J. Sulivan | 39 (i) |
United States of America | |
H. D. Rogers: Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey…* | 135(1) |
Communications from the Governor of New York on the geological survey of the State* | 136(16)-137 |
H. D. Rogers: Second Annual Report on the Geological Exploration of the State of Pennsylvania* | 136(2) |
G. H. Featherstonhaugh: Report of a Geological Reconoissance [of Wisconsin area]* | 131 |
See also Cleavage, Dust, Glaciers, Icebergs, Rocks | |
Germany | |
Congratulations from masters of colleges at Greiz to C.D. on his 70th birthday | 99 |
Separatabzug aus den Sitzungsberichten des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, XIX* | 136(7) |
[page] 55
Germination | |
'On the Action of Seawater on the Germination of Seeds' | |
Notes and cuttings for | 27 (i) |
Original version | 27 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(12) |
Glaciers | |
'Abstract of Views on Glacial Periods' by J. Croll | 50 |
'Notes on the Effects Produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Caernarvonshire' | |
Notes for | 27 (i) |
Original version | 27 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(7) |
Original notes for papers | 5 |
See also Icebergs | |
Glen Roy, see Geology, British Isles | |
Gravel. Notes on Southampton gravel | 52 |
Gray, Asa | |
A Free Examination of Darwin's Treatise On the Origin of Species and its American Reviewers* | 133(7) |
Notes, possibly by him, about the French translation of On the Origin of Species | 69 |
'Statistics of the Flora of the Northern United States'* | 135(3) |
Sketch of species theory, 1857, sent to him | 6 |
Great Barrier Reef. Map | 69 |
Greiz. Congratulations from masters of colleges to C.D. on his 70th birthday | 99 |
Guns. Notes | 91 |
Günther, Dr A. Queries and observations | 82 |
Hall, R. W. Notes on the Roman Villa at Chedworth, Gloucestershire* | 64 |
Hay fever. C. H. Blackley: New Observations on Hay Fever* | 136(9) |
Hays, Isaac. 'Descriptions of the Inferior Maxillary Bones of Mastodons…'* | 139(4) |
Henslow, J. S. C.D's contribution to L. Jenyn's Memoir of the Rev. J. Henslow (copy) | 91 |
Herbert, J. M. Reminiscence of C.D. | 112 |
Hoare, C. Congratulatory verses on C.D.'s honorary degree, 1877 | 140(1) |
Hoffmann, H. | |
Culterversuche* | 136(11) |
'Ueber Honigthau'* | 69 |
Holidays. Correspondence and scraps about a holiday for T. H. Huxley | 99 |
Holly. Newspaper cuttings on holly berries* | 132(6) |
Honeydew. H. Hoffmann: 'Ueber Honigthau' | 69 |
Hooker, J. D. Fair copy of part of ch. 4 of original version of On the Origin of Species, annotated by him | 15 (i) |
Hutton, F. W.: Darwinism* | 133(3) |
[page] 56
Huxley, T. H. | |
Correspondence and scraps about a holiday for him | 99 |
Obituary notice of C.D.* | 133(2) |
Part of his chapter on the reception of On the Origin of Species, in the Life and Letters of Charles Darwin | 112 |
Hybrids. Abstracts of papers on | 116 |
Hymenoptera, see Bees | |
Icebergs. 'On the Power of Icebergs to Make Rectilinear Uniformly-directed Grooves Across a Submarine Undulatory Surface'* | 135(11) |
See also Glaciers | |
Ilex aguifolium.*Newspaper cutting on holly berries | 132(6) |
Indian Ocean. W. J. S. Wharton: Notes on Rodriguez and Zanzibar | 69 |
Indies, East, see East Indies | |
Infants, see Children | |
Insects | |
Entomological Society of London | |
Address at the Anniversary Meeting, by A. R. Wallace, 1871, and 1872* | 133(15, 16) |
Insectivorous plants | |
Daily observations and notes for, 1860-75 | 54-61 |
Newspaper cuttings* | 139(18) |
Rough draft | 61 |
Notes of errata | 86 |
Lists of Beagle specimens in alcohol | 29 (iii) |
Notes made on Beagle voyage | 29 (i) |
On the Various Contrivances by Which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects | |
Material for 2nd ed. | 70 |
Proof sheets of 2nd ed.* | 140(8) |
See also Ants, Arachnidae, Bees, Beetles, Chalcidoideae, Diptera, Lepidoptera | |
Intercrossing. List of articles and pamphlets | 75 |
Jaeger, G. Die Darwinische Theorie…* | 136(5) |
Jenyns, L. Memoir of the Rev. J. Henslow, copy of C.D.'s contribution to | 91 |
Jones, H. F. Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: A Step Towards Reconcillation, material for* | 139(11) |
Journals. Abstracts, chiefly botanical | 72-5 |
Judd, C. H. Reminiscence of C.D. | 112 |
Kemp, W. Rough draft of 'An account of seeds buried at a great depth…' | 50 |
Kerner, A. | |
Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste* | 139(15) |
Die Schutzmittel des Pollens* | 136(14) |
[page] 57
Kidney beans, see Beans | |||
King, P. G. Account of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle (copy) | 106/7 | ||
Kosmos. Congratulations to C.D. on his 70th birthday | 99 | ||
Krause, E. | |||
Erasmus Darwin | |||
Correspondence and notes | 99 | ||
Pamphlets and reviews | 133(5) | ||
Künckel, J. Les Lèpidoptrères à trompe perforante, destructeurs des oranges* | 138(4) | ||
Kuntze, O. Die Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thiere und Wetterungunst…* | 136(8) | ||
Lanessan, J.-L. de. 'L'absorption de l'eau par les feuilies', by H. Baillon and J.-L. de Lanessan* | 136(15) | ||
Lankester, E. R. Article on worms* | 64 | ||
Lathyrus odoratus. Account of 25 years' observation by W. Masters | 77 | ||
Leaves | |||
H. Baillon and J.-L. de Lanessan: 'L'absorption de l'eau par les feuilles'* | 136(15) | ||
M. E. Mer: 'Des effets de l'immersion sur les feuilles aériennes'* | 136(12) | ||
Notes on research into bloom on leaves and fruit | 66-8 | ||
Leighton, W. A. Reminiscence of C.D. | 112 | ||
Lepidoptera. J. Künckel: Les Lépidoptères à trompe perforante, destructeurs des oranges* | 138(4) | ||
Lind, James. Table for his wind gage for Captain Fitzroy | 29 (iii) | ||
Lochaber, see Geology, British Isles | |||
Lyell, C. A. R. Wallace's criticism of him on geological climates and On the Origin of Species* | 133(14) | Lythrum salicaria. 'On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of Lythrum salicaria' | 27 (ii) |
Malay Archipelago, see East Indies | |||
Mammals. List of Beagle specimens in alcohol | 29 (iii) | ||
See also Children, Dogs, Man, Mastodons | |||
Mammut americanum. Isaac Hays: 'Descriptions of the Inferior Maxillary Bones of Mastodons…'* | 139(4) | ||
Man | |||
'The Alleged Failure of Natural Selection in the Case of Man', cutting on | 135(4) | ||
The Descent of Man | |||
Leaves of first draft | 157 | ||
Discarded leaves | 17 (i) | ||
Notes and proofs for supplemental note | 69 | ||
Material for 1st ed. | 80-6 | ||
Material for 2nd ed. | 87-9 | ||
See also Children | |||
Marjoram. Notes | 109 |
[page] 58
Marshall, W. C. Two anecdotes of C.D. | 112 |
Masters, M. T. 'Sensitive Plants'* | 135(5) |
Masters, W. Account of 25 years' observation of sweet peas | 77 |
Mastodons. Isaac Hays: 'Description of the Inferior Maxillary Bones of Mastodons…'* | 139(4) |
Measurements. Ideas for experimenting some Galtonian measurements | 52 |
Medical Times and Gazette, The, 1856-7* | 138(2) |
Mer, M. E. 'Des effets de l'immersion sur les feuilles aériennes'* | 136(12) |
Metaphysics | |
Notebooks M and N, dealing with 'metaphysics on morals' | 125, 126 |
Notes on the moral sense and some metaphysical points | 91 |
Milne, David: On the Parallel Roads of Lochaber…* | 139(5) |
Mimicry. A. R. Wallace: 'Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances Among Animals'* | 133(13) |
Mitchella. Notes | 110 |
Mivart, St George. C. Wright: Darwinism: An Examination of Mr St George Mivart's Genesis of Species* | 133(6) |
Morality, see Metaphysics | |
Morton, S. G. Description of Some New Species of Organic Remains* | 135(2) |
Moths, see Lepidoptera | |
Mould | |
'On the Formation of Mould'* | 139(7) |
The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms | |
Material for | 63-7 |
Chs. 1-7 | 24-5 |
Mountains | |
Notebook A, on volcanic islands | 127 |
'On the Connexion of Certain Volcanic Phenomena in South America; and on the Formation of Mountain Chains and Volcanos…'* | 139(8) |
See also Glaciers | |
Movement | |
A. W. Bennett: 'Spontaneous Movement in Plants'* | 135(5) |
The Power of Movement in Plants, chs. 1-12 | 19-23 |
Murray, John. C.D.'s accounts with him, 1881 | 139(1) |
Natural history: Journal of Researches into the Natural History…of Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, notes for 2nd ed. | 46 (ii) |
Nature | |
Collection of articles on cross-fertilization* | 139(18) |
Newspaper cutting, 1876* | 139(19) |
Letters on subject of abortion* | 52 |
Nests. A. R. Wallace: 'The Philosophy of Birds' Nests'* | 133(12) |
New Jersey. H. D. Rogers: Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey…* | 135(1) |
[page] 59
New York. Communications from the governor of New York on the geological survey of the State* | 136(16)-137 |
North America, see United States of America; Geology, United States of America | |
Orbigny, A. D. d'. Notes on shells collected by C.D. | 43 |
Orchids | |
H. Crüger: 'A Few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids'* | 136(3) |
J. P. M. Weale: 'Notes on the Structure and Fertilization of the Genus Bonatea'* | 142 |
On the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects | |
Material for 2nd ed. | 70 |
Proof sheets of 2nd ed.* | 140(6) |
Organisms. Draft of a discussion on organs not being formed by direct action of medium in distinct organisms | 52 |
Origanum vulgare. Notes | 109 |
O'Shaughnessy, C. Darwin Confounded* | 132(4) |
Oxalls. Notes | 109 |
Pacific Ocean. Notes on the S.W. Pacific by Lieut. C. Smith | 69 |
Palaeontology | |
S. G. Morton: Description of Some New Species of Organic Remains* | 135(2) |
Notes and diagrams of fossils | 39 (ii) |
A. Gaudrey: 'Le rôle de Darwin considéré au point de vue de la paléontologie' | 112 |
Paley, W. A View of the Evidences of Christianity, notes on | 91 |
Pampas woodpecker, see Woodpeckers | |
Pangenesis | |
Material for pangenesis theory, 1868 | 51 |
Notes on Ranyard | 51 |
Draft of ch. 27 of Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, on pangenesis | 51 |
Papilionaceae. 'On the Agency of Bees in the Fertilization of Papilionaceous Flowers…' | 27 (i) |
Poloria. Notes | 51 |
Pennsylvania. H. D. Rogers: Second Annual Report on the Geological Exploration of the State of Pennsylvania* | 136(2) |
Phyilotaxy. Notes and diagrams | 51 |
Pigeons. A. R. Wallace: 'On the Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago' | 133(11) |
Planariae, see Worms | |
Plants | |
J. M. Anders: 'The Transpiration of Plants'* | 136(6) |
Newspaper cutting on 'Growth under Difficulties'* | 139(2) |
Newspaper cuttings* | 133(19) |
[page] 60
Plants [continued] | |
The effects of shaking stems | 68 |
H. Hoffmann: Culturversuche* | 136(11) |
Newspaper cuttings on insectivorous plants* | 139(18) |
Insectivorous Plants | |
Daily observations and notes for, 1860-75 | 54-61 |
Rough draft | 61 |
Notes of errata for | 86 |
O. Kuntze: Die Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thiere und Wetterungust…* | 136(8) |
M. T. Masters: 'Sensitive Plants'* | 135(5) |
Note on aggregation of Chlorophyll in plants | 52 |
Notes, 1841-72 | 49 |
Notes on the origin of cultivated plants | 46 (ii) |
Notes on sleep in plants | 68 |
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, draft of ch. 27 | 51 |
List of alpine plants not found in Arctic Europe | 46 (ii) |
See also Climbing plants, Movement, and the names of families or species | |
Pollen. A. Kerner: Die Schutzmittel des Pollens* | 136(14) |
Portobello. Zoological walk to Portobello | 5 |
Potatoes. Notes and letters on J. Torbitt's experiments on the potato disease | 52 |
Prener, Prof. W. 'Briefe von Darwin'* | 133(4) |
Price, J. Reminiscence of C.D. | 112 |
Primulaceae | |
Notes | 110 |
Notes on Primulae | 108, 111 |
Protective resemblance, see Mimicry | |
Pulmonaria. Notes | 110 |
Purple loosestrife. 'On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of Lythrum salicaria' | 27 (ii) |
Ranyard, A. C. Note on him on pangenesis | 51 |
Reefs, see Coral | |
Religion | |
Newspaper cuttings on a church steeple which fell when C.D. was buried in Westminster Abbey* | 106/7 |
Material on C.D.'s | 139(12), 140(1) |
Notes by F. Darwin on C.D.'s | 112 |
Notes on Paley's A View of the Evidences of Christianity | 91 |
Resemblance, protective, see Mimicry | |
Revue Horticole, 16 November 1875* | 136(13) |
Revue Scientifique, 1873* | 139(14) |
Rocks | |
'On the Distribution of the Erratic Boulders and on the Contemporaneous Unstratified Deposits of South America'* | 139(10) |
[page] 61
'On the Power of Icebergs to Make Rectilinear, Uniformly-directed Grooves Across a Submarine Undulatory Surface'* | 135(11) |
Rodriguez. Notes by W. J. S. Wharton | 69 |
Rodwell, J. M. Reminiscence of C.D. | 112 |
Rogers, H. D. | |
Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey…* | 135(1) |
Second Annual Report on the Geological Exploration of the State of Pennsylvania* | 136(2) |
Roman antiquities. Notes on the Roman villa at Chedworth, Gloucestershire, by Prof. Buckman and R. W. Hall (1873)* | 64 |
Romanes, G. J. | |
Notes | 47 |
Paper on abortion | 52 |
Roots | |
'The Action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the Roots of Certain Plants' | |
Notes for | 62 |
Copy | 28 (i) |
Fair copy | 28 (i) |
Printed copy* | 133(17) |
Rubiaceae. Notes | 110 |
Sagitta. 'Observations on the Structure and Propagation of the Genus Sagitta', p. 1 only | 27 (i) |
Salisbury Craigs, near Edinburgh. Geological notes | 5 |
Salt water, see Water | |
Savage, M. J. Darwin—The Significance of His Life and Work* | 140(5) |
Science | |
British Association for the Advancement of Science | |
Catalogue of the Darwin Memorial at Down* | 132(1) |
Declaration at C.D.'s centenary* | 141 |
Extract from the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry | 132(7) |
Sea water, see Water | |
Secretion. Notes on leaf secretion | 68 |
Sedgwick, Professor Adam. Geological notes made with him in North Wales | 5 |
Seeds | |
Notes on flower and vegetable seeds | 46 (ii) |
'On the Action of Seawater on the Germination of Seeds' | |
Notes and newspaper cuttings for | 27 (i) |
Original version | 27 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(21) |
Rough draft of an account of seeds buried at a great depth…, by W. Kemp | 50 |
W. Thompson: Descriptive Catalogue of Flower Seeds* | 136(10) |
[page] 62
Selection | |
Natural | |
'The Alleged Failure of Natural Selection in the Case of Man'* | 135(1) |
Newspaper cuttings from the Spectator on natural and supernatural selection* | 139(16) |
See also Species | |
Sexual | |
'Preliminary notice' to 'On the Modifications of a Race of Syrian Street-Dogs by means of Sexual Selection', Dr W. Van Dyck | 28 (ii) |
Seward, A. C. More Letters of Charles Darwin, copy for press of vol. I | 149 |
Shells | |
List of Beagle specimens in alcohol | 29 (i) |
Lists of Beagle specimens | 29 (iii) |
Notes by Orbigny, Sowerby and Forbes, on shells collected by C.D. | 43 |
Notes and diagrams | 39 (ii) |
Shooting. Notes | 91 |
Shrewsbury. Early geological notes | 5 |
Shropshire. Notes on Shropshire alluvium | 9 |
Sleep. Notes on sleep in plants | 68 |
Smith, Lieut. Charles. Notes on S.W. Pacific | 69 |
Snapdragon. Notes on its fertility | 51 |
Solanum tuberosum. Notes and letters on J. Torbitt's experiments on the potato disease | 52 |
Soroplex campestris, see Woodpeckers | |
Sorrel. Notes | 109 |
South America, see America, South; and also Geology and Zoology | |
Southampton. Notes on Southampton gravel | 52 |
Sowerby, G. B. | |
Appendix to Geological Observations on South America… | |
Original version | 43 |
Fair copy | 43 |
Final version | 43 |
Notes on shells collected by C.D. | 43 |
Species | |
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, notes for 2nd ed. which 'may be useful in species theory' | 46 (ii) |
Notes on bees' cells for species theory | 48 |
Tables of species | 15 (ii), 16 (i-ii) |
First pencil sketch of species theory, 1842 | 6 |
First sketch of species theory, 1842 | 6 |
Sketch of species theory, 1844 | 7 |
Fair copy of the above, annotated by C.D. | 113 |
[page] 63
Sketch of species theory sent to Asa Gray, 1857 | 6 |
On the Origin of Species… | |
Original version | |
Chs. 4-5, 7-8, notes for | 45-8 |
Ch. 4, part of | 15 (i) |
Ch. 4, fair copy of the above | 15 (i) |
Chs. 3-10 | 8-13 |
Summary | 8 |
Published version (condensation of the original version) | |
Original and copy of chs. 11 and 12 | 14 |
Odd leaves | 157 |
Notes about translation of 5th ed. into French | 69 |
Notes for corrections in 6th ed. | 69 |
Criticism | |
Asa Gray: On the Origin of Species, A Free Examination of Darwin's Treatise…and of its American Reviewers* | 133(7) |
T. H. Huxley on its reception | 112 |
A. R. Wallace's criticism of Sir C. Lyell on it* | 133(14) |
'On the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection', by C.D. and A. R. Wallace* | 135(13) |
C. Wright: Darwinism: An Examination of Mr St George Mivart's Genesis of Species* | 133(8) |
See also Evolution | |
Specimens | |
Descriptions of Beagle specimens | 133(8) |
List of South American geological specimens | 39 (i) |
Specimens taken from vols. 27 (i), 53, 63, 69-70, 84-5, 106/7, 108-11 | 142 |
In alcohol | |
Birds, list of Beagle specimens | 29 (iii) |
Catalogue of plants, 1842 | 106/7 |
Fish, list of Beagle specimens | 29 (i) |
Insects, list of Beagle Specimens | 29 (iii) |
Mammals, list of Beagle specimens | 29 (iii) |
Note, 1841-6 | 106/7 |
Notes on preservation of | 29 (iii) |
Shells, list of Beagle specimens | 29 (i) |
Stems, see Plants | |
Sterility. List of articles and pamphlets | 75 |
Sulivan, B. J. On the geology of the Falkland Islands | 39 (i) |
Sundew. Abstract of F. Darwin's paper | 139(18) |
Sweet peas. Account of 25 years' observation, by W. Masters | 77 |
Thompson, W. Descriptive Catalogue of Flower Seeds* | 136(10) |
Thyme. Notes | 109 |
Torbitt, J. Notes and letters on his experiments on the potato disease | 52 |
[page] 64
Transmutation, see Evolution | |
Transpiration. J. M. Anders: 'The Transpiration of Plants'* | 136(8) |
Trimorphism | |
Material on the illegitimate progeny of…trimorphic plants | 108-11 |
'On the Sexual Relations of the Three Forms of Lythrum salicaria' | 27 (ii) |
Trouessart, E.-L. Article on worms* | 64 |
Turbellaria, see Worms | |
United States of America. Asa Gray: 'Statistics of Flora of the Northern United States'* | 135(3) |
See also Geology, United States of America | |
Universities, see Edinburgh | |
Van Dyck, Dr W. 'Preliminary notice' by C.D. to 'On the Modifications of a Race of Syrian Street-Dogs by Means of Sexual Selection | 28 (ii) |
Variation, biological | |
List of articles and pamphlets | 75 |
Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, draft of ch. 27 | 51 |
Varieties, see Species | |
Vegetable mould, see Mould | |
Vegetables. Notes on seeds | 46 (ii) |
Vicia faba. '…On the Crossing of Kidney Beans' | 27 (i) |
Vivisection. Material on, 1881 | 139(17) |
Wales, see Geology, British Isles | |
Walker, F. Descriptions of Beagle specimens of Chalcidoideae* | 133(8) |
Wallace, A. R. | |
Address at the Anniversary meeting of the Entomological Society of London, 1871 and 1872* | 133(15, 16) |
'The Colour of Animals and Plants—i. Animals'* | 133(18) |
Criticism of Sir C. Lyell on geological climates and On the Origin of Species* | 133(14) |
'The Geographical Distribution of Birds' * | 133(9) |
'Mimicry and Other Protective Resemblances Among Animals'* | 133(13) |
Notice of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals* | 133(17) |
'On the Physical Geography of the Malay Archipelago'* | 133(10) |
'On the Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago'* | 133(11) |
'On the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection', by C.D. and A. R. Wallace* | 135(13) |
'The Philosophy of Birds' Nests'* | 133(12) |
Draft of sketch of his career | 91 |
[page] 65
Water | |
'L'absorption de l'eau par les feuilles', by H. Baillon and J.-L. de Lanessan* | 136(15) |
M. E. Mer: 'Des effets de l'immersion sur les feuilles aériennes'* | 136(12) |
Notes on salt water | 68 |
'On the Action of Seawater on the Germination of Seeds' | |
Notes and cuttings | 27 (i) |
Original version | 27 (i) |
Printed copy* | 135(12) |
Waterhouse, G. R. | |
Description of C.D.'s Beagle specimens of beetles | 133(8) |
Notes | 47 |
Watson, Hewett Cottrell. Notes | 47 |
Weale, J. P. M. 'Notes on Structure and Fertilization of the Genus Bonatea'* | 142 |
Wharton, W. J. S. Notes on Rodriguez and Zanzibar | 69 |
White, Adam. Descriptions of Beagle specimens of Arachnidae* | 133(8) |
Wind gauge. Table for Lind's wind gage for Captain Fitzroy | 29 (iii) |
Wisconsin. G. W. Featherstonhaugh: Report of a Geological Reconnoissance [of Wisconsin area]* | 131 |
Woodpeckers. Notes on the Habits of Pampas Woodpeckers* | 135(14) |
Worms | |
Articles by E. R. Lankester and E.-L. Trouessart* | 64 |
'Brief Descriptions of Several Terrestrial Planariae and of Some Remarkable Marine Species…'* | 135(8) |
The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms | |
Material for | 63-5 |
Chs. 1-7 | 24-5 |
Printed copy* | 139(7) |
Wright, C. Darwinism: An Examination of Mr St George Mivart's Genesis of Species* | 133(6) |
Zanzibar. Notes by W. J. S. Wharton | 69 |
Zoology | |
Beagle notes—plates and references | 29 (iii) |
Diary of observations of places visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle | 30-1 |
Notes on Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia | 154 |
[page] 66
This index lists:
1. Authors of letters. Where no addressee is noted, the letter is to Charles Darwin; or, in vol. 112 and box 139 (11, 12), to Francis Darwin.
2. Addressees, each followed by the name of the author of the letter. A series of copies of letters from Charles Darwin, arranged in boxes 143-8 alphabetically, under the names of addressees, is not indexed.
References are to volume or box numbers. Where there are two or more letters this is noted within brackets.
Note. Correspondence between various members of the Darwin family, The British Association, and the University Library, Cambridge, on the gift of the Darwin MSS. is in vol. 156.
Abbot, F. E. to W. E. Darwin 112
Abney from L. Darwin 58
Agassiz, A. 89
Agassiz, L. 82
Airy, H. 87
Aitchison, W. 86 [2]
to G. Cupples 86
Aitken, T. 58
Albertof, H. 96
Anderson, C. J. 70, 85
Ansell, G. F. 87
Athenœum, The, from C.D. 92 [2]
Babington, C. C. 29 (i), 50, 98, 110, 111
Bacon, J. B. to Lady Drysdale 46(i)
Baird, W. 82
Balfour, F. M. 58
Ball, J. 47
Barr, J, R. S. from G. Cupples 85
Bartlett, A. D. 84
Bate, C. S. 82 [2]
Bates, H. W. 47, 82 [7], 86
Bathoe, M. B. 87
Baxter, W. W. 58
Beale, W. 46
Beaufort, Capt. from Capt. Blackwood 69
Beddoe, J. 85 [3]
Belinfante, L. Z. to A. C. Seward 112
Belt, T. 46, 47
Bennett, A. W. 76
Bentham, G. 109, 110, 111 [2], 112
Bernays, C. L. 90
Bessay, C. E. to A. Gray 110
Bird (?), M. 76 [2]
Blackley, C. H. 86
Blackwall, J. 82 [3], 86
Blackwood, Capt. to Capt. Beaufort 69
Blenkiron, W. 83
Blomefield, L. to J. D. Hooker 112
Blunt, T. 5
Blyth, E. 47, 48 [2], 80, 83 [3], 84 [2]+imperfect letters, 85, 86, 98 [15]
Bonney, T. G. 69, 98
from F. Darwin 69
Booth, F. 98
Brace, C. L. 80
[page] 67
Bradfield, T. 89
Bradshaw from C.D. 92
Breitenbach, W. 111
Brent, B. P. 84
Brett, C. A. 90
Brunton, T. L. 58 [3], 99, 112
Buckland, F. 86 [2]
Buist, R. 82, 86
Bunbury, C. J. F. 98
Burgess, T. 97, 106/7 [2]
Burleigh from C.D. 92
Bush, J. 83
Busk, G. W. 87 [2]
Butler, A. G. 89 [3], 99
Butler, S. 92 [2], 106/7
Butler, T. 112
Calman, W. F. 112
Cameron, J. H. L. 112
Canby, W. M. 58 [3], 86
Canestrini, J. 86 [2]
Canterbury, the Archbishop of to J. F. Hayes 139(12)
Carpenter, W. B. 39 (i) [3]
Carus, J. V. 69, 86 [2], 88 [8], 89
Caspary, R. 76, 109
from C.D. 92
Caton, J. D. 83 [3]
Cattell, J. 77
Chambers, R. W. from C.D. (draft) 50
Chance, F. 89
Chester, J. L. 99
Childs, W. L. 77
Clendon, G. 47
Clephan, J. R. 87
Clowes, Messrs from G. H. Darwin 86 [2]
Coan, T. M. 90
Coghland, J. 88
Cohn, F. 58, 86
Colgate, R. 76
Cooke, R. 92 [2]
Copland, T. C. 58 [3]
Cox, C. F. 112
Cradock, E. H. 112
Craig, J. S. 96
Crawte, G. F. 64
Crecy, E. 58 [3]
Croll, J. 16
Crotch, G. R. 82
Crotch, W. D. 47, 88 [3]
Cupples, G. 83 [5], 86 [2], 87, 90
from W. Aitchison 86
from R. Elliot 86 [2]
from G. A. Graham 90
from J. Graham 86
from W. N. Massey 90
from T. Morse 90
from J. A. Oliver 86
from J. Rait 86
from W. F. Rayner 90
from J. W. Robertson 90
from P. Robertson 90
from R. Thomson 85
from E. L. Williams 90
to J. R. S. Barr 85
D., J. 82
Dallas, W. S. 99
Dana, J. W. 69
Darwin family letters (copies) 153-4
Drawin, A. 58
Darwin, C. His children to him 99
In collection of C. F. Fox* 135(18)
drafts 50, 96-7
letters from (copies) 143-8
to? 82, 87
for use when unable to reply personally* 133(1)
to The Athenœum 92 [2]
to Bradshaw 92
to Burleigh 92
to R. Caspary 92
to R. W. Chambers (draft) 50
to Catherine Darwin 92
to E. A. Darwin 105
to S. Darwin 92 [7]
to W. E. Drawin 92 [5]
to Down Friendly Club* 138(5)
to Asa Gray (copies) 153
to A. Hancock* 136(1)
to and from W. H. Harvey 98
to J. S. Henslow 93 [56], 135(6)*
to J. D. Hooker 50 (draft), 94-5, 114-15, 139(12)
[page] 68
to and from J. D. Hooker (copies) 150-1
to T. H. Huxley 92, 99
to E. Krause 92
to C. Lyell (draft) 50
to F. Müller 92 [2]
'Briefe von Darwin' by W. Prener* 133(4)
to A. Rich 92
to the Editor of The Scotsman (draft) 50
to J. Scott (copies) 154
to R. Trimen 82
to H. Wedgwood 88 [2]
Darwin, Caroline 97 [3]
Darwin, Catherine 97 [3], 109
from C.D. 92
Darwin, Charlotte 99 [2]
Darwin, E. A. 39 (i), 92 [2], 98, 105
to Emma Darwin 105 [7]
from C.D. 105
from Sir H. Holland 86
Darwin, Edward 58, 99
Darwin, Emma to J. D. Hooker 95
from E. A. Darwin 105 [7]
from F. Darwin 82
Darwin, F. 58 [3], 77 [2]
to T. G. Bonney 69
to Emma Darwin 82
to J. D. Hooker 95
to T. H. Huxley (copy) 106/7 [2]
to J. M. Mackair 106/7
from W. H. Fremantle 106/7 [2]
from F. Galton 106/7
from T. H. Huxley 106/7 [2]
from J. Lubbock 106/7
from H. Müller 68
from G. Prestwich 106/7
from M. L. Ruck 83
from W. Sherb—(?) 106/7
from Smith, Elder and Co. 69 [2]
from G. J. Honey 106/7 [2]
Darwin, G. H. 77, 89, 112
to Messrs Clowes 86 [2]
and W. E. to T. H. Huxley
(copy) 106/7, 154 [3]
Darwin, H. E. from H. E. Wedgwood 88
Darwin, L. 90, 92, 112, 139(11)
to Abney 58
to W. E. Darwin 112
Darwin, R. from J. Wedgwood 97
Darwin, S. from C.D. 92 [7]
Darwin, W. E. 76, 88 [3], 89, 108 [2], 109 [7], 110 [8], 112, 139(11)
and G.H. to T. H. Huxley
(copy) 106/7, 154 [3]
from F. E. Abbot 112
from C.D. 92 [5]
from L. Darwin 112
from F. Galton 112
from R. O. Jones 88
Davidson, T. 90, 99, 112
Dealtry, W. 90
Delpino, F. 77, 111
Denny, H. 80
Dixon, E. S. 84
Donders, F. C. 58
Doubleday, H. 82 [3], 85, 86
from H. J. Stainton 86
Douglas, C. D. 35, 39 (i), 82
Down Friendly Club from C.D.* 138(5)
Down, J. L. 87 [3]
Downing, J. 90
Drysdale, Lady from J. B. Bacon 46 (i)
Dyer, W. T. 47, 58, 86 [2], 111
from T. Moore 76
Dykes, J. B. B. 99
Edwards, E. J. 99
Egerton, P. de M. G. 83
Ehrenberg, C. G. 39 (i) [3]
Elliot, R. to G. Cupples 86 [2]
Elliot, W. 86 [2]
Evans, J. G. 112
Eyton, T. 86 [2]
F., M. 92 [2]
Falconer, H. 47 [2], 99
Farrer, T. N. 87 [2], 111
Fawcett, H. 98
Fayrer, Sir J. 58
Fitch, A. 77
Flüger, E. T. W. 97
[page] 69
Földes-Weisz 112
Forbes, D. 80
Forbes, E. 43 [4]
Forbes, W. to J. W. Robertson 90
Foster, L. M. 112 [3]
Foster, M. 58, 106/7
Fox, C. F., letters of C.D. in collection of* 135(18)
Fox, H. S. 39 (i)
Fox, W. D. 47, 77, 83, 84, 85, 86 [2], 99, 110
Frankland, E. 58 [4]
Fraser, G. 89 [2], 112
Fremantle, W. H. to F. Darwin 106/7 [2]
Galton, E. S. 112
Galton, F. 80, 98, 105, 106/7
to F. Darwin 106/7
to W. E. Darwin 112
Gardner, D. T. 97
Gaudin, C. T. 47
Gillman, H. 88
Glennie, J. D. 48
Goodson, W. H. 99
Gould, J. 84
Graham, G. A. to G. Cupples 90
Graham, J. to G. Cupples 86
Gray, A. 82, 98, 106/7 [2], 109 [3], 110 [6], 111 [2]
to J. D. Hooker 98
from C. E. Bessey 110
from C.D. (copies) 153
from W. H. Leggett 109
Gray, G. R. 84 [2], 96
Gray, J. E. 88 [3]
Gray, J. G. 83
Gray, J. L. 80
Greg, W. R. 87, 90
Grove, J. G. 90
Grove, W. R. 87
Günther, A. 82 [2], 89, 97
Haliburton, S. A. 99 [2]
Hamond, W. H. 112
Hancock, A. 82
from C.D.* 136(1)
Hardy to Hindmarsh 46 (i)
Hardy, C. 76
Harrison, L. 58
Harvey, W. H. 47
to and from C.D. 98
Heaviside, J. W. 112
Hegt, J. N. 86 [2]
Hellins, J. 85 [2]
Henry, J. A. 110
Henslow, J. S. 50 [2], 97 [2], 109
from C.D. 93 [56], 135(6)*
from G. Peacock 97
Herbert, J. M. 112 [2]
Hewitt, E. 84
Heyes, J. F. 139(12)
from the Archbishop of Canterbury 139(12)
Hickman, G. W. to G. Cupples 90
Hildebrand, F. 76, 111
Hindmarsh from Hardy 46 (i)
Hoare, J. N. 87
Hofmann, A. W. to E. Crecy 58
Holland, Sir H. 47
to E. A. Darwin 86
Hollman 89
Hooker, H. 104 [9]
Hooker, J. D. 47 [4], 48, 50, 58, 77, 100-4, 110, 111 [2], 112
(copies) 152
to and from C.D. (copies) 150-1
from L. Blomefield 112
from C.D. 50(draft), 94-5, 114-15, 139(12)
from Emma Darwin 95
from F. Darwin 95
from A. Gray 98
from D. Oliver 104
from B. J. Sulivan 106/7
from H. C. Watson 47 [3]
Hope, J. L. A. 88
Hopkins, W. 39 (i) [3]
Housley, S. J. 87
Houzeau, J. C. 87
Howarth, H. H. 90
Humbert, A. 89
Huxley, T. H. 92 [3], 95, 98 [2], 99 [5], 104
to F. Darwin 106/7 [2]
to G. G. Stokes 99 [2]
from C.D. 92, 99
[page] 70
from F. Darwin (copy) 106/7 [2]
from G.H. and W. E. Darwin (copy) 106/7, 154 [3]
from G. G. Stokes 99 [3]
Hyatt, H. 99
Innes, J. B. 112 [2]
Irishman, An 69
Irving, B. A. 64
Jackson, H. W. 47
Jamieson, F. 47
Janson, E. W. 82 [2]
Jenyns, L. 84, 86
Jeremiah, J. 87
Johnston, F. B. 88
Jones, A. 86
Jones, E. to M. L. Ruck 83
Jones, H. F. 139(11)
Jones, R. O. to W. E. Darwin 88
Joyce, J. G. 65
Kaiserliche Akad. der Wissenschaften (Vienna) 97
Keen, W. 89
Kemp, W. 50 [6]
King, G. 58, 112
King, P. G. 112
Kingsley, C. 98
Klein, E. 58 [2]
Köppen, F. T. 46 (i), 91
Krause, E. 92 [35]
from C.D. 92 [2]
Lamont, J. 47, 88
Lane, E. to B. W. Richardson 112
Langton, ? to S. A. Wedgwood 82
Langton, R. B. 88 [2]
Lankester, E. R. 87
La Touche, J. D. 112
Laxton, T. 77
Layard, E. 83
Lee, H. 86
Leggett, W. H. 109
to A. Gray 109
Leidy, J. 112 [2]
Leighton, W. A. 77, 108
Lessona, M. 87
Lewes, G. H. 99, 106/7 [5]
Lindley, J. 50 [2]
Litchfield, H. E. 92, 112, 139(11)
and R. B. Litchfield 92
to L. Stephen (copy) 92
Litchfield, R. B. 92 [3]
and H. E. Litchfield 92
Lonsdale, H. 87
Lubbock, E. 104
Lubbock, J. 48 [2], 80, 82, 89
to F. Darwin 106/7
Lyell, C. 91, 98 [2]
from C.D. (draft) 50
Mackair, J. M. to F. Darwin 106/7
McLachlan, R. 82 [2], 86, 89
Major, C. J. F. 88
Malcolmson, J. G. 39 (i) [4]
Mantell, W. 85
Marshall, T. 58
Marshall, W. C. 58 [2], 86, 109
Martin, W. C. L. 47 [2]
Marval, H. 89
Mason, P. B. 90
Massey, W. N. from G. Cupples 90
Masters, M. T. 76, 96
Masters, W. 76, 77
Maudsley, H. 99
Maw, G. 99 [2]
Meldola, R. 89 [2]
Mellersh, A. 112
Miller, W. H. 39 (i)
Moggridge, J. T. 109, 110, 111
Moore, D. 58
Moore, J. W. 58 [3]
Moore, T. to W. T. Dyer 76
Moorsom, W. M. 112
Morley, J. 87, 88 [2]
Morse, T. to G. Cupples 90
Müller, F. 76, 82, 89, 99, 106/7, 109, 110 [3], 111 [2], 112 [2], 142 [5]
from C.D. 92 [2]
Müller, H. 76 [2], 77, 110, 111, 112
to F. Darwin 68
Murdoch, G. B. 90
Murie, J. 80
Murray, A. 47 [2]
Murray, J. 92 [2]
[page] 71
Neill, A. W. 83 [2]
Newton, A. 84 [2], 88
Nicols, A. 87
Nillson, L. 86
Nitsche, H. 87
Niven, J. 64
Nixon, E. 99
Nobbs, G. H. to Sir H. Robinson (copy) 98
Norman, E. 77, 99
Northern Assurance Co. 97
Ogle, W. 77, 106/7
Okes, R. 99
Oliver, D. 58 [8], 91, 108, 111 [2]
to J. D. Hooker 104
Oliver, J. A. to G. Cupples 86
Orbigny, A. d' 43 [2]
Owen, C. M. 99 [2]
Owen, W. 98
Paget, G. E. 112 [2]
Paget, J. 87, 99
Patterson, R. 46 (i)
Paycan, M. 85
Peach, C. W. 89
Peacock, G. 97
to J. S. Henslow 97
Peel, J. 46 (i), 85, 88
Pflüger, E. T. W. 97
Piggott, H. 69
Pitman, E. 99
Plowright, C. B. 64
Prestwich, G. to F. Darwin 106/7
Preyer, W. 87 [2]
Price, J. 58 [2]
Pringle, J. 50
Provis, J. 27 (i) [2]
Quatrefages, J. L. A. 85
Rait, J. to G. Cupples 86
Ralfs, J. 58
Ramu, H. 99 [2]
Ransome, F. 99 [5]
Rayner, W. F. to G. Cupples 90
Reade, W. 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 [2]
Reeks, H. 88 [4]
Reeks, T. 39 (i) [3], 58, 88
Rich, A. from C.D. 92
Richardson, B. W. from E. Lane 112
Ridley, H. N. 86
Rivers, T. 46 (i)
Robertson, J. W. to G. Cupples 90
from W. Forbes 90
Robertson, P. to G. Cupples 86
Robinson, Sir H. from G. H. Nobbs (copy) 90
Rodwell, J. M. 47 [2], 112
Rohlfi, G. 89
Rolleston, G. 87
R.S.P.C.A. 97
Ruck, M. L. to F. Darwin 83
from E. Jones 83
Rudd, L. 87
Russell, J. 86
Russell, R. 85, 86
Sanday, S. 85
Sanderson, J. B. 27 [2], 58 [11], 99
Schiff, M. 86
Schultze 96
Schweizerbart? 96
Scotsman, The, to the Editor of from C.D. (draft) 50
Scott, J. 47, 85, 108 [3], 109, 111
from C.D. 93 [35]
Sedgwick, A. 98
Seward, A. C. from L. Z. Belinfante 112
Sharpe, R. B. 84
Shaw, J. 84
Sherb—(?), W. to F. Darwin 106/7
Sherbrooke, Lord 112
Simmons, F. 89
Simpson, J. F. 64
Smith, A. 85, 87, 89
Smith, J. 76
Smith, T. 82 [5]
Smith, Elder and Co. to F. Darwin 69 [2]
Soc. Anthr. de Paris 96
Soc. Imp. Zool. d'Acclimatatn. 96
Sorby, H. C. 58
Sowerby, G. B. 43 [2], 82
Spence, R. 109
[page break]
Spencer, H. to ? 85
Stainton, H. J. 86 [3]
to H. Doubleday 86
Staley, T. N. 89 [3]
Staudinger, O. 82
Stephen, L. 92
from H. E. Litchfield 92
Stockes, G. G. 84, 99
to T. H. Huxley 99 [3]
from T. H. Huxley 99 [2]
Stokes, L. 112
Stoney, G. J. to F. Darwin 106/7 [2]
Stretch, T. 86
Sulivan, B. J. 39 (i) [2], 46 (i) [3], 83, 87, 112 [2]
to J. D. Hooker 106/7
Swinhoe, R. 47, 84
Tait, L. 99 [2]
Tait, W. C. 58
Tankerville, Lord 83
Taylor, A. S. 58
Tegetmeier, W. B. 84 [2], 85, 86 [2], 88, 89, 90 [2], 142
Thompson, R. B. 87
Thomson, R. to G. Cupples 85
Thwaites, G. H. A. 48, 109, 110
Tiddeman, R. H. 87
Torrey, J. 111
Treat, M. 58 [6]
Trimen, R. 82 [2], 84 [2], 85 [4], 86, 99, 109
from C.D. 82
Tristram, H. B. 84 [2]
Turner, H. 80
Tyler, D. 88
Tyndall, J. 106/7
Vines, S. H. 62
Walker, F. 70, 77, 82
Wallace, A. R. 47 [2], 82 [5], 83, 84 [5], 85 [2], 86, 89, 106/7
Wallace, Alex 85 [2], 86 [2]
Walsh, D. B. 47, 82 [2]
Walton, J. 47
Waring, W. 90 [2]
Waterhouse, C. D. 82 [2]
Waterhouse, G. R. 39 (i), 47, 48
Watkins, F. 112
Watson, H. C. 98 [9]
to J. D. Hooker 47 [3]
Weale, J. P. M. 46 (i), 82
Weddell, H. 110
Wedderburn, D. 88
Wedgwood, Caroline, see Darwin, Caroline
Wedgwood, Emma, see Darwin, Emma
Wedgwood, F. J. 139(12)
Wedgwood, H. 48 [2], 80, 86, 88 [3]
from C.D. 88 [2]
Wedgwood, H. E. 112
to H. E. Darwin 88
Wedgwood, J. to R. Darwin 97
Wedgwood, K. C. S. 112
Wedgwood, L. 58 [2], 108, 110
Wedgwood, S. A. from ? Langton 82
Weir, H. 84 [2], 86
Weir, J. J. 46 (i), 82 [2], 84 [8] + imperfect letters, 86 [6], 88 2]
Wells, S. 77 [2]
Westropp, H. M. 90
Wharton, W. J. S. 69 [4]
Wheler, E. 99
Whewell, W. 98
Wilkens, M. 96
Wilkinson, H. M. 58 [2], 86
Williams, E. L. to G. Cupples 90
Williams and Norgate 91 [2], 96
Williamson, W. C. 86
Wilson, A. S. 86
Wood, J. 87
Wood, T. W. 89
Wright, J. 83, 86
to G. Cupples 90
Wyman, J. 89
Zouteveen, W. H. van 88, 90
[back cover]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022