RECORD: [Gautry, P. J.] 1961. Darwin library: list of books received in the University Library Cambridge March-May 1961. [Cambridge University Library]. [Annotated copy in the Manuscripts Reading Room in Cambridge University Library]
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by the staff of the Manuscripts Reading Room, Cambridge University Library. Transcribed by AEL Data, 2009, corrected against the original by Kees Rookmaaker, processed and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2020. RN2
NOTE: See the record for this item in the Freeman Bibliographical Database by entering its Identifier here.
Reproduced courtesy of Adam Perkins and the staff of the Manuscripts Reading Room, Cambridge University Library. See an introduction by J. David Archibald
[inside front cover]
N. B. There are number of collections in the Darwin Library.
There is the original deposit, the Down House deposit (D), the set of (Pers), and two Botany School deposits (both (BOT), but which are not amalgamated together).
There B also a small collection of items gleamed from other parts of the University Library stock.
Great care must be taken to return items to their proper place, no items should be replaced without the fetching slip being checked as present, and correct.
Lists are available, place check these if not sure, and always consult them first for location.
[page break]
Additional material found in UL book classes which contain marginalia and other notations, removed from their locations and to be kept in MSS stack with Dar Lib.
(WB3, Case 34, By 4:iv-v)
MF.35.95 J.B. Jukes Newfoundland L., 1843
10.77.5 Works of W. Paley Vol. 5 L., 1825
7180.d.18- J.Locke. An Essay... 2 vols L., 1726
7700.d.142 A dissertation upon parties L., 1739
8180.c.7 Stewart's Essays Edinb., 1818
8300.c.11 D.H.Tuke. Influence of the mind L., 1872
8340.d.13 T.G.Gentry. Life-histories of birds Phil., 1876
8450.d.12 J.Dowson. Erasmus Darwin L., 1861
8460.c.1 L.Reynier. De l'economie...Celtes Gen., 1818
8592.c.23 J.D.Caton. A summer in Norway Chic., 1875
8700.d.149 J.Beattie. The minstrel... L., 1819
P340.1.a.1.7 Edinb. Trans. Vol. 7 1815
P340.1.c.7.4 Amer.Acad. Arts & Sciences Vol. 4 Boston, 1860
P370.c.105.3 Trans.of Bot. Soc. Vol. 6 Edinb., 1860
P382.c.28.1 - 4 Bericht der Senckenb.Nat.Ges., 1871-1881
P443.c.1.1 Coates' Herd Book Vol. 1
Pam.7.87.87 La critica nello filosofia... Napoli, 1876
Q365.b.12.2 Trans. Geol. Soc. Vol. 2
Q365.b.12.4 Trans. Geol. Soc. Vol. 4
Q460.c.5.8 Anthrop. Review Vol. 8 1870
Not to taken away (i.e. to other reading rooms) unless strictly necessary: must not be borrowed, must be returned to Manuscripts, any marginalia or other written notes must NOT be removed!!
(Refer to Nick Gill for more information.)
Adv d. 79.21 Burke, E. 'A philosophical enquiry' L., 1823.
[title page]
List of books received in the
University Library Cambridge
March - May 1961
[page break]
There are a large number of items in the Darwin Library which have some uncut pages. Under no circumstances must these pages be cut, by readers or staff.
[page 1]
Books received in the University Library from Down House, March-May 1961.
Page 1. Abercrombie (J.): Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth.8th ed.
8o. London, 1838.
Abernethy (John). Physiological achieves 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1822. (D)
Page 1. Adams (A.L.): Field and Forest Rambles, &c. *
8o. London, 1873
Page 2. Agassiz (L.): Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis.
8o. Soloduri, 1848.
Page 2. Agassiz (L.), L.A. & A.A.Gould:Principles of Zoology.Part 1. Comparative Physiology. *
8o. Boston, 1848.
Page 2. Agassiz (L.): Lake Superior...with a narrative of the Tour, by J.E.Cabot. *
8o. Boston, 1850.
Page 2. Agassiz (L.): Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of North America.Vol. 1, Part 1. *
Page 2. Agassiz (L.): De l'Espèce et de la classification en zoologie. l'anglais par F.Vogeli.Ed.revue...par l'auteur.
8o. Paris, 1869.
Page 2. Alder (J.) & A.Hancock:A Monograph of the British Nudi branchiate Mollusca.Parts 1-7. *
Fo. London, 1845-55.
Page 2. Allen (G.): The Colour-Sense:its origin and development.
8o. London, 1877.
Alphabetical index...See McAlpine (D)
Page 3. Annals (and Magazine) of Natural History.Series 1:Vols 6-20 (1840-47). Series 2:Vols 1-14 (1848-1854). Series 3: Vols 15 & 16. 1865 *
8o. London, 1840-65.
Page 3. Annals of Natural History.Conducted by Sir W.Jardine, Bart. & others. Vols 1 & 2. *
8o. London, 1838-39.
Anthropological pherographs see Ducheme
Page 3. Archiac (Le Vicomte d'): Histoire des progr`s de la Géologie de 1834 à 1845.Tome ler.
8o. Paris, 1847.
Page 3. Archiv für Anthropologie.ler Bd, 2tes Heft;3er Bd, 3tes u.4tes Heft.
4o. Braunschweig, 1866, 1869.
Page references are to Rutherford's Catalogue of the Library of Charles Darwin...1908.
* Indicates that the work has Darwin notes pinned at the back of the book.
[page 1v]
Atlas Alphabetical index of all the names.
8o London, 1831
See McAlpine (D)
Anbuisson des Voisins (J.F.d'). Traité de Geognosie. Tome 1 + 2
8o Strasbourg, 1829 (D)
* See also under Daubuisson!
Barker-Webb (P) + S. Berthelot: Historic naturelle des Iles (Vol. 3i. Paris, 1840) [DARLIB 60 bottom shelf]
Beale (Lionel S.) On the structure and growth of the tissues and on life.
8o London, 1865. (D)
[page 2]
Page 3. Argyll (The Duke of): The Reign of Law.
8o. London, 1867.
Page 3. Argyll (The Duke of): Primeval Man.
8o. London, 1869.
Page 4. Askenasy (E.): Beitrage zur Kritik der Darwin'schen Lehre.
8o. Leipzig, 1872.
Page 4. Audubon (J.J.): Orni thological Biography:Birds of the United States of America.5 vols. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1831-39.
Page 4. Aubudon (J.J.): The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. By J.J.A., & the Rev.J.Bachmann.Vol. 1. *
8o. New York, 1846.
Page 5. Ayrault (E.): De l'industrie mulassieère en Poitou.
8o. Niort, 1867.
Page 5. Azara (F.d'): Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des Quadrupèdes de la Province du Paraguay. 2 vols. *
8o. Paris, An IX (1801).
Page 5. Azara (F.d'): Voyages dans l'Amérique méridionale...1781-1801. Ed.par C.A.Walckehaer. Accomp.d'un Atlas de 25 planches. 4 tomes. + Atlas *
8o. Paris, 1809.
Page 5. Babington (C.C.): Manual of British Botany.3rd ed.
8o. London, 1851.
Page 5. Baerenbach (F.von): Das Problem einer Naturgeschichte des Weibes.
8o. Jena, 1877.
Page 5. Bain (A.): The Senses and the Intellect.2nd ed. *
8o. London, 1864.
Page 5. Bain (A.): The Emotions and the Will.2nd ed.
8o. London, 1865.
Page 5. Baird (W.): The Natural History of the British Entomostraca.
8o. London, 1850.
Page 5. Baker (J.G.): Elementary Lessons in Botanical Geography.
8o. London, 1875.
Page 6. Baly (Wm.): See Müller (J.): Elements of Physiology.Transl.2 vols.
8o. London, 1838-42.
Page 6. Barclay (J.): An Inquiry into the Opinions ancient and modern concerning Life and Organization.
8o. Edinburgh, 1822.
Page 6. Bastian (H.C.): The Beginnings of Life.2 vols.
8o. London, 1872.
Page 6. Bate (C.S.): See British Museum. Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea.
8o. London, 1862.
Page 6. Bateman (F.): On Aphasia, or Loss of Speech.
8o. London, 1870.
Page7. Bates (H.W.): The Naturalist on the River Amazons.2 vols. *
8o. London, 1863.
[page 2v]
Bentham & Hooker: Genera Plantarum 7 vols. (BOT)
[page 3]
Page 7. Beaumont ( Note sur les systèmes de Montagnes les plus anciens de l'Europe.
8o. Paris, 1847.
Page 7. Beuamont ( Leçons de Géologie pratique. Tome ler.
8o. Paris, 1845.
Page 7. Bechstein (J.M.): Gemeinnützige Naturgeschiochte Deutschlands nach allen drey Reichen.4 Bde.[lte Aufl.=Bde 3, 4;2te Aufl.=Bde. 1, 2.] *
8o. Leipzig, 1793-1805.
Page 7. Bechstein (J.M.): Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel.4te Aufl.
8o. Halle, 1840.
Page 7. Beechey (Admiral F.W.), R.N.Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait...1825-28.
8o. Philadelphia, 1832.
Page 7. M Bell (Sir C.): The anatomy and philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Arts.3rd ed.
8o. London, 1844.
Page 7. Belt (T.): The Naturalist in Nicaragua. *
8o. London, 1874.
Page 7. Beneden (P.J.van): Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux.
4o. Paris, 1861.
Page 8. Bernard (C.): Leçons sur les propriétés des Tissus vivants. Recueillies, rédigées et publ.par E.Alglave. *
8o. Paris, 1866.
Page 8. Bernard (C.): Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux.Tome 2éme.
8o. Paris, 1879.
Page 8. Bernhardi (J.J.): Ueber den Begriff der Pflansenart und seine Anwendung. *
4o. Erfurt, 1834.
Page 8. Bevan (E.): The Honey-Bee.
8o. London, 1827.
Page 8. Bianconi (J.J.): La Théorie Darwinienne et la Création di te indépendante. Lettre à M. Ch. Darwin. *
8o. Bologne, 1874.
Page 8. Bienen-Zeitung.Organ des Vereins deutscher Bienenwirthe. 12ter Band.Jahrg.1856.
4o. Nördlingen. 1856.
Page 9. Birds. (The Naturalist's Sir W.Jardine, Bart., Vols 9 & 14.) *
8o. Edinburgh.
Page 9. Blackley (C.H.): Experimental researches on...Catarrhus aestivus.
8o. London, 1873.
Page 9. Blackwall (J.): Researches in Zoology. *
8o. London, 1834.
Page 9. Blumenbach (J.F.): The Anthropological Treatises of J.F.B... Transl.and Th.Bendyshe. *
8o. London, 1865.
Page 9. Blyth (E.): The natural history of the Cranes...enlarged, and W.B. Tegetmeier.
8o. London, 1881.
[page 3v]
Boitard (M.M) Manuel O'Entomologie. 2 tomes.
12o Paris, 1828. (D)
Bon (Le) jardinier, Pour l'année 1827 28eme ed.
12o Paris, 1827
Bonaparte (Prince Ch. I.) A geographical and comparative his birds of Europe and North America.
8o London 1838. (D)
Bonnet, C. Recherches...1754 (BOT)
British (The) aviary. (D)
8o London, n.d.
Brown (HG) Charles Darwin über die Entsrehung der Arten in Their und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Zuchtung. Stuttgart, 1860, 1862 (D) *
See under Darwin
[page 4]
Page 9. Boitard (M.M.) & Corbié: Les Pigeons de voliére et de colombier.
8o. Paris, 1824.
Page 10. Bonaparte (Prince Ch. I.): Coup d'oeil sur l'ordre des Pigeons. *
4o. Paris, 1855.
Page 10. Bondi (A.): L'Uomo. Ipotesi sulla Origine (Teoria Darwiniana), considerazioni.
8o. Forli, 1873.
Page 10. Boudin (J.Ch.M.): Traité de géographie et statistique médicales et des maladies endémiques. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1857.
Page 11. Bradley (R.): A general treatise of Husbandry and Gardening. 3 vols.
8o. London, 1724.
Page 11. Bree (C.R.): Species not Transmutable.
8o. London, 1860.
Page 11. Brent (B.P.): The Canary...and some other birds.
8o. London, n.d.
Page 11. Brent (B.P.): The Pigeon Book.
8o. London, n.d.
Page 11. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 3rd Meeting...Cambridge, 1833. *
8o. London, 1834.
Page 11. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 11th Meeting...Plymouth, 1841. *
8o. London, 1842.
Page 11. British Museum. Catalogue[List] of the specimens of Mammalia...Ed. By J.E. Gray. Parts 1-3.
12o. London, 1843-52.
Page 11. British Museum. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa...Parts 1 & 2. Prepared by G. Busk. Ed. by J.E. Gray.
8o. London, 1852-54.
Page 12. British Museum. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera...By Fr. Smith. Part 1. Apidae. Bees.
8o. London, 1855.
Page 12. British Museum. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira...By T. Vernon Wollaston.
8o. London, 1857.
Page 12. Broca (P.): On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo. Ed. by C. Carter Blake. *
8o. London, 1864.
Page 12. Bronn (H.G.): Essai d'une réponse à la question de prix proposée en 1850 par l'Académie des Sciences pour le concours de 1853...savoir: Etudier les lois de la distribution des corps organisés fossils, &c. (Suppl. aux Comptes rendus, Tome 2.)
4o. Paris, 1861.
[Bound with P.J. van Beneden. See Page 7. ]
[page 4v]
Brookes (R.) The natural history of insects.
12o. London, 1763. (D)
Brookes (R.) The natural history of waters, earth, stones, fossil, and minerals.
12o. London, 1763.
Brown (Robert). The miscellaneous botanical works vol. 3 1868 (Ray Soc. BOT Bay)
Bruguières (J.G.) Histoire naturelle des vers (Encydopedie mithodique) 2 tomes. (D)
4o. Paris, 1789-92.
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard … vols. II,3, VI 3, VIII 13
[page 5]
Page 12. Bronn (H.G.): Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur. 2 Bde. *
8o. Stuttgart, 1842-43.
Page 12. Bronn (H.G.): Morphologische Studien über die Gestal tungs-Gesetze der Naturkörper, &c.
8o. Leipzig, 1858.
Page 12. Bronn (H.G.): Untersuchungen über die Entwicklungsgesetze der organischen Welt.
8o. Stuttgart, 1858.
Page 12. Brougham (Henry Lord): Dissertations on subjects on Science connected with Natural Theology...Paley's Work. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1839.
Page 12. Browne (J.C.): See West Riding Lunatic Asylum Reports. Vol. 1-.
8o. London, 1871-.
Page 13. Buch (L. von): Travels through Norway and Lapland...1806-8. Transl. by J. Black. With R. Jameson.
4o. London, 1813.
Buch (L. von): Description physique des Iles Canaries. Traduit par C. Boulanger.
8o. Paris, 1836.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Aus Natur und Wissenschaft.
8o. Leipzig, 1862.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Die Darwin's sche Theorie von der Entstehung und Umwandlung der Lebe-Welt. 4te Aufl.
8o. Leipzig, 1876.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin's sche Theorie von der Verwandlung der Arten, &c. *
8o. Leipzig, 1868.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin's sche Theorie von der Verwandlung der Arten, &c. 2te Aufl.
8o. Leipzig, 1868.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Conférences sur la Théorie Darwinienne. Traduit...par A. Jacquot.
8o. Leipzig, 1869.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Die Macht der Verebung.
8o. Leipzig, 1882.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur, &c. 2te Lief. Wer sind wir? 3te Lief. Wohin gehen wir?
8o. Leipzig, 1870.
Page 13. Büchner (L.): Man in the past, present and future. From the W.S. Dallas.
8o. London, 1872.
Page 13. Bütschli (O.): Studien über die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge der Eizelle...der Infusorien.
4o. Frankfurt a.M., 1876.
Page 13. Buller (W.L.): A History of the Birds of New Zealand. *
4o. London, 1873.
Page 14. Burbidge (F.W.): Cultivated plants.
8o. Edinburgh, 1877.
[page 5v]
Butler (Dr Samuel). A sketch of modern and ancient geography
London, 1818
Butler (Dr S.) Evolution...1879. (BOT 1992)
Carus (J. Victor). Bibliotheca Zoologica. Verzeichniss der Schriften über Zoologie 1846-60. Bear von J.V.C. und W. Engelmann 2 Bde (D)
8o. Leipzig, 1861
Catalogue of Pamphlets (in the F.D. Coll) (BOT)
Coleoptern Britannica. See Marsham (Thomas).
Conversations on vegetal physiol...1829 2 vols (BOT)
Cramer (Frank) The method of Darwin 8o Chicago, 1896
[page 6]
Page 14. Burgess (T.H.): The Physiology or Mechanism of Blushing.
8o. London, 1839.
Page 14. Burmeister (H.): Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfüsser (Cirripedia).
4o. Berlin, 1834.
Page 14. Burmeister (H.): The Organization of Trilobites. Ed. from the German by Th. Bell and E. Forbes. *
Fo. London, 1846.
Page 14. Burmeister (H.): Histoire de la Création... Trad. de l'allemand d'aprés la 8éme éd. par E. Maupas. Revue par le professeur Giebel.
8o. Paris, 1870.
Page 15. Candolle (A. de): Géographie botanique raisonnée. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1855.
Page 15. Candolle (A. de): Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux siécles, &c. *
8o. Genéve, 1873.
Page 15. Candolle (A. de): Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux siécles, &c. 2e éd.
8o. Genéve-Bale, 1885.
Page 15. Candolle (A. de): La Phytographie.
8o. Paris, 1880.
Page 15. Carpenter (W.B.): Principles of Comparative Physiology. 4th ed. *
8o. London, 1854.
Page 15. Carriére (E.A.): Production et fixation des Variétés dans les végétaux. *
8o. Paris, 1865.
Page 16. Catalogue of the Books and Maps in the Library of the Geological Society of London.
8o. London, 1846.
Page 16. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society.
8o. London, 1839.
Page 16. Chambers (R.): Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. 6th ed. *
8o. London, 1847.
Page 17. Chapuis (F.): Le Pigeon voyageur belge. *
8o. Verviers, 1865.
Page 18. Colin (G.): Traité de Physiologie compareée des Animaux domestiques. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1854-56.
Page 18. Collingwood (C.): Rambles of a Naturalist on the shores and waters of the China Sea.
8o. London, 1868.
Page 18. Comstock (J.H.): Report upon Cotton Insects.
8o. Washington, 1879.
Page 18. Comstock (J.H.): Report of the Entomclogist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture for 1879. Author's ed.
8o. Washington, 1880.
Page 18. Cotta (B. von): Die Geologie der Gegenwart. *
8o. Leipzig, 1866.
Page 19. Crawfurd (J.): A Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. *
8o. London, 1852.
[page 6v]
Cuvier (Le baron G.). Leçons d'anatomie compareée Rec. et publ. par C. Dumeril et G.L. Duvernoy. Tomes 1-5. Only Vol. 1 annotated
8o. Paris, 1799-1855
Cuvier (Le baron G.). Le régne animal. Nouv. éd., rev augmentée. 5 vols. 1829-30 (D)
Darwin, Charles. A few printed pages of what Stauffer says appears to be the German translation of the Beagle Journal (BOT)
Darwin, Charles. The variation of animals and plants, 2 vols. London, 1868. Contains more about letters on p. 50 and 430 are no longer there)(which are … (BOT)
* See also under Aubuisson [For 1860 ed. see opposite page
Darwin (Charles), über die Enstehung...H G Brown 1862 (D)
Darwin (Charles), La descendencia del hombre...D. Jose del Perajoy D. Enrique Camps (D)
Darwin (Charles), Het ontstaan der soorten...T C Winkler (D)
Darwin (Charles), En naturforskares resa omkring jorden...G.Lindstrom (D)
Darwin (Charles), L'origine dell'uomo...M. Lessona (D)
Darwin (Charles), Gesammelte Kleinere Schriften...E. Krause (D)
Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles...Tome 18me GA-GJU 1820
(Opp. Main set) (41:8:4)
Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles.
8o. Paris, 1816-30 "Planches"
Dictionnaire des Termes usités dans les Sciences naturelles Par A.J.-L. Jourdan. 2 tomes. (D)
8o. Paris, 1834.
Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia (D)
8o. London, 1880
[page 7]
Page 19. Cuvier (Le baron G.): Essay on the Theory of the Earth. With geological illustrations by Prof. Jameson. 5th ed. Transl.
8o. Edinburgh, 1827.
Page 20. Dana (J.D.): On the Classification...of Crustacea. *
8o. Philadelphia, 1853.
Page 20. Dana (J.D.): Corals and Coral Islands.
8o. New York, 1872.
Page 20. Dandolo (Count V.): The art of rearing Silk-worms. Transl. from the work of Count Dandolo.
8o. London, 1825.
Page 20. Darwin (C.): The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle...1832 to 1836. Edited and superintended by C.D. Parts 1-5, 4 vols.
4o. London, 1840-42.
Page 20. Darwin (C.): Under die Entstehung der Arten im Their- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung. Nach der 2. Aufl. übers. und mit Anmerkungen versehen von H.G. Bronn. [Imperfect pp. 1-464 only.]
8o. Stuttgart, 1860.
[For 1862 ed see (D) opposite]
Page 20. Daubuisson (J.F.): An account of the Basalts of Saxony. Transl. with Notes by P. Neill. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1814.
Page 21. Dawson (J.W.): The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada.
8o. Montreal, 1871.
Page 21. De la Beche (H.T.): Researches in theoretical Geology.
8o, London, 1834.
Page 21. Delamer (E.S.): Pigeons and Rabbits. *
8o. London, 1854.
Page 21. Delpino (F.): Ulteriori osservazioni sulla Dicogamia nel regno vegetale. Parte la; 2a; Fasc. 1, 2.
8o. Milano, 1868-74.
Page 21. Desmarest (A.G.): Mammalogie.l&ére, 2e Partie. *
4o. Paris, 1820-22.
Page 21. Devay (F.): Du danger des marriages consanguins. 2e éd.
8o. Paris, 1862.
Page 22. Dictionary (Spanish). Neuman and Baretti's Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 5th ed. Rev. by M. Seone. In 2 vols. Vol. 1, Spanish and English.
8o. London, 1831.
Page 22. Dictionary (Chemistry). A Dictionary of Chemistry. [Andrew Ure] 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1823.
Page 22. Dillwyn (L.W.): A descriptive Catalogue of recent Shells. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1817.
Page 22. M Dixon (E.S.): Ornamental and Domestic Poultry. *
8o. London, 1848.
Page 22. Dixon (E.S.): The Dovecot and the Aviary. *
8o. London, 1851.
[page 7v]
Donders (F.C.). On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye. Transl. by Wm. D. Moore (New Sudenham Soc.) (D)
8o. London, 1864.
Donnegan, J. A new Greek and English lexicon 1837 3rd ed.
Duchenne. Expression Album (+ Anthropological Photographs) 2 vols ("Un Atlas") Kept flat on shelf afra (case 34 top of Bay 2) after Dar. Pers (D) *
Duncan (Andrew), Jun. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory 11th ed. (D)
8o. Edinburgh, 1826.
Dutrochet, M.H. Mémoirés... (BOT)
Paris, 1837.
Comprises ' John Moore, 1735' + other works *
Comprises ' John Moore, 1735' + other works **
Edinburgh New Dispensatory. See DUNCAN (Andrew)
[page 8]
Page 23. Dodel (A.): Die neuere Schöpfungsgeschichte nach dem ge genwärtigen Stande der Naturwissenschaften.
8o. Leipzig, 1876.
Page 23. Dodel (A.): Die Kraushaar-Alge, Ulothrix zonata.
8o. Leipzig, 1876.
Page 23. Donn (J.): Hortus Cantabrigiensis Fr. Pursh. 10th ed., with additions, by J. Lindley.
8o. London, 1823.
Page 23. Downing (A.J.): The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 23. Drouët (H.): Mollusques marins des îles Acores.
4o. Paris, 1858.
Page 24. Duchenne (G.-B.): Mécanisme de la Physionomie humaine. Avec un atlas. * See opp. *
8o. Paris, 1862.
Page 24. Dufrénoy (P.A.): Mémoires pour server à une description géologique de la France. Tomes 3, 4. *
8o. Paris, 1836, 1838.
Page 24. Du Fuchsia. Par M.F.P.***
8o. Paris, 1844.
Page 24. Dumont (L.A.): Haeckel et la Théorie de l'évolution en Allemagne.
8o. Paris, 1873.
Page 24. Duncan (J.M.): Fecundity, fertility, sterility and allied topics. 2nd ed. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1871.
Page 24. Durand (J.-P.) (de Gros): Les origines animals de l'Homme, &c. *
8o. Paris, 1849.
Page 24. Duval. Histoire du Poirier (Pyrus sylvestris).
8o. Paris, 1852.
Page 24. Duval. Histoire du Pommier et sa culture.
8o. Paris, 1852.
Page 24. Dzierzon. Was ist die italienische Biene? See Bienen-Zeitung. 12ter Jahrg., Nro. 6.
4o. Nördlingen, 1856.
Page 24. Eaton (J.M.): A treatise on...Tame, Domesticated, and Fancy Pigeons.* * 8o. London, 1852.
Page 24. Eaton (J.M.): A treatise on...Tame, Domesticated, and Fancy Pigeons. ** *
8o. London, 1858.
Page 25. Edwards (M.): Histoire naturelle des Crustacés. Tomes 1-3 accompagnée de Planches. (Nouv. Suites à Buffon.)
8o. Paris, 1834-40.
Page 25. Ehrenberg. (A volume of Reprints on Infusoria, &c.)
8o. Berlin, 1844-47.
Page 25. Eichwald (E. von): Geognostische-palaeontologische Bemerkungen über die Halbinsel Mangischlak, &c.
8o. St Petersburg, 1871.
[page 8v]
Fauna und Flora...4 vols. 1880-1881 (BOT)
Fitzgerald, R.D. Australian orchids. 11 vols. (BOT)
Ford (A.) Les fourms de la Suisse...Zurich, 1874. [DAR LIB bottom shelf]
Forster (Thomas). A synoptical catalogue of British birds.
8o. London, 1817. CD 1826 An annotation opp. p. 2. (D)
[page 9]
Page 25. Eimer (Th.): Untersuchungen über das Vaiiren der Mauereidechse.
8o. Berlin, 1881.
Page 25. Enten- (Die) Schwanen und Gansezucht. (Probably by W. Reidel.) *
8o. Ulm, 1828.
Page 26. Ercolani (G.B.): Sull' unitá del tipo anatomico della Plancenta nei Mammiferi e nell'Umana Specie, &c.
8o. Bologna, 1877.
Page 26. Ercolani (G.B.): Nuove ricerche sulla Placenta nei Pesci cartilaginosi e nei Mammiferi, &c.
8o. Bologna, 1880.
Page 26. Errera (L.): Sur la structure et les modes de Fécondation des Fleurs. Par L.E. et G. Gevaert. lére Partie.
8o. Gand, 1878.
Page 26. Eschwege (W.L. von): Beiträge zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens.
8o. Berlin, 1832.
Page 26. Espinas (A.): Des sociétés animals. étude de Psychologie compareée. *
8o. Paris, 1877.
Page 26. Fabre (J.-H.): Souvenirs entomologiques. *
8o. Paris, 1879.
Page 26. Faivre (E.): La variabilité des Espéces et ses limites.
8o. Paris, 1868.
Page 26. Farrier and Naturalist. Ed. by a Member of the Zoological Soc. of London. Vols 1-3.
8o. London, 1828-30.
Page 27. Ferguson (G.): Ferguson's illustrated series of rare and prize Poultry. *
8o. London, 1854.
Page 27. Fleming (J.): The Philosophy of Zoology. 2 vols. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1822.
Page 27. Fleming (J.): A History of British Animals.
8o. Edinburgh, 1828.
Page 28. Flourens (P.): De l'instinct et de l'intelligence des Animaux. 2e éd. *
8o. Paris, 1845.
Page 28. Flourens (P.): De la Longévité humaine, &c. *
8o. Paris, 1854.
Page 28. Flourens (P.): Examen du Livre de M. Darwin sur l'Crigine des Espéces.
8o. Paris, 1864.
Page 28. Flower (Sir W.H.): An introduction to the Osteology of the Mammalia. *
8o. London, 1870.
Page 28. Focke (W.O.): Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge.
8o. Berlin, 1881.
Page 28. Forbes (E.): On the Asteriadae found fossil in British Strata. *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 28. Forster (J.R.): Observations made during a Voyage round the World, on Physical Gèography, &c.
4o. London, 1778.
[page 9v]
Frank (Dr Albert Bernhard). Beitrage zur Pflanzen physiologie Leipzig, 1868. [BOT]
Frank (Dr Albert Bernhard). Die natürliche wagerechte Richturg von Pflanzentheilen...Leipzig, 1820 [BOUND WITH ABOVE (BOT)
* Gärtner (CF v.) Verguche...uber die Bastard zeugung...Case 41 Bay 8 (after Pers.) Stuttgart, 1849.
Geikie (J.) Prehistoric Europe; a geological sketch. (D)
8o. London, 1881.
Gervais (P) Histoire naturelles des mammifires...2 vols.
Paris 1854-5
Gooseberry (The) growers register...for the year 1862. (D)
12o. Macclesfield.
Gould (Rev. William). An account of English ants.
8o. London, 1747 (D)
[page 10]
Page 29. Fournier (E.): De la Fécondation dans les Phanérogames.
8o. Paris, 1863.
Page 29. Francisque-Michel: Du passé et de l'avenir des Haras. *
8o. Paris, 1860.
Page 29. Frémont (Brev.Capt.J.C.): Report of the exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, &c.
8o. Washington, 1845.
Page 29. Gallesio (G.): Traité du Citrus. *
8o. Paris, 1811.
Page 29. Galton (F.): The Art of Travel.
8o. London, 1855.
Gardener's (The) Magazine. Vols 2-13. *
8o. London, 1827-37.
Page 30. Gartner (C.F.v.): Versuche un Beobachtungen über die Befruchtungsorgane der vollkommeneren Gewächse. (Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befr., 1.)
8o. Stuttgart, 1844.
Page 30. Geikie (J.): The great Ice Age. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1877.
Page 31. Gerland (G.): Ueber das Aussterben der Naturvölker. *
8o. Leipzig, 1868.
Page 31. Girton (D.): The new and complete Pigeon-Fancier. New ed.
8o. London, n.d.
Page 31. Gloger (C.L.): Das Abändern der Vogel durch Einfluss des Klima's. *
8o. Breslau, 1833.
Page 31. Godman (Fr.du Cane): Natural History of the Azores.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 31. Godron (D.A.): De l'Espéce et des Races dans les êtres organizés. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1859.
Page 32. Gosse (P.H.): A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. By P.H.G. Assisted by R. Hill. *
8o. London, 1851.
Page 32. Gosse (P.H.): Letters from Alabama (U.S.). *
8o. London, 1859.
Page 32. Gould (B.A.): Investigations in the military and anthropological Statistics of American Soldiers. *
8o. New York, 1869.
Page 32. Gould (J.): An Introduction to the Birds of Australia. *
8o. London, 1848.
Page 32. Gould (J.): An Introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of Humming-Birds. *
8o. London, 1861.
Page 32. Gould (J.): Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1865.
Page 32. Gould (J.): An Introduction to the Birds of Great Britain. *
8o. London, 1873.
[page 10v]
Grant (RE): Outlines of Comparative anatomy. 1835 (D)
Graves (G). The naturalist's companion. 1824 (D)
Gray (A.) Letters...2 vols. 1893. (BOT)
Gray (A.) Darwiniana...NY, 1876. (BOT)
Gray (A.) Scientific papers...2 vols. 1889. (BOT)
Hall (S) An alphabetical index...A new general atlas...L, 1831
Harvey (WH) The sea-side book...New ed. L., 1849. (D)
Heer (O.) Contrib. to the fossil flora of N. Greenland...1869 (D)
Heer (O.) Le monde primitif de la Suisse. 1872 (BOT)
Heer (O.) Flora fossilis arctica. Vols 3, 4, 5, 6 (incl 3 repr. by Kaltbrunner, Heer) (BOT) Bay 1
Heer (O.) Untersuchungen... (BOT)
Heer (O.) Die Miocene Flora... (BOT)
Heer (O.) Flora Fossilis (BOT)
Heer (O.) Recherches sur le climat (BOT)
[page 11]
Page 32. Graba (C.J.): Tagebuch, geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö im Jahre 1828. *
8o. Hamburg, 1830.
Page 33. Gratiolet (P.): De la Physionomie...suivi d'une notice sur la vie, &c., par L. Grandeau.
8o. Paris, 1865.
Page 33. Gray (A.): Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. 2nd ed. *
8o. New York, 1856.
Page 33. Gray (A.): First Lessons in Botany and Vegetable Physiology.
8o. New York, 1857.
Page 33. Gray (A.): Botany for young people. Part 2. How Plants behave.
4o. New York, 1872.
Page 33. Gray (A.): Natural Science and Religion. Two Lectures.
8o. New York, 1880.
Page 34. Gray (J.E.): See British Museum. Catalogue...Mammalia. Parts 1-3.
12o. London, 1843-52.
Page 34. Gray (J.E.): See British Museum. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. Parts, 1, 2.
8o. London, 1852-54.
Page 34. Gray (J.E.): Fauna of New Zealand. (Vol. 2, pp. 177-296.) *
Page 35. Haberlandt (G.): Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Keimpflanze. *
8o. Wien, 1877.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): generelle Morphologie der Organismen. 2 Bde.
8o. Berlin, 1866.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren.
4o. Utrecht, 1869.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): Die Kalkschwämme, Eine Monographie in 2 Bänden Text und einem Atlas.
8o. Berlin, 1872.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): Naturliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. *
8o. Berlin, 1868.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): The History of Creation...The Transl. revised by E. Ray Lankester. 2 vols.
8o. London, 1876.
Page 35. Haeckel (E.): Les preuves du Transformisme. Réponse à Virchow. Trad. Par J. Soury.
8o. Paris, 1879.
Page 36. Harris (T.W.): A treatise on some insects of New England, which are injurious to Vegetation. *
8o. Cambridge, 1842.
Page 36. Hartung (G.): Die geologischen Verhältnisse der Inseln Lanzarote und Fuertaventura.
8o. Zürich, 1857.
Page 37. Helmholtz (H.): Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Transl. by E. Atkinson.
8o. London, 1873.
Page 37. Henfrey (A.): Botanical and Physiological Memoirs. (by A. Braun, G. Meneghini and F. Cohn.) Translations. (Ray Soc. Publ.) *
8o. London, 1853.
[page 11v]
Henry (William). The elements of experimental chemistry. 9th ed. Vol. 2. (D)
8o. London, 1823.
Henslow (Rev. George). The origin of floral structures. London, 1888. Contains two letters by Darwin. (BOT)
Herbert Wm - Ammarylladaceae [On shelf opp. main Darlib] (Spine title reads Herbert On Bulbous Plants)
Hooke (R.) Micrographia. 1667 (BOT)
Hooker (JD) On the Flora of Australia (-New Zealand) 2 vols in 1. L., 1859, 1853 Case 33 Bay 5, (BOT)
[Spine title Hooker Essays...] [Another copy of NZ at next copy]
M Hooker (JD) Introductions essay to the Flora of New Zealand, L., 1853 Bay 1
[BOTTOM SHELF, DARLIB] See also another copy bound with (BOT)
Hooker (JD) and Thomson (Thomas). Flora Indica. Vol. 1.
8o. London, 1855. [BOTANY SCHOOL] (BOT)
Hooker (JD + J. Ball: Journal of a Tour in Marocao... (BOT)
Hooker (JD) The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage... (Flora Antarctica=Spine title) [Opp. Dar. Lib. – after journals (BOT)
Hooker (William Dawson). Notes on Norway. 1836 (unpublished). 2nd ed.
8o. Glasgow, 1839. (D)
Hooker & Jackson: Index Kewensis see INDEX Kewensis.
Hoker (Sir W.J.H.) ed Arnott (J.A.W.). The British flora 7th ed. (D)
8o. London, 1855
Howitt: Our cousins (TEMPORARY DEPOSIT)
[page 12]
Henfrey (A.): Reports and Papers on Botany. (Ray Soc. Publ.) *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 37. Henle (J.): Handbuch der Muskellehre des Menschen.
8o. Braunschweig, 1858.
Page 38. M Henslow (J.S.): (The principles of) descriptive and physiological Botony. New ed. *
8o. London, 1837.
Page 38. Hermann (H.C.): The Italian Alp-Bee.
8o. London, 1860.
Page 38. Herschel (Sir J.F.W.): A preliminary discourse on the study of Natural Philosophy.
8o. London, 1831.
Page 38. Herschel (Sir J.F.W.): A treatise on Astronomy.
8o. London, 1833.
Page 38. Hervey-Saint-Denys (Le Baron L.): Recherches sur l'Agriculture..des Chinois, &c. *
8o. Paris, 1850.
Page 38. Hewson (W.): The works of W.H. Ed. by G. Gulliver.
8o. London, 1846.
Page 38. Hildebrand (F.): Die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen.
8o. Leipzig, 1873.
Page 39. Hinds (R.B.): The Regions of Vegetation. *
8o. London, 1843.
Page 39. Hofacker (J.D.): Ueber die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und Thieren von den Beitragen von F. Notter. *
8o. Tubingen, 1828.
Page 39. Hoffmann (H.): Zur Speciesfrage.
4o. Haarlem, 1875.
Page 39. Holland (Sir H.): Chapters on Mental Physiology.
8o. London, 1852.
Page 39. Holland (Sir H.): Chapters on Mental Physiology. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1858.
Page 40. Holland (Sir H.): Medical Notes and Reflections. *
8o. London, 1839.
Page 40. Holland (Sir H.): Medical Notes and Reflections. 3rd ed.
8o. London, 1855.
Page 40. Hooker (Sir J.D.): i. On the Vegetation of the Carboniferous Period as compared with that of the present day. ii. On some Peculiarities in the Structure of Stigmaria. iii. Remarks on the Structure and Affinities of some Lepidostrobi. (Mem. Geol. Survey of Gt Britain, Vol. 2, Part 2.) *
Page 40. Hooker (Sir J.D.): Himalayan Journals. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1854.
Page 40. Hooker (Sir W.J.): The British Flora. Vol. 1. 4th ed.
8o. London, 1838.
Page 41. Huber (F.): Nouvelles observations sur les Abeilles. 2e éd. Vol. 1: (Spine reads) Huber on bees. 2 vols *
8o. Paris, 1814.
[page 12v]
Humboldt (Alexander von). Essai géognostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deux hémisphères. 2e éd. (D)
8o. Paris, 1826.
Hunter (J.) Memoranda on vegetation. L., 1860. ?
Hussey, T.J. Illustrations of British Mycology...1849 BOT
Huxley (TH) & H.N. Martin: A course of practical instruction 1875 (D)
Huxley (Thomas Henry). Critiques and addresses. [BOTANY SCHOOL LIB. TO CUL] (BOT)
8o. London, 1873.
Index Kewensis (Hooker & Jackson) 2 vols. 1893- Case 40 Bay 10 bottom shelf
[page 13]
Page 41. Huber (P.): Recherches sur les moeurs des Fourmis indigoénes.
8o. Paris, 1810.
Page 41. Huhner- (Die) und Pfauenzucht. *
8o. Ulm, 1827.
Page 41. Humboldt (A. von): Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. Transl. from the original French by J. Black. 2 vols.
8o. New York, 1811.
Page 41. Humboldt (A. von): Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent...1799-1804. Transl. by H.M. Williams. Vols 1, 2, 3rd ed.; Vol. 3, 2nd ed.; 4, 5, 6, 7, 1st ed. In 6 vols. *
8o. London, 1819-1829.
Page 41. Humboldt (A. von): Fragmens de Géologie et de Climatologie asiatiques. 2 tomes.
8o. Paris, 1831.
Page 42. Hunt (R.): Researches on Light in its chemical relations. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1854.
Page 42. Hunter (J.): Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, &c...Arranged and rev. with Notes, &c. by R. Owen. 2 vols.
8o. London, 1861.
Page 42. Hutchinson (Lieut.-Col.W.N.): Dog breaking. 2nd ed. *
8o. London, 1850.
Page 42. Huth (A.H.): The Marriage of near Kin. *
8o. London, 1875.
Page 42. Hutton (T.): The Chronology of Creation. *
8o. Calcutta, 1850.
Page 42. Huxley (T.H.): On our knowledge of the phenomena of Organic Nature. Being six lectures to Working Men, 1862. 6 pts.
8o. London, 1862.
Page 42. Huxley (T.H.): Evidence as to Man's place in Nature. *
8o. London, 1863.
Page 42. Huxley (T.H.): Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy. *
8o. London, 1864.
Page 42. Huxley (T.H.): An Introduction to the Classification of Animals.
8o. London, 1869.
Page 42. Huxley (T.H.): A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. *
8o. London, 1871.
Page 43. Ichthyology. (From the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 12.)
4o. London.
Page 43. Institut (L'). Journal général des Sociétés et Travaux scientifiques de la France et de l'Etranger. 5e, 8e Année. 2 vols. (i.e. vols 5 + 8) *
4o. Paris, 1837, 1840.
Page 43. Irmisch (T.): Beitrage zur Biologie und Morphologie der Orchideen.
4o. Leipzig, 1853.
[page 13v]
Jameson (Robert). A treatise on the external...characters of minerals. 2nd ed. (D)
8o. Edinburgh, 1816.
Jourdan (A-J-L.) Dictionnaire des Termes. See Dictionnaire...
Kirby (Rev. William) Monographia apum Angliae, &c. 2 vols. (D)
8o. Ipswich, 1802.
Kobell (Francis von) Sketches...see Schouw (Joachim Frederic): The earth...
[page 14]
Page 43. Jaeger (G.): Die Darwin'sche Teorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion. *
8o. Stuttgart, n.d.
Page 43. Jaeger (G.): In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand. *
8o. Stuttgart, 1874.
Page 44. Jaeger (G.): Seuchenfestigkeit und Constitutionskraft.
8o. Leipzig, 1878.
Page 44. Jameson (R.): Manual of Mineralogy.
8o. Edinburgh, 1821.
Page 44. Jardine: Naturalist's Library. Sea Birds.
Page 44. Jarrold (T.): Anthropologia: or, dissertations on the form and colour of Man.
4o. London, 1808.
Page 44. Jenyns (Rev. L.): Observations in Natural History. *
8o. London, 1846.
Page 44. Jones (J.M.): The Naturalist in Bermuda. By J.M.J...assisted by J.W. Wedderburn & J.L. Hurdis. *
8o. London, 1859.
Page 45. Jordan (A.): De l'origine des diverses variétés ou espèces d' arbres fruitiers, &c.
8o. Lyon, 1852.
Page 45. Journal of a Horticultural Tour through some parts of Flanders...1817. By a Deputation of the Caledonian Horticultural Society. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1823.
Page 45. Jouvencel ( Genèse selon la Science. La Vie.
8o. Paris, 1859.
Page 45. Juan (G.): A voyage to South G. Juan & A. de Ulloa, Captains of the Spanish Navy. Transl. by J. Adams. 4th ed. Vol. 1.
8o. London, 1806.
Page 45. Jukes (J.B.): The Student's Manual of Geology. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1857.
Page 45. Kater (H.): A treatise on Mechanics. By Capt. H.K., and Rev. D. Lardner.
8o. London, 1830.
Page 45. Kerner (A.): Die Cultur der Alpenpflanzen.
8o. Innsbruck, 1864.
Page 45. Kerner (A.): Flowers and their unbidden guests. The transl. rev. an ed. by W. Ogle.
8o. London, 1878.
Page 46. Kidd (W.): The canary. Cheap ed.
8o. London, n.d.
Page 46. Kind (Das).
8o. Leipzig, 1876.
Page 46. Kirby (W.) & W. Spence: An Introduction to Entomology. Vol. 1, 3rd ed.; Vol. 2, 2nd ed.; Vols 3 and 4, 1st ed.
8o. London, 1818-26.
Page 46. Kirchhof (F.): Das Ganze der Landwirtschaft.
8o. Leipzig, 1835.
Page 46. Kolreuter (J.G.): Vorlaüfige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen.
8o. Leipzig, 1761-66.
[page 14v]
Kuhl (Joseph): Die Descendenzlehre und der neue Glaube. (D)
8o. München, 1879.
Kuntze (O.): Methodik...1879. (BOT)
Lamarck (JBPA): Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres. Tomes 1-7. (D)
8o. Paris, 1815-22.
Lamouroux (J.): Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des polipiers. (D)
4o. Paris, 1821.
Larcheri (P.H.) Graecum...1816 (BOT)
Lawson (Peter) and Son, Seedsmen. Lists of seeds, plants, etc. etc. (D)
4o. Edinburgh, 1851.
Lindley (J.) An outline of the first principles of Botany, L. 1830.
[BOT – but kept an bottomshelf of Bay 1 of Dar Lib.]
[page 15]
Page 47. Kowalevsky (W.): Monographie der Gattung Anthracotherium Cuv., &c. ler Th.
4o. Cassel, 1873.
Page 47. Kurr (J.G.): Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den Blumen.
8o. Stuttgart, 1833.
Page 48. Lamarck (J.B.P.A.): Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans vertèbres. Tomes 1-11. 2 ème éd.
8o. Paris, 1835-45.
Page 48. Lamarck (J.B.P.A.): Philosophie zoologique. Nouv. éd. Tome ler. *
8o. Paris, 1830.
Page 48. Lambertye (Le Comte L. de): Le Fraisier.
8o. Paris, 1863.
Page 48. Lankester (E.R.): On comparative longevity in man and the lower animals.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 48. Lankester (E.R.): Degeneration.
8o. London, 1880.
Page 49. Latham (R.G.): Man and his migrations. *
8o. London, 1851.
Page 49. Latreille (P.A.): Histoire naturelle des Fourmis, &c.
8o. Paris, An X (1802).
Page 49. Lavater (G.): L'art de connaître les Hommes par la Physionomie. 10 tomes.
8o. Paris, 1820.
Page 49. Lawrence (J.): The Horse in all varieties and uses. *
8o. London, 1829.
Page 49. Lawrence (W.): Lectures on Physiology, Zoology and the Natural History of Man.
8o. London, 1822.
Page 49. Lecoq (H.): De la Fécondation... des Végétaux et de l'Hybridation.
8o. Paris, 1845.
Page 49. Lecoq (H.): De la Fécondation...des Végétaux et de l'Hybridation 2e éd. *
8o. Paris, 1862.
Page 49. Lecoq (H.): Etudes sur la Géographie botanique de l'Europe. Tomes 1-9. *
8o. Paris, 1854-58.
Page 49. Le Couteur (J.): On...Wheat. *
8o. Jersey, n.d.
Page 49. Leidy (J.): The Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. *
4o. Washington, 1873.
Page 50. Lemoine (A.): De la Physionomie et de la Parole.
8o. Paris, 1865.
Page 50. Lewes (G.H.): The Physical Basis of Mind.
8o. London, 1877.
Page 50. Liebig (J. von): Organic Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture & Physiology. L. Playfair. *
8o. London, 1840.
Page 50. Lindley (A.): A Natural System of Botany. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1836.
[page 15v]
Linnean Society. Journal of the Proceedings, Botany and Zoology. Vol. 12 only. (D)
8o. London, 1865-6, 1906-7.
Litchfield, H.E. Emma Darwin … letters. 2 vols. Case 41 Bay 8 Shelf 4
London (J.C.), editor. An encyclopedia of plants. (BOT)
London, 1841.
London (J.C.). An encyclopedia of gardens New ed...L., [1841].
Lowne (B. Thompson): Descriptive catalogue of the teralogical series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (BOT)
London, 1872.
Lowthorp (John). see Philosophical Transactions...
Lyell (Sir Charles), Bart. A manual of elementary geology 4th ed. (D)
8o. London, 1852.
[page 16]
Page 51. Link (H.F.): Die Urwelt und das Alterthum, erläutert durch die Naturkunde.ler Th.
8o. Berlin, 1821.
Page 51. Linnaeus (C.): Philosophia Botanica. Ed. 2a.
8o. Viennae, 1783.
Page 52. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps (J.L.A.): Considérations sur les Céréales. *
8o. Paris, 1842.
Page 52. Low (D.): On the Domesticated Animals of the British Islands. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 52. Lowne (B.T.): The anatomy and physiology of the Blow-fly.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 52. Lowne (B.T.): The philosophy of Evolution.
8o. London, 1873.
Page 52. Lubbock (Sir J.): Pre-Historic Times, as illustrated by ancient remains, &c.
8o. London, 1865.
Page 52. Lubbock (Sir J.): Pre-Historic Times, as illustrated by ancient remains, &c. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1869.
Page 52. Lubbock (Sir J.): The Origin of Civilisation, &c.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 52. Lubbock (Sir J.): On the Origin and metamorphoses of Insects. *
8o. London, 1874.
Page 53. Lucas (P.): Traité philosophique et physiologique de l'Hérédité naturelle. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1847-50.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 3 vols.
8o. London, 1830-33.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 5th ed. 4 vols.
12o. London, 1837.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 6th ed. 3 vols.
12o. London, 1840.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 7th ed. *
8o. London, 1847.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 9th ed.
8o. London, 1853.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 10th ed. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1867-68.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Principles of Geology. 11th ed. 2 vols.
8o. London, 1872.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Elements of Geology.
12o. London, 1838.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Travels in North America, &c. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): A second visit to the United States of America. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): A Manual of Elementary Geology. 3rd ed. *
8o. London, 1851.
[page 16v]
Lyell (Sir C.) Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. 4th ed.
8o. London, 1873.
(Spine title Antiquity of man.) (D)
McAlpine (D) Alphabetical index of all the names.
8o. L., 1831.
McLennan (John F). Studies in ancient history comprising a reprint of 'Primitive Marriage' &c. (D)
8o. London, 1876.
Maout (E.) and J. Decaisne: Traité Géneral...1868. (BOT)
[page 17]
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): A manual of Elmentary Geology. 5th ed. *
8o. London, 1855.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): Supplement to 5th ed. of A Manual of Elementary Geology. 1st and 2nd eds.
8o. London, 1857.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. (Spine title reads Antiquity of Man) *
8o. London, 1863.
Page 53. Lyell (Sir C.): The Student's Elements of Geology.
8o. London, 1871.
Page 53. McClelland (J.): "Indian Cyprinidae." *
4o. Calcutta, 1839.
Page 54. MacCulloch (J.): A Geological Classification of Rocks.
8o. London, 1821.
Page 54. Macgillivray (W.): A History of British Birds. 5 vols. *
8o. London, 1837-52.
Page 54. Macgillivray (W.): The Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar. Ed. by E. Lankester. *
8o. London, 1855.
Page 54. Mackintosh (Sir J.): The History of England. Vol. 1.
8o. London, 1830.
Page 54. Mackintosh (Sir J.): Dissertation on the progress of Ethical Philosophy...With a Preface by the Rev. Wm. Whewell. 2nd ed.
8o. Edinburgh, 1837.
Page 54. McLennan (J.F.): Primitive Marriage. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1865.
Page 54. Macquart (J.): Facultés intérieures des Animaux invertébrés. *
8o. Lille, 1850.
Page 54. Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, &c. Conducted by J.C. Loudon. Vols. 1-9. *
8o. London, 1829-36.
Page 54. Magazine of Natural History. Conducted by E. Charlesworth. Vols 1-4, N.S. *
8o. London, 1837-40.
Page 54. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. Conducted by Sir W. Jardine, Bart. P.J. Selby and Dr Johnston. Vols 1, 2. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1837-38.
Page 55. Malthus (Rev. T.R.): An Essay on the principle of Population. 6th ed. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1826.
Page 55. Mantegazza (P.): Rio de la Plata e Tenerife.
8o. Milano, 1867.
Page 55. Mantegazza (P.): Fisiologia del Piacere. 5a ed.
8o. Milano, 1870.
Page 56. Marshall (W.): Minutes of Agriculture, made on a Farm...near Croydon, Surrey, &c.
4o. London, 1778.
Page 56. Marshall (Mr): A review of the Reports of the Board of Agriculture; from the Northern Department of England. *
8o. York, 1818.
[page 17v]
Marsham (Thomas). Coleoptern Britannica: Vol. 1. C. Darwin. (D)
8o. Londini (1802).
Maskelyne (Nevil). Tables requisite to be used in th the nautical ephemeris, etc. Ed. by N.M. Astronomer Royal. 3rd ed. CD from Beagle Period. (D)
London, 1802.
Masters (Maxwell T). Vegetable teratology. (Ray Soc. Publ.) (D)
8o. London, 1869.
Mawe (John). Travels in the gold and diamond districts of Brazil. New ed. Charles Darwin Octob. 1832 Buenos Ayres. (D)
8o. London, 1825.
Meyers (FJF) Neues System...3 vols, 1837-9. (BOT)
Miller (H) Foot-Prints...1849. (BOT)
[page 18]
Page 56. Marshall (Wm.E.): A Phrenologist amongst the Todas. *
8o. London, 1873.
Page 56. Martin (W.C.L.): The history of the Dog. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 56. Martin (W.C.L.): The history of the Horse. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 56. Martin-Saint-Ange (G.J.): Mémoiré sur l'organisation des Cirripédes.
4o. Paris, 1835.
Page 56. Matthew (P.): On Naval Timber and Arboriculture.
8o. Edinburgh, 1831.
Page 57. Maudsley (H.): The Physiology and Pathology of Mind. 2nd ed., rev. *
8o. London, 1868.
Page 57. Maudsley (H.): Body and Mind.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 57. Melia (P.): Hints and facts on the Origin of Man, &c.
8o. London, 1872.
Mémoirés de L'Academic Impérire...delyon. NS.2. Jordan...See JORDAN.
Page 57. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. Vol. 1. *
8o. London, 1846.
Page 57. Metzger (I.): Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser. *
8o. Heidelberg, 1841.
Page 58. Meyen (F.J.F.): Beiträge zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, und W. Erichson's und H. Burmeister's Beschreibungen und Abbildungen der...Insekten.
4o. Breslau, 1834.
Page 58. Meyen (F.J.F.): Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Transl. by M. Johnston. *
8o. London, 1846.
Page 58. Meyer (F.A.A.): Versuch einer vollstandigen Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere, im Grundrisse.
8o. Göttingen, 1792.
Page 58. Michell (Rev. J.): Conjectures concerning the cause...of Earthquakes.
4o. London, 1760.
Page 58. Miers (J.): Travels in Chile and La Plata. 2 vols.
8o. London, 1826.
Page 58. Milne-Edwards (H.): Introduction à la Zoologie générale.lère Partie. *
8o. Paris, 1851.
Page 58. Mitchell (S.W.): Researches upon the venom of the Rattlesnake.
4o. Washington, 1861.
Page 58. Mivart (St G.): On the Appendicular Skeleton of the Primates. *
4o. London, 1867.
Page 58. Mivart (St G.): On the Genesis of Species. *
8o. London, 1871.
Page 58. Mivart (St G.): Lessons in Elementary Anatomy.
8o. London, 1873.
[page 18v]
Mohl (H. von) Vermischte Schriften...1845. (BOT)
Molina (Juan Ignacio). Compendio de la Historia Geografica del Reyno de Chile, escrito en Haliane. 1a parte...trad. en Espanol...pov Domingo Joseph. Madrid 1788.
Molina (Juan Ignacio). Compendio de la Historia Civil del Reyno de Chile ... Parre segunda. Trad al espanol ... pov Nicolas de la Cruz y Bahanonde. Madrid, 1795. BOT. BOTTOM SHELF
Moore (John) Columbarium...See Eaton (J.M.)
Morgan (Lewis H.). The American Bearer and his works. (D)
8o. Philadelphia, 1868.
Murray (Lindley). An English grammar. In 2 vols. 5th ed. improved. York, 1824. (D)
"Robt. Fitzroy 1831"
Nägeli (Carl). Botanische Mittheilungen. Imperfect. (D)
8o. München, 1866.
Nautical Almanack Tables. See Maskelyne (N).
[page 19]
Page 59. Moggridge (J.T.): Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. Supplement...with specific descriptions of the Spiders, by the Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge.
8o. London, 1873-4.
Page 59. Mohl (H. von): Ueber den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen.
4o. Tübingen, 1827.
Page 59. Mohl (H. von): Principles of the Anatomy and Psysiology of the Vegetable Cell. Transl. by A. Henfrey.
8o. London, 1852.
Page 60. Moquin-Tendon (A.): Eléments de Tératologie végétale, &c. *
8o. Paris, 1841.
Page 60. Morton (S.G.): Types of Mankind. Illustrated by selections from the inedited Papers of S.G.M. (and others), by J.C. Nott, and G.R. Gliddon. *
8o. Philadelphia, 1854.
(Spine reads Nott & Gliddon)
Page 60. Moseley (H.N.): Notes by a Naturalist on the "Challenger"...1872-76. *
8o. London, 1879.
Page 61. Moubray (B.): A practical treatise on breeding...Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits. 7th ed. *
8o. London, 1834.
Page 61. Müller (F.): Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara...1859. Anthropologischer Theil, 3te Abth., Ethnographie. *
4o. Wien, 1868.
Page 61. Müller (F.): Für Darwin.
8o. Leipzig, 1864.
Page 61. Müller (H.): Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten und die gegenseitigen Anpassungen beider.
8o. Leipzig, 1873.
Page 61. Müller (J.): Elements of Physiology. Transl. by Wm. Baly. 2 vols. and Suppl. to 3 vols. *
8o. London, 1838-42.
Page 61. Murchison (Sir R.I.): The Silurian System. 2 parts in 3 vols.
4o. London, 1839.
Page 62. Murphy (J.J.): Habit and Intelligence. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1869.
Page 62. Murray (A.): The geographical distribution of Mammals.
4o. London, 1866.
Page 62. Nathusius (H. von): Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunächst am Schweineschädel. Mit einem Atlas. (+ Volume of tables and plates)
8o. Berlin, 1864.
Page 62. Nathusius (H. von): Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntnis. Th. 1-3.
8o. Berlin, 1872-80.
Naturalist's Library; Jardine. See Birds.
Page 62. Naudin (Ch.): Nouvelles recherches sur l'hybridité dans les végétaux. *
4o. Paris, 1862.
Page 63. Neumayr (M.): Die Congerein- und Paludinenschichten Slavoniens und deren Faunen. Von M.N., und C.M. Paul.
4o. Wien, 1875.
[page 19v]
> Nott & Glidden: see under MORTON.
Owen (R.): On Parthenogenesis (BOT)
Parkinson (James). An introduction to the study of fossil organic remains. 'Charles Darwin'. Shrews. D
8o. London, 1822.
[page 20]
Page 63. Neumayr (M.): Zur Kenntniss der Fauna des untersten Lias in den Nordalpen.
4o. Wien, 1879.
Page 63. Neumeister (G.): Das Ganze der Taubenzucht. *
Obl. Weimar, 1837.
Page 64. Odart (Le Cte): Ampélographie universelle ou Traité des Cépages. 2e éd. *
8o. Paris, 1849.
Page 64. Ord (W.M.): On the influence of Colloids upon crystalline form and cohesion.
8o. London, 1879.
Page 65. Orton (J.): The Andes and the Amazon.
8o. New York, 1870.
Page 65. Ovington (J.): A voyage to Suratt, in the year 1689, &c.
8o. London, 1696.
Page 65. Owen (J.P.), pseudo. The Fair Haven. Ed. by W.B. Owen. (By S. Butler.)
8o. London, 1873.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): Description of the Skeleton of an extinct gigantic Sloth, Mylodon robustus, Owen. *
4o. London, 1842.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): A history of British Fossil Mammals, and Birds. *
8o. London, 1846.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): On the nature of Limbs. *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): On Parthenogenesis. *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1855.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): Palaeontology. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1860.
Page 65. Owen (Sir R.): On the Anatomy of the Vertebrates. 3 vols. *
8o. London, 1866-68.
Page 65. Page (D.): Man where, whence, and whither.
8o. Edinburgh, 1867.
Page 66. Paget (Sir J.): Lectures on Surgical Pathology. Vol. 1. *
8o. London, 1853.
Page 66. Palm (L.H.): Ueber das Winden der Pflanzen.
8o. Tubingen, 1827.
Page 66. Paolucci (L.): Il canto degli Uccelli. [CVL] P382.c.133 uncut volume, Reprint of L. Paolucci, 'Sulle vocidegli uccelli in ordine fisiologia e alla biologia...' in Atti della società italiana discienze naturali, XX (1878), pp. 125-247.
8o. Milano, 1878.
Page 66. Pennant (T.): History of Quadrupeds. 3rd ed. 2 vols.
4o. London, 1793.
Page 66. Pernety (A.J.): Journal historique d'un voyage fait aux Îles Malouines en 1763-64. 2 tomes.
8o. Berlin, 1769.
[page 20v]
Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen...2, 3 (1858, 1855.) (BOT)
Phillippi (F.) Catalogus Plantarum...1881. (BOT)
Philosophical Tracts [Quarto set.]. 2 bound vols, containing works by (Vol. 1) S. Stutchbury, J. Richardson, R.T. Lowe, T. Bell, Horner + Brewster, Homer, "Instruction, 1818..." Signatures...BAAS 1833, [BOTANY SCHOOL LIBRARY] Shelved in case 33, after DARLIP.
Vol. 2=Jenyns, Bichens, Clift, Hopkins, Parish, Ehrenbery (2), Henslow, Whewell (2).
[Philosophical Transactions, of the RSL: 1776 - 1880 [from BOT.]: Case 34 after other journals.]
Philosophical Transactions and Collections to the end of the year 1700. 3 vols. (John Lowthorp.) 1705. [BOTTOM SHELF, MAIN DARLIB]
Poultry Book; ed W.B. Tegetmeier. See Pers List (under Tegetmeier)
Poultry Chronicle. Vols 1-3. Pers.
4o. London, 1854-5.
Price (John). Old Price's remains. (D)
8o. London, 1863-4.
[Proceedings of Zool Soc of London: see under Zoological...]
[page 21v]
Pulteney (R.) A general view of the writings of Linnaeus...2nd ed. 1805. (BOT)
Quatrefages...Compres rendus...1867 See VOGT.
Ramsay (Andrew C): The physical geology and geography of Great Britain. 8o. London, 1863. 3rd ed. (D)
8o. London, 1872.
Ramsay (Andrew C): -1863 (BOT) [5th ed. London [?]] (D)
Rang (Sander). Manuel de L'histoire naturelle des mollusques et leun coquilles.
12o. Paris, 1829.
C. Darwin Beagle? (D)
Ray (J.) The wisdom of God...2nd ed. (BOT)
Report of the Royal Commission on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments...L., 1876. [BOTTOM SHELF]
Reinke (J.) Untersuchungen...1879. (BOT)
[page 22]
Page 69. Putsche (C.W.E.): Taubenkatechismus.
8o. Leipzig, 1830.
Page 69. Puvis (M.A.): De la Dégéneration et de l'Extinction des variétés de Végétaux. *
8o. Paris, 1837.
Page 69. Quadri (A.): Note alla Teoria Darwiniana.
8o. Bologna, 1869.
Quarterly Journal of Science. Vol. 4. 1867. *
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Souvenirs d'un Naturaliste. 2 vols. *
8o. Paris, 1854.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Physiologie compareée. Les Métamorphoses. *
8o. Paris, 1855.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Etudes sur les maladies actuelles du Ver à soie. *
4o. Paris, 1859.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Nouvelles recherches faites en 1859 sur les maladies actuelles due Ver à soie.
4o. Paris, 1860.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Unité de l'Espèce humaine. *
8o. Paris, 1861.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Métamorphoses de l'homme et des animaux. *
8o. Paris, 1862.
Page 69. Quatrefages de Bréau (J.L.A.): Charles Darwin et ses précurseurs français.
8o. Paris, 1870.
Page 70. Rabbit-Book (The) for the many.
8o. London, n.d.
Page 70. Radcliffe (C.B.): Dynamics of Nerve and Muscle.
8o. London, 1871.
Page 70. Reade (W.): The Martyrdom of Man. *
8o. London, 1872.
Page 70. Reade (W.): The African Sketch-Book. 2 vols.
8o. London, 1873.
Page 71. Rengger (J.R.): Naturgeschichte der säugethiere von Paraguay.
8o. Basel, 1830.
Page 71. Reports and Papers on Botany. [By J.G. Zuccarini, A.H.R. Grisebach, C. Nägeli & H.F. Link.] *
8o. London, 1846.
Page 71. Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany. 1841-42. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 71. Reports on Zoology for 1843, 1844. [By A. Wagner, F.H. Troschel, W.F. Erichson etc.] Transl. from the German by G. Busk etc. *
8o. London, 1847.
Page 71. Ribot (Th.): Heredity. From the French. *
8o. London, 1875.
Page 71. Richard (L.C.): Démonstrations botaniques...Publiées par H.A. Duval (d'Alençon).
12o. Paris, 1808.
[page 22v]
Royal Soc. of London. Philos. Trans. Next to (D)/ Down House, case 34
Rutterford (HW) Catalogue of the Library of CD. 1908. (BOT)
Sachs (J.): Geschichte der Botanik 1875. (BOT)
[page 23]
Page 71. Richardson (H.D.): Pigs. *
8o. Dublin, 1847.
Page 72. Richardson (Sir J.): Fauna Boreali-Americana. Parts 1-3. 3 vols. *
4o. London, 1829-36.
Page 72. Riedel (W.): Die vorzüglichst bekannten Feinde der Tauben.
8o. Ulm, 1824.
Page 72. Riedel (W.): Die Taubenzucht. *
8o. Ulm, 1824.
Page 72. Riley (C.V.): 3rd to 9th Annual Reports on the noxious, beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Missouri. *
8o. Jefferson City, 1871-77.
Page 72. Robinet. Manuel de l'éducateur de Vers à soie.
8o. Paris, 1848.
Page 73. Rolleston (G.): Forms of Animal Life. *
8o. Oxford, 1870.
Page 73. [Romanes (G.J.).] A candid examination of Theism. By Physicus.
8o. London, 1878.
Page 73. Ross (J.): The Graft Theory of Disease.
8o. London, 1872.
Page 73. Roux (W.): Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus.
8o. Leipzig, 1881.
Page 74. Royer (C.): Origine de l'homme et des sociétés.
8o. Paris, 1870.
Page 74. Rudolphi (K.A.): Beyträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte. *
8o. Berlin, 1812.
Page 74. Rütimeyer (L.): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der fossilen Pferde, &c. *
8o. Basel, 1863.
Page 74. Rütimeyer (L.): Die Grenzen der Thierwelt.
8o. Basel, 1868.
Page 74. Rütimeyer (L.): Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz. *
4o. Basel, 1861.
Page 74. Sabatier (A.): Etudes sur le Coeur et la Circulation centrale dans la série des Vertébrés.
4o. Montpellier, 1873.
Page 74. Sachs (J.): Lehrbuch der Botanik nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand der Wissenschaft. 2te Aufl.
8o. Leipzig, 1870.
Page 74. Sachs (J.): Lehrbuch der Botanik nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand der Wissenschaft. 3te Aufl.
8o. Leipzig, 1873
Page 74. Sachs (J.): Traité de Botanique conforme à l'état présent de la science...Traduit de l'allemand sur la 3e édition et annoté par Ph. Van Tieghem. *
8o. Paris, 1874.
[page 23v]
Salter (John). The chrysanthemum. (BOT School Lib to CUL)
8o. London, 1865.
Samonelle (George). The Entomologist's useful compendium. (D)
8o. London, 1819.
Saporta ( Le Monde des Plantes...1879. (BOT)
Saporta ( and A.F. Marion: L'evolution...1881 (BOT)
Saporta ( and A.F. Marion: Recherches...1876 (BOT)
Schouw (Joachim Frederic). The earth, plants, and man and Kobell (Francis von). Sketches for the mineral kingdom. (BOT)
London, 1852.
[page 24]
Page 74. Sageret. Mémoire sur les Cucurbitacées. *
8o. Paris, 1826.
Page 74. Sageret. Pomologie physiologique. *
8o. Paris, 1830.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire ( Leçons de Botanique. *
8o. Paris, 1841.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire ( Voyages aux sources du Rio de S. Francisco. 2 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1847-48.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire (G.): Principes de Philosophie zoologique. *
8o. Paris, 1830.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire (G.): Vie, travaux et doctrine scientifique d' Etienne G. Saint-Hilaire. Par son fils Isidore G. Saint-Hilaire. *
8o. Paris, 1847.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire (I.G.): Histoire...des Anomalies de l'organisation ohez l'Homme et les Animaux. 3 tomes. Avec Atlas. *
8o. Paris, 1832-37.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire (I.G.): Essais de Zoologie générale & Planches. (2 vols) *
8o. Paris, 1841.
Page 75. Saint-Hilaire (I.G.): Histoire naturelle gén´rale des règnes organiques. 3 tomes. *
8o. Paris, 1854-62.
Page 75. St John (C.): A tour in Sutherlandshire, &c. 2 vols. *
8o. London, 1849.
Page 76. Schiff (M.): Leçons sur la physiologie de la Digestion... Rédigées par E. Levier. 2 tomes.
8o. Florence, 1867.
Page 76. Schlegel (H.): Essay on the Physiognomy of Serpents. Transl. by T.S. Traill. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1843.
Page 76. Schleicher (A.): Darwinism tested by the Science of Language. Transl... by A.V.W. Bikkers.
8o. London, 1869.
Page 76. Schmidt (O.): The doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. *
8o. London, 1875.
Page 77. Schulz (E.): Nine Plates of Photographs. Facial Expression.
Page 77. Scott (J.): Report on the experimental culture of the Opium Poppy... for the season ending 15th April, 1874.
Fo. Calcutta, 1874.
Page 77. Scott (J.): Report on the experimental culture of the Opium Poppy... for the season ending 31st May, 1875.
Fo. Calcutta, 1876.
Page 77. Scott (J.): Report on the experimental culture of the Opium Poppy... for the season 1877-78.
Fo. Calcutta, 1878.
[page 24v]
Smith (JE) & Mr Sowerby: Suppl. To the English Botany. Vols 1, 2, 4 & per. pts. (BOT)
Smith (Fr.) Catalogue of British Hymenoptera...see British Museum. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera...
Spencer (H.) The Principles of Biology. 2 vols in 1. 1864, 1867. (BOT)
[page 25]
Page 77. Scott (J.): Manual of Opium Husbandry. *
8o. Calcutta, 1877.
Page 77. Scott (W.R.): The Deaf and Dumb. 2nd ed.
8o. London, 1870.
Page 77. Sedgwick (Rev. A.): A discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge. 5th ed. *
8o. London, 1850.
Page 78. Seidlitz (G.): Die Darwin'sche Theorie. Elf Vorlesungen.
8o. Dorpat, 1871.
Page 78. Semper (K.): The natural conditions of existence as they effect Animal Life.
8o. London, 1881.
Page 78. Shirreff (P.): Improvement of the Cereals and an Essay on the Wheat-Fly. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1873.
Page 78. Shuckard (W.E.): Essay on the indigenous fossorial Hymenoptera. *
8o. London, 1837.
Page 79. Siebold (C.Th.v.): Nouveau Manuel d'Anatomie comparée. Par C.T. de S., et H. Stannius. Trad. Par A. Spring et Th. Lacordaire. 2 tomes (in 3)
8o. Paris, 1850.
Page 79. Siebold (C.Th.v.): On a true parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees. Transl. by Wm. S. Dallas. *
8o. London, 1857.
Page 79. Skertchly (S.B.J.): The Physical System of the Universe.
8o. London, 1878.
Page 79. Smellie (W.): The Philosophy of Natural History. *
4o. Edinburgh, 1790.
Page 79. Smith (A.): Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. 4 vols. *
4o. London, 1849.
Page 79. Smith (Lieut.-Col. C.H.): Dogs. 2 vols. *
8o. Edinburgh, 1839-40.
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Strasburger (E), F Noll etc: Lehrbuch... (BOT)
Taylor (Richard). Scientific memoirs, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science, &c. ed. by R.T. Vol. 1. (D)
8o. London, 1837.
Tegetmeier (UB) ed. Poultry Book...See Pers. List (under Tegetmeier)
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Page 82. Sturm (K.Ch.G.): Ueber Raç landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere. *
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Page 86. Vogt (C.): Mémoire sur les Microcéphales ou Hommes-Singes. (incl. QuatreFager...Compres readus...1867) *
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8o. Leipzig, 1852.
Page 86. Wagner (R.): Elements of the comparative anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals. Ed. from the German by A. Tulk. *
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8o. Lond., 1876.
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Wright (Chauncey). Philosophical discussions. "Excellent book". C.D. On bottom shelf of main collection (Case 40 Bay 2) (D)
8o. New York, 1877.
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Page 91. Yarrell (W.): A History of British Birds. Vol. 1. *
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Page 91. Youatt (W.): Cattle: their breeds, &c. *
8o. London, 1834.
Page 91. Youatt (W.): Sheep: their breeds, &c. *
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Page 91. Youatt (W.): The Dog. *
8o. London, 1845.
Page 91. Youatt (W.): The Pig. Enlarged and re-written by S. Sidney. *
8o. London, 1860.
Page 91. Zoological Record. Vols 1-19. *
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Page 91. Zuckerkandl (E.): Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara...1857-59. Anthropologischer Theil, lte Abth., Cranien der Novara-Sammlung.
4o. Wien, 1875.
These are on shelves following DAR LIB.
Journals etc removed from Down House by Dr. Sydney Smith and P.J. Gautrey, transported to the University Library, Cambridge, 18 & 30 September, 1969.
Allen (J.A.) The American bisons...
American Acad. of Arts...Proceedings Vols 1, 2 & 6& Part III N.S. Vol. 3
American Jl of Science and Arts Vol. 45. No. 2
American Naturalist All vols as per Rutherford's Catalogue
American Philos. Soc. Vol. 11, No. 84
Vol. 12, No. 86
Vol. 14, No. 95
Annals & Mag. of Nat. Hist (SEE ALSO DARWIN LIBRARY) Ser. 2, Vols 15, 16
Ser. 3, Vols 17-20
Ser. 4, Vols 1-12
( -1873)
Anales del Museo Püblico de Buenos Aires... All vols as per Rutherford's Catalogue
Annales des Sciences Naturelles 2e sér., tomas 15, 16 Jan-Mai, Juillot-Déc., 1841
Anthropologia Vol. 1, Nos 1, 2
Anthropological Review Nos 1, 2, 5-7, 18-27
Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. Jl N.S. Vol. 43m rt2 (Extra No.)
Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. Memoiries
[remainder of page omitted in scan- any further text has not been trancribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2024