RECORD: W. G. W. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin demolished. Chicago Tribune (26 February): 5
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2022. RN1
[page] 5
Was the Ancestry of the Humans Family Men, or Animals.
To the Editor of the Chicago Tribune:
Perhaps the readers of THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE saw the Abstract of Darwin's New work, The descent of Man.
The first idea that presents itself on reading this piece is, were our Ancestors men or monkey's.
This is a question of vital importance.
We sprung from Adam and Eve. Adam was a Man, not a monkey. He was gifted with speech and understanding, something that the most enlightened monkey that ever lived never possessed. Animals and Birds build their Houses and nests just as they did on the earliest dawn of Creation.
When we look at Man and see his intelligence, his power of Thought, his Mechanism, can we say he spring from an animal!
The lowest and most degraded Tribe is far above him? The Bushman of Africa, can make clothes to cover his nakedness, make fires to Cook his food, Weapons for his Defence, while the Ape does not know enough, even when he finds a fire already kindled to put on wood to keep it burning, but sits over the expiring embers trying in vain to gather warmth.
Is there any sensible Man or Woman who thinks we sprung from an "Ape, No, No. It cannot be.
Should we, in this enlightened and progressive age, knowing from whence we sprung, having a Record left to tell us; deny our rightful and Civilized Ancestor, and choose an Ape instead?
Should we as Christians, as lovers of God's works, suffer reproach to be cast on our Ancestry! Let us see from whence we sprung? Look at Genesis 2th Chapter 7th Verse. And the Lord God formed Man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his Nostrils the Breath of Life, and Man became a Living Soul
What Ape is our Ancestor.
How infinitely Ridiculous would a man appear in our eyes if he were to argue his ancestors were apes. Where is the man that would not rather claim an enlightened and Intelligent Person for an Ancestor than an Ape!
It is inconsistent with Reason and common sense to argue that man Sprung from animals.
The Gentleman who advocates the Doctrine of the Ape Ancestry, seems to know more about his Ancestry than the most of men do.
We are told in the "Holy writ" that when Noah entered the Ark, He and his sons and their wives (8 souls) that the Beasts of the Fields and the Fowls of the air, [illeg] to him in Twos, and clean Beasts by Sevens, so you see all the monkey tribes are Animals without Souls.
Why, we have no Tails.
A man with a Tail like a monkey would make money in this world. Tails are indispensable articles with some monkeys, but men have no use for them, no more than one Dog has for two Tails. God has made everything according to its own nature, and according to his Infinite Wisdom.
The highest attainment of Reason is to know that there is an infinite number of things beyond our comprehension or reach.
A man ought to know when to be certain, and when to doubt.
As to the certainty of our ancestors being apes and having Tails is a doubt.
The Idea that our ancestors being apes is Preposturous in the extreme. There is no authentication for it, and the thought that our Progenitors had Tails is ridiculous.
The Gentleman wants to know where his Projinatory deverged from Catarhine stock of animals.
We will say, for his comfort "in Jordan (by Jerico) is the only Place left on Record where an animal used Language, peculiar to Human Beings, he will find it in the 22nd chapt. of Numbers 28th Verse. And the Lord opened the mouth of the Ass, and she Spake.
— W.G.W.
Berrien Springs Michigan.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 10 November, 2022