RECORD: Anon. 1880. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (2 February): 7.
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
[page] 7
ERASMUS DARWIN. By Ernst Krause, with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. d. Appleton & Co., publishers. New York.
Mr. Dallas has translated from the German the sketch written and published by Dr. Krause in the German scientific journal, Kosmos, of Erasmus Darwin, and has combined it with a preliminary notice written by Charles Darwin of his grandfather. The two combined make a readable volume, which is illustrated with a portrait of the subjects and pictures of the houses in which the scientist was born and died. Mr. Darwin was the author of "Zoonomia," "Botanic Garden," and other works. He was a philosopher, poet and physician, and was a man of much learning. To him belongs the honor of being the first who proposed and consistently carried out a well rounded theory with regard to the development of the living world. His system was the significant first step in the path of knowledge which his illustrious grandson has opened up for his own generation, and advocates of this system will find the book an agreeable and instructive one.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 22 November, 2022