RECORD: Anon. 3.1827. Minutes of the Edinburgh Plinian Society recording Darwin's first scientific papers. EUL-Coll-275. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe, edited by van Wyhe 4.2011, 2019. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of Edinburgh University Library. See other notes from Darwin's time in Edinburgh in DAR5 as well as:
Darwin, C. R. [Edinburgh notebook]. (1827; 1828-1829; 1837-1839). CUL-DAR118.-
Darwin, C. R. [Edinburgh diary for 1826]. CUL-DAR129.-
[27 March 1827]
the Secretary's duties was commenced, but the time for private business having elapsed, it was further postponed. And the Society adjourned.
When reconstituted, Mr Burk (for Mr Fife) in the chair.
Mr. Binns announced a paper on mummies.
Mr. Ritchie presented to the Society a variety of specimens of sandstone in contact with trap, from Ayrshire, upon which he afterwards communicated some observations.
The same gentleman also read some remarks upon a supposed recent formation of sandstone from the moving sands of Coabine.
Mr. Darwin communicated to the Society two discoveries which he had made-
1. That the ova of the flustra possess organs of motion.
2. That the small black globular body hitherto mistaken for the young Fucus Lorius, is in reality the ovum of the Pontobdella muricata.
At the request of the Society he promised to draw up an account of the facts and to lay them it, together with specimens, before the Society next evening.
Dr. Grant detailed a number of facts regarding the natural History of the Flustra.
Ainsworth & Browne. After which the Society adjourned.
The members present were Messrs.
John G.R. Burk, President
H.H. Cheek, Secretary
Edinburgh College, April 3, 1827.
The Society met & was constituted. Mr Burk (for Mr Fife) in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read & approved. A petition for a seal was presented from Mr. Balfour, attested by Messrs. Torrie, Copland & Thomson.
Mr. Tripp proposed at last meeting, was elected an ordinary member of the Society. After which the Society adjourned.
When reconstituted, Mr Ainsworth in the chair.
Mr. Scholfield announced an essay on hereditary disease viewed
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 July, 2023