RECORD: Blomefield, Leonard Jenyns. 1882.07.07 [Recollection of Darwin in a letter to Francis Darwin]. CUL-DAR198.20. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. The letter Blomefield mentions can be found here: CUL-DAR112.A67-A68
Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
P. S. –We are going from home for a month on Tuesday next, the 11th, during which time – if you shd wish to write –my address will be –"Forest Heath – Lyndhurst Hants"
Belmont Bath
July 7th, 1882.
My dear Sir,
I am happy to say that I have been able, without any assistance, to complete an entire copy of all your Father's Letters to me, --which I send to you by Rail at the same time as posting this letter. I assure you it has been a labour of love, for your Father's memory is very dear to me. Indeed his friendliness towards me as expressed in some of the letters was so marked, that I felt some reluctance in repeating all he has said, in the copying of them. –In those letters especially which have reference to that part of the Zoology of the Beagle, The Fish, which I undertook only at his earnest request, - I think from a kind feeling, he rather over-estimated my fitness for the task. –However, I determined – after some thought and deliberation –to copy them exactly as they stood in every respect, leaving it to you to deal with them as you think best.
I place them entire in your hands, and you may make any use of them you choose –publishing any, or as many as you judge to be serviceable in the Biography of your distinguished Father (or omitting passages wh[ich] you think better be left out.)
In some cases I have just a heading to the letter explanatory of the matter to which they chiefly relate – to others especially the first, I have appended notes –one or two of the anecdotic character –which I thought might interest. I cannot call to my recollection distinctly –tis so many years ago – any thing further, as to his college life, than that I have stated here, or stated previously in a letter to Sir J. Hooker, which I dare say he has shown you. –It was my wish & endeavour to place the letters in the same order of time in which they were written; but I am not quite sure this has been carried out in the case of two or three of the earlier ones, as your Father in his letters not unfrequently omitted the date, as regards times, altogether, and hardly ever mentions the year, which I have put in myself, where I could, from internal evidence, or any particular circumstance which enable me to fix it.
Your Father's hand was not the most legible especially when unwell, as he apologizes in one of the letters; and, as I proceeded in the copying, I found it never would have done to have commit the task to others who were not familiar with his writing, —& quite ignorant of the subject to which they relate, entailing the use of some Nat. Hist terms, &c. very difficult to decipher.
You had better read the letters before making any lengthened reply to this, as they may suggest remarks –or some further enquiries you would wish to make; and I shall be most happy to give –as far as I am able –any additional information you may require – A post-card would suffice at present just to announce the safe arrival of the letter.
Believe me
Sincerely yours
L. Blomefield.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 16 December, 2022