RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Vorläufige Nachricht, etc. CUL-DAR116.103-110. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua, edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1761-6. Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen und Beobachtungen. 4 pts. Leipzig. [Darwin Library in CUL]
(p. 4
Koelreuter 2d Fort p. 41. Hybrid nicotiana, intermediate even in smell, one parent having a smell; the other no smell.
{p.55. Tobacco mongrels, 5 in number, as he believes & found quite fertile — crossed the vars, reciprocally.
p. 61. Shows that little of own pollen prevents all effect of much foreign.
p. 60. important, gives belief, on goodish evidence, the 1 var, out of 5 of nicotiana was less infertile with glutinosa than other 4 vars.—
p. 73 Second cross of nicotiana with male side quite sterile female more fertile than in 1st cross: in 3d cross rendered with few exceptions quite fertile, having 3/4 pure blood: or strictly half, of half, of half, 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 = 1/8" pure blood.
p. 80. details on their fertility & infertility.
p. 86. Further facts on varying fertility of hybrid descendants.
3d Fort
(p. 5
3d. Fortsetz.—
p. 47. Cases of perfect resemblance & fertility after 4 crosses with nicot. paniculata, yet a trace of infertility on male side in Autumn.
p. 48. I remark that bringing back of Hybrids to pure parent does not appear favourable to sporting.
p 51. In 5 generations one species converted into other; must have had 1/16" of blood of nic. rest.
p. 59. cases of varying fertility & of self-return to X one parent, of which other case given in nicotiana.
X p. 72 It seems a variety can impress (ie offspring intermediate) offspring are (p. 81, 3) strongly as a pure parent (other cases before).
p 73 many cases show how very easily Doubleness inherited
p 74 Doubleness hereditary from female side, as well as male.
p. 70-74. Strong case of ease of Hybrid. fruct. having very little relation to fertility of offspring.
p 75 on male side sterile.
p. 84 Doubleness strongly hereditary
p 85. Thinks no difference in intermediateness when vars. are crossed together & species crossed:— much cultivated sport, when carefully self-impregnated (this important from some one's views on all sporting
being due to crossing p. 85 compare varying from changed condition to varying in Hybrids after 1st generation.
p. 87. Again doubleness strongly hereditary (this favours my view of Doubleness Doubleness due to sterility & consequent metamorphosis) yet one ♂ parent single wild Plant.
p. 97. Case of third species more fertile with a Hybrid than either pure parent.
p. 102. Hybrids in second generation not so constant as in first.—
p. 103. wild species seem to have no more force than garden vars. in inducing resemblance.
p. 109. seems to think in Hybrid, that as male or ⸮ female is more fertile so will offspring take after that side. Proved not so by Gærtner
p. 114. Hibiscus manihot & vitifolia quite fertile, yet apparently in Loudon very distinct—
p. 116. Interesting cases of inferred vars. of Cheiranthus; of Sida
p 117 Aquilegia
p 116
several Cheiranthus is reciprocally quite like
(On Variation)
Kölreuter 3d Fortset. p. 85 has carefully self-impreg a variety, but yet offspring sported much.—
do. p. do. compares the variability from long- cultivation & from hybridism in successive generations; & explains it in his usual way by Balance being destroyed.
Kolreuter in Journal de Phys. 21. p 291. (my M.S. p. 3.) grand fact of Digitalis Thapsi converted into purpurea, with care that not crossed. This seems very important as it shows that, external conditions or climate does much.— One of these forms probably a direct descendant of the other.— see my M.S. important discussion on this point.—
Kolreuter p. 39 M.S abstract in N. Acta Petrop 1794 p 393. speaking of a cross 8 times repeated of J. longiflora with J. vulg. "vix aliquam notabilem differentiam" fere transmutation.— Have only 1/128. part of blood. —
[Cited in Variation 1: 65.]
Also about yellow Verbascum (Absorption.)
Herbert. Amaryll. p. 340. Black line on Dun Pony like Donkey
― p. 341. Definition of species.— p 346 good sentence, p 29., on do
― p. 358 on water lilies getting colour after hot weather.—
― p. 363 — on a var. in Calceolaria analogous to colouring of other species
These cases show how much variation depends on the species in question & not on external conditions; but this case of colouring appeared in a cross {p. 412 do fact.
― X p 366 on varieties true in Hollyock
― p 369 sporting of Camellia. sp (p 377 Laburnum case. &— Austrian Bramble x)
Bot. Register. of April 1837. Lindley tells me a most wonderful orchis case of sporting.—
Hort. Journal vol. 2. p. 27. Herbert speculates on what were the parent species of Nacissi & Crinum &c &c
do. p. 83. H. has thought that variations produced by circumstance of poverty are more fixed. — inferred, I think, solely from Crocus.
p 85. p. 91 p 93 variation of Colchicum & attacks Botanists for calling calling one set of variations species & the other races.—
p. 86 variation of Azalea, having more stamens than 5, so representing the allied genus (or section of genus) of Rhododendron: the 5 stamens of less power power; curious step towards abortion. so in Salpaglossis, nicotiana, Petunia ask Meyer or Bentham & see Amaryll. p 377, but but contradicted by Gærtner.— These gradations in abortions very curious —
p. 90 var: analogous to character in other species.—
Sp p 100 on the Laburnum case. fertility of seeds from pure branches
p 105 on primrose, cowslip & polyanthus &c from one plant, highly manured—
p. 2a
2d. Fortsetz p. 60 p 55 He has described. 5 varieties, of Nicotiana & has shown that they are reciprocally quite fertile, & as far as I can make out no one thinks they are species.—
They differ in shape of leaves & flower, & seed capsules. branching of stems, not even in Steudel). yet when these several varieties were crossed reciprocally with when one was used either as the father or mother & was crossed with N. glutinosa, var. perenne; of the common tobacco was in each case slightly more fertile than the other vars. —
In one case he thought that the greater fertility of perenne, might be owing to commingling of a little pollen of pure N. glutinosa, notwithstanding all his care: but Gærtner has shown that the effects of 2 pollen cannot be thus commingled. —
2d. Fortset:
p. 97, 98 p. 100 Proofs of variation in Dianthus in offspring from Hybrid & one pure parent (ie in second descent). p. 103 Even from same capsule. p. 104 fertility very variable.—
p. 108. Case of a Hyb. fruct. of very difficult effectuation, & yet Hybrids raised from the seeds, not highly infertile, at least could be self impregnated, & seedlings raised &— Reverse case of domestic mule.—
p. 116 case of Hybrid taking after wild plant male, & not being intermediate in first cross; showing that the want of intermediateness is due perhaps to one parent being a var.
X Dianthus
p. 121, 2 wild plants with failing pollen.—
p. 125. Datura Stramonium & tatula & recip. K. makes quite fertile. Gærtner makes i (a).—
Linnæus considers as species.—
Read again I have
p. 119. Again doubleness strongly hereditary in Aquilegia;
Hybrids from 2 species varied greatly owing to one having been long cultivated.
p. 123 The variability thus shown in when Hybrids are raised, is rather interesting way of showing the innate tendency to vary, which is accumulated in either sexual factor of cultivated plants.
p. 123. Hybrids of Aquilegia not small fertility, but I infer less than parents. Interesting because Hooker looks at as all vars. Gærtner finds very fertile. —
p 74 Doubleness hereditary from female side
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023