RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of abstract / Gärtner. CUL-DAR116.111-115. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua, edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Abstract Gärtner
p. 12 p. 13 some hybrids more seed than union of pure parents, as in Datura & Dianthus.—
p. 97. species of same genus absolutely sterile together
p. 140 others being fertile
p. 147 N. acuminata will not impregnate or be impregnated by any kind
p. 126 Plenty of examples of genera in same family easy & uneasy to cross. Silene & Dianthus &c.—
p 143. uniting not preventing by annual & biennial &c &c & &c
p. 147 ✔ N. Langsdorfii will impregnate but cannot be impregnated
The hybrids all sterile.
Index to Abstract Lychnis— & Mathiola & Datura Malva (Cucubalus.) → p. 92. Verbascum vars. of—
p. 102 fertility of Mathiola not full unimportant. (Vars)
p 168 do on all 3 Datura & Mathiola & Malva.
offspring not variable, offspring not variable; here Lychnis not included
p 177 Datura, Mathiola, (Petunia on account of Herbert) Malva; reciprocity not quite equal.—
p. 197. reciprocity not equal in Cucubalus malva 10: 7 — Mathiola — Datura & Lychnis, Tropæolum.
(See whether any difference in crosses of Lychnis diurna & vespertina with a 3d species.) not enough tried to tell.
p. 218 Lychnis diurna & vespertina — absolute & proportional numbers of seeds. —
p. 215 Table of number of seeds in vars. of Verbascum, in crossing them, not of Hybrid itself
p. 247. In Mathiola, Malva, Lychnis, [illeg] & Primula elatior & officinalis slight variations occur, not abnormal types.— (p. 168 contradicted to certain extent.). attributes to cultivation.—
p 273 Datura & Lychnis gave different hybrids with different species. not like case of Nicotiana.
p 282 In close species as Petunia & Malva, the hybrids intermediate.
p 307. on crossing of vars of Verbascum colour not intermediate. —
p 309 on crossing in Anagallis.
p 385. number of seeds in Hybrid Datura & Lychnis vespertina (Beitrage p. 234 for another Hybrid of Lychnis.
p 388 Mathiola annuo-glabra less fertile than pure parent. & of all hybrids & L. vespertina-diurna─ though this is the one in Beitrage.
p 407. Lychnis diurna-vespertina & reciprocal).
p 515. Lychnis diurna-vespertina ♀ vespertina-diurna ♂ absolutely sterile
p 549. Tropæolum perhaps only vars.
p 577 Vars of maize — offspring very variable ie 1st generation & quite fertile (so differs in fertility of first cross & of hybrids) —
p 577. varying of Lychnis dioica & vespertina. (so with Petunia. but latter must be considered as species)
p 582 Lychnis wild; When in reciprocal crosses of the 2 species varieties arise. —
(Sterility of the vespertina Hybrids of Lychnis.)
Abstract of abstract.
List of cases in which Gærtner affixes (K)
Geum urbano-rivale 3 & rivale
Lobelia Hybrids cardinalifulgens proporio polline.
― Hybrid fulgenti-cardinalis prop. poll.} numerous experiments
Lychnis diurna & vespertina (Sometimes once K. generally ia)
― Hybrid diurno-vespertina proporio. polline (K) 1 flower
― vespertina & diurna (K & ia)
― Hybrid 6 flowers vespertino-diurna proporio poll. Beitrage p. 385: (K)
Malva hybrid mauritiano sylvestris prop. polline (K) (reciprocal not ia) on 12 flowers, 4 succeeded
Mathiola annua & glabra 7 flowers & reverse 5 flowers.—
Ask Author Look in Index to see whether he considers any of these vars.
Potentilla atrosanguinea prop. poll.
Verbascum Hybrid albo Lychnitis-albo-pyramidatus prop. polline. (K)
When I go over Book, I must consider all remarks bearing on the cases on other side.—
Geum both species British admitted by Henslow
The Geum cases is nothing for G. urbano-rivale had already been crossed twice with pollen of rivale.—
Lobelia fulgens Mexico. cardinalis Virginia in Loudon & Steudel. At p. 385 says L. cardinali-fulgens gave 871 pure species 1100-1200
Lychnis diurna = L. sylvestris ― vespertina = dioica} Thus entered in Steudel & Loudon Both Britain
Henslow under L. dioica includes L. diurna & sylvestris does not mention L. vespertina.
London London Cat: uses same name as Gærtner & keeps distinct. p. 385 L. diurno-vespertina gave 100 125.— pure 180 & 192.— This was the hybrid itself.— I hd conclude both fertility & distinctness of species here in doubt.
Malva these species evidently close. both Europe but M. Mauritiana also S. Africa. Steudel & Lindley keep distinct, no synonyms in common
Mathiola R. Brown & others consider vars. London as distinct.
Steudel & Loudon consider these 2 Verbascum distinct Europe & Caucasus.—
(Gærtner) Notes on Hybrids in successive generations; with respect to fertility
p 244. abnormal types most very sterile
p 285. do on decided types do — But this refers to first generation.
see to this
p 366 The degree of sterility of the hybrids from same fert capsule variable.—
p 365 after 8-10 generations weakened.
p 391. same hybrid. (does it mean same individual?) fertile one year & not next.— & so during time of year —
p 418 p. 421. p. 450 on decrease of fertility of hybrids during successive generations.—
p 420, in 2d generation variable; never more than in 1st or original generation
(I presume this does not refer to hybrid fructification.—
X p 421. constant in form but increasing sterility. — (Important for shows no direct relation.) between sterility & variability
p 439 when go back, not increased fertility Hybrid
p 452 on fertility of maternal hybrids odd cases
p 460 excessive variability of fertility during absorption. —
p 553. Hybrid kept constant for 10 generations but with regularly lessened fertility
p 554. fertility most variable character — rarely increases in 2d. generation, generally even in fertile Hybrids less.
([illeg] go to Kolreuter for particulars.
2d Fort. p 104. fertility variable in hybrid per patrem.
p. 78 similar facts.
3d Fortsetz p 47, other 4 crosses with N. paniculata
Köl. papers in Academy. St. Peters
p. 25 my M.S. opposite side — gre gd children several quite sterile no with 3/4. one species blood
p 27. (QQQ.) same sort of fact
33 Page opposite to
p 34. fertility of great grandchild of pure parents, without any cross
Then discuss Gærtner artific. impreg.
N.B are Köl Verbasca sterile in one sex, or sterile only with own pollen
(Herbert amyrillidæ)
X p 343 cases of external appearance being no guide to crosses.
Cereus very close in Hort. Journal. —
X p 345. Cereus wonderfully different plants capable of being crossed.
p 344 Calceolaria
p 351. on Crinum every ovule.
p. 366. Hollyocks. X
I think it appears f Gærtner that when plant goes back by itself to parent form it is more sterile, but when brought back by parent crosses more fertile —
more complicated crosses more sterile, confirmed by Herbert
p. 379 Petunia hybrids from more fertile than parents
Journal of Hort Soc. Vol 2. p. 19.
{cases of self impregnation, being overpowered by cross of another species.}
(Offspring fertile amaryllp. 345)
p. 10 on crossing Hippeastrum.
p 19— do, p 20
Part 2 p 88. Gladiolus
p 95 Pelargonium & Calceolaria crossed ad infinitum
Hort Journal vol 2. p. 81 88 very fertile gladiolus of complicated cross. viz G. tristis & cardinalis (very unlike) with some G. blandus.
{no one could tell from looks, which species will thrive in one kind of soil over another, & so it is in Hybridism.—
X ✔ p. 96 most unlike Cereus which will breed together. —
X ✔ p 102. cross between almost true 2 plant in Erythrina
p 344. Gladiolus
p 345. Linaria & Penstemon
― Hippeastrum "offspring invariably fertile"
p 346. Lobelia siphilitica "reproduces itself abundantly"
p. 352. for syphitica
p 351. Crinum every ovule Fuchsia Pelargonium)
p 360 Azalea & Rhododendron
p 364 Calceolaria not producing so many seeds.—
p 379 Petunia more seed than either parent
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023