RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Digitales hybrides. Journal de physique. CUL-DAR116.48-55. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 8.2015. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1782. Digitales hybrides. Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelle et des arts 21: 285-306.
Journ de Phys. vol 21. (1782) p. 285. Koelreuter on Hy. Digitales. – (alludes to previous hybrids)
Most laborious experimenter – for 13 years consecutively he made the first following hybrid & generally each experiment on many flowers
D. jaunâtre f: ♀
D. purpurea. m: ♂ right
♀. matris. ♂ male a good many offspring
Descript of Hyb. – root "vivace". D. purp. being biannual & D. jaunatre in this climate (I fancy N Germany frm Herbert "ne dure souvent pas plus long-temps." These Hyb. flowered seven years & were yet alive. – (So more persistent than either parent. – owing to being hardier than D. jaunatre I suppose) All characters appear intermediate, but taller than either. Anthers smaller than either parent owing to little pollen. – pollen-grains smaller, irregularly-formed, & much less numerous than in parents – some of the better pollen-grains filled with proper sperm – very little good seed, not more than one or 2 good seeds in capsule
Gaertner did not experimentise of D. thapsi. Steudel makes Thapsi from Species. distinct species from D. purpurea. This is very important, for here we have D. Thapsi & D. purpurea producng different hybrids when crossed with D. lutea – See description to see why flowers different. see Kolreuters' description first.
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Most of above hybrids intermediate in colour. some few outside scarlet & yellow within. – few white & larger – thinks these analogous to varieties. –
The inverse of above exper. tried during 3 years on 37 flowers failed. (z)
D. jaunatre f. Inverse on 4 flower's failed
D. thapsi m } – is var. of D. purpurea.
Hybrids similar to last experiment, but flowers rather narrower & more deeply cut & two examples with larger flowers
D. ferruginea m.
D. ambigua ambigua f.
Every character intermediate between parents
Pollen as bad as in 2 previous experiments scarcely any seed – Speaks of these Hybrids as being very flourishing ie. healthy & having already flowered for three years.
The inverse of this impregnation failed –
(Sentence with misprint, but I guess not intelligible in Latin Paper D. ambigua, has small ovules has very small grains of pollen. )
[49v] 3
These hybrids, impregnated with pollen of D. thapsi & D. purpurea – did not conceive. – seeds very rarely 'moelleuse'!
[50] 3
D. Thapsi f.
D. purpurea. m.
offspring intermediate in every character, as in in former cases – (NB This important because this is not true species according to K) – Hybrids full as fertile as either parent – (Seeds intermediate in colour N.B I recollect some other similar case by Koelreuter ??? (p.291) between parents in relation to Peas) –
The inverse experiment, of last produced hybrids precisely like former. – K. says this always the case both in crossing species & varieties ie fertile species, as long as neither one or other, or both are not degenerating, (ie varying). Differs from their fertility that the Spanish. Dig. or Thapsi is a variety. –.
Journ. de Phy. tom 21. p. 291. Koelreuter says he has seen D. Thapsi in N. Europe: although artificially impregnated with its own pollen, after 4 or 5 generations "prenoit sensiblement les caractères de celle d'Allemagne & qu'enfin elle se convertissoit tout-a-fait en pourpréa" (p) – Grand fact – wild variety – shows by how fixed laws climate affects forms of plants – not new variety produced but, as we may suppose, either parent or filial form. – we can hardly suppose both descendants of common yet different form. for plant in this experiment, would have undergone peculiar changes
N.B. I sees in this vol of Journ. – Spallanzani injected seed of dog into cat with no effects
Loudon makes D. purpurea φ ind 4 Jn. Sept. Britain
– thapsis δ 1 1/2 May. Aug Spain
& Lindley has figured both in his
Consult this Digitalium Monographia 1821
These species not experimentised on by Gaertner.
(p) As we can hardly suppose these species originally formed in exact manner of experiments, – it shows, that the form which a species assume depends more on its own internal laws of variation, than on the exact nature of conditions to which it is exposed. –
p. 292
D. ambigua f.
D. purpurea m.
No concepcion. – but the capsules almost as large as in natural plants (some exotics Allen. Wedgwood told me of aborting in this way) "but all the seeds ne valent rien". – In inverse experiments, also capsules large. – (& some other cases in othr species of ditto)
p. 293. Although D. ambigua & purpura. "beaucoup plus ravines & serrées" together than D. jaunâtre & purpurea, nevertheless the success of impregnation so different. –
Again D. jaunatre & ambigua being quite infertile shows K. says that Murray was right in making them distinct species – This shows how closely allied these forms must be. –
D. ambigua. f
D. jaunatre m. & inverse
The ripe capsules almost as large as the natural ones of parents – only few seeds 'moelleuse' & none of them germinated
[52] 5
The hybrid (D. ferruginea.f. ambigua m.) acted upon by own dust & acted upon by both parents dust, & the hybrid pollen placed on both parents – all failed & in same differents manners tried with D. jaunatre, purpurea, thapsi all equally failed. Nevertheless the D. jaunatre crossed both ways by D. & ambigua as afterwards shows, tried both ways produced hybrids. – (which is same as zebra breeding with ass. but not with mule. – )
p. 297. D. purpurea f. D. Canariensis m. tried both ways some seeds produced hybrids "concepcion nulle ou bonne par hasard" which died before, it was ascertained whether thy were fertile. –
"Suite des experiences" not in Act. Acad St. Petersburgh for year 1777: but in Vol for 1778 p. 261
p. 299. D. ferruginea f. – D. obscura m. – produced hybrids with intermediate characters – flowers, on flower stalks, when full grown, like in D. ferrui. – in young one placed as in D. obscura – – intermediate section of lower lip more pubescent, than in either parent
pollen as in foregoing experiments – The inverse impregnation, produced much fewer seeds (& they were very few in above) than in the above – hybrids plants perfectly similar, as in above
p. 301. D ambigua. f. D. obscura. m. – seeds scarcely any good hybrids intermediate – pollen less abundant than in parents & nearly all sterile –
The hybrids from inverse impregnation perfectly similar p.302. D obscura. f. D. jaunâtre m. D. obscura not used by Gaertner – just same remarks as in foregoing experiment –
In inverse impregnation, hybrid plants appeared so different, that if thy had not been intermediate in character between parents (though different) & if great care had not been taken in impregnat. should have thought some error. – K. says this contrary to his experience; offspring of A & B. and B and A "sont toujours très ressemblantes" Explains this exception by "les tiges productives de la D. jaunâtre, cultivees deja depuis long-temps
Species experimentised on by Gaertner p 696
Dig. laevigata
dans nos jardins par la simple nature." (P) What does this mean? is it not curious coincidence with my view which causes flower of D. jaunatre to vary in size & colour. – These hybrids compared with those produced by former & inverse method, are, differently shaped in size, form & protuberances of corrolla –
Some flowers had "petites cornes semblables a un nectaire" elevated in middle of flower as in Maer Penstemon ?? & in Snapdragon –
some flowers longer but otherwise similar than those just mentioned
This diversity in flowers. K says confirms view at top of this page
p. 304. D. jaunâtre. f. D. ambigua. m. –
Hybrids appear nearly intermediate, but facts of last case viz the possibil. of difference in inverse experiment show that this cannot be strictly so or rather that there may be many forms & yet all be called intermediate – Anthers smaller than in either parent, as is general in Hybrids pollen. valueless – These two species have been considered as same. t: –
(P) I believe from Latin vide translation. K. says cause to be sought in the natura of the D. jaunatre (or lutea) long accustomed to be cultivated in our gardens
Sowed many seeds of inverse impregnation, but only one plant came up. perfectly resemblng the above –
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023