RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Lobélies hybrides, 1783. CUL-DAR116.56-57. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 8.2015. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1783. Lobélies hybrides. Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelle et des arts 23: 100-105.
(carefully abstracted)
Journ. de Physique tom XXIII. 1783 p.100
Koelreuter on Hy. Lobelia. – Herbert Lob. Lowei is between L. cardinaliis & fulgens
says thinks Lobelias. (especially cardinalis) have stigma protruded before pollen is ready (as I described at Maer) owing to effects of climate – & that it is not natural. (examine English Lobelia) – Hence L. card. aborts in gardens & gardener must with pincers daily take anthers & impregnate them. – Says (p. 101) every gardener ought to take this precaution with plants, especially foreign ones. –
He put pollen of L. card on stigma of L. siphilitica (in 2. months castrated of anthers, & not castrated) & procured plenty of seed. – often one capsule producing 40 mostly good seed – these produced Hybrids. –
These hybrids most characters quite intermediate some trifling ones take more after one or other parent – pollen-grains mostly empty – some good – colour of flower violet. I e between scarlet & blue parents –
in 1771. tried. Lob. siphil fem with pollen of L. erinus – the very same as first experiment) on 28 flowers without concepcion !!! ?misprint Yes. shameful misprint of names ??
z omitted. – He put pollen of L. siphilitica. on stigma of L. cardinalis, & plants produced were as like those of inverse experiment as "one egg to another" p.102
Three crosses between several other Lobelias with no success. – Viz. L. érine, brûlante, enflee, cliffort
N.B. Say I allude to Jounal. & French. Translat as more generally known, but I have corrected the numerous errors in French Translation. everyone must be on their guard. –
Pollen of these hybrids on their own stigma, in nine flowers – "concepcion nulle ou vaine – ones scarcely finds one or two good seeds in the capsules. –
(1) Lob. Hyb. { Siphil. f. Card.m.} fem
Lob. siphil. male } offspring
says more like L. siphitica. – doubtless misprint: – about degree of fertility of these crosses of 3d descent, sometimes greater, sometimes less, sometimes same, & sometimes utter sterility. (a) I strongly suspect fertility not increased – odd
(2) Lob. Hyb. siph. f
card. m fem
Lob. Card. male } offspring
says according to customs. more like L. Cardinalis than mother.
– says nothing about fertility
N.B. It is clear offspring take more after that side of which there is 3/4 blood. – C.D.
x Says in offspring of both these above cases, as always happens in this degree of descent, the plants differed from each other in form, size, colours, & qualities
Thus one of (1) which was at first regul. became violet & had almost same tint as Lob. brûlante
Lob. siphilitica. female
Lob. Hy. sipl. f.
Card. m.male –
produced plenty of seed – no other information – about characters of offspring
(NB. The inverse of this last does not appear to have been tried – the only remaining possible case)
= all this is my own repetition =
(a) I see in previous page p.102. he says these hybrids offsprng of L. siphilitica f. by L. cardinalis m. sprnkled with pollen, of either parent became "adeè" fertile, to that degree that each capsule gave little seed, but this good –
and likewise the pollen of these hybrids, placed on stigma of L. siphilitica. produced much good seed: The hybrids sprinkled with their own pollen in 9 flowers were sterile scarcely one or two seeds in capsules – This very valuable case – – in favour of intermarriage being injurious
(x) This I believes happens in crossing varieties of Cattle. – (afterwards by selection in varying offspring breed improved; this other case)
Is this fact analogous to effects of exposing successive generation to new conditions – twice crossing –
The case of pointer & spaniel races, which are true, producing heterogineous offspring remains anomalous. –
not so much hetergineous, as sometimes partaking of father & sometims of mother. – this does not seem to happen in hybrids? or does it depend on kind of animal – some producing without impregnation allude to L. Moreton's case.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023