RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Malvacei ordinis plantae novae hybridae. CUL-DAR116.68-73. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 8.2015. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1786. Malvacei ordinis plantae novae hybridae. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 1782 (part 2): 251-288.
Act. Acad. 1782. Part II..p. 251
Lavatera triloba ♀ (Spain G. Don.)
― olbia ♂ (S. of Europe G. – )
Inverse experiment Hybrids similar
Many hybrids thus produced on 3 years. intermediate between parents, but of greater stature (N.B. there have been cases if this before. is it like hybrid pheasants being larger). Faecundity of these hybrids. "maxime quidem imminuta, sed non pariter extincta."
p. 252.
Lavat. Hyb. } triloba ♀
olbia ♂
"sprinkled with own pollen"
produced some plants which appeared like to ♀ than to L. Olbia
p.253. on following year other plants, "sponte nata" from this hybrid, some more resembled mother, some more to father, than in first hybrid state. –
(a)(a) It does not appear from all the facts of Koelreuter that Hybrids increase in fertility in succeeding generations. – Nor do I see why thy should except when as here thy are crossed with one parent & then it is very odd.
p.253. L. thuringiaca. ♀ (Germany H.)
L. triloba ♂ (Spain G.)
one Flower –
From these seeds five hybrids sprung, intermediate between parents, "nec minoris faecundatis quam istae Exper. I"
Inverse experiment produced many flowers, quite similar to foregoing
p. 254. L. Hyb. L. thuring ♀ L. triloba ♂ ♀
L. triloba ♂
The capsules of the Hyb. ♀. partly quite empty aa partly with two or three good seeds. Some plants, sprung from these, more resembled L. triloba, than in first hybrid descent.
p. do
Lav. Hyb. L. thuring ♀
L. triloba ♂
"Semina sponte nata"
Produced plants, wh. (if I understand) greatly took after L. triloba. "tam ratione florum, quam foliorum."
I ought to notice this
23 (23
respectu, cum Lav. triloba quam maxime conveniebant." If so did not take after German parent. –
p. 254.
L. thuring ♀
L. olbia ♂
Plants intermediate between parents
p. 255
Malva sylvestris flor. albo ♀ (Britain)
― mauritana. fl. carmes ♂ (S. of Europe H.)
Loudon makes consid. differences
In Gaertner p 706 (a) but M. Mauritiano sylvestris, hybrid, with own pollen. (Z)!!!
Hybrids hence sprung pale scarlet ac incorrupta faecunditate praeditos – Linnaeus Syst. gives them as species Hence concludes only variety. –
Inverse experiment gave just same plants
p. do.
M. capensis. → Scrabrosa γ. ♀ scabra is from Peru –
– capensis β ♂ Cape of G. Hope
Hybrids intermediate & of complete fertility. hence are not species
Not in Linnaeus Syt. Nat.
Cavanilles Monadelphiae Class; dissert. 1785 for Alcaea or Althaea.
It seems that crossing makes flowers sport in colour, rather than come intermediate
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Acta Acad. 1782
p. 256.
not in Gaertner
Alcea ficilifol. Hollyock flor. carmes ♀ – Levant – H. –
A. rotundifolia not in Steudel – ♂ no doubt A. rosea – not in Don. - not in Persoon or Loudon
(1) crossed ♀ with ♂ profunde sanguineo. & produced purple hybrid with simple flower.
(2) crossed ♀ with ♂ multipl. atro-purpureo & produced double flowered profunde purple hybrid.
(3) crossed ♀ carmin with♂ fl. multip. sulphurreo, & produced one single pale sulphur & another double do. – (Red no effect) on th yellow ♂
These hybrids intermediate between in foliage & equally fertile & therefore says Linnaeus was right in suspecting the above were merely varieties.
A. rotundifol. flor. alb ♀
A. ficifol. fl. carmes. ♂
produced, some double red & purple & one single pale red varieties. – (Had it not been for this last, where neither parent appears double – it would have been quite clear, that pollen would give inheritance of tendency to be double. – )
p. 257.
Althaea officinale β ♀ (Britain)
― cannab. ♂ (S. of Europe)
The capsules of ♀ were filled with good seeds, & likewise from inverse experiment, & young plants came up from them, but were killed too young for comparison. –
Tried in vain a vast 42 number of crosses & between species of Lavatera, Malva, Hibiscus,
Alcaea. Napoea (& many more of crosses between above genera). This is very remarkable considering of those wh. did succeed. two of the hybrids (viz I suppose foregoing Lavatera) were so fertile as to seed when impregnated with own pollen – Three crosses produced quite fertile mongrel & another probably would have
[text finishes in next item]
done so. – if plants had not been killed – How curious a contrast with some of the other genera.
[For the remainder of text on this image, see CUL-DAR116.73-75]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023