RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Lina hybrida. CUL-DAR116.73-75. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 8.2015. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1783. Lina hybrida. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 1: 339-346.
Nova Acta 1783 — Lina
not tried by Gaertner
p. 339. L. perenne ♀ Britain
L. austriacum ♂ Austria.
(on 60. flowers.) many plants, "intermediate" (means between parent) "nec omnino steriles" for the hybrid capsules 'sponte' often gave one or two good seeds. These hybrids gave many progeny ((p.341) "a priori ipsarum statu hybrido plus minusve aberrantes." They far exceeded in size &c luxuria caulium even L. perenne. — vegetated during many years & much multiplied by cuttings.
Inverse tried (viz L. aust ♀ with L. perenne) on 55 flowes same year all failed!! & yet we have seen hybrids produced of themselves seeds !!
Lina (27
one annual & other perennial!! yet satis faecundae !!
L. usitatiss. ♀ (Britain. — — )
(var. β & ζ Afr. both tried
L. narbonense.(S. of Europe H. 4)
and hybrids from inverse all "intermediate" "ac satis faecundae" The hybrids (p.341) "a priori statu hybrido haud multum abludentes."
.340. L. usitatiss. β ♀
L. do. ζ Afr. ♂ varieties yet "intermediate"
"intermediate" "ac in summo gradu faecundae " & concludes that ζ Africanum is righly esteemed as larger variety. (In Don there is a L. Africanum from C. G. Hope. G. h ie tree — this surely must be distinct species)
What beautiful gradation in degrees of fecundity in this one genus. —
Tried 20 experiments & all failed between species of this genus (between two British species) always tried in inverse ways & generally on many flowers.
N.B zz
In this paper on Dianthus fertility of Hybrids seldom mentioned, except in last experiment. — I conclude not always fertile. but we shall afterwards see that he brought back all the hybs. by crossing with one parent, to metamorphous —
See Pamphet if there be any failures — it is most remarkable if he succeeded in crossing all pinks & so many giving plenty of seeds & yong plants whilst he fails so often in mny speces other genera. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023