RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1840.04.19]. Abstract of Kölreuter, Nova Acta, etc: 324-380. CUL-DAR116.88-89. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua, edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.
Kölreuter, J. G. 1783-1802. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. St Petersburg.
(QQQ) Addend to p. 27. Nov. Act. 1795 p. 324
var (b) of the counterpart see diagram of this; (vulg flor. being mother of Hybrid father instead of alb) by mother— produced "permulta semina bona".— these sown produced seven plants which are great-grandchildren of pure ancestors parents.
One of the seven (a) "sat numerosa fœcunda" (b) peritus infœcunda ac pigmæa remainder very sterile or very few good seeds.
(p. 326) The fifteen all described. Hence we see vast variation goes on down to many generations. Of the seven offspring from (a) (which produced "sat numerosa fœcunda")- three were were in beginning of flowering infœcund, but towards autumn gave fewer pauciora good seeds — the other four were still less fœcund.—
Of the six offspring from (d) (wh. produced "semina bona perpauca") the four whose fertility is mentioned gave "sem. bon. paucissima"— several unhealthy & very late. Of the two offspring of (f) (wh produced very few good seeds) both highly infertile.= Here we have certain evidence of decrease in fertility from the grandchildren of pure parents:— (xxx) — (x back of page)
[diagram] ♂ (vul. rub. ♀ vulg. longiflr ♂) hybrid child ♀ (vulg. flor. ♀ vulg flor. ♂) = pure child —(four brothers all fertile. least fertile giving numerous non exiguus)—(b)— permulta bona sem. grandchild 1/4 of longifol. blood.— (seven plants (a) (d) (f) great grandchild) — (six fifteen plants were or great-great-grandchildren raised from (a) (d) (f) the great-grandchildren) — ((x) nine 1grt. 2grt. 3grt. grandchild from (a) See for fertility red B.)— (five 1grt. 2grt 3gr 4gr grandchild xx)
Might abstract this one case
(are not grandchildren more fertile, than any other degree of Kin.
X. N.A. 1797. p. 375. The nine grt. grt. grt. grandchild here described
3 of medium size, some yet small. some yet pigmæa.
(a) valde fœcunda. (i) sat numerosa, others nearly as fertile.
so (c) peritus sterilis others equally sterile. (a) was ad vulg. flo. jam valde accedens.—
others all described, but do not seem very greatly to differ.
The brothers in most of these descents vary much in fertility
Scale of fertility of actual descents
Hybrid child. = parvum numerum bon. sem.
grandchild with half pure blood. = permulta bona semina
grt. grd. chi = sat numeros fœcunda
grt. grt grd ch = in autumn only semina b pauciora
grt. grt grt grd ch = fertility not mentioned
grt grt grt grt grand ch = do
do p. 376) Here fertility seems not to have decreased in this last generation.
Nine other first cousins (ie children of same grt. grt. grandchildren) are described which do not differ so very much from each other, all of nearly same colour; some unhealthy & small with flowers only just open most of medium size. Fœcundity of only four mentioned. "Many ripe seeds, but most in vain".—
p. 378. 4 others cousins described very sterile & some unhealthy. —Also 7 others very briefly described, & nothing said of fertility
xx. do. p. 380) — five 1 grt. 2 grt 3 gr 4 grt grandchild described, fertility of parent not mentioned, of fertility of grandfather, I believe am not certain from doubtfulness of reference.— These (4 grt)-grandchild very briefly described & nothing said of fertility
(p. 330) Counterpart of foregoing experiment.
(a) produced "semina fœcunda non pauca": from these were raised eight great-grandchildren of pure parents.
(a & b) sem. bon. pauca
(c) (h) sat multa
(d) (e) perpauca
(g) [illeg] very late flowering unum alternumve bonum semen. (no decrease in fœcundity here not at all strongly marked if at all
(f) not mentioned.
N.B. All these 8 plants took after parent in peculiar erect habits, thick stems, & large leaves (Köl. remark's)— The individual descriptions shorter & I apprehend rather less variation: —
♂ (vulg alb. ♀) pure child ♀ (vulg. rub. ♀) longiflor ♂ hybrid child— (two brothers equally fœcund; the fourth perpauca bona) — (a) grandchild — (eight great grandchildren)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 September, 2023