RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Kölreuter, Nova Acta, etc, 1795-1797. CUL-DAR116.92-102. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua, edited by John van Wyhe 7-8.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR116 contains abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède.

Kölreuter, J. G. 1783-1802. Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. St Petersburg.

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Nova Acta 1795.

p. 305 Jala: {vulg. rub ♀ longifol flora ♂} ♀ (grandchild of vulg. rub.)

{longifol flora ♂. (V. back of page)

produced this plant produced four (the great-grand-children seeds mentioned in last page) plants with 1/8 part of blood of J. vulg. rub)— one quite sterile, one with few seeds — The four differed or sported considerably.—

p. 306. Great-grandchildren of another but previously similar experiment with J. vulg. f alb. in place of rub. Produced four plants differing from each other, but all late in vegetation and all very considerably sterile; one of immense size.—

p. 307. Describes minutely four experiments, vide 2d diagram at back of page (the exact counterparts of those given at p. 24 suprà) Grandchildren he described) Jalap. Dichot. forming the hybrid parent in lieu of J. Longiflora. — Each plant of each cross (separately described) differed from each other but possessed some qualities in common — in one cross the leaves of Cotyledons were all permagna.— the seeds in (in anoth one plant seeds still resembled in form those of J:. longiflora!)


Example described on front page


(longifol ♀ do ♂) pure child (vulg. rub ♀ longiflo ♂) ♀ Hybrid child (a b.) grandchild of pure parents ─ (both (a) & (b) produced "haud exiguus numero semina bonorum") ─ four great-grand children 1 quite sterile, 1 with few)

so that sterility seems to have increased

T is the degree of kin described:

In. N. A. 1797. p. 377.) Four offspring of (T), do (which was in this case of equal fœcundity with the vulg.) are briefly described, nothing said of their fertility — two very small.

p. 388) Four other offspring, from direct brother of T. (wh was in this case of same fertility with pure parents) their fertility not mentioned; don't appear unhealthy.

p. 390) six grt. grandchildren described (of counterpart experiment with other variety of vulg.) counterpart father T. has same fertility with parent pure vulg: of these six, 3 highly fertile, two less so. & one penitus sterilis.

p. 392) Of one of above six (wh had plurima bona sem) there were produced 3. grt. grt. grandchildren their fertility not mentioned, do not seem to vary greatly.—

2d diagram

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same cross varied much in form, size & colour &c &c.—

Most of these plants seem decidedly much more fertile that those of the counterpart experiment with Longiflora. — (which is odd for I believe from prefatory notes that dichotoma seeds less than longiflora & yet is not odd for hybrid J. vulg=dichotoma is nearly as fertile as parents)) — Several of these grandchildren are said to be as fertile as any one of the varieties of Vulg.— some as the hybrid parent (wh is very fertile) some very few rather less.— I believe it would be more correct to say that fertility in these crosses has not sported nearly so much as in the counterpart; none certainly one only being "longe inferiore" being so barren & perhaps, as some few of the former. which are said to have "numerus permagnus".—

p. 312. In another counterpart experiment viz of

J. Hy. {vulg. rub. ♀ dichotoma ♂} ♀ J. dichotoma ♂. — {This is the hybrid wh. was so fertile that K: doubts the species being distinct except from size of plants

Produced two plants, which as was natural took after dichotoma & "modicum numerum" of good seeds. (I should think fertility here retrograde) (aa)


aa N.A. 1797 p. 391.

one of these grandchildren crossed with pure ♂ longiflora produced one chi great-grandchild "plenarie sterilis", but closely resembling the hybrid of of vulg. rub ♀ with longiflor ♂ —

This is odd, as there is in this descent only 1/8 blood of vulg. rub— 3/8 of dichot & 4/8 of longiflora.—

This is one of the odd cases showing special rule

[Diagram not transcribed]]


m.m x) p. 32

Nov. Act. 1797. p. 400 399. Additamenta to these experiments one of this hybrid "sponte" producing grandchildren "sat copiosa semina bona". (21 planta vastissimi ambitus" even greater than hybrid mother

(3) I observe & other several cases have before been given of "seeds to appearance good but cassa"— (others I remember never ripened ( (4) "ast sub initio incrementa mascescentia, licet eorum perfectioni tempus opportunum, haud defuerit".— in other similar case "marcore collapsa". Several of these plants of mediocris size & some equal & exceeding hybrid.; some small & pigmæa.— scarcely any unhealthy, though many many produced seeds, but could not ripen them— All excessively sterile some producing "pauca" & some not mentioned except (1) above mentioned — 32 are here described.

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p. 313 J. Hyb. {vulg. rub ♀ longiflo. ♂} —this is same experiment as that given at p. 27. only sponte nata.

sem. sponte nata. (grandchildren)— progeny of this hybrid (& of three others with the other varieties of the J. vulg.) each separately described— from 2 to 8 6 plants produced by each. These vary very much, one from other, I daresay more than those above described, where Hybrid has been crossed with pure parent. (mm +) All (13 plants) whole all of 7 generation excessively sterile; the one most fertile gave "parvum numerum" another "semina-pauca bona" another "unicum bonum ast insolienter magnum" another had flores "innumerossissimi", but had "vix unum alterumve bonum semen".— The rest nearly all "peritus steriles."—

One of two seem to have been unhealthy & several with foliis vesiculoris — some with very peculiar smell.— some still like Hybrid, others more like J. longiflora or like J. vulg. — In one cross plant, the beginning of impregnation took place in many flowers & their calices were persistent, but ovaries afterwards were*à m.m.m great-grand-children described decayed another do but produced much depressed dead seeds — In another plant vis vegetiva so slow, that few flowers were perfected.

[32 bis]

m m m added to p. 32

These nine vary greatly: one approached closely to vulg. Most of the others to longiflor — several were dwarf — one never flowered, though it vegetated early.

(a) "seminum bon. numerus haud exiguus." several only one or two good seed; several "semina perpauca",— one gave no good seed.— This excessive sterility is not as great, if not greater, than in the (counterpart-parent crosses with other varieties of J. vulg, (or grandchildren of pure parents). = I say in the counterpart experiments because of same cross with same variety of vulg. flor. only 2 no. V. addi grandchildren were raised.—

[Diagram:] (vulg flor. ♀ longifol. ♂) hybrid child sponte nata gen ─ (counterparts of this experiment with the other varieties of vulg. excessively sterile) — See whether any one var generally more fertile. ─ (a) two grandchildren of pure parents: one semina pauca bona: the other late flowering & dead seeds. ─ (nine great grandchildren (g))

à (z) one great. great-grandchild plani sterilis & (5 cousins) (zz) (3 cousins 1 cousin) ─

(three. grt. grt. grt. grandchild. QQ:)

(NB. In additamenta p 403. 1797: 14 hybrid grandchildren of exact same parentage are described. all excessively infertile vix nonnulla sem. bon. being most fertile à

(z) N. A. 1797. p. 373.) (g), (one of the nine grt-grd child which were pigmæa) had only one good seed, & this one produced the gr-grt. grd. child. "plani sterilis plant very weak,— flower not well open & stamens very short, hidden in bottom of tube.— //zz. do p. 381. Fife cousins from (a) one of the nine (wh had numerus haud exiguus) of these 5 fertility of two only mentioned, one "tota infœcunda" other "perpauca". —//zz. do. p. 382; 3 cousins one progeny, two small from parent, wh had "perpauca", two one infœcund, two never flowered; the fourth cousin, from parent whi had "semina nonnulla", fertility of is not mentioned. #QQ. do p. 392 Three (3 grt) grandchildren from a parent, (whose fertility is not mentioned, but one of whose brothers tota infœcund, other perpauca) their fertility not mentioned, seem to vary very greatly,— one has "status valde præternaturalis."

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p. 316.— Progeny of Hybrid {J. vulg. & all its varieties ♀ J. dichotoma ♂.(n.n) (adden)

This was the very fertile hybrid

(Counterpart of last experiment dichot. replacing longiflora) sponte nata were 28 in number & each separately described, wh show how great the variation is — indeed it is wonderful. (frequent in form of seed → see Back of p. 44 & colour of anthers B.)— These progeny are more numerous than in last experiment, wh is what might have been expected, as the union of Hybrid J. vulg— with dichotoma was saidso fertile as only known to be hybrid by greater stature of plants raised. —

Of the 28 exactly half seem to be more fertile than hybrid parent, in the above half — many equal to J. vulg (comparison is never made with J. dichot). several with greater fertility than vulg (a) — some are said to be "fertilitatis conspicuæ" other "valde, other "& penitusque" fœcundæ". others "bonis seminibus feracissima" — Of the other half,


(b) time of flowering varies much in one case very much sooner than any of its progenitor & another so late, that flowers never perfected): takes after often either parent:

"fœcundita (a) J. vulg. var flav. superior"


n n. addend to p. 33). N.A. 1797 p. 383 to p. 389.—

p. 33 of foregoing M.S of mine treats of grandchildren: here we treat of great grandchildren & shall give fertility of each grandchild & its great grandchildren

(Vulg. & all variety ♀ dichotoma ♂) Hybrid Child) [diagram not transcribed]

(1) grandchild (b) "satis fœcundæ x", offspring four three of which pygmæa and excessively sterile, one good size & "sat copiosa."

(2)(e) grandchild "fertilititis haud exiguæ"; offspring. 1 "sat magna" 1 "pauca"

(3f) "feracissimus x": offspring 4, two of small stature "pauca" & "perpauca" — the two other offspring of moderate stature. "valde modicus numerus" and "haud exiguus"

(remarkable shows fertility not necess inheritable)

(4a) less fœcund. than J. vulg: offspring 2. both small & very sterile

(5b) valdè fœcundus x: offspring 7; 5 "sat numerosa". 1 "copiosa". 1. fertility not mentioned & only one of stature

(6f) non admodum fœcund perhaps on account of late flowering: offspring 8, all fine large plants.— 3 "perpauca" 5 "sat numerosa".

x (7i) fœcundity superior. vulg: fœcundity of offspring not mentioned

(N.B (a) (4a)/5b,/6f,/7i/. are brothers of same cross with same var of vulg with dichot ♂)

(8a) fertilitatis conspicuæ: offspring 4; neither size or fertility mentioned.

zz. p. 389. we have seen These three grt. grt. grand children do not seem to differ much. Their fertility nor their size not mentioned, nor as we have seen is that of their parents, their grandfather (which is grandchild of pure parents) has "fœcund sup. vulgari."—

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several are considerably less fertile than in parent hybrid state: several have some mainly of fertilitatis mediocris the most infertile produce "perpauca bona semina", (a) not many of these.— *Now No See addiment to p. 33 after these facts it is absurd to doubt that endless generations could be raised (but fœcundity not strictly inherited) of true hybrids — No

infertility & great size shows they are indisputably hybrids & yet when from three crosses 14 highly fertile plants are raised, it is conclusive.— Give this case in detail. (The three varieties are white, red, yellow— mem. — "sponte nata".—)

Several of these plants are of great size.— one that (vulg. rub: ♀  dichot ♂) which has "fertilitatis conspicuæ" is "planta vasti ambius quo parentes naturales longe superabat." also of great weight. —(Hence size is hereditary & not effect of infertility. though K. in one former place attributed this or late flowering ?? to this cause —)

p 323) There is second case of Hybrid equal superior in fertility to one? parent J. vulg flor. yet of "vastissimi ambius ac altitudinis valde conspicuæ."


(a) Nov. Act. 1787. p. 407. In additamenta; one offspring of this hybrid is mentioned which is "plane sterilis".— Another gra hybrid grand child child of (J. vulg flav. ♀ & J. dichot ♂) than "Hi flores — —, had this singularity, ut tempore vespertino reclusi, lobis suos, ad modum Lilii Martagon, plane reflexerint."— See what this lily does — very curious

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Jalap. Hyb. {dichot ♀ longifoli. ♂}

six plants sponte nata.— (6 more described in Additamenta. N.A. 1797. p. 407. none seem unhealthy, one never opened flower, fertility not mentioned. three took most decidedly after longiflor, other do not seem to take after dichot) Of these six, only one grew to large size & took closely after J. longifol. (as did another) & was plane sterilis — one of moderate size & whole five other four pygmæa & small; & many with rubigo & foliis vesiculis. either did not flower or flowered so late that good for nothing & did not open. = A most wretched set (curiously light in weight worse than those described at p. 27=

This is what might have been expected for when pure parents were crossed only two four p. 22. M.S. plants were raised (so that one of them having produced 6 gran children, (grandchildren of pure species) is odd) whereas when J. vulg & all its varieties were crossed with J. dichotoma & longiflora plures plantes were produced. — We have seen that these produced each between 2 & 12 grandchildren, which would not have been described as "plures".—

(It is as if Hare & rabbit crossed, & they produced large litters (wh from what we see in Horse & Ass we might expect) but that these litters reproduced smaller litters;— though of these grandchildren of Hare & rabbit some would be "conspicuæ fertilitatis".— others very sterile)


(a) This unhealthiness (only one case approximately know in animals Pallas's case of Buffaloes with ox) tends to support my view — it is only present in the most excessively sterile plants. — ie those wh. can only just live under the conditions.—

As varieties of man & quadrupeds become acclimatised, & varieties plants vary so much constitutionally— it cannot be the discordance so much of these constitutional points, as of those wh. harmonise functions of all organs into one whole. —

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(Much of this part of vol. has been entered in different parts of foregoing M.S.)

p 33 Jalap. vulg. alb. ♀ ― vulg. flav. ♂

1795 N. Act

Inverse experiment gave similar plants & all these were of a violet carmine colour suffused with yellow & orange.— K. says it is strange this colour arising from such a cross. whereas in crossing var Verbasa of similar colours such an effect did not arise. (refers to Germ. pamphlet for these cases of Verbasa)

Nova. Acti 1797 p. 393) gives cross & inverse cross between two [illeg] Jalappæ which were similarpl result, though parents not quite same.─ Red

p. 394. gra these grandchildren of J {vulg rub ♀ ― flav. ♂} one yellow, another scarlet with slight tinge of orange

a third with another kind of tinge

seven great grandchildren, divisible into four classes of colour

nine great grt grandchildren from two of the grt grandchildren, divisible into three classes of colour

I mention this to show varieties sport. when crossed & show degr number of seeds which germinated equal to above described Hybrids. —

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 5 September, 2023