RECORD: Darwin, Francis. n.d. References from Botanische Zeitung 1878-1879. CUL-DAR133.19.44-45. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Bot Z 1879
Bail — Zwitterblüthen bei Carex Goodenoughii; androgynes Weidenkätzchen —
Bericht über die I Versamml der West Pr. bot-zool Vereins zu Danzig 1878
Batalin Cleistogamic flowers in Caryophylleæ Acti Horti Petrop Tom V Fasc ii 1878 p 287
ü Bennett Notes on Cleistogamic flowers — Viola, chiefly of Oxalis Impatiens
Linn Soc No 101 1879
ü Bonnet E Bull Soc Bot France xxv, 1878 De la Disjonction des sexes dans l' Evonymus Euroæpus
Three kinds of flowers hermaphrodites which are sterile & fall off; males & female with dwarfed pistil & stamens respectively
Errera & Gevaert — Heterostylism of P. elatior
Bull Soc R. Bot Belg T VII 1879
Henslow Androgynofus mistletoe Linn Soc 1879 Jan 6
BZ 1878 Zostera
Ludwig — Cleistogamic Collomien, BZ 1878 p 739
ü Scharlok On Collomien flowers BZ 1878 p 641 3 kinds of Flowers
Grisebach Drude — "Dimorphism" of Wissenschaften Göthing 1878 (no page) — Abstr Bot Z 1878 p 7[illeg]
Drude on same subject in Sitzb der Versamm
[text excised] deutscher Naturf zu 1878
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 18 July, 2023