RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1856.05.15. In Dr Grays manual there are 689 genera with 2004 species. CUL-DAR15.2.21,21a-21b. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR15.2 contains calculations and tables for Darwin's 'big book' Natural Selection F1583.
Gray, Asa. 1856. Manual of the botany of the northern United States: second edition; including Virginia, Kentucky, and all east of the Mississippi: arranged according to the natural system. New York: George P. Putnam.
In Dr Grays Manual there are 689 genera with 2004 species subtracting the 369 genera with single species, we have 689 [-] 369 [=] 320
2004 2004
2004 [-] 369 [=] 1635 [÷] 320 [=] 5.11
So that the genera excluding the genera with single species have 5.11 species per genus. —
But Dr gray has not marked in his M.S list Salix: with 22 sp & as Carex has so very many viz 126 (with many of these close) these two may be left out. Then we shall have 318/1638 [-] 148 [=] 1487 1 /4.67
(If we further leave out aster with 35 sp. & solidago with 31 species
(no good reason to do this) [calculations not transcribed]
Now Asa Gray has marked for me 115 genera with 733 close species (N. B he has marked more than half the species (with Carex Salix & species of single genera omitted)); therefore, but the species of Salix & carex here omitted, now these 115 genera have on average (115/733 (6.37) whe but the other genera, ( see above) with which this number is comparable, have on average 4.67; hence the genera with "close species" have 1.7 on average more species. — How funnily the same as H. Watson viz 1.68 see Back
(If aster with 35 sp & solidago with 31 sp be omitted then the genera with close species have only 5.90 species on average, & 4.49 is standard of comparison, but I see no good reason to omit these genera.)
In the Manual, subtracting the genera salix & carex, & the 369 genera with single species, & 121 genera with 2 species, there is left 197 genera having more than 2 species in each. These species amount 1245. Therefore each genus has on average 6.32 species; But the 32 genera marked in Dr Grays list, as having 3 or more species "close" have on average 11.28 species: so that same result brought out very strong. (even if aster & solidago be omitted the average is 9.50 so much larger than 6.32.)
In Dr Gray Manual these 532 genera with 1431 species now subtracting the 369 genera with single species, we have
532 [-] 369 [=] 163
1431 [-] 369 [=] 1062 [÷] 163
Genera with 3 or more "close species", abstracted from Dr. Grays M.S. List
no' species in Genus Ranunculus 16 Viola 17 Silene 12 Cerastium 5 Polygala 13 Œnothera 7 Viburnum 9 Hedyotis 5 Liatris 5 Eupatorium 13 Aster 35 Solidago 31 Helianthus 16 Artemisia 6 Nabalus 9 Dipleuranthus 3 Gerardia 8 17 210
no' species in Genus Onosmodium 3 Cuscuta 7 Polygonum 20 Callitriche 4 Quercus 18 Abies 5 Corallorhiza 4 Platanthera 16 Juncus 20 Cyperus 15 Suipus 14 Agrostis 6 Poa 10 Festuca 6 Triticum 3 15 151 [calculations not transcribed] 17 32 So that these genera have on average 11.28 species per genus. |
Another & fairer way of working is this. The genera which have not close species are (318 - 165 =) 203 & these include (1487 - 733=) 754 species, so that 203/754 (3.71
The genera with close species having 6.37
May 15/56
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 7 September, 2023