RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Henrietta Darwin. 1864.03.20-04.12. Eccremocarpus Scaba. CUL-DAR157.2.2. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volumes CUL-DAR157.1-2 contain notes, abstracts etc. for Darwin's long paper and later book Climbing plants (1865). It was also commercially available as a softbound offprint, F834, F834a. See R. B. Freeman's bibliographical introduction. Items CUL-DAR157.11-60 were in a folder marked "Twiners". Items CUL-DAR157.61-112 were in a folder marked "Leaf-climbers" and items CUL-DAR157.114-147 were in a folder marked "Tendrils". Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Eccremocarpus Scaba [Scaber] March 20th 1864
Tendril gives out two lateral branches & bifurcates at end two terminal branches — each branch bifurcates twice & ends in a blunt double hook wh. is in fact another bifurcation— all the branches & branchlets are sensitive- terminal portion rubbed gently two or three times on the lower side slightly curved downwards in 9'.— in between 3° & 4° became parallel to base— in between 8° & 9° had become nearly straight again but never recovered quite its former position.
The t. rubbed laterally did not move so quick- viz in 20'. the t. when it catches nothing curls up irregularly & spirally— hence organisation of t. highly complex, but the t. is rather short, about equal to the leaf wh. carries it— but what is odd the t. has
no spontaneous movement nor have the shoots.
These are stiff, & as the plant grows it is simply secured. Peduncles of leaves not sensitive- where tips of t. bends from touch basal parts bends. We see high perfection & imperfection going together.
April 12th — In Hothouse I find that neither shoot nor tendril have any spontaneous movement
With respect to action of t. in some respect analogous to capreolata — but does not as a whole seek darkness & tips do not form balls — Yet when given a moderate sized stick it or piece of bark, it continually lifted up its branches, & thus not infrequently hook to stick or bark. — the object of this was to turn hook to surface— & to spread out like a fluid — but alternately by spiral contraction drawn off— on bark adhered — wh When thin stick or twig given it, caught because t. came over & caught object— Did not care for loose tow, (so differs fr Capreol) but fixed would act. — But by far best action is in Asparagus — grass — bristles; for extreme tips of branches have strongest tendency to curl abruptly round some vin very thin objects—
Describe, really pretty a faggot made
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 July, 2023