RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].06.29-07.08. Corydalis Himalaya. CUL-DAR157.2.93-94. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volumes CUL-DAR157.1-2 contain notes, abstracts etc. for Darwin's long paper and later book Climbing plants (1865). It was also commercially available as a softbound offprint, F834, F834a. See R. B. Freeman's bibliographical introduction. Items CUL-DAR157.11-60 were in a folder marked "Twiners". Items CUL-DAR157.61-112 were in a folder marked "Leaf-climbers" and items CUL-DAR157.114-147 were in a folder marked "Tendrils". Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Corydalis Himalaya— June 29th—.
Made more than large in 4° 30' with sun.—
Whether t. moved separately, I know not.; but 3 internode beneath upper leaf moved. —
Tendril is a branch modified— twice branched, ends a little hooked —
Shaking stopped for some hours revolution & t. became much bowed, slowly became straight. — (t. twice bifurcated irregularly) [sketch]
June 30th made very small & then did not complete larger one. in 9° 15' —
31' moved very little
July 5th Movement of t. watched & painted it moved greatly & rapidly; but course very difficult to describe. — may be said to have made ellipses but as whole shoot move became more perpendicular & then inclined these ellipses & oval were changed into great zig-zag & spiral & figure of 8 [see CUL-DAR157.2.92]
Point of t. blunt hooked.
Tendril seizes stick between fork or on one side
lines — One shoot made 3, a figure, representing 3 1/2 ellipse in 6° 17. — Another made 3 ellipses in 5° 48' — A figure 8 with end open, nearest uppermost; which was recorded, to an ellipse was performed in 1° 53' —: this agrees with above
(It is certain that t. move irregularly like the internodes, which were secured)
(July 8th The hooks at ends not sensitive. — Rubbed terminal & basal parts of t. of 2 stems, one bent slightly in 30' & much in 42'. The others slightly in 42'— basal part less & very slightly bent. — a side branch became curved after similar 4 or 5 light rubs with twig, & in 35' one was just perceptibly bent.
Say in 1/2 hour or rather more— so not very sensitive.— Certainly sensitive on all sides, — T. became straight after rubbing not in 10° but in 20°.─
Corydalis Himalaya
5 1/2 inches of thread acted possibly doubtfully but not permanently 5 10 inches plainly acted, & on extreme curved tips close to Hooks.—
The t. after clasping thickens much in a day or two. — & became rigid.—
(2 1/2 inch of thread 1/16' caused flexure occasionally
[illeg] Bend downward & backward, but do not contract spirally— When seize have seized flexure from straight became irregularly curved— a trace of spiral contraction—
Climb well— — Hooks do not turn to sticks— only of slight mechanical service in for catching─
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 July, 2023