RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Floating seed experiments. CUL-DAR157a.91. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Sink under 4 days |
Float between 4 & 10
Float more than 10 |
Morello Gooseberry Black Red} currant Raspberries Cowslip Plantain Sweet Pea Strawberry Wheat Phleum Dock Lotus corniculatus Honeysuckle Lathyrus sylvestris Helosciadium Yew berries Erythrina Oats Dactylis Matricularia Ranunculus arvensis
―B. aquifolium Broom Viburnum. Alisma plantago Blackberries Orleans Plum Dictamnus Eschotzia Cotoneaster Geum Viscaria Arum Charlock (36) x |
Grundsel Prunella vulgaris Calamintha Centaurea nigra Juncus aculiptius Iris spanish. Papaver phlæas Antirrhinum Campanula Sycamore. Narthecium Ragwort Lettuce Inula
Epilobium Pæony Crataegus american Turkish Acorns. 18 |
Silene inflata 12-13 Mountain ash 1 Berry - 18-19 Scotch Fir 13-14 Stachys Sylvatica 12-13 Magnolia 11.-12 Gilliflower 11-12 Chiococca (1) 10-11 Kidney Bean 17-18 Spanish Cht 12-13 Juniper ber 12-13
(15/94) |
over 15 under 25 days
over 40 up to 90 or thrown away 30- 60 |
60-90 |
Lychnis dioica 21-22 days Wahlenbergia 23-24 Barberry 20-21 Asparagus 22-23 Nuphar luteus 23-24 Mountain Ash. 18-19 (6) [calculations not transcribed] average 21 1/2 days |
Carex water 57 Horse Chesnut 48-49. [calculations not transcribed] (average of these 7 plants 67 days, but 2 floated longer than my Patience)
Sparganium 3 Scarlet nonpareil 75-76 Euonymus 60.
Typha latifolia 90 days thrown away 5 |
under 4 days |
Clematis Tomato Mulberry Laburnum Nuts Spanish Pink Tropæolum Convolvulus Drosera Oak Carrot Hawthorn Agrimony Walnuts Laurel Lilac Sw Briar Arbutus 18 [+] 36 [=] 54 |
Under 10 days 54 [+] 18 [=] 72 / 94
(I chose many Fruits)
over 10 up to 90
9 [+] 6 [+] 2 [+] 5 [=] 22 / 94
(sticks & leaves.)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 July, 2023