RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. References for Variation under Domestication. CUL-DAR193.100. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR193 contains notes for Darwin's book Variation under domestication (1865-75).
Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [1878-1908]. Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: Quarto. CUL-DAR252.5.
Var. under Domestication
X 8vo. Pamp. (556) B. Dawkins on age of Bos longifrons only Historic
[Variation 2d ed. 1: 85: "Bos longifrons (or brachyceros) of Owen.—This very distinct species was of small size, and had a short body with fine legs. According to Boyd Dawkins40
40 W. Boyd Dawkins on the British Fossil Oxen, 'Journal of the Geolog. Soc.,' Aug. 1867, p. 182. Also 'Proc. Phil. Soc. of Manchester,' Nov. 14, 1871, and 'Cave Hunting,' 1875, p. 27, 138."]
p 14 Dog — D
p 18 Graf Rutimeyer error.—
p 18 cattle.—
p 20 on the Chillingham cattle.
[Variation 2d ed. 1: 84: "This is likewise the opinion of Nilsson. Bos primigenius existed as a wild animal in Cæsar's time, and is now semi-wild, though much degenerated in size, in the park of Chillingham; for I am informed by Professor Rütimeyer, to whom Lord Tankerville sent a skull, that the Chillingham cattle are less altered from the true primigenius type than any other known breed.38
38 See, also, Rütimeyer's 'Beiträge pal. Gesch. der Wiederkäuer Basel,' 1865, s. 54."]
8vo. Pamph (563) Godron — on pelorism of Fumaria
p 8 Hereditary.
8vo Pamph (571) Pringsheim on spores of Algæ perhaps bears on Pangenesis. Translated & good in Annals & Mag of N. Hist. 1870 p. 273 — Relation of Conjugation
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 352: " Sexual Generation.—The union of the two sexual elements seems at first sight to make a broad distinction between sexual and asexual generation. But the conjugation of algæ, by which process the contents of two cells unite into a single mass capable of development, apparently gives us the first step towards sexual union: and Pringsheim, in his memoir on the pairing of Zoospores,7 shows that conjugation graduates into true sexual reproduction.
7 Translated in 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' April 1870, p. 272."]
8vo Pamp (578) Wilder on extra digits.
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 457: "Occasionally there are several supernumerary digits; but usually only one, making the total number six. This one may be attached to the inner or outer margin of the hand, representing either a thumb or little finger, the latter being the more frequent. Generally, through the law of correlation, both hands and both feet are similarly affected. Dr. Burt Wilder has tabulated28 a large number of cases, and finds that supernumerary digits are more common on the hands than on the feet, and that men are affected oftener than women.
28 'Massachusetts Medical Society,' vol. ii. No. 3; and 'Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. xiv. 1871, p. 154."]
8vo Pamph. (581) Wilckens on alpine habit affecting form of limbs & Hoofs— Use.
8vo Pamph. (590) p. 35 Magnus on change from grafting. P
(Tyndall in Lecture on Imagination does not object on account of size of gemmules.)
(8vo X Pamp. 616) wild ass of Africa not always striped on legs.
(do. 632) p. 1 Scudder — if stump of femur of leg of Orthopt. removed, new limb not regenerated Pangenesis. see also Hackel (8vo Pamp. 624)
Pang p 79 on different parts of larvæ of Siphonphora having different powers of regeneration.
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 359: " The walking-stick insect, Diapheromera femorata, like other insects of the same order, can reproduce its legs in the mature state, and these from their great length must be liable to be lost: but the capacity is localised (as in the case of the salamander), for Dr. Scudder found,27 that if the limb was removed within the trochanto-femoral articulation, it was never renewed.
27 'Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. xii., 1868-69, p. 1."]
Journal Proc. of Zoolog. Soc. 1868 Part III.
p 623 On Breeding of Animals in Z. Garden by Sclater.
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 131: "My materials are derived from notices scattered through various works, and especially from a Report, kindly drawn up for me by the officers of the Zoological Society of London, which has especial value, as it records all the cases, during nine years from 1838-46, in which the animals were seen to couple but produced no offspring, as well as the cases in which they never, as far as known, coupled. This MS. Report I have corrected by the annual Reports subsequently published up to the year 1865.10
10 Since the appearance of the first edition of this work, Mr. Sclater has published ('Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 1868, p. 623) a list of the species of mammals which have bred in the gardens from 1848 to 1867 inclusive. Of the Artiodactyla 85 species have been kept, and of these 1 species in 1.9 have bred at least once during the 20 years; of 28 Marsupialia, 1 in 2.5 have bred; of 74 Carnivora, 1 in 3.0 have bred; of 52 Rodentia, 1 in 4.7 have bred; and of Quadrumana 75 species have been kept, and 1 in 6.2 have bred."]
p 626 Summary Also. 1869 Part III.
p. 627 list of Birds
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 136: "Birds offer in some respects better evidence than quadrupeds, from their breeding more rapidly and being kept in greater numbers.29
29 A list of the species of birds which have bred in the Zoological Gardens from 1848 to 1867 inclusive has been published by Mr. Sclater in 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 1869, p. 626, since the first edition of this work appeared. Of Columbæ 51 species have been kept, and of Anseres 80 species, and in both these families, 1 species in 2.6 have bred at least once in the 20 years. Of Gallinæ, 83 species have been kept, and 1 in 2.7 have bred; of 57 Grallæ, 1 in 9 have bred; of 110 Prehensores, 1 in 22 have bred; of 178 Passeres, 1 in 25.4 have bred; of 94 Accipitres, 1 in 47 have bred; of 25 Picariæ, and of 35 Herodiones, not one species in either group has bred."]
Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1869 70 Part I p. 40 Hybrids always [words excised] than part sp. Bartlett.—
[Variation 2d ed. 2: 113: "A writer stated in 185716 that he had produced Himalayan rabbits in the following manner. He had a breed of chinchillas which had been crossed with the common black rabbit, and their offspring were either blacks or chinchillas. These latter were again crossed with other chinchillas (which had also been crossed with silver-greys), and from this complicated cross Himalayan rabbits were raised. From these and other similar statements, Mr. Bartlett17 was led to make a careful trial in the Zoological Gardens, and he found that by simply crossing silver-greys with chinchillas he could always produce some few Himalayans; and the latter, notwithstanding their sudden origin, if kept separate, bred perfectly true. But I have recently been assured the pure silver-greys of any sub-breed occasionally produce Himalayans.
17 Mr. Bartlett, in 'Proc. Zoolog Soc.,' 1861, p. 40."]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 March, 2023