RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Gratiolet, De la Physionomie. CUL-DAR195.3.23-26. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR195 contains materials for Darwin's book Expression of the emotions (1872) organised roughly as: DAR195.1 blushing. DAR195.2 astonishment, fear. DAR195.3 indignation, rage, screaming, etc. DAR195.4 laughter, frowning, introduction.
p. 7. features not sole organs of expression ─ tail in dogs (Ears specially with animal, not possessed by man C.D)
17. 73} says not one muscle created for expression.
15 contracting eyes to view distant object ─ also when light too bright. ─ (great [illeg] cd [illeg] in)
17 rolling eyes signs of fear like animals. ─
18. thinks ears of quadruped being depressed from sound heard above
24 smile, mouth in easy respiration; when difficult corners of mouth drawn towards neck by the risorius, or peaussier du cou, when lower teeth exposed & upper covered by lips.
(p. 167)
26. Disgust, movement of vomiting
p. 35 the eye follows the mind, is blank when mind intent on inward image.
37. movements of billiard-player when ball goes wrong are symbolic.
42. a propos is rejected, eyes shut or turned on one side; nose & lips seem to reject bad adour; shoulder seem to reject a load.
43. man thinking deeply, if some obstacle in his thought, suspends his movements.
(p. 323 Engel)
p. 324 signs of exterior entanesent scratch Head – not eyes
47. description of joy; thinks increased circulation the first cause of expressions.
51. Astonishment with horror, pupils enormously dilated as if to see in the dark nostrils "s'affaissant" ay the moment of inspiration
p. 52 description of contempt & fury.
53. of grief, does not notice the angles of mouth.
65. His theory that sentiments reveal themselves directly, sympathetically, symbolically or metaphorically; whether these words include habit is not clear.
66. conversely expressions excite sentiments.
77. Organic movements of expression, as increased colour from action of heart, (see about gorilla)
79. The violet tints due to some obstacle in circulation.
82 to 85 circulation, respiration & colour discussed; paleness from failure of heart's action, heat.
[insertion: for impulse for anger & vomiting & yawning]
92 effects of cold & heat on colour
94. so far from explaining blushing &c. he speaks of it as a natural of his high perfection from being a social animal.
94 Skin expands & contracts with the vessel.
104 cold sweats of agony & extreme fear are like the sweats which often precede death, but the relation to the failing capillary circulation not well understood.
117 excessive laughter leads to congestion & asphyxia, & alternates almost with sobs.
121 For prolonged effort the circulation must be retarded & this effected by filling the lungs & not breathing again
126 description on sobbing — see to this
126 on trembling
144 Closing eye for distinct vision.
146 when light too bright
155 action of nose under bad smell.
160 disgust rejecting things from the mouth
167 He accounts for In dyspnæa triangular of mouth [peaufier] ─ visions ─ [horrification] ─ draw back angles of mouth – always accompanies sobbing
168 says it is zygomatic which uncovers canines in the carnivora. —
187 certain special nerves easiest touched — the most sensitive parts caressed. — Hence sides & tail wriggle in Dog!!!!!
207 argue because both eyes of infant more together cannot be effect of habit!!!
213 account by sympathy in adjoining organs for fact that dog hear cooking of food, prick ears.!
217. to concentrate attention on one scene, excludes other — shut eyes, when smelly sweet sue (Q)
218 For same cause dogs depress ears when caressed to exclude sounds!!! – so when ear is tickled!!!
221. there is moral sympathy no doubt. disagreeable sound makes eyes close, & expression of disgust in mouth
230 we listen on one side
232 all attention [illeg] effort, & then suspended respiration — forget to respire — causes (sigh/CB.) (?) "baillir" (yawn) — his one case.
234 mouth open in attentive hearing, for quietness
247 in excessive pains – shake injured limb, grinds teeth
250 violent movements influence the whole cerebral-spinal system — & [therefore] all organs — so wilt reduced excitement
253 if one attends to beating of heart, is accelerated
254 In astonishment all muscle relaxed & mouth drops open. — they are forgotten
257 paleness — result of heart forgetting to beat & pupil dilated.
283 cases of attending to pulse causing it to [inter….]!! reverses Leighton – good for Blushing —
284 imagination causing vomiting
p 290 to call a man to one — arm stretched to him to bring him to one. — the vy term aversion [thing] for a man —
322 a profoundly attentive man imitates all the actions of a deaf man.
334 Table of Passion. — see under miscellaneous
338 explanation (of C.D) of excitement of Pleasure & anger.
337. sorrow &c &c. – well described. —
345 anger, redness & paleness explained. —
346 Pupils contracted — anger dilated in fear.
350 Pride.
359 Shame, hiding, — Wildness in infants C.D
369 — Hatred & rage – uncover teeth symbolically as if to tear.
370 accompanied by contempt & disgust.
376 fear causes contortion of whole body & hence trembling
378 – pupil enormously dilated, as if to see in doubt
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022