RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1867.03. Abstract of Duchenne. CUL-DAR195.3.39-42. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2022. RN3
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR195 contains materials for Darwin's book Expression of the emotions (1872) organised roughly as: DAR195.1 blushing. DAR195.2 astonishment, fear. DAR195.3 indignation, rage, screaming, etc. DAR195.4 laughter, frowning, introduction.
March 1867: Duchenne. Abstract
p. 3 Muscles of Sourcil ─ the least obedient to iris ─ these are not [illeg] Palpebrarum eyelid.
p 6 Frontal muscle raises & curves eyebrows & raise upper eyelid. (when one look suddenly all round one, for the nerve raises eyebrows.) concentric lines on forehead: skin smooth between the 2 eyebrows, when both raised Pl. 8 Attention rising to surprise & admiration.
p. 10 Muscle of Reflexion – Orb. Palp, Sup. (portion of sphincter of eyelids.) ─ corrugates eyebrows & then makes Hair stick out obliquely ─ makes eyebrows straight & bring them down over eye' "& shades eyes" shorten forehead above ─ & makes vertical wrinkle between eyebrows Reflexion ─ "Easiest application of the mind" ─ It sourcilis Pl. 14 also acts & raises corner of eyebrow ─ "sombre thought."
p. 13 Pyramidal of nose = (descending slip of Bells-Frut-Occip.) "muscle of aggression," or Hardness not well characterised I think ─ Brings down inner corner of eyebrow & Hair between eyebrows & causes transverse furrow & is therefore opposed to "Frontalis" "sourcilier" ─ Is distinct much attached at lower end to non-base & at upper in line of eyebrows ─ It acts feebly
The young man, who had so much power over muscles of eyebrows could not in the pyramidal. I suppose separately)
Sourcilier must be lines of occip in opposition to pymid
p. 17 Monde de la Douleur. ─ Sourcilier ─ This muscle is antagonistic to the frontal, but only towards the outer end of eyebrow, for it draws down the outer end & act on this part (p. 20) conjointly with Orb. palp. sup. (Indirectly we again see Pl. 21. that the frontal is [illeg] to raise eyebrows when a person looks up. Also when trying to remember a person raises his eyebrows ─ good carrying on the notion of looking all around)
p. 17. strong light frequently (p. 23) causes spasmodic contraction of sourcilier; The raise corner of eyebrows swells when acted on by this muscle ─ (Old Greek statues from what ─ look of grief or suffering this contracted muscle gives.)
p 19. Sourcilier does not seem to be separate nerve from upper orbicular & palpebral. ─
p. 20 Sourcilier shown to be antagonistic to "pyramidal of nerve & to the Orb. Palp. sup for to raise corner of eyebrow. The San. wrinkles forehead transversely in middle & a little vertically close to end of eyebrow. p 22 considers this muscle [destral] to give expression. ─
My sole present theory is that pyramidal of nose not being obedient to will tends to contract as in lowering brow & crying & that sourcilier is led to act to keep up brow in intermediate state of mind. ─
p. 25-27 Muscle of joy or benevolence ─ (better of Laughter) ─ ie grand zygomatic which is antagonistic to "triangular of lips." ie depressor anguli oris. Its action ─ draws the lines of lip towards the ear, ie backwards & a little upwards; it hence causes a fold in check or naso-labial furrow, ─ raised 7 swells skin on the "ponanelt" (ie ball or knob of cheek) & elevates a little the lower eyelid, & consequently wrinkles transversely a skin at ex… nerves of eyes or lower eyelids.
But when smiling is quite natural & complete the orb. palp inf: (whi he shows (p. 27) is distinct muscle from orb. palp. sup) contracts at same time & this makes a furrow in lower eyelid, above which furrow eyelid is swollen. + causes more transverse wrinkles at outer end of eyes.
Lays much importance on action of Orb.. palp. inferior: (⸮ surely short person raise this muscle?)
The orb. palp. inf. "egage c"oeil" ─ it contracts under feeling of benevolence. (In Laughter I believe orb. palp. sup & inf. contract; & it is not surprising that the palp. inf. shd contract when zygomatic acts, on it actions tends to raise by itself to lower eye-lid; & secondly according to Duchenne is not under will ─; but this wd apply to cessation of crying ─ the eversion with zygomatic muscle be cause. ─
p 25. Pl. 36 shows derision senile, for eyelids closed (ie I despise you so I will not look at you) & by action of triangular of lips contempt with disgust (ie I wish not look at you, I spit
you out of my mouth.)
p. 30 Transverse muscle of nose. (I think serves to close nostril) in Pl. 41. The eyelids partially closed & with that transverse of nose contracted, expresses contempt. (I will not look at you & you stink) & with corner of mouth a little drawn down, expresses contempt & discontent.
p. 34. Triangular of lips draws down not only angle of lips but exterior part of upper lip & nostrils. ─ Remarks that this muscle where strongly acting ─ shows disgust ([therefore] must act in vomiting) ─ when slightly acting with 1/2 closed eyelids shows contempt ─ expression of grief; contrived with sourcilier expression of pain & despair.
p. 37. Muscles of crying ─ Little zygomatic & proper elevation of upper lip which p. 39 have nearly same action. ─ The L.Z. was thought by others to be muscle of laughter. It wrinkles the lower eyelid more than the great zyg. ─ The expression of crying freely or blubbering is always accompanied or require the contraction of the sphincters of eyelids; & I infer from Pl. 47 & from memory, that the eyebrows (or orbiculars) are likewise contracted. There is a close anat. connexion between (p. 38) little zygom. & muscular fibres of Orbicular, so that former sometimes cannot be excited without the latter. ─ owing to number of attachment of fibres to lips when [illeg] fleshing, these are erected during bad crying, as seen in children.
p. 39 He has never seen tears flow from moral causes without contracted of little zyg. ─ with infants, tears animal therefore by action of little zig, & free crying with contraction of sphincter of eyelids. The expression of [delirium] crying is given by conjoint action of Sourcilier in Pl. 49. very good; or rather give look of close appront to crying ─
p 40 case of man after slight apoplexy, who at slight of friend, first smiled by grt zyg, & then little zyg acted & then tears came into eyes.
p. 41. Muscle of surprise ─ action of Frontal & opening of mouth, but to give natural expression these must be coordinated in degree. There is a deep proper muscle for opening lower-jaw. ─ according to action of foregoing muscles surprise passes into stupefied astonishment well represented in Pl. 57. (N.B Hearing & sight so [accoriated] that anyone listening at key-hole always looks through attentively.)
p. 43 Peaucier of neck ─ Muscle of Fear; but the action of this muscle does not give expression by itself: The Frontal muscles of eyebrows must act with it, be opened. ─ & mouth
The Peaucier has little power of opening lower jaw, but draws the angles of mouth backwards & downwards draws down skin over which side of lower part of face & wrinkles skin of neck. The shape of mouth is certainly different from the nerve opening of astonishment. This is, because, only a shade of difference between expression of stupefied astonishment & fright. ─
Pl. 61. very good of fright. ─ Pl. 63 is good as
showing that it is natural under fear to raise from habit the eyebrows, though looking downwards I can only understand the force of Peaucier by supposing that it draws the mouth with finger force for securing, & contrary to Photograph give this appearance. ─ Duchenne accounts for actions by spasmodic contraction of muscle of skin. ie frontals & Peaucier, on same principle that hairs on quadrupeds become "lerifu". but this, Kölliker, is due * to separate involuntary number of Hairs.
Pl. 64 vy good, clear Peaucier acts with open mouth & with sourcilier, expression of agonized fear & pain; amounting to torture ─
The photographs looks as if man was going to scream. ─ Gradation to be used, surprise, astonishment, fear, dread, equating to agony & torture. ─
Dogs when going to fight & many animals make themselves look big & fierce & erecting Hair ─ A Hen does & so does a Cock [2 words illeg]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 31 August, 2023