RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1871.04. Abstract of Lemoine, De la Physionomie et la Parole. CUL-DAR195.3.59. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR195 contains materials for Darwin's book Expression of the emotions (1872) organised roughly as: DAR195.1 blushing. DAR195.2 astonishment, fear. DAR195.3 indignation, rage, screaming, etc. DAR195.4 laughter, frowning, introduction.
Lemoine April 1871
p 54 Bell's divides muscles into 3 groups as covered into mouth, eyes & nose ─ (probably that each has proper action
p. 89 good he gives quotation showing how differently disdain is expressed & explained, but all come to same point. (Quote) See Wedgwood new book on Disgust
[Expression, p. 254: "Some writers have insisted chiefly on one mode of expression, and others on a different mode. From this circumstance M. Lemoine has argued1 that their descriptions are not trustworthy.
1 'De la Physionomie et la Parole,' 1865, p. 89."]
p. 103, 105, 107, 118, 126 ─ on important recognition of expression but surely animals [keep watch] [illeg] of young and suffering
[Expression, p. 358: "Monkeys soon learn to distinguish, not only the tones of voice of their masters, but the expression of their faces, as is asserted by a careful observer.3
2 'La Physionomie et la Parole,' 1865, pp. 103, 118."]
R Blair on the Blind
Bain Senses & Intellect p 96 & p. 288 give general Theory quote
p. 121 description of grt pain, followed by depression
p 278 quote Müller that any passion or [illeg], if [illeg] may cause weeping, joy, pain, anger, rage, fear grief, sorrow trembling, [illeg] paralysis ─ of the same as am quite ignorant ─ (Quote)
[illeg] due to Passions
p. 332 ─ good sentence on association of actions, sensations & states of Feelings.
[Expression, p. 31: "Mr. Bain remarks, that "actions, sensations and states of feeling, occurring together or in close succession, tend to grow together, or cohere, in such a way that when any one of them is afterwards presented to the mind, the others are apt to be brought up in idea."5
5 'The Senses and the Intellect,' 2nd edit. 1864, p. 332."]
Bain Emotions (0) irresistible doe not cause anger p. 127
[Expression, p. 239: "If, on the other hand, he is all-powerful, then hatred passes into terror, as when a slave thinks about a cruel master, or a savage about a bloodthirsty malignant deity.1
1 See some remarks to this effect by Mr. Bain, 'The Emotions and the Will,' 2nd edit. 1865, p. 127."]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022