RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1871.04. Abstracts (many references for Expression). CUL-DAR195.3.61. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 6.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR195 contains materials for Darwin's book Expression of the emotions (1872) organised roughly as: DAR195.1 blushing. DAR195.2 astonishment, fear. DAR195.3 indignation, rage, screaming, etc. DAR195.4 laughter, frowning, introduction.
April ─ 1871
Sir H. Holland
p. 214 Chapt. on Mental Phys. on change in emotion causing cries (1s Edit)
Maudsley Phys. & of Mind p. 105 Tactile nerve of any portion of body increased by frequent experimentation Blushing
[Expression, p. 342: "When we direct our whole attention to any one sense, its acuteness is increased;40
40 Dr. Maudsley has given ('The Physiology and Pathology of Mind,' 2nd edit. 1868, p. 105), on good authority, some curious statements with respect to the improvement of the sense of touch by practice and attention. It is remarkable that when this sense has thus been rendered more acute at any point of the body, for instance, in a finger, it is likewise improved at the corresponding point on the opposite side of the body."]
p. 159 The influence of cardio-spinal system is clearly [dec…..ted] on the small arteries.
Journal of Anat. IV p. 416 Rutherford support Bernard view on action of vaso-motor ganglia ─ inhibiting &c
Berl. Revie des Coues (no 17) p. 266 accelerating respiration accelerate heart. ─ 261 irritation for Lungs redden face ─ from stomach pales face. ─
H. Spencer. 2d series p. 109 ─ Theory of Laughter
Flowing by Habitual course - This is but Theory & Habit, from being of use [line crossed] ─ First [arrow]as he describes (─ or perhaps from affecting relief, ─ only 2 pairs can cut at once Hippocrates in Gratiolet & then early utilised. – Vy complex. ─
[Expression, p. 71, n7: "H. Spencer, 'Essays, Scientific, Political,' &c., Second Series, 1863, pp. 109, 111."]
p. 118 Surplus nervous energy. ─
[Expression, p. 200: "If the mind is strongly excited by pleasurable feelings, and any little unexpected event or thought occurs, then, as Mr. Herbert Spencer remarks,5 "a large amount of nervous energy, instead of being allowed to expend itself in producing an equivalent amount of the new thoughts and emotion which were nascent, is suddenly checked in its flow."
5 'The Physiology of Laughter,' Essays, Second Series, 1863, p. 114."]
Essay on Music Voice
p. 138 Excellent definition of Emotion, not directly from sensation
Pain or swat Tick sensation
[Expression, p. 27, n1: "Mr. Herbert Spencer ('Essays,' Second Series, 1863, p. 138) has drawn a clear distinction between emotions and sensations, the latter being "generated in our corporeal framework." He classes as Feelings both emotions and sensations."]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022