RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1857. Abstract of letter from Edward Blyth 27 October 1857. CUL-DAR203.7. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR203 contains abstracts of letters from Edward Blyth. Darwin used Blyth's information in Natural selection, Origin, and Variation.
"Blyth, Edward, 1810-73. Zoologist. Neglected his druggist business at Tooting in favour of natural history and got into financial difficulties. LL2:315. CD discussed evolution with before Origin. Biographical note on: ML1:62. Wrote under pseudonyms "Zoophilus" and "Z". Helped greatly with Variation. 1835, 1837 His early views on causes reminiscent of natural selection maintaining fixity of species Mag. Nat. Hist. 8, 1835, pp. 40-53 and 1837 n.s. 1: pp. 1-9. L." (Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021.)
The abstract of Edward Blyth's letter dated 1-8 October 1855.
Abstract of all E. Blyths letter. Oct 27 1857
First letter marked with (1 in Red) (1)
p. Sheet I
Double spurs normal & variable.— in my abstract I give case of organism which wd be thought monstrous if not known in nature — case of var. in & Strzelecki in Zoolog Proc 832 p. 148 in Transaction sexual characters, somewhat abnormal wing spur also variable
(Sh. 2 p. 1)
—& Hackles in S. S………
Sh. 2. p. 1. Feet-feathers essentially different from those of Grouse & they occur over corresponding Bones (no respect to whe [illeg] & legs varying alike Mackrel— examine Trumpeters feet.)
Sh. 2 p. 1. Except Elephant no mammal with pendent years— no dog or pig wild, with curled tail
p 2. wild sheep, short-tails.
Sh. 3 p. 2 origins of Fowl, p 3 originated in East (?) (Dorking p 4 Sh. 4 Chinese)
— p. 4. — smallest & largest sheep coexist
Sh. 5 p. 2,3. Humped Indian Cattle distinct species.
— Hump much developed in Bull, & fat-tail in Rams
Sh. 6. p 3. Extraordinary rapid increase of nautilus Land-shells in Bengal
Sh 7. p. 2. good remarks on not intermedial groups.
— p. 3 Ponys, Lap-dogs, Bantam not due to want of food
p 4. on certain wild Indian Dogs wanting a certain molar
Sh 8 —— p. 1 Dentition of dogs, domesticated remarkably constant.
Sh. 8. p. 1 intestines of Cat, lengthened by food. Fleming's experiment on group
— p. 3 thinks Red from var. of T. saliceti = sub-alpinus.
— p 4. Ourang throwing branches of trees
Sh. 9 p. 1. a monkey of Celebes.
— p 3. Hump & humpless cattle intermediate offspring — 2 dogs crossed, produce heterogamous offspring — Dog & jackal heterog — Dog & wolf heterogamy
Sh 11/ p. 1. marsupials in Philippines!!
— p 2. Macdougal wild Elephant in Borneo
— p 3. Mydaus also inhabits Malay Peninsula
— p 4. Passer montanus has very wide distribution.
Sh 12. p. 1 a range of 3 species of sparrows & their range Blyth believes they are good species
— p 3. The Mauritius fossil sometimes living at Seychelles by to say about extent of
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 11 October, 2023