RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Keyserling & Blasius Die Wirbel. CUL-DAR205.3.238-240. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR205.3 contains notes on distribution of animals.
The brown crayon number '19' indicates that this document was filed by Darwin in his portfolio for the subject of Island endemism: animals.
Genus Scolophilus, Leach, Linn. Trans. = Vesperujo, Keyserling et Blasius, Die Wirbel - Europ. 1840.
Sub. gen. to Keys. et. Blas. p. XIV.
Europe – S. pipistrellus - S. Kuhlii- S. marginatus
Asia – S. trilatitius Hosf- S. lobatus gray – S. abramus Temm - S. akokomuli Temm - S. pachyomus Tomes.
Africa - S. platycephalus Temm- S. Poensis (= Kerivoula Poensis Gray
America - S. furinales, d' Orb – S. Carolinensis Geoff.
Australia - S. Greyi, Gray - S. pumulus Gray - S. picatus Gould - S. Microdon, undescribed.
New Zealand - S. tuberculatus, Forster.
[in margin:] [Affinities to New] Zealand Bat is very distinct Species
I Australia & China.
Scolophilus pumilus = Australia and China.
--- Greyi = do – do -
Vespertilio Hasseltii = Australia and the Islands of the Indian Archipelago.
--- Tasmanensis - Australia and India.
Miniopterus plepotis, = Java. Banda. Japan. Amboyna, Timor, Van Diemen's Land, and Australia
Nycticejus Temminckii, = Continent of India - Ceylon - Sumatra Borneo - Phillipines - Banda - Timor -
Taphozous saccolaimus = India - Malacca - Sumatra - Java - Celebes Ternali-
Rhinolophus speoris = India - Amboyna - Timor -
Macroglossus minimus = India - Phillipines - Java - Sumatra - Borneo Celebes - Amboyna - Banda - Timor -
II. Europe, Africa, Madeira &c.
Scotophilus marginatus = Italy - Sicilly - Tripoli - Algeria - Nubia - Arabia - Madeira - Lake Ngama - Cape Good H.
Scotophilus Pipistrellus = Europe generally - Madeira.
Scotophilus Leisleri = Europe generally - Madeira.
Scotophilus minutus Temm. = Africa generally - Sicilly
Scotophilus Darwini, n.s. = Palma, Canary Islands.
III. Asia and Africa
Scotophilus noctula = Europe generally - Japan - Himalaya Mountains - Mozambique -
--- Isabellinus Temm. = N. Africa (Tripoli) - Altai Mountains - Siberia - India –
[in margin:] Think may be found in Europe, though certainly distinct
Scotophilus platycephalus Temm. = Madras - Cape of good Hope-
Miniopterus schreibersii = Austria- Italy - Sicilly - Africa from North to the Cape.
Plecotus Auritus = Europe generally - Egypt - Himalaya Mountains -
Nycticejus Heathii = India generally - Ceylon - Cape of good Hope -
IV America.
Lasiurus pruinosus = North America -California - Bermuda - Orkney Islands, North Britain - (Probably brought there in the rigging of a Vessel)
Lasiurus novi loraeinsis = North and South America, common - Cuba - Jamaica -
Scotophilus Carolinensis = North America & Mexico - California - Cuba -
Vespertilio Chiloensis Waterh. Mam. Voy. Beagle. = The whole of South America - Chiloe -
V. New Zealand and Norfolk Island.
Scotophilus tuberculatus Forst.; of a type similar to the Pipistrelle of Europe.
Mystacina tuberculatus. Gray; a well marked genus, confined to New Zealand. These two species are, so far as is at present known, confined to New Zealand.
Molossus Norfolcensis Gray - species peculiar to this Island, but generically similar to some of the African and American species.
Pteropus of Bonin Isd
Mauritius & Bourbon
Mr Teme has spec. of a Pteropus which flew on Ship-Board 150 miles from E. Africa
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022