RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Emma Darwin. [1841.05.14]. Abstract of Walton, Treatise on Peruvian sheep. CUL-DAR205.7.89. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR205.7 contains notes on hybridism, sterility and pigeons.
Darwin recorded reading this work in his 'Books to be read / Books Read' notebook. CUL-DAR119.-.
"W. Walton's Treatise on Peruvian Sheep."
Walton, William. 1811. An historical and descriptive account of the four species of Peruvian sheep called Carneros de la Tierra: to which are added, particulars respecting the domestication of the two wild species. London.
Mr W. Walton Treatise on Peruvian Sheep gives many peculiarities of difference of habits between lama & alpaca perhaps not to be trusted.
The tame species have a corn on the breast where they lie down like those on horses legs, wild ones merely thicker skin (Look to horses & asses in this respect do they lie differently.
P. 117. Says that the Indian hunters from an inferior Vicuna skin obtained think they sometimes cross with the Guanaco with which they occasionally herd.
P. 141. The fleece of the Alpaca is improved strengthened by a cross with the Guanaco, for this the male Guanaco is preferred, the llama crossed with Guanaco is more vigorous & has better fleece, refers to the Seminario do Buenos Ayres de Agricultura &c 1804 for these facts. By crossing vicunia with guanaco the wool of vicunia has been injured
P. 142. The Guanaco though of a bay colour crossed with white she lama produces offspring nearly of the hue of mother in 2nd generation bes besides being quite white, wool finer.
P. 148. It was observed in the crosses which took place at Buenos Ayres that offspring always partook most of mother. Mr Walton tells me he received accounts direct from Buenos Ayres. In Dict. Class. the acct is from Spanish Author they corroborate each other.
N. B. I am rather surprized at the Vicunia crossing.
It is parallel case of camel & dromedary. Less curious than fertility of hybrid yaks.— Mem I have Mr Walton 2nd pamphlet with some facts about crossing.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 9 May, 2023