RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.02.03. Heterocentron roseum. CUL-DAR205.8.46. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR205.8 contains notes on the genus Monochaetum and other plants.
"Lindley, John, 1799-1865. Botanist and prolific writer on botanical subjects. Member of Horticultural, Linnean and Geological Societies. Played a pivotal role in traditional botany in the Victorian era. 1828 FRS. 1829-60 Prof. Botany University College London. 1843 CD sent L some seeds which had been found by William Kemp under 25 feet of white sand. CCD2:355. 1853 L was in competition with CD for award of Royal Medal of Royal Society. CCD5:165. 1856 CD to Hooker, suggesting that L was worth a Copley Medal. 1857 L got a Royal Medal in 1857. CCD6:72.
Naudin, Charles Victor, 1815-99. French botanist. 1846 Prof. Zoology, Chaptal College, Paris, France. 1854 Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle Paris. 1861 N is referred to in Historical sketch in Origin. CD to Lyell that he is unable to follow his arguments in Rév. Horticole, 1852. 1859 CD to Armand de Quatrefages that he does not consider N to anticipate CD. CCD7:456. 1861 CD to Gray, N writes to say that he is going to publish on peloric flowers in Pelargonium. CCD9. 1862 Mémoir sur les hybrids du règne végétal advances his theory of transmutation by hybridism. 1864 CD to N, about N's work on Cucurbitaceae (cucurbits and the gourd family). CCD12. 1868 Variation refers to N's work. 1880 CD to Romanes, "Naudin, who is often quoted, I have much less confidence in", about plant hybrids. Romanes, Life and letters of George John Romanes, 1896, p. 102, in Darwin Online. 1863 letter to in F2291."
(Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021.)
Feb 3d 1862 Heterocentron roseum
The 4 pistils fertilised by the yellow petal-facing anthers produced 3 pods, now ripe & then contained very many bad seeds, but at least 180 apparently good seeds – I estimated the lot by twice quartering the body & counting the quarters.
The 4 pistils fertilised by the purple sepal-facing stamen, set only 2 pods & then produced 52 seeds; ie less than half per pod.
The plant produced innumerable flowers during 2 1/2 months, & of these only one produced a pod, which contained 27 seeds; this most like was fertilised by purple, sepal-facers, as their stand so near & in dead winter no insect about.
From [Naudin] it seems petal-facers oftener abort
Monochætum ensiferum
sepal facer – pale yellow (black thread)
{petal-facer crimson most pollen longer & larger anther lies close to stigma & larger
Oxyspora paniculata (from Wallich)
sepal-facers – violet
no pollen – longer stem
petal-facers yellow, shorter with pollen
Centradenia floribunda (all black from sepal-facers
sepal-facers pale yellow
taller – plenty of pollen
petal-facers bright yellow & shorter, plenty of pollen
Heterocentron roseum
sepal-facers purple?? plenty of pollen – lies close to stigma
(Lindley says petal-facers sterile & [Naudin] –petal-facers bright yellow produced most seed.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 7 December, 2022