RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.04.26. Phaseolus Radicles with Caustic. CUL-DAR209.11.133. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
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April 26th 1879. Phaseolus Radicles with Caustic
8° a.m. each with 10 mm dot suspended horizontally over water in dark
(Pinned in various positions.) Temp. 68°-70° F. Touched with caustic for 4 or 5".— germinated in sawdust on chimney Piece.— Placed on Chimney Piece
(1) 1 caustic 4. 30' after 8°. 30' — Hardly a trace of G. in tip length 14 mm (27th 7° 45 a.m. after 24 hr quite horizontal but curved a little laterally length 22 mm.— Black point 1/2 mm See for movement of tip
(2) (0) 4° 30 vertically geotropic (27th 7° 45' a.m length 31 mm, almost vertically geotropic
(3) caustic
(3) caustic 4° 30 absolutely horizontal 16 mm. (27th 7° 45 26 mm. perfectly straight
(2) see measure for length of colour tip
4 (0) 4° 30 about 30° 20° measured from vertically geotropic (27th 7° 45 less geotropic (look too dry) length 25 mm.
(5) caustic 4° 30 absolutely straight Length from dot 14 mm. (27th 7° 45' not at all geotropic— length 19 mm. (3) from movement
6 0 4° 30' about 45° 58° 32° (measured) from vertically geotropic Length (27th 7° 50' rather less geotropic, length 21 mm
7 caustic 4° 30 quite straight length 13 1/4 mm (27th 7. 50' quite straight length 20 mm. (4)
(8) 0 4° 30' about 30° 32° 58° (measured) from vertically geotropic (27th 7° 50' almo vertical like last evening, length 25 mm.
(9) caustic quite straight length 16 mm. (27' 7° 50' perfectly straight length 25 mm.
(5) marked IX for measurement
(See Back for measurements of 3 tips) (over)
10 (0) 4° 35. 53° from vertical (27th 7° 50' less geotropic length 31 mm.
(11) caustic 4° 35 quite straight length 13 mm. (27' 7° 50 perfectly straight length 22 mm. (6)
Take average of length.
(on an average 27° from the vertical 8 controls)
⨀ [calculations not transcribed]
(z with the 6 specimen in damp air, the terminal young portion, up 10 mm, in height is lost had more than doubled itself in length in the time 24h for it was now on an average 20. 66 7 in length. long
[calculations not transcribed]
Q It may be added that on a former occasion when first experimenting on the effects of touching one side of the tip with caustic, too much was applied, & the whole tip was killed, of 6 radicles horizontally extended radicles & these all continued for 2 or 3 days to grow out horizontally. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 20 August, 2023