RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [1878].12.22-[1879].01.05. Common bean. CUL-DAR209.11.144-148. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).

(1 & (2

Dec 22 common Bean 11 am to 11 40 finished

4 test control beans 8 blackened with of black grease all round at tip some 2 mm, some 3 mm; all marked with dot at 10 mm—

Dec 23 - 9. 30

One 3 mm black not bent, all others black & white slightly & about equally bent

10 45 Blackened all again making 2 mm. into 3

Oct Decr 24. 920 am

All 4 white ones bent clearly

4 black ones fairly horizontal

4 bent abt as much as white

The strt black ones have grown, 19, 16, 18 20?

Dec 25. 10. 5 am 3 out of 4 white ones nearly vertically down—

Only 2 black ones clearly more horizontal than the rest— No black ones quite as vertical as the white ones


Dec 25 Horizontal common Beans Vicia

Two jars a & b with beans all marked with dot of grease at 10 mm & some greased for 3 mm at tip. Fixed horizontally in damp air

jar (a). 4 with black tips ("Black")

2 not ("white")

7. Black tip

jar (b) 3 black

2 white

7. Black tip

Examined 8.25 pm

jar a, one white much bent down, one another not perceptibly

3 blacks clearly bent the 4th one hardly bent

jar b one white very much, the other very little bent

2 blacks slightly one (the 3rd) hardly bent

Dec 26 8.40 am

jar a All both bk & white bent except 2 blacks, 2 Black bent which have nevertheless grown to 17 & 18 mm (the tips are 3 & 4 mm)

Now filled up jar a so that beans and roots wet.

jar b Both whites § well bent tho' not vertically.

*2 blacks slightly the 3rd hardly at all bent & is nevertheless 20 mm its tip being 4 to 5 mm

These two are 19 mm (tip 4 mm) 20 tip 5 § Both whites are 15 mm


jars a + B

Horizontal beans

The forgoing ones same

De 27 1050 am

jar a — Black 1 has its grease washed off is 40° below horiz

Bk 2 20° below horizon & 20 mm in length (ie up to mark)

Bk 3 — 55° below

Bk 4 Horizontal— 20 mm long (to mark)

White i — 75° below — about 20 mm long

White ii 55° below

Dec 27 1040 am

jar b White i— 75° below 30 mm to mark from tip

White ii 55° below 25

Black 1 20° —          32 {That is what was 10 mm has grown to 30, 25, &c

[black] 2 25° — 29

Black 3 15° —          31 {The tips are now 6 or 7 mm, they were 3 mm

Dec 28 930 am

jar b still marked difference between black & white

jar a The two horizontal black beans have not perceptibly altered


On comparing

Begin comparing young of animals with young of plants

Then since these precautions are needed the plant must be expose

The heliotrop & geotrop—

Then race & individual going on to onerious system & back to movements again as examples—


Dec 29 Jars a + b Horizontal beans

Jar a

[data not transcribed]

{This had grown through the black which had been partly washed off

Jar b

[data & calculations not transcribed]


Beans {I think certainly Vicia} B1 B2 Dec 30 about 10 am

Beans germinated in peat on table, pinned to cork or stoppered bottle, 1, 2, 3, 4, only marked with 10 mm

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 also have 3 mm at tip blackened with grease — Put to grow in damp air on table in study

[data not transcribed]

{Average of the white ones excluding No 4 is 55° average of black ones 49, so there is hardly any difference}

Dec 31 — 855 am

No 4 still horizontal The rest show nothing new

Jan 1 845 am. No difference between the whites & blacks— Owing to a mistake in my notes I am not sure whether all the beans where kept till Jan 1 or whether one jarful was thrown away on Dec 31. but I am nearly certain both were kept till Jan 1


Horizontal Beans (Vicia)


Jan 2. 11. 45 am

Germinated in peat; roots from 4 to 6 cm long: Those called "black" have 3 mm of the tip greased: all, "white" or "black" marked at 10 mm. In damp air on study table

Jar X

[data not transcribed]

Jar Y — ground glass edge & plate; beans in damp air — 2 black & 2 white fixed Jan 2. 12. 10 pm.

Examined 11.15 pm, one white is 40 below, all 3 others about horizontal

Jan 3 filled up with water

Jan 5. The two whites have not geotroped properly one being 15° below & the other 40° (?); while the marked pieces originally 10 mm have grown to 15mm & 19 mm.

(Grease Beans)

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 21 August, 2023