RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. 1879.04.13-23. Radicles— Bean / Draft of Forms of flowers, folio 370. CUL-DAR209.11.151-156. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880). The text of the draft corresponds to Cross and self fertilisation, Ch VIII Concluding R[remarks].
April 13. 1879. Radicles— Bean— tips with Black Lamp-Black & olive Oil rubbed into paste.— (Grease) Tips for length of 2 mm. thickly covered with grease — used because of good consistence & I had it ready.— All radicles with dot 10 mm from tip of root-cap. (Jar D)
8°. 15' a.m placed horizontally over water in darkened jar: Temp. in study (55-57° F) Radicles all young & short.
(1) grease on tip 4° 45' ie after 8° 30' decidedly geotropic
(2) grease on tip very short radicle 4°. 45 straight.
(3) grease on tip 4° 45' decidedly geotropic
(4) (0) 4° 45' about equally decidedly geotropic with (3)
(5) (0) 4° 45 very slightly geotropic
(6) (0) 4° 45 very slightly geotropic
Temp 13th 54°-57°
(14th 8°. am.; 2 of the 3 with grease perpendicularly geotropic like the 3 without grease. No 2. with grease only slightly geotropic radius 50 mm.
It is certain that young & short radicles, about 13 or even 18 mm in length are not prevented from being geotropic by ball of grease on tip.—
8°. a.m reversed whole lot & put fresh grease on like 3 (over
(15th 8° a.m All 6 radicles 3 with & 3 without grease now geotropic in about same degree— one with black grease perpendicularly geotropic & more so than any of others. Two to these radicles, measured from end of Hilum were now 22 & 26 mm. in length) (Grease [combine] no effect when put on for 2 mm.
Jar E
Ap. 16' 1879 9° a.m
Radicles Beans Long Roots
(I am must measure Bean this evening)
with grease on tips.— Black Grease
All marked with 10 m.m dots
Grease 3 mm. in length radicles suspended over water — germinated in sawdust look good state — Placed Horizontally over water— Dur Of course in darkness
(1) Grease 4°. 40' P.m slightly geotropic —Length between dots 13 m.m. (17th 7° 50' a.m radius 30 mm length between dots 17 m.m— total length of radicle 38 mm from junction of cotyledons
(The blackened apex which was 3 mm is now on average in all 3 cases about 6 1/2 mm long)
(2) grease 4° 40' a trace of geotropism (17th 7° 50' a.m radius 40 mm; length between dots 18 1/2 mm total length of root as in (1)
(3) grease 4° 40' quite straight (17th 7°. 50' am radius 35 m.m.: length between dots 20 mm total length of root 35 mm.
(4) (0) 4°. 40' very nearly perpendicularly geotropic. N.B in all 4, 5, 6 chief point of curvature 6 mm from end.
17th 7° 50' perpendicularly geotropic — length between dots 20 mm.
(5) (0) like (4) (17th 7°. 50' a.m radius 15 mm — length between dots 22 mm
6 (0) like (4). (17th 7° 50 a.m radius 15 m: length between dots 18 mm
(There can be no doubt that grease on apex 3 mm in length though it does not ever stop growth of the part covered with grease, & though whole part radicle grows largely, yet checks greatly though it does not stop quite geotropism.— Increase in length of the between dots of the 3 with grease in about 23° [calculations not transcribed] ─ increase of length between dots to 3 without grease. [calculations not transcribed]
April 21' 1879. 8° 10' a.m.
Radicles, Beans— Tips or Beans painted
with Black Grease— over water— Horizontal in dark
Tip. naked 3 mm. all rest painted— longer radicles selected for painting
Tip painted 3 mm. all rest left naked
(1) (0) as standard 4° 40' ie after 8° 30' tip perpendicularly geotropic 22d 7° 40' do of course.
(2) whole base painted 4° 40' tip bent at right angles, but in horizontal plane!
22d. 7° 40' am. tip now turned geotropically
(3) ✔ tip alone painted 4° 40' slightly inclined geotropically— 22d 7° 40 a.m. well inclined geotropically, but in an oblique plane.— tip at nearly rt angle to straight part of root.
(4) base painted 4° 40' tip geotropic about 45°— rest straight — 22d 7° 40' same state
(5) ✔ tip painted 4° 40' whole R straight — (22nd 7° 40' a.m.— whole root straight, yet inclined 31° beneath horizon— Black tip 8 mm in length
6. base painted 4° 40' whole straight (22d 7° 40' tip slightly geotropic
(7) (0) doubtfully healthy 4° 40 very slightly geotropic —(22d 7° 40' do)
(8) ✔ tip painted 4° 40' very slightly geotropic— 22d 7° 40' am slightly geotropic Black tip 8mm in length.
April 22d 1879 8° 55' am.
Radicles of Beans. — Tips with black grease
for 3 mm in length — (Black dots on all at 10 mm.)
suspended over water on dark. —
(1) tip. black. 4° 40' P.m scarcely geotropic— length between dots 12 1/2 mm (23d 8° a.m decidedly geotropic — length between dots 19 1/2 mm.
(2) tip black 4° 40' P.m. tip about perpendicularly. geotropic, length between dots 12 mm— Blackened part 4 mm.
23d 8° a. m decidedly geotropic, length between dots 16 1/2 mm
(3) tip Black 4° 40' quite straight— length between dots. 12 mm. (23d 8° scarcely geotropic 16 mm. between dots)
(4) (0) 4. 45' P.m perpendicularly geotropic— length between dots 12 mm (23d 8° moderately geotropic length, between dots. 24 mm.
(5) 0 4.45 Pm very long radicle.— highly geotropic not rectangular length between dots 15 mm. (23d 8° a.m perpendicularly geotropic — length 23 mm.
(6) (0) 4. 45 P.m. highly geotropic, not rectangular, length between dots 12 mm. (23d. 8° a.m considerably geotropic— length 18 mm
[calculations not transcribed]
22d 4° 45' There can be no doubt though one with black grease almost perpendicularly geotropic yet the 3 together much less geotropic — after 8 7h. 45m. than the other 3, yet to be only one of latter has increased more in length between the dots. The chief point of curvature is certainly further from apex than 3 mm.
23d 8° a.m There can be no doubt that the 3 without grease much more geotropic than other three.
[calculations not transcribed]
April 23d 9° a.m.
Beans Radicles suspended horizontally over water
with only 2 mm with black Greases — rather old Beans
but not old or long radicles. — marked with 10 mm.
(1) 4° 40' scarcely perceptibly geotropic— 13 mm. (24th 7° 40' a.m 22 mm. very slight geotropic
(2) 4° 40 slightly geotropic (24th 7° 40' 22 mm.
(3) 4° 40 decidedly almost rectangularly geotropic
(4) 4° 40' very slightly geotropic.
(5) (0) 4° 40 slightly geotropic 24th 7° 40 19 mm.
(6) 0 4° 40 slightly geotropic (24th 7° 40 19 mm.
7 0 4° 30' almost rectangularly geotropic.
23' 4° 45' very little difference between the 2 lots— perhaps those with black tips rather less geotropic
24th 7° 45' a.m. — no difference between 2 lots at all trust worthy. ∴ grease over 2 mm no effect — clearly does not check growth.—
3 more Frank
p 1 & 2
8 greased 2 & 3 mms only 1 not geotropic — all again greased for 3 mm — after 24°, 4 fairly horizontal & 4 bent as much as controls— after additional day — no
"no Black ones quite as vertical as the controls."
p. 3.) 7 Radicles— say after 23°— all bent (& 4 controls) bent — 2 Black not bent 2 Black well bent 2 slightly & 3 not at all, yet latter
p. 4 water filled up with water to touch Bean & after 24° F. remarks, still marked difference between Blacks & controls
p. 5 still observed— average angle of Black 37.5, of controls 67°
p. 6) 5 radicles — after 7° 40' — average of Black 49° beneath horizon; of al controls 49 55° after 2 days no difference in the 2 lots
p. 7 4 Radicles no difference after 24° & 48° in curvature.
(24 radicles)+ 9 = 33 Radicle with 3 mm tips greased.
say chiefly zone of growth fr 4 4 to 5 or 6 mm from End
3 mm [illeg]
p. 9. 3 grease 3 controls
merely checks geotropism. — Black tip itself increase from 3 m on average to 6 1/2 m.m—
Average increase of growing part of 10 mm in 23° of greased specs 8.5, of controls 10 mm. add tips
p. 10. 3 with tips painted — 2 geotropic after 23° 30' & 1 doubtful tips increased in 2 cases to 8 mm
p 11 3 —2 decidedly geotropic aft 23° — 1 scarcely geotropic average increase of growing part of 10 mm. of greased tips 17.3; of ungreased. 21.7. mm. [calculations not transcribed]
9 Radicles 2. m.m
p. 8 & 12. 7 tips thus greased— made very little difference in geotropism.
Ch VIII Concluding R
[text excised] the size of the corolla; & he gives measurements
[text excised] that with some plants the corolla decree is diminished [text excised] with by the increasing cold & darkness of the changing season, whilst whilst with others [text excised] is diminished by the diminished with increasing heat & light.* (a) Back [text excised]lief that the first step towards flowers being ren= [text excised] cleistogamic was is due to their having been the conditions to which they are exposed, [text excised]culiar conditions is supported by the fact of various plants [text excised] longing to this class now thus exposed not now producing their any cleistogamic [text excised]ers, or on the other hand producing them to the complete exclusion of the perfect ones under certain conditions. Thus some species of Viola do not bear their cleistogamic flowers when growing on the lowlands, or in certain localities districts. Other plants when cultivated have failed to produce under culture perfect flowers during several successive years; any flowers except the cleistogamic; & this is the case with Juncus bufonius growing naturally in its native land of Russia. Some species bear their cleistogamic flowers late, & others early in the season; & this agrees with the view that the first step towards their development was due to climate; though the periods at which the two sorts of flowers now produced
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023