RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [1877-1879]. Radicles – Beans / Abstract of Conclusion of Jar B. / Draft of 'Biographical sketch of an infant'. CUL-DAR209.11.157-169. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Darwin, C. R. 1877. A biographical sketch of an infant. Mind. A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy2 (7) (July): 285-294. F1779. The text of the draft corresponds to pp. 291-2.
(Jar B
Mar April 7th 9° 15. 2 Radicles with Lunar caustic
2 without — held for only a second or 2 at right angle— Radicles marked with 8 mm. — soon immersed in water Kept cool. Beans Radicles Horizontal [calculations not transcribed]
(1) caustic After Reversal Ap. 10' 8° a.m Length between black dots 24 mm not in the least geotropic Black part little more than 1 mm in length
Ap. 11th 8° am 27 mm in length
(2) caustic Ap 10' 8° a.m 32mm — not in the least geotrop
Black part 2 mm in [length]
Ap. 11th 8° a.m now 38 mm in length
(3) no caustic Ap 10' 8° a.m point about 45° from almost perpendicularly geotropic.
(4) no caustic Ap 10' 8° am point about 45° from perpendicularly geotropic
7th 4° 45' Pm hardly any geotropic action.— Kept now in Study a little warmer
8' 8° 40' a.m Hardly at all acted — Bean & radicles both immersed in old water in study —(not quite so cold as passage see Paper) none of 4 acted on
This is curious why does not geotropism act in cold water
April 8th 4° 50' P.m — all 4 equally curved caustic not held long enough.
9' 8° 15. do— Reversed all 4 & touched the 2 again with Caustic
Ap 10' 8° am The 2 with caustic much longer than the 2 without & they were approximately equal at first
(This page of little or no use see p. 2 [illeg] might do to add in
sorts of action, such as shaking his hand & saying "ah" to any dirty dirty object, or by pushing the proper movement of slowly carefully & slowly patting patting his little finger in the middle of his the palm of his his other hand, to the childish rhyme of "pat it & pat it & mark it with T."
It was amusing to observe how behold his pleased him expression was after he successfully performing of any such accomplishment.
moral sense. (I do not know whether it is worth mentioning as showing something about the strength the power of memory in a young child, that this one when three 3 years & 23 days old or being shown seeing being shown an engraving of his grandfather, whom he had not seen for exactly 6 months, instantly recognised him & mentioned a whole string of things events which had occurred when visiting him, & which had certainly never been mentioned in the intervals.)
Moral sense. The first sign of this sense was noticed at the age of nearly 13 months: I said wont "Doddy (his nick-name) wont give poor papa a kiss,─ naughty Doddy." These words without doubt made him feel slightly uncomfortable; & at last when I had sat returned to my chair, he protruded his lips & shook his hand as a sign
Abstract of Conclusion of Jar B
4 radicles, 2 with & 2 without caustic touched for only 1 or 2 second, & this proved not sufficiently. They were kept for 24h immersed (bean & all) in water (temp. 54-57°) & not now none acted on — geotropically.
They were then left in damp air; after 8h. all equally acted on, & all somewhat geotropic evidently not caustic enough enough had been used; so I rubbed the 2 with caustic again & reversed positions of all.) (After 24h in new position, no 3 with without caustic almost perpendicularly geotropic & so had reversed previous slight curvature. (no 4) without caustic geotropic about 45° from being perpendicular. no (1) with caustic — Black Blackened point 1 m.m in length,— radicle had increased between black dot since these were made at first made, 16 16 mm., not in the least geotropic — no (2) with caustic, black point 2 mm in length; radicle had had increased (according to first just explained standard) 24 mm., not in the least geotropic.
It was obviously clear to the eye that the 2 with caustic had grown quite as much or more more than the 2 without caustic.
Ap. 11th 8° am. After 24° addition the 2 without caustic quite vertical; the 2 with caustic no trace of caustic & yet no I had increased in the 24° 3 mm in length & no (2) had increased 6 mm. in length
Beans Radicles Lunar Caustic
Jar M See above
April 8th 1879 9° 10' a.m
Short radicles grown badly — p suspended horizontally over water—all marked with 10 m.m dots — Lunar Caustic 4" or 5" pressed rectangularly — Kept in cool passage.— some radicles a little curved placed so as curvature opposed to geotropism.—
(1) Lunar Caustic 4° 55' P.m 11 mm longer quite straight. (9th 8° 30' a.m, Length 12 1/2 mm— barely geotropic
(2) Lunar Caustic 4° 55' P.m 12 mm from dot to dab quite straight 9th 8° 30' Length 18 m.m— slight somewhat geotropic
(3) (0) 4.55 P.m very nearly vertically down — (9th 8° 30' quite vertical
(4) (0) 4° 55 P.m very nearly vertically down. (9th 8° 30 quite vertical
9th 8° 30' reversed all & touched again the 2 with Caustic (over)
Jar. N. in all respects same as above even shorter radicles
(1) Lunar Caustic 5° P.m quite straight hardly increased in length, but curved in horizontal lateral plane toward bean —(9th 8° a.m. in same position, 13 mm long as far as I cd estimate
(2) Lunar Caustic 5° P.m — 12 mm between black spot, just perceptibly curved downwards 9th. 8° 15 am, 18 m.m long — radius 50 mm.
(3) (0) 5° Pm not at all geotropic, but radicle very short —(9th 8° 15 completely geotropic
(4) (0) 5° P.m. decidedly geotropic much more than any of the four in jar
9th 8° 15 completely geotropic or perpendicular.
9th 8° 20' reversed all & touched the 2 with caustic
Jar M
April 10' 8° am
Reversed specimens
(1) radicle still curled inwards & no trace of geotropic
(2) radicle quite straight— Length 26 [-] 18 [=] 8 mm between black dots
(3) no caustic tip curved geotropically about 45° from perpendicular
(4) no Caustic quite perpendicularly geotropic — Length between black dots 25 mm
Jar N 10th 8°. 15' m.m
After Reversal
The 2 with caustic not in the least geotropic — 2 without caustic the other at about 45° from perpendicular
almost one perpendicularly geotropic the other at about 45° from perpendicular— The 2 with caustic have grown at least as much as the 2 without caustic
No 2. with caustic is now 29 mm between dots
No 1— 20 mm
29 18 1
Ap 8th 1879. Abstract Jar. M. Radicles
Short radicles grown badly grown slowly; last beans of lot. 2 with L. Caustic & 2 held rectangularly for 4" or 5" placed radicles horizontally over water (Temp. 56° F). Two without caustic after 8h. nearly vertically geotropic; after 23 hr quite vertically geotropic.
(1) with
(1) with Caustic
Caustic after 8 h. no geotropism, has increased 1 m between dots in length; after 23° 30' has increased 2 1/2 mm. barely geotropic
(2) with Caustic— after 8 hr no geotropism, has increased 3 mm between dots: after 23° 30' has increased 8 mm., somewhat geotropic.
Reversed all the seedlings & applied caustic again to 1 & 2.
(3) After 23° 30' (3) no caustic is curved geotropically about 45° from vertical so had moved moved through 135° Reversal
(4) after 23° 30' no caustic had increased in length between dot from commencement 15 mm. perpendicularly geotropic so had moved through 180°.
(1) after 23° 30' with caustic, no trace of geotropism, but radicle has arched curved in horizontal plane inwards so as to touch bean.
(2) after 23° 30' with caustic — radicle quite straight, has increased since commencement 16 mm.—
(Ap. 11' 8° a.m. ie after 24° addition — Both with caustic vertical. — no (1) with caustic in exactly same state, i.e. no geotropism. (Also no (2) with caustic no geotropism, had increased since first commencement 21 m.m & since in last 24° 5 m.m)
Ap. 8 1879
Abstract Jar N.
Radicles treated as in jar M.
4 radicles, 2 with & 2 without caustic
(3) no caustic radicle very short after 8° no geotropism; after 23° perpendicularly geotropic
(4) no caustic after 8° no decidedly geotropism, much more than any in jar; after 23° perpendicularly geotropic
(1) with caustic, after 8° no geotropism, but curved curved in horizontal plane to bean.— after 24° in the same position, but had increased 3 mm in length between dots
(2) with caustic after 8° increased in length 2 mm. just perceptibly geotropic after 23°, increased 8 mm in length & had become curved geotropically to a radius of 50 m.m.
(Reversed all 4 seeds & touched (1) & (2) with caustic again
(3 & 4) no caustic after 24° one perpendicularly geotropic so had moved through 180°, & the other through 135°, ie 45° from perpendicular
(1) with caustic after 24° no geotropism had increased in length since commencement 19 10 mm. & had now straightened itself, so no longer curved in horizontal plane so as to touch the bean
(2) with caustic no geotropism, had increased from commencement 19 mm.
(It was obvious to the eye without measurement that the 2 with caustic had grown as much as other 2.
(This in all cases is the important point, if growth had been checked fact wd have gone for nothing.)
Ap. 11th 8° a.m After 24° additional; one without caustic has grown out horizontally!!! ie has lost geotropism!!! — The 2 with caustic no trace of geotropism, no (1) with caustic has increased in length in the 24° no less than 9 mm, being now 38 m.m. in length.
1879 March April?? 7th 8° 50' 4 radicles touched for few second with L. Caustic rectangularly & 4 with nothing extended Horizontally
Beans — germinated & Kept at about 52-54° F.— left for 1/2 hour & then immersed in water marked by mistake 18 m.m (Big Jar) Abstract
(1) Caustic 8th 8° a.m— — not in least curved geotropically— 27 mm
Black tip 2/3 of m.m — 4° 45 P. still straight —(9th 8° a.m radius of terminal 50.
(2) Caustic — Radius 30 Black tip 1/2 m.m ie very short — Length of radicle
Length of radicle 29—?? but doubtful as black dot obscure — 4° 45 P.m do
(9th. 8° a.m nearly vertical
(3) Caustic — 8th 8° am quite straight— length 27 m.m 4° 45 P.m. radius now about radius of 40
(9th 8° a m nearly vertical
(4) 0 no caustic — 8' 8° a straight 4° 45' P.m now nearly vertically down
(5) 0 8th 8° am 10 mm outside measure bent perpendicularly down to earth
6 0 8' 8° am like (5)
(7) 0 8' 8° am. like (5)
(8) Caustic— 8th 8° a.m quite straight length of radicle 27'— 4° 45' P.m still straight (9th 8° am still straight 41. mm. from tip to Black dot!!!— see
7th (4° 40' P.m very little difference in state, & very little geotropism — poured away water & suspended in damp air
(9th 8° a.m Reversed all beans & touched the 4 with Lunar Caustic
that he was ready to kiss me; & he then shook his hand in an angry manner watch to make me come I came & received a his kiss. Nearly The same little scene recurred in a few days, & the reconciliation seemed to give him so much satisfaction, that the several times afterwards he pretended to be angry sock & slapped me, & then insisted on giving me a kiss. & being reconciles so as to be So that here there was we have a trickle of the dramatic art, which is so strongly pronounced in most young children. About this time it was becomes easy to work on his feelings & make him do whatever was wished. he gave his last bit of gingerbread to his little sister, & then cried out with high self-approbation "oh kind Doddy, kind Doddy." Three Two months later he became extremely sensitive to ridicule & was so suspicious that he often he thought people who were laughing & talking together were laughing at him. Again f months two a little later (2 years & 7 1/2 months old) I met him walking coming out of the dining room with so odd an expression his eyes unnaturally bright & an odd affected manner, so that I went into the room to see who was there, & found that he had been taking pounded sugar, which he has been told not to do. As he had never been in any way punished, b his odd manner was certainly not due
April 10th 8° a.m Big Jar continued
No (8) Ap. 10' 7° 45' am — radicle quite straight— 55 mm now between Black dots
[calculations not transcribed]
No (1), (2) & (3) not in the least geotropic; that is have not turned towards centre of gravity.
Of the 4 without caustic their apices which yesterday were all pointed upwards (from having been inverted) are now all horizontal
No (1) now 47 mm from dot to dot
(2) — about 46 m.m
(3) — 50 mm.
[calculations not transcribed]
April 7th.
Abstract on Big Jar.
The 8 radicles, 4 with caustic & 4 without in the Jar were left for first 8 hours immersed, beans & all, in water (temp 52°-56° F) & there was hardly any geotropism: water poured away, so radicles left ever afterwards in damp air, & over 24 hr after first immersion; (ie about 14 hr after being left in damp air) the 4 radicles to which no caustic were was applied were perpendicularly geotropic. Of the 4 which had been rubbed rectangularly for 4 or 5 second with caustic (1) tip blackened for 2/3 of mm, had increased between black dots 9 mm., not in the least geotropic; nor was it geotropic after 32 hr; but after 48h radicle was curved geotropically to a radius of 50 m.m. (—Number (2) After 24hr from commencement, ie aft 14 hr black tip only 1/2 m.m. & so not
April 8' & 10' Abstract Big Jar continued Apr
enough affected, had increased in length between dots 9 mm., & had been acted on slightly for was geotropic with radius of 30 m.m. After 48 h. almost perpendicularly geotropic
[in margin:] (Temp. 54°— 56° whole time about)
no (3) Aft 24 h.' (as above) ie 14h not in the least geotropic had increased in length 9 m.m; after 32 hr — curved curved geotropically to a radius radius of 40 mm — after 48h nearly perpendicularly geotropic.
no (4) (really no' 8) after 24hr 14 not in the least Geotropic— had increased in length (always between dots) 9 m.m. after 32 h still straight; after 48' still straight, length between dots now increased by 23 m.m!!
(All the radicles were now reversed by withdrawing Big Pin & now reversing reversing them.
After 24 h in their new new position, the 4 radicles without caustic which pointed to the zenith have become horizontal & even a little geotropic; so these have moved through at least angle of 90°.— Of the 4 with caustic, which, was removed again rubbed with caustic (No 1) has increased since last measurement ie during 48 hr [calculations] no less than 20 18 20 mm!! & yet not in least geotropic remain in found position quite straight. No (2) still not in least geotropic; yet has increased in last 48h 19 18 mm. No 3 not in the least geotropic, yet has increased in length during last 48 h 23 mm.
(No 8) (ie the 4th radicle) not in the least geotropic, yet has increased in length during last 48h 28 mm!!
Ap 11th after 24° additional f all radicles in same state — even those without caustic have not turned up more.
April 13' 1879. Radicles. Bean Lunar Caustic Jar A.
L. caustic held to apex. (dried & stick dried) for 5" by metronome.
Each radicle marked with dot 10 mm. from tip of root-cap.—. (Temp. 55-57° F. 12°.7 to 13°.8 C)
8° a.m
[data not transcribed]
(Caustic Bundle Geotropism)
(Jar E)
April 14' 1878. Radicles of Beans— Lunar Caustic.
all marked with dot at 10 mm from apex. — 3 with Caustic — tips dry stick of C. dry, rubbed on all sides of tip. for 6" or 7".— Extended horizontally over water
8°. 40' a.m.
(1) Caustic (15th 8° 10' a.m perfectly straight.— Length between dots 18 m.m aft 23h. 30'
(2) Caustic (15' 8° 10' perfectly straight.— Length 19 m.m
(3) Caustic (15' 8° 10 curved in horizontal plane not in the least geotropic.— length 15 m.m.
(4) (0) 15th 8° 15. Half radicle perpendicularly geotropic— length 14 mm.
(5) (0) 15th 8° 25'. almost perpendicularly geotropic length 17 mm
(6) (0) 15' 8° 25 perpendicularly geotropic length 16 mm.
Temp 55°-56° F.
12°-13° C.
[calculations not transcribed]
14' 4° 35' P.m. the 3 with caustic not all geotropic; the 3 without slightly so.— (Measure tips.) Put. Beans to in water.
Interval 23h. 30m.
Caustic. 3 Radicle Total increase in length between dots, originally 30 mm 18 19 15 [=] 52m
No Caustic 3 radicles., increase are 14 [+] 17 [+] 16 [=] 47 mm.
→ These six Radicles drawn by George.
(N.B Beneath the extremely minute black tip covered by caustic a zone of pale yellowish— tint. —)
We see from this that the 3 with caustic have together increased 5 mm more than the 3 which have bent geotropically & no doubt this is due by decrease of growth due to to the bending, but excellent proof how little caustic affects the growth of radicle
Ap 16/ 79
Bean Roots
[table not transcribed]
In Number one I the distinction between the discoloured & black is not clear in the other two it is clear: the discoloured margin is very faintly coloured— no doubt due to absorption not touched by the caustic.
I think it would be better to give the figures in only to one place of decimals which is equivalent to measuring to 1/250 inch
Give length of black & faintly discoloured proportion; the latter generally less in length than the black & give diameter of base of discoloured part.— Mem. a millimeter = only?
In one case length of 0.7 mm & a diameter of 0.7 (= inch) sufficed.—
(The most obvious view is that as a touch of caustic causes radicle to bend by transmitted effect to opposite side, & as here all sides are equally cauterised, radicle tends to bend to all sides with such energy, as to neglect geotropism; but it is very doubtful from experiments with oil & submersion in water whether this will hold good. — No no There is nothing to prevent composition of Forces & gravity acting
April 22d 1879 8° 35' a.m
Radicles Beans— apex touched with
Caustic 2 or 3 seconds.— rectangularly
Suspended over water (Temp 58°-59°) (14°-15° C)
(1) (0) 4°. 25' P.m rectangularly geotropic (23d 7° 40' a.m. length between dots 25 1/2 mm. has now grown straighter yet geotropic. too old & long
(2) (0) 4°. 25 P.m very long root slightly geotropic (23d 7° 40' am— length 31 mm— now hardly geotropic, too old &c
(3) (0) 4°. 25' P.m almost rectangularly geotropic — (23d 7° 45' only slightly geotropic— length 22 mm
(4) caustic 4°. 30' P.m quite straight length between dots 15 mm (23. 7°. 40' perfectly straight but probably too old now to bend length 28 mm (radicle alone in spirits)
(5) caustic 4° 30' P.m quite straight— length between dots 14 mm. (23d 7° 40, perfectly straight length 21 mm. (1/2 bean in spirits)
(6) Caustic 4.30' P.m — quite straight— length between dots 13 mm (put into spirits for section)
(4° 30' P.m. filled up jar with water so as to immerse 5 remaining radicles) I flushed all radicles well
Frank will draw apex, section of
After 23 hours.
Caustic no caustic
[calculations not transcribed]
(12) (9
[sketch] Section April 18 '79 Tip of root of Bean (2) with Caustic
The injury only extends into the tissue beneath the root cap for a depth of 0.2mm
not a true Drawing
Did not F. work at Wurzburg
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023