RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.04.15-21. Radicles — Beans. CUL-DAR209.11.170-173. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
April 15th 1879 Radicles — Beans(in [illeg] Water) (Jar M)
8° 55' a.m. Four radicles Horizontal in water — Beans & all immersed to see if geotropism will act under water. Temp. 8° am 55° to 59°. These beans had been in saw-dust & coats blackened one in red sand marked with pin. (no difference in behaviour)
15th 4°. 30' P.m no trace of geotropism 7'
16th 7° 40' a.m. — perhaps in one two a vestige of curvature if whole radicle is looked along giving the best case gives radius of 90 m.m.— ie after 22° 30'
(16th 7° 50 A.m— reversed all 4. wiped radicles with blotting paper & suspended over water
(1) 4°. 30' P.m decidedly geotropic; but none of the 3 others geotropic & they certainly ought have to become so, & therefore seem to have been injured by their immersion
(17th 7° 40' a.m — all 4 perpendicularly geotropic ie after 24°: it shd be remembered that they had been reversed, & this always greatly delays geotropism.
(4 R. after 7° 3 7° 30' no trace— some increase so 22° 30' 2 horizontal & 2 a vestige of geotropism wiped & now their position — after 24 perpendicularly geotropic
Jar F.
15' 9° a.m — 3 more in water & one in air— all germinated with red sand
4°. 30 P.m. the 3 in water not geotropic at all— the one in air perpendicularly geotropic
(16th. 8° 55' a.m The one in air air of course still perpendicularly geotropic; of other 3 ie after 24° one with a mere trace of geotropism: the 2 others straight, but as one of these 2 has blunt snub-nose root is perhaps monstrous & ought not to be counted — not reversed — wiped roots & suspended over water. (16th. 4° 35'; 2 with radicles almost perpendicularly down; the third with snub-nose, a trace of geotropism.)
(17th. 7° 45' a.m. the 2 radicles in same state ie almost perpendicularly geotropic; even snub-nose decidedly geotropic.) There can be no doubt that immersion of radicle & Bean water almost stops action of geotropism.
The thing to find out is whether immersed radicles grow
(Immersed Radicles Beans)
[calculations not transcribed]
Jar D
Radicles Beans. Tips out of water
April 16th 9. 30" a.m
3 transfixed obliquely so that nearest apex above water & Bean itself immersed— 4 transfixed obliquely, but completely immersed, Temp. germinated in sawdust— but look healthy
(1) apex free out of w. aft 7° 30' (5° P.m not geotropic but so close to cork that apex apparently always covered with water
(17th 8. 30' a.m hardly a trace of geotropism aft 7° 30 (this in fact was always immersed)
(2) apex free out of w. (5° P.m radius about 28 m.m slightly upturned (17th 8°. 30' a.m, a little geotropic radius 20 mm
(3) out of w. (5° apex horizontal was declined. (17th 8° 30' a.m slightly geotropic radius 15. mm.
(4) quite immersed (⨀ flap. 28 2/3 mm middle of ⨀) 5°— horizontal was declined ⨀ 5° P.m ⨀ (17th 8° 30' am scarcely (ie small) above horizontal. N.B flap not trustworthy standard, as is pushed away by growing plumule
(5) quite immersed ⨀ do 18 1/2 mm ⨀ (5° 5' trace of curvature ⨀ 5°. 5' ⨀
(17th 8° 30' am hardly a trace of geotropism ⨀ I think grown much ... 24 mm ⨀ — I think trustworthy
(6) quite immersed ⨀ do ⨀ 19 2/3 mm 14 2/3 mm (5°. 5' trace of curvature ⨀ ⨀
(17th 8° 30' a.m hardly a trace of geotropism ⨀ ...... 17 mm ⨀ I think trustworthy
(7) quite immersed, ⨀ do ⨀ 17 mm (5°. 5' curved in opposition to gravity! ⨀ 5°. 5' ⨀ (17th 8° 30' a.m not a trace of geotropism ⨀ ... 21 mm. ⨀ I think trustworthy
(The completely immersed radicles in 23° have all increased from 2 to 4 mm & therefore not nearly so much as radicle in air increase & yet it is surprising with this much increase that not more bent; but probably want of growth accounts for little curvature & those with apex out of air water only slightly more geotropic, & in this case Beans itself was well immersed.—
(18th 8° a.m all 4 quite immersed Beans in same state, not geotropic
(Jar A
Radicles— Beans Tips out of Water
(germinated in red sand) Temp 56-59°
April 16th 1879. 8° 30' a.m.
6 Beans transfixed so that radicles inclined upwards at about angle of 30° or 25° — 3 of them immersed in water & 3 with extreme apex out of water, but with water attracted by capillary action along whole lower surface, except extreme pointed apex —upper corner of bean itself out of water— for radicles not very long
Temp 56°-59° F
(1) quite immersed skin...⨀ ⨀ 11m (⨀ 4°. 50' ⨀ no trace of geotropism) (17th 8° 15' perfectly straight in 23° 45' ⨀...14 1/4 mm... ⨀
(18th 7° 40' a.m. 15 mm between dots, not a traces of geotropism) quite trust worthy measurement)
(2) quite immersed Crooked R to end of Hilum ⨀ 16 mm ⨀ (⨀ 4° 50' ⨀ horizontal, but no upturning (17th 8° 15 a trace of geotropism ⨀ length 18 1/4 ⨀) (18th 7° 40' a.m. a trace of upturning— same length between dots
(3) quite immersed ⨀ [sketch] ⨀ 16 mm (⨀ 4. 50 ⨀ no trace of geotropism (17' 8° 15. perfectly straight ⨀ length 19. mm ⨀ (but flap not quite trustworthy) (17th 7° 40' a.m. 19 1/2 m.m no trace of geotropism.)
(4) extreme apex out of water (4. 50' distinctly but slightly geotropic: radius 8 mm. (17th 8° 20 almost highly perpendicularly geotropic to about 45° from vertical — radius 8 m.m
(5) extreme apex of W. (4°. 55' strongly geotropic radius 5 mm (17' 8° 20 am almost perpendicularly geotropic
(6) extreme apex out of W. (4°. 50" strong geotropic: radius 7 1/2 mm. (17th 8° 20' highly geotropic radius 10 mm.
N.B 18th 8° am all 6 radicles in exactly same position!
(Conclusion There can be no doubt when apex of R. & shoulder of bean out of water that R. is far more acted on & continues to be acted on that when whole radicle & bean immersed)
Radicles— Beans— Tips obliquely out of water
Tips barely 2 m.m out of water— rather long-radicles
whole of beans & most of radicle immersed— Angle of radicle above Horizon
April 21. 1879 8° 45' a.m. 9° am 8°. 55'
(1) tip out long thin R to right 10° 10' a.m immersed 4° 45' Pm. This has grown almost straight out of water!
(2) tip out 10° 10' almost quite immersed, on exact level. 12° 40' apex immersed, but a bit behind not immersed 2° well under water
(3) tip out
(4) completely immersed (after 15' longer)
(5) completely immersed. (about 15 longer)
22d 8° a m — no marked difference in any— nothing conclusive— experiment quite a failure
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023