RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.06.08-16. Beans radicles effect of Caustic on Sachs' curvature. CUL-DAR209.11.174-177. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Beans radicles effect of Caustic on Sachs' curvature
June 8th 1879 7° 50' a.m.
(Jar A) (9th 8° a. m. no difference in S. curvature in the 2 lots— now filled up water to cover radicles.)
(2) caustic
(3) caustic
(4) caustic
(5) caustic
─ 5 caustic
(6) no caustic
(7) no caustic
(8) no caustic
(9) no caustic
4 cau no caustic
Beans radicles — effect of Caustic on Sachs Curvature.
Jun 8th 1879 8° 10' a.m.
Jar E (9th. 8. a.m no marked difference, but some with caustic have more of Sachs curvature than the others
(1) caustic
(1) bis caustic
(2) caustic
(2) bis caustic
(3) caustic
(4) caustic
(5) caustic
7 Caustic
5 on other part [=] 12
(6) (0)
(7) (0)
(8) (0)
(9) (0)
(10) (0)
(10) bis (0)
(10) bis (0)
7 [+] 4 [=] 11 no caustic
I must say
(First day in dry air ─ 2d day dropped in water)
June 11th 1879 8° a.m after 3 days
Final conclusion about the 12 radicles with & without caustic on tips for 1' day: suspended over & then in water — Those without caustic exhibit Sachs curvature much more regularly, of all 12, only one almost vertically down & one grown rather laterally not but together with Sachs curvature.—
Of the 12 with tips with caustic, at least 5 considerably distorted one of latter growing quite reversed — 4 very nearly perpendicularly— some have grown at first perpendicularly & then thin tips have become curved at right angles.
Irregularity is the characteristic feature of those with tips cauterised (like Sachs & cutting off tips), together with the action, more or less plain of Sach's curvature — There are only 3 in which Sachs curvature does not act at first, afterwards as geotropism acts but little there is much irregularity.)
These notes apply to both pages.—
Peas suspended horizontally over waters— tips of 1/2 touched
(Big Toppling Jar) 2 or 3 times with Caustic — to see whether Geotropism annulled
June 8th 1879
9° a.m
(1) caustic 4° 20' somewhat geotropic (9th 7° 50' geotropic at about 45° beneath horizon.
(2) Caustic 4° 20, Horizontal (9th 7° 50' quite horizontal— blackened tip. 1/2. m.m.
(3) Caustic (like 2) (9th 7° 50 like (2) in all respect
(4) Caustic (like 2) (do) (I feel sure that though I did not measure their length that these radicles have grown greatly.)
(5) Caustic like (2) (do)
6 (0) 4° 20' P.m. all following 5 somewhat geotropic except (5) very slightly so.— 9th 7° 31° from vertically geotropic [calculations not transcribed]
(7) 0 (9th 7° 50' 30° from vertically geotropic
8 (0)) (9th 7° 50 25° from vertically geotropic
9 (0) 9th 7° 50 33°/ 57 90from vertically geotropic 57
10 (0) (7th 7° 50' 47 / 43 from vertically geotropic 43°
Conclusion there can be no shadow of doubt that touching apex with caustic stops geotropism
9th 4° 20' P.m. all in same state— There can be no doubt
Beans Radicles.
Caustic on tips & Sachs' Curvature
1879— June 12th 8° a.m.
Radicles very short & young— well touched dry with caustic & in few minutes afterwards just dipping perpendicularly in water.— 10 touched & 10 as standards.—
14th 8° a.m Jar E—
(1) bent from bean opposed to Sachs
(2) bent at right angles from bean (—15th 8° a.m now hooked & reversed)
(3) bent considerably from bean & to one side
(4) bent right over bean
(5) completely reversed, growing upside down.
Jar H
(6) bent little from bean
(7)— one bean & rather laterally
(8) at right angle from bean
(9) at right angles laterally
10 almost at right angles laterally
Wonderful contrast in regularly between the 2 lots0
After 4 days
(16th 8° a.m the 5 in the jar with caustic a wonderful contrast in being distorted in all direction compared with 5 control specimens.— Sachs curvature not well marked in any of 10)
Jar E
In the 5 corresponding beans with no caustic there is hardly any of Sachs' curvature
(16th 8° a.m same remark as above to 3/5 of those with caustic— Sachs curvature well marked in one of Caustic & 2 of the controls)
(27 tried)
8/10 distorted
5/12 do — & even some of other with tips
2/5 were distorted
Wonderful contrast in [illeg] between the 2 lots (over)
June 13th. 10 more radicles 1/2 & 1/2, as on other side
8° a.m.
(1) 15' 8° a.m very straight
(2) (do) — tip curved from bean
(3) (do) nearly straight has not grown much
(4) (do) tip Hooked bent rectangularly over bean
(5) (do) — tip slightly Hooked to one side
The 5 control beans have grown to greater length & shows Sachs' curvature much more plainly — I think caustic doe interfere with Sachs curvature!
aft 3 day
16th 8° a.m. This lot of 10 have grown far better than other, as from the first they were not so deeply immersed.— The 5 control spec. all show Sachs' curvature well pronounced. but are other wise nearly straight—
Of the 5 caustics one has grown into complete hoop—: 2d has grown down on bean. 3d laterally; a 4th laterally but only at tip; the 5th nearly straight— Sachs curvature well marked in 3 or 4 of these—
I may say that caustic does not always interfere with Sachs' curvature — It is clear that radicle tends to certain extent to grow straight down, in position in which placed, guided by skin of bean &c. & habit already established.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023