RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [1879].09.08-14. Vicia faba. CUL-DAR209.11.183-186. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).


7 Long Pods (A) Vertical— Tips cut off

June Sep 8. 12. 15 pm day— 1/2 mm cut off & put to grow vertically in water, in dark, in room without fire

June Sep 9th 10.31 am ie after 22hrs 16m only one root (No 6) shows Sachs curvature (20°) & that is also bent 25° with vertical) in the plane at right angles to that Sachs plane

After 12 additional hrs no marked change

Sep. 10' 1126 am; after 47hrs 11m from Sep 8 Nros 4, 5, 6, 7 (ie four roots) show Sachs curve. No 6 is still bent in "rt angles" plane No 1 (10° L) & 3 (18° Left) are also bent in the "rt angles" plane.

Sep 12. 12.7 pm day ie 95hrs. 52m from the beginning, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 have Sachs curvature; 7 has lost its Sachs: 1 has not shown any Sachs at all — The following table shows the amount to which they are bent in "Rt angles" plane—

1 7° Rt

2 30° left (near tip)

3 22° left.

4 vert

5 5° Rt

6 30 Left.

7 20 Rt.

Omitting 2 which is bent near tip, we may say that 3, 6 & 7 are well bent in plane at Rt angles to Sachs plane, but this is hardly more that normal roots show in water


3 Long Pod Beans (Jar B) Horizontal: Tips Cut off

Sep 8. 12 noon 1 mm cut off & roots put horizontal in, or resting on, surface of water; the bean has one surface resting on water, one in damp air. In dark in room without fire.

Sep 9./10. 41 am ie after 22hrs 12 34 41m, one root is 20° below the other two are horizontal. The evening 10. 30 pm ie aft 34 hr of same day Sep 9 the first root became clearly geotropic and one of the horizontal ones is bent above horizon

Sep 10. 11. 39 am, ie after 47hrs 39m from the beginning, the first root is vertical & the other two are about 10° above the horizon

Sep 11. 10.6 am ie 69hrs — 54m from beginning; no essential change since yesterday—

5 radicles with 1 mm cut offs. with one surface of bean resting on water

of the 2. after 23 hr horizontal: after 47 hr 1 geotropic 1 65° above horizon

of the 3. aft 22 h. 2 horizontal & A 1, 20° below horizon.

 after 34 h. one of horizontal above horizon— the other still horizontal / & A clearly geotropic aft— nearly 48 h. 2 above 10° above horizon. A vertical

Grand summary of the 5 after 22° to 23° hours. 1 slight ie 20° geotropic 4 horizontal, after 48 h' the slightly geotropic one had become vertical; of the other 4, 2 remained approximately horizontal, one become geotropic & one curved 65° above horizon & so had grown irregularly


6 Long Pod. Beans (C) Horizontal —tips cut off

Sep 8- 12 noon— Four beans had 1/2 mm cut off, two other had 1 mm cut off: all put horizontal in water one surface of bean being in damp air.— Dark in fireless room

Sep 9. 10. 46 am ie in after 22hrs 46m one of the "1/2 mms" has become vertical & I came see that punctum veg: was not cut through

All the rest, both 3 "1/2 mms" & "1 mms", are horizontal

The same evening, ie after 34hrs 31m from the beginning, one of the "1 mms" has bent right out of water at 45° degrees above horizon: the other "1 mm" is slightly geotropic

Sep 10. 10.42 am ie after 46hrs 42m two of the 1/2 mms are fairly geotropic, 2 are only 12° or 13° below; the two latter have grown very badly since Sep 9. Of the two 1 mms, one is 65° above the horizon, the other fairly geotropic

Sep 11. 10.14 am ie about 70 hrs from beginning; the two 1/2 mms which were not geotropic are still not geotropic

The rest clearly so except the one which still sticks far above horizon—

These placed with lower surface of bean resting on water

(4) Abstract of 4 1/2 mm. 4 radicle — 1 become after 23° vertically geotropic, but on examination punctum veget veg. not cut off 3. others horizontal; but one of these after 47 hr fairly geotropic; after 70 hr, the 2 remaining ones showed only a trace of geotropism


7 Long Pod Beans (D) Horizontal Tips cut off

Sep 13. 12 40 pm (day)

Two mm cut off & beans roots resting on or quite in the water; the beans have one surface in damp air In dark in fireless room—

Examined in the evening & no change has occurred

Sep 14. 11. 40 pm ie 35 hrs from the beginning, three are hardly geotropic (one of which had not grown well)

Two are well geotropic, & two are respectively 30° & 45° below horizon.

7 2 mm cut off resting with lower surface on water

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 21 August, 2023