RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.10.19-26. Radicles Beans to test Cieleski on Transmitted geotropic influence. CUL-DAR209.11.196-202. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Oct 19th 1879 Radicles Beans to test Cieleski on Transmitted geotropic influence
8° a.m, 7 radicles extended horizontally over water, placed in dark on chimney Piece (Temp. 68° F to 71°) Bean & Radicles marked on under side, toward which they ought to curve through geotropism
At 10° a.m began & at 10°. 12' ended in cutting off as transversely as possible 1.5 mm of tip & suspending on pins during the 12 mm so incessantly changed in position, not much influence if any.
Vertically over water
(1) 10° 5' little curved whether originally I know not, I think geotropic — so no 3, 6 & 7
12° do
(2) 12° I think trace of curvature (2° pretty fair
(3) perhaps trace of curvature (12° do) (2° do.)
(5) 2° perhaps a trace of curvature in opposite direction
(6) little curved (12° certainly) (2° plainly curved)
(7) little curved (12° do) (2° plainly curved)
(4° 30' P.m. I think some decrease in previous slight curvatures.)
(7° 15 P.m no trace of curvature or subsequent geotropism left.)
(10° P.m do)
(20th 8 am do— have grown to great length)
(Conclusion doubtful: no 1, 3, 6, & 7 perhaps a little curved at 10° P.m when the tips were cut off.; the curvature afterwards increased, & in evening disappeared. — In no (2) alone curvature I believe supervened after tip cut off.)
(Damp air not so good as Peat)
Oct 19' 1879. Radicles of Bean. (Jar C)
8° 45 a.m. Distortion from tips cut off obliquely, for length of 1.5 mm.— suspended vertically in dark over water on Study Table— They were cut off obliquely by card cut into angle of 20° [sketch] 20° & holding razor parallel to upper edge.
Length measured by 2 dot on card below.— 12 young Radicles thus treated.— 8 Radicles
Oct 20' 8° a.m. no (11) Hooked in opposition to Sachs all the rest straight! ie aft 24°
4°. 30 P.m. just the same.— added water so that tips immersed. ie aft 32°
(1) Oct 21. 8° a.m. straight (23d 9° am tip a little curved)
(25th 8° tip at right angles
(2) 21' 8° am Sachs & Lateral (22d 8° am almost rectangularly lateral) 23' 9° a.m extreme tip —now geotropic)
(3) 23d 9° am. straight & Sachs' strongly
(4) 23' 9° am. nearly straight & Sachs.
(5) 23' 9° am— tip curved abruptly
(6) 23d 9° am straight & Sachs
(7) 21' 8° am curved from Sachs. (23d 9° a.m vertically dependent, with tip a little curved.
(8) 23d 9° a.m like (7)
(9) 23d 9° am tip abruptly bowed from Sachs
(10) 23d a.m exactly like (9)
(11) 21' 8° a.m curved rectangularly from Sachs' (23d 9 am tip now geotropic
(12) 23d 9° am. almost straight, slightly sinuous, with Sachs curve
(23d 9 Am tips now thoroughly repaired & pointed.)
after 4 days
Sachs' curvature strongly pronounced, not here noticed.
(25th 8° am terminal portion of all except 2 much distorted, bent in all sorts of directions; but Frank show says in some of his cases the first cut caused curvature — 2 causes in action, unequal repair the more powerful one)
(26th. 8°. a.m wonderful distortion in comparison with other beans tried at same time without tip being cut off.)
After 3 days much distortion
Oct 20' 1879 Radicles of Beans— Ciesielski subsequent geotropic curvature.
At 8° 8' a.m several radicles beans laid on & under damp peat with long radicles horizontal. At 9°. 38' after interval of from 1° 30' to 1.°. 37' whilst still perfectly straight tips cut off transversely for length of 1.5 mm. & now at 9° 45' placed vertically in hole in Peat: the side of bean which stood lowest with bit of skin cut off.— Some of the longest Radicles showed a mere trace of geotropism & these were all rejected.
(21' I suspect that curvature is not strictly straightened, but terminal part grow out & thus lesson curvature)
[data not transcribed]
To continue to go on growing in curve, convex side most grow more than lower side [sketch]
If we consider case of radicle slightly curved & then from tip being cut off no action of Geotropism, but turgescence & growth goes on equally, the curvature wd be straightened out; & if previous turgescence was not fixed by growth radicle wd be become straight.— If the bend had been abrupt & it had been fixed by growth, & as geotropism no longer acted, then radicle [sketch] upright position would go on growing straight in inclined position direction, & this occurred in plainest manner in the next Page — If geotropism had acted former wd have been like at A [sketch] A
(The curvature in the radicle when vertically suspended being in every case from the marked side which was uppermost shows curvature not due to irregular distortion.)
(Oct 24th 8° a.m. no (2) & (7) with tips beginning to be geotropic. No (3) not so.
— 25' 8° a.m no (3) with tip ve completely vertically down (no (7) do.
Oct 28' 9° a.m no (2) tip splendidly geotropic (no 3 splendidly geotropic) (no 7 splendidly geotropic
N 2 & 7 after 4 days
3 5 days say
[calculations not transcribed]
Oct 20' 1879 Radicles of bean Ciesielski subsequent geotropic curvature
At 8° 13' several long radicle laid horizontal on & beneath damp peat.
At 9 10° 13 9° 48'— so had laid horizontally for 1°. 35', whilst still perfectly straight & horizontal cut off transversely tips for length of 1.5 mm & now at 9° 53' placed vertically in holes in in peat. — After interval of 2° from— 1° 40' to 1. 35 to 1. 40 — Two or three of longest radicles showed trace of geotropism at tips & these rejected.—
[data not transcribed] (over)
no 5. geotropism after 5 — day
— 6 — aft 7 do
Oct 24th 8° a.m. no (5) no tip not yet geotropic no 6. (do.)
25 8° no (5) tip not geotropic. no. (6) beautifully geotropic
Oct 28th. 9° a.m. (no 5 now geotropic at about angle of 45° beneath horizon) no. 6. splendidly geotropic.
Oct. 20. 8°. 40' Distortion tips cut off obliquely at top 1.5 mm length in angle of 20°.— Jar E Red
8 long radicles suspended vertically over water with longer ones with tips in water: to see if will grow distorted.
4° 20' no distortion
(Oct. 21. 8° a.m. no (1) alone distorted bent rectangularly in line of Sachs' curvature Tips of all now in water) Aft 24° — only 1 distorted
(22d 8° a.m do— a little more irregularity in course of radicles.)
(1) 23d. 9° a.m. terminal part Bent laterally, basal part Sachs' curvature. Tips in all now covered with transparent root cap & vegetative point bluntly pointed in exactly 3 days 24' 8° a.m much distorted
(2) 23d 9° a.m tip alone bent abruptly over Bean in line of Sachs, but evidently distinct case from Sachs— 24th 8° am tip bent at right angles.
(3) 23d 9° am. Laterally oblique
(4) 23d 9° am slight curved laterally
(5) 23d 9 a.m like (4)
(6) 23d 9° a.m — nearly straight, except Sach's curvature
(7) 23d 9° a.m like (6)
(8) 23' 9° am quite straight.)
(25' 8° a.m only 2 of them distorted & tips slightly of one or 2 others.)
(Tip — 1.5 mm
Total 20— 14 more distorted. (some only mere tips)— after 3 or 4 days— by which tip which had regenerated not so dry peat dipped in water 32 hr = 14/20 cut off angle of 20°)
ad 4/6 from Frank
ad 1/4.
Total 19/30 distorted
Oct 21— 1879 8° 30' a.m)
Beans Radicle— Jar glass tip.
Distortion— Tip of only 1 mm cut off at about angle of 20°.— tips in water (—4° 30 no effect) (22nd. 8° a.m all straight)
Oct 24' 8°. a. m no distortion— tips not yet repaired
— 25 8° Hardly any distortion.
— 26' 8° No distortion Tips seem repaired — (It is very curious how variable the results are.)
(6) (add 5 to F. only 1 sharply bent away & 2 other slightly
Oct 26th 1879 Radicles— Beans. Ciesielski subsequent geo. transmission
at 7° 58' a.m. several quite straight youngish radicles laid horizontally on & under peat at 8°. 43 58' (ie after 45' 60'), cut off transversely tip for length of 1.5 mm. of 7 & placed vertically in peat.
[data not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023