RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. 1879.04.23-29. Maize Radicles. CUL-DAR209.11.202.205. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
April 23d 8 .30' a.m.
Maize Radicles. — Apex just touched & slightly
rubbed dry with Caustic — extended horizontally
over water— Temp 70°—75° F placed on chimney Piece.
aft 5h 45'm
(1) caustic Examined 2.14 pm not bent length to mark 12.5 mm
Ap 24. 8 am. Not bent. Length 22 ie aft 23° 30'
(2) caustic 2.15 pm. not bent. length 15 mm
Ap. 24. 8 am not bent length 30 mm
(3) caustic 2.16 pm not bent. length 12.5 mm
Ap 24. 8. 8 am not bent length 28 mm {but mark very faint & not very trustworthy}
(4) caustic 2.17 pm: not bent: length 13 mm. Ap 24. 8 10 am Not bent length 18 mm
(5) caustic 2.19 pm: at 8 mm from tip a bend of 15° below horizon: length 13 mm
Ap 24. 8.4 am at 30 mm from tip bent at 20° below horizon. Length 32 mm
(6) 0 bent about 35 with vertical: sharpest bend 6 mm from tip
Ap 24. 8.13 am about 15 w vertical. Sharpest bend 21 mm from tip— Length 29 mm
(7) 0 bent about 55 with vert: bend about 5 mm from tip (rather vague)
Ap 24. 8 15 am 66 w vertical. Bend 25mm from tip. Length 34 mm
(8) (0) Bent about 40 with vert: bend a too vague to measure
Ap 24 8.17 am .49 with vertical: Bend 22 mm from tip. Length 33 mm
9 (0) Not bent (Very long abt 50 mm in length)
Ap 24. 8.20 am 65° with vertical. Bend?: Length 28 mm
The lengths of the discoloured part in the 5 caustic roots is 0.56 mm [+] 0.62 [+] 0.83 [+] 0.90 [+] 0.90 [=] .381
(The last one is number 5
The cap of black is only symmetrical in one root. In one it is bigger at one side
In another at side & below In another I don't know which side was biggest. In no 5
the side towards the earth was most black. The upper side being only about 0.3 mm long.)
April 23d. 12° 40' ie after 4h. 10', all the 4 with tips not caustic straight, all the others slightly geotropic, indeed some plainly so.—
[calculations not transcribed]
April 28' 1879. 7° 55' a.m. Jar A
Maize, Radicles — Caustic on Tips.— on Chimney Piece. Temp. 70°—71° F
over water — in dark— All dotted at 10 mm. from apex.
Tips touched 2 or 3" with dry Caustic — Tips first dried with blotting paper.
(1) caustic 11° 50' a.m all 3 caustic. straight & horizontal (4° 40' perfectly straight & Horizontal length 12 mm — discoloured tip 1m one m.m.
(2) caustic 4° 40' perfectly straight & Hor. length 11. mm. discoloured tip 1 mm
(3) caustic 4° 40' almost perfectly straight & Hor. length 10 mm. discoloured tip 1 1/2 mm. (too much bent too much caustic on)
(4) (0) very long radicle 11° 50' just perceptibly geotropic 4.45— slightly only 10° beneath horizon!!! geotropic; length 14 mm. aft 4° hr
(5) (0) 11° 50' about 40° from vertically geotropic 4° 45' slightly geotropic 10 20° from vertical length 140 mm Chief point of curvature from apex 8 mm
(6) (0) 11° 50' almost perpendicularly geotropic 4° 45' 30° from vertical; length 17 mm. chief part of curvature from apex 9 mm. f
It is clear that caustic has much retarded growth; too much applied
April 28' 1879 8° 12' a.m. (Jar E
Maize Radicles — Caustic on Tip
In all respects like Jar A of same date. Temp 70°—71°.—
(1) caustic. 11° 55 all 3 caustic horizontal & short (4°. 55' 23 below Horizon or 67° from vertically geotropic — length, 14 mm. — less than 1/2 mm discoloured— too little acted on
(2) caustic 4° 55 straight & horizontal, length 13 mm. — about 3/4 of mm discoloured
(3) caustic 4° 55 strongest & horizontal, length. 12 mm. — (2/3 of a mm. discoloured)
(4) (0) 11°. 55 about 40° from vertically geotropic (5°. P.m strongly 40° from vertical geotropic — chief curvature 10m from apex — length 15 mm.
(5) (0) 11° 55 about 45° from vertically geotropic (5° 60° 30° from vertical— chief curvature from apex— 7. mm. length 14 mm.
(6) (0) 11.55 slightly geotropic (5°. 50° from vertical— chief curvature from apex 14 mm ie whole length of R length 14 m.m. —
It is very remarkable how large a part of Radicle of this plant bends through geotropism.
(Average growth from dot to apex of the 3 with Caustic after 8°. 45' 13 mm. But as injured part less than 1 mm, & chief part of bending is 7 or 8 mm from apex— it is clear that produced effect.)
(Average growth of those without caustic During same time 14.3 mm.
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 August, 2023