RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.07.20-30. Trifolium subterraneum. CUL-DAR209.11.225. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.11 contains material for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
July 20/ 78/ Trifolium subterraneum
When flower opens only about 4 to head, & in centre a group of blunt hairy points which I suppose represent aborted flowers — As main peduncle bows downwards (& all point directly to the earth) the flowers bent vertically upwards & before reaching ground have formed within calyx small pod — The central points growth grow into long projection, terminating in 5 straight claws hairy at tip — In the one pod buried in rather hard cinders, many of these claws were arched upwards; & I suspect are sensitive to pressure & thus drag head into soil? They are col clothe with short hairs beside the long single ones, apparently abounding with protoplasm, can they grow into water— absorbing rootlets. Apparently the 5 digits are developed only on the old projections (which have thick fibro-vascular bundles) & whilst in air— The upturning probably is only same motion as that of true flowers.─
yellow clover depresses the fertilised flowers —
A quite distinct second species of yellow Clover does same.
The common Red Clover shows no such tendency, nor cd it as the Bractea at base of flower-Head, wd have prevented such movement, but they do not tend to do so.
Some heads of [illeg] T. repens laid flat on grass & pinned down. Turned their flower-Heads towards stem & I doubt whether this cd have been effected by geotropism.—
July 30th
Some flower-Heads of which not 1 flower had expanded covered by bell-glass to see if flowers will turn down, when not fertilised by bees.
(I see as soon as flowers of Trifolium repens r are fertilised they soon turn downwards, so that the flowers of T. subterraneum turning upwards is the same movement, under changed position of flower-Head; so I suppose wd be called hyponastic —
The aborted & rudimentary flowers in centre turn up in same manner.)
A flower-Head buried for 2 or 3 days on earth— the up-curved abortive flowers examined under highest power— bears single & short & thick multicellular Hair, with cells in double row, abounding with protoplasm.— Aggregation by a drop of C. of Ammon 2 gr to 1 oz of water: I think aggregated mass slightly change form— anyhow no doubt C. of Ammon instantly absorbed. (I am certain that the little mass v very slowly change form) In 1/2° there cd be no n doubt, the masses had changed completely as sphere had broken up into several little masses &c &c.—
Absorption & aggregation
(July 26'- 29' From rough observation I have no doubt that the stems bearing peduncle circumnutate, but not very largely)
July 29th
Under skylight the peduncles did not bow downwards or the flowers afterwards turn upwards well, & I suspect it may be that not visited by insects or not well self-fertilised under the unnatural conditions.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 23 August, 2023