RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.11.23-1878.01.02. Mimosa pudica, cotyledons of. CUL-DAR209.2.118. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.2 contains materials on circumnutation of leaves and stems for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Mimosa pudica. Cotyledons of
1877 Bloom
Nov. 23d Scratched with needle for 1' whole upper surface (or lower surface of one) of 2) of a Cot. of 2 seedlings, just taken out of hot case, & neither after 20' had moved in the least. Certainly not sensitive. No bloom on upper or lower surface for water clings to it. Keep Drops of water cause no movement
[in margin:] Sleep & Development
Lettington says last night at nearly 6° P.m Cots almost closed & this morning at 7° 20' Nov. 24th only partially open.: at 7°.30' P.m. the 2 cots formed an angle together of less than 90° instead of 180°; & at 10° 35' P.m were nearly but not quite closed. At 7° a.m. (having been kept in darkness) Nov. 24th rather considerably more open & when taken to Hot-house was found at 8° 25' quite expanded.—
Nov. 24th Kept seedlings for some hours in case temp. only 69-70°: Cots in this [sketch] S.E. side.
Day rainy & uniformly cloudy, kept brown paper in front.— Cot moved over 1 division of micrometer in 1'. 45"— over 2 divisions in 3'. 50"— Then started fresh & moved over 5 divisions ie 1/100 of an inch in 7' 11". During the whole time I had continually to alter focus as the Cot was steadily rising, whether there was also nutation of stem, I know not, but as I think probable, as the mere rising of the almost horizontal Cot. could hardly have made point smooth margin pass so quickly over divisions of micrometer. (over)
[in margin:] These observations must be given
Keep for Chapter of Summ of movements of Cots
Mimosa pudica
The rising of Cots. I think due to very dark day & paper before microscope; when paper removed, the Cots. expanded a little bit did not sink down horizontal
At 3° P.m the case was up to 77°F., & now end of Cot passed over 5 divisions of micrometer (ie 1/100 of inch) in 5' 25".
Nov. 24th. 6° 20' P.m. very nearly shut, plants had been kept very hot all day in case. 10° 15 P.m. 1 very nearly but not quite shut, the other a little open. — 2° 30 a.m middle of night one almost completely shut, but surfaces not in actual contact the other a little more open.
Nov. 25th Kept 2 pots in case very hots & then brought into study, & then went so fast asleep that Cots. in close contact & vertical.
Nov. 26. Scratched & pinched a mature Cot. no movement.
Jan 2d Third compound leaf above Cots, sensitive to touch & drop of water, but the leaflets do not close together. Bloom tolerably perfect. (over)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 24 July, 2023