RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1881.07.08-08.02. Mimosa pudica. CUL-DAR209.2.147-148. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.2 contains materials on circumnutation of leaves and stems for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
July 8. 1881. Mimosa pudica
Opposite Leaflets washed with camel-brush & water of 96° & then pinned open over cork not touching – Under Bell glass— air damp. —Leaflets very oblique.
Leaflets with pins opposite Drops on Drops placed on at 4° 30' 8th Cloudy day
(July 9th. morning bright, hot sunshine; afternoon—cloudy)
9th evening
Another leaf with some few leaflets cut off & leaf left quite free but with 6 leaflets washed as above with drops placed on 3 & not on the opposite leaflets
These leaflet closed at night, so that the opposite ones got some of moisture.—
July 22d 10° a. m — Second & free leaf
The 3 leaflets with drops since 9th (ie for 13 days,) very doubtful whether even a trace of injury.— Is this due to damp air under Bell glass (days very bright & hot) or to the leaflets not being pinned close to cork??
July 25' This leaf now almost dead— perhaps 2 of the leaflets with drops a shade worse than opposite, but this quite doubtful.
Mimosa pudica — Results
July 22d. 11° a.m
First & pinned open leaf— 5 leaflets cleaned & they with drops of water & 5 opposite ones cleaned & with drops.
1st pinna — leaflet with drops decidedly yellower than opposite ones, but then next leaflets to which nothing had been done even yellower, & many other leaflets on whole leaf yellow & dying.
2d Pinna — 1 leaflet with dead & dropped.– 2d leaflet yellower than opposite one
3d Pinna — the leaflet with drops hardly yellower than opposite one.
4th Pinna.— no difference between the pairs
Here closed leaflets have had drops of water for 13 or 14 14 days very bright & hot & very doubtful if any effect in comparison with opposite & closed leaflets & other leaflets!
Does the dampness of air under Bell-glass cause difference: or did I not formerly pin the leaflets in contact with cork? (over)
July 25th This latter pinned leaf now dead— There has been no difference in the state of the leaflets with & without drops of water.
N. B I must conclude that drops of water permanently, or almost permanently on cleaned leaflets & in damp atmosphere, notwithstanding great heat & sunshine — are not injurious.—
1881 July 23d. Mimosa pudica
2 leaves prepared— uppermost fully expanded leaf & 2d leaf on plant — a few leaflets cut off on both sides, & the one in advance of or anteriorly to of cut off leaflets gently washed with camel-brush with water 98° 100° F— (probably a little less by time brush touched leaflet) — On Right side drops of distilled water — nothing on opposite side.— Leaves not pinned open nor tied, but petioles tied to stick. Plant in hot case.
Drops put on at 11° 30' a.m. (imperfectly put on)
July 30th Some few of the leaflets on lower leaf show a trace of discoloration.— both late in evening
Aug 2d. Upper leaf (now third from tip on plant)— The 3 leaflets with drops show only a doubtful trace of action in general tint, but their midribs a very little browned. — (see Back)
(Lower leaf (now 4th from tip on plant) Right Leaflet on right–hand pinna (viewed from apex) rather browner than opposite leaflet & with midrib brownish & than all other leaflets on this pinna. (Aug 6th.
Aug 6 Drops discontinued. 8° a.m. (No drops were put on, on the 3d & 4th Upper leaf (so 2 days intermission) & now there can be no doubt that the 3 leaflets which had drops on them are slightly yellower than the opposite or any other leaflets; & all 3 have their midribs a little browned, which is not the case with the other leaflets.
I have tried & I now believe that I neglected to clean bloom from the opposite leaflets!—
Aug 8th do. do
Mimosa pudica
(Aug 6' This leaflet now quite yellow; opposite ones to which water adheres green.)
2d pinna — the leaflet almost dead yesterday & yellowish
(Aug 2d) now dropped off — all other leaflets on pinna healthy including opposite washed one
3d pinna, 2 leaflets together both of which were washed
(Aug 2) & both with drops, both yellowish-brown & very different from all other infl leaflets on pinna including opposite one. (Aug 6' now dropped off)
4th pinna— the leaflet with drop yellowish Brown & as in last case relatively to others.— (Aug 6th— this leaflet only slightly yellowish, but with distinct brown marks near midrib, which is not case with any other leaflets.
The opposite washed leaflets (without any drops) perhaps show trace of yellowish tinge, but every night they have been unavoidably moistened with water during sleep.
N. B. July 6th No drops were put on. on 3d & 4th. i.e 2 days intermission. (It will be easy to calculate about how many drops put on during whole time viz 5 in each 24 hrs.─
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 24 August, 2023