RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.06.07-11. Erytherina crista-galli. CUL-DAR209.2.29. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.2 contains materials on circumnutation of leaves and stems for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
June 7th-10' 1878 Eritherina crista-galli
[in margin:] June 9th Temp. fr 17 1/4 to 18 1/2 C.
Plant 23 inches high. Young leaf third from summit. only the terminal leaflet free
main petiole secured to stick Terminal leaflet observed, main petiole secured to stick just behind thickened joint.
Leaflet observed including joint pet 3 3/4 long; apex 3 1/2 from vertical glass, movements traced under skylight. [sketch]
June 7th Gl Leaf placed in position 10° 20' only occasionally observed during day & disturbed; rose till 12° 5, by 1° 30 had sunk, by 3° had moved a little to one side by 4° 10' so much depressed as hardly to be traced by 7° 15— huge hung perpendicularly down & asleep.—
June 8th by 6° 40' had risen during night & early morning greatly to same height as it stood at noon noon yesterday after being much disturbed, went on rising till 8° am & then sank (see tracing) & oscillated up & down till 11° 30' when it sank immensely, but rose again greatly to 3° when the final sinking commenced; & it then continued falling till it hung perpendicularly.— Whilst in this position it continued circumnutating; moving laterally & up & down but was not traced long— enough to be worth giving. — (a) see back During the night rose to greater height, at 7° a.m 10th than on previous morning & continued to rise to one side till 8° a. The lateral deflection was caused by the leaf becoming oblique, which seem to occur universally with all the older leaves, for they all thus stand, whilst the quite young leaves are horizontal or dependent in a horizontal plane over
[in margin:] There can here be no doubt that the Sleep-movement is an exaggeration of circumnutation. —
(a) (insert)
By the morning of 9th 6° 45' a.m sti had risen to same height as on previous morning, sank greatly till 8° 30, then oscillated twice up & down & sank till 7° down perpendicularly
See Tracing By next morning The lesser movement this day probably due to exposure to dull-light & increasing age of leaf. By next morning 10th stood higher & considerably to right side.
(From casual observation I thought that joint of leaflet irritable when rubbed below, but have tried today June 11th (Temp. 16° C.) & do not see that they are, as leaves in constant motion, this deceived me.—)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 24 July, 2023