RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. 1877.05.05. Mimosa shaking. CUL-DAR209.2.94-97. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.2 contains materials on circumnutation of leaves and stems for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
(These experiments very important ought to be repeated.)
Mimosa shaking
May 5 1877
Young Mimosa with four good leaves; in having lived in little hot place. Brought out into the f middle house for experiment; the sun shining & very hot‒ The plants are fairly sensitive to a touch.
8.44 Temp. 24C was shaken so as to be sent to sleep & then tied to bob by main stem of metronome beating 32 a minute.
8 50 all leaflets nearly open‒
8.59 stopped metronome in order to let plant rest & start again
9.21 Temp 31C shook plant by starting metronome; the shaking only sends closes the leaflets on 3 petioles of one leaf asleep.
The windows were some of them opened
9.27 Temp 24C The leaf has partly recovered
9.31 almost quite open.
9.35 Tied new plant to metronome & stopped metronome
10.7 Shook it by starting metronome— The leaflets on part of two leaves closed‒
10.17 Tem 30 Partly open again
Mimosa shaking
1.5 - made bob of pendulum actually knock hard against a leaf which closed it well‒ I Did not return till 1.35
1.35 all leaflets open except 2 or 3 which the metronome would not allow to open.
2.2 another plant arranged so that metronome knocked 50 times a minute at junction of secondary petioles [sketch]
Temp 23 1/2C
2.5 began to open
2.10 almost perfectly open‒
Leaflets now sensitive to a touch
Mimosa watering
May 5 / 1877
3 plants arranged under a shower from a fine rose of watering can about 5 – 6? above ground
The head of water was filled from a cistern in the house & must have been about 15°C not taken till but not known for certain.
10.19 one plant put under
10 24 2 others. As there was a good deal of shaking in arranging the pots it is hard to say when the closure from wetness dates from.
10.35 a leaf which is partly closed is sensitive as to a touch as its leaflets shut more on gentle pinching
10.47 The leaf which has been constantly wet is only partly shut–
I went away here
11.2 Came back & found water supply gone wrong & leaves open
11.13 Put another plant under shower
11.18 Hardly shut at all
11.19 Shook it violently so that it a leaf shut up; leaving it under shower Temp 26C of air—
11.35 This leaf is opened but it had opened before this
11.40. Syringed this leaf violently & made it shut & left it still under shower
12.1 still a little shut but nothing like the shutness produced by a good syringing—
12.11 Has now opened partly in spite of shower.
11.27 to 11.58} Syringed a whole plant violently & it kept shut – The syringing was continuous except for filling the syringe & a few seconds delay for looking to shower bath occasionally–
12.10 Leaves open
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 24 July, 2023